$3.5T Not As Big As You Might Think

no.....the Democrats said those were tax-cuts for the wealthy...and besides....Pelosi says they were just crumbs to us peeons anyway..and Democrats never lie.
Trump's "tax cut" is a tax cut for the wealthy. There are tax increases on everyone but the wealthy in Trump's act from here until 2027. You'll be paying more than you did in 2019.

The only people who won't be are the rich.

So, yeah. It was a tax cut for the rich.
The left simply ignore the debt.

It is not their money...they dont give a phuck.

Man, this was not hard to predict at all like I did many times:

I see the pseudocon delusion and willful blindness to Trump's spending continues and is widespread.

U.S. government hits record for Treasury selling debt

The U.S. government hit a record this year on selling long-term debt after the Treasury Department on Thursday auctioned its latest seven-year notes, bringing it to a total of $2.25 trillion for the year in sales of notes and bonds ranging from two to 30 years.

The figures, reported by The Wall Street Journal, represented a 26 percent spike from 2017.

Trillion-dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, and hardly a voice of caution to be heard

Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget

Now watch the fuckwits continue to claim only Democrats are big government spenders in true Orwellian fashion.

These dumbasses deserve to be lied to.

I am going to buy a car. It is actually FREE because the car allows me to get to and from work.....SO THE CAR PAYS FOR ITSELF.


Lefties are THIS fucking retarded....wow.
Interest payments on the Federal debt are projected to be over $524 billion dollars in 2021. How many projects can you fund for $524 billion dollars???

The interest is NOT affordable and a terrible waste of taxpayer funds.

The Federal budget is $4 trillion. Yea. We can afford it and hey… that’s how the fucking thing WORKS nitwit.
Trump already had saving on the cost of meds. We could buy from overseas where its cheaper. Bidung did away with all of that.
Yeah, here is how small it is.........take these numbers and multiply by 3.5.

Now, as more dollars are being tossed into relief coffers, the question is once again dominating conversations from the ‘Redwood Forests to the Gulf Stream Waters,” just how much is a trillion?

Well, it’s a million million.

A trillion dollars is a million dollars multiplied by a million. Or if you prefer, a thousand billion. It has an eye-crossing 12 zeroes: 1,000,000,000,000.

In the US, where the average annual income is around $50,000, saving a trillion bucks (with no outgoings) would take 20,000,000 years.

One million dollars spent a day would take 2,800 years to spend $1 trillion.

Or, if you spent one dollar every second around the clock, it would take you 312,688 years to spend a trillion dollars. Spending $1 million an hour, non-stop for 24 hours a day, you wouldn’t run out of $1 trillion for 411 years.

One trillion dollars in $100 dollar bills is 40,000,000 inches high, which is 631 miles.
The Federal budget is $4 trillion. Yea. We can afford it and hey… that’s how the fucking thing WORKS nitwit.
The federal budget used to be $4.3 trillion. They have to raise the debt ceiling so they can spend more than they already owe. This is Biden's first year and he's already spent more than $5 trillion....add $3.5 trillion to that....and you got $8.5 trillion...over half will be added to the debt.
I remember not long ago spending $1.4 Trillion was ridiculous. Obama spent that on Obamacare alone.
They are this gullible and easily fooled. They'll believe anything that libs tell them.
They have these idiots trained.
Anything the Democrats do is good.....anything Trump said or did was evil.
Put Democrat words in Trump's mouth and automatically it becomes horrific. Any idiot this stupid should get their ass kicked.

I've been wanting to do this personally....but I've never met anyone who voted for Biden.
I am in favor of small government and a balanced budget, always have been.

And yet you failed to mention the GOP is just as bad at ignoring the debt.

Lie of omission.

I also favor small government and a balanced budget, which is why I did not vote for either Trump or Biden.
The federal budget used to be $4.3 trillion. They have to raise the debt ceiling so they can spend more than they already owe. This is Biden's first year and he's already spent more than $5 trillion....add $3.5 trillion to that....and you got $8.5 trillion...over half will be added to the debt.
I remember not long ago spending $1.4 Trillion was ridiculous. Obama spent that on Obamacare alone.
Spending $5 trillion is not the same thing as $5 trillion in debt.

$1.7 trillion has been added to the federal debt this fiscal year.
It's true that most of it can be paid for with tax increases on the very wealthy and Wall St trading that doesn't affect pensions or retirement.

Most of it? How much of the $3.5 trillion?
And how much do you imagine they'd get from a tax on trading?

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