$3.5T Not As Big As You Might Think

Do you not know how this all works?

All we EVER pay for is the interest.

We still carry the full debt from WWII. Of course the interest on that now is negligible
Why be responsible, right? That would be terrible!
Well the dems voted because they didn't want to be blamed for default. Should they have voted "nay" to protest the tax cut, which is what the gop is doing to the 3.5T?

It seems like the electorate is sort of innoculated against worrying about the effects of tax cuts. And the dems are proposing 3.5T without really telling people how it makes a difference to them. And there's always a suspicion that they're gonna give stuff to people who don't work.
We are never going to get BEST from any of them, there to insolated from average America. We desperately need the infrastructure bill. If one item in the bill needs to go even if its a good one then do it, don't lower the cost of the needed pieces. No half measures.
@Eric Arthur Blair
Yeah and to those shovel ready jobs that weren't shovel ready.
This is part II of Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act except it's MUCH LARGER and
the pork is even more spread out. And who remembers the lies of that turkey now that it's
so far in the rear view mirror?

Trying to tell people that $3.5 TRILLION dollars isn't so much is like telling a guy with ingrown toe nails
that the removal of his foot won't be such a big deal.

How much have the leftists convinced themselves this is a swell deal and how much of this
if pure bullshit? (that's rhetorical)
Word is Bidum owes about half a million
Word is Trump owes A LOT more.

They looked into Biden's taxes and found he didn't pay medicare taxes on speaking fees before he took office.
No one can look into Trump's taxes....................until now.
Biden will pay.
Trump will go to court.
Most don't make $400 K a year, and then their taxes are only increased after that amount.
You don't get it...there is a business tax that Trump cut coming back in Joe's bill that will cost all self employed more in taxes...no matter what they lost during covid.....and its just not right....businesses should be incentivized by lower taxes for the risk they take and jobs they create....not taxed out of business or made to wait on investing because they are taxed too much....that helps no one....
We are never going to get BEST from any of them, there to insolated from average America. We desperately need the infrastructure bill. If one item in the bill needs to go even if its a good one then do it, don't lower the cost of the needed pieces. No half measures.
yah, if we don't get at least the infrstructure bill, I'm fucked. really fucked. The rest of it is bullshit imo. But the dems won. So they'll spend .. and tax. If the gop wins, they'll cut taxes and spend.

Is there a difference? Well, W started those wars. 8T ain't trump change (-: But it's the over 7500 dead and over 50K wounded that .... I can't get past it.
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Word is Trump owes A LOT more.

They looked into Biden's taxes and found he didn't pay medicare taxes on speaking fees before he took office.
No one can look into Trump's taxes....................until now.
Biden will pay.
Trump will go to court.

MSNBC's Madcow tried that, how'd that pan out?

Word is Trump owes A LOT more.

They looked into Biden's taxes and found he didn't pay medicare taxes on speaking fees before he took office.
No one can look into Trump's taxes....................until now.
Biden will pay.
Trump will go to court.
Yeah....Trump hasn't collected a pay check or a speaking fee since he was elected.
So you're just making this shit up.
You're FOS, as usual.
Obama added $8 trillion to the debt, in 8 years.
Meanwhile, Trump claimed:

After he took office, Trump predicted that economic growth created by the 2017 tax cut, combined with the proceeds from the tariffs he imposed on a wide range of goods from numerous countries, would help eliminate the budget deficit and let the U.S. begin to pay down its debt. On July 27, 2018, he told Sean Hannity of Fox News: “We have $21 trillion in debt. When this [the 2017 tax cut] really kicks in, we’ll start paying off that debt like it’s water.”

Nine days later, he tweeted, “Because of Tariffs we will be able to start paying down large amounts of the $21 trillion in debt that has been accumulated, much by the Obama Administration.”

The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office. That’s nearly twice as much as what Americans owe on student loans, car loans, credit cards and every other type of debt other than mortgages, combined, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It amounts to about $23,500 in new federal debt for every person in the country.

Wow, and that only took 4 years.
I didnt' say anything about debt, but if you post is true......that HELPS my point....thank you........you don't even know what the conversation is about do you?
Some people haven’t read the bill, some people define infrastructure differently than Webster’s Dictionary, some people believe the bill is a federally funded project when in fact the liability for most of the programs shift to the states over time. Then there are those that for some reason believe others will pay when in fact everyone pays as the purchasing power of the dollar erodes further. Some people believe if a politician says it’s free and others will pay are simply naive. One can only hope that these clowns will eventually grow up, face reality, and educate themselves before it’s too late, because it’s clear the kolaid has been spiked.
You're a moron.
Trump's reply was on video, 'that makes me smart'.
Why did he say that.

$500,000 in taxes?

I heard it was $2.5 million, from Q NUT daily.

Biden said the lizard people will pay for it.
Yes Trump said he pays as little taxes as he can. Don't you? Biden owes $500,000 in back taxes and you defend it. You're nothing but a tool.
Why be responsible, right? That would be terrible!
Responsible? That’s how it works

Bush had a budget surplus and ya know what he DIDN’T do? Pay down the debt.

Know why? Because banks would have freaked out.

He could have purchased SS Treasury Bills to avoid the issues we now face but he didn’t do that. THAT would have been responsible.

What he did do was hand out tax cuts
I'll agree with half of that.
I disagree, Trump was right signing his cares bill and so was Biden.
The country really would be down the drain if those bills weren't signed.
I think the second bill wasn't targeted enough to those that really needed it and therefore a waste. I also believe too much went to the rich, which is no surprise.
Responsible? That’s how it works

Bush had a budget surplus and ya know what he DIDN’T do? Pay down the debt.

Know why? Because banks would have freaked out.

He could have purchased SS Treasury Bills to avoid the issues we now face but he didn’t do that. THAT would have been responsible.

What he did do was hand out tax cuts
Sad isn’t it, except for the fact that most Americans that actually paid taxes wanted their money back and opted to kick the can down the road for future generations to pay. He could have removed the income liability cap on SS as well….but passed on that as well. Politicians just don’t have to think or live within their means only the people they pretend to serve.
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Actually, the claim isn't that it COSTs zero, the actual claim is that it simply adds zero, to the deficit/ national debt.
For the SECOND time today, you twist his own words for your stupid partisanship
“My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars.” From HIS twitter account.
Stop being such a dishonest twat. Goddamn

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