$3.5T Not As Big As You Might Think


They EXCUSE the CIGARETTE TAX because CIGARETTES ARE BAD....so a tax making them cost more will force people to quit.

NOW APPLY THAT SAME LOGIC TO INCOME TAXES.....you fucking boneheads.
That is no reason to add to the debt anymore, it is a better reason NOT to go anymore into debt.

We need to pay down the debt, I have been saying this for decades, Congress and the Presidents have no business raising debt, they need to tax more cut spending and pay it down. I also see you didn't read my post which I figured because clicking on a link and reading is difficult for you.
ALL of it are the costs of doing business.

Yea...it would be great if the person holding your lease would just say...nahhh...it's OK. You don't have to pay to use that property...

But that's not how it works.
Business works better when its not leveraged....set them free and watch the growth that creates...oh wait we saw that in action just two years ago...some folks are too dumb to learn and some are too stubborn to learn...I suggest you fall into the latter....
According to some right wing nutblog
That was the real number before Pelosi took the bill and played with the numbers...like interest rate predictions she couldn't possibly know...just think what would happen after spending this money we don't have and interest rates double....you are in loans what would happen?....
We need to pay down the debt,
We NEVER pay down the debt.

That's not how it works. When Clinton left a budget surplus to Bush...Republicans and banks were freaking OUT.

Why? Because paying off loans removes money from the system and that ain't good.

We pay the INTEREST...and can easily afford that
What's the big deal?

We live in a trickle up economy (more like a geyser). Whatever money the government spends will end up in the pockets of the wealthiest 0.1%

So we increase the taxes on the wealthiest 0.1% and a percentage of the that money goes back to the government.

It creates hundreds of thousands of jobs, improves life for Americans across the board, and the wealthiest 0.1% will just get wealthier.
Not as gullible as the retards that believe 'tax cuts pay for themselves' that republicans have been lying about for 40 years.
So spending 3.5 trillion on social projects and allowing the IRS to become part of the police state spying into people’s bank accounts is all paid for.
These kinds of replies are stupid. I'm simply stating facts. There is nothing that says the markets must go up at record paces every year.
Excuse me?

You want zero growth and deflation.

Find an economist that thinks that's anything BUT a stupid thing to try for.
That WAS the number that negotiations began at.

Dems have come down to $3.5T
They moved dates deadlines and projected interest rates...the spending stayed the same...they fooled with the payback...you wouldn't let your borrowers do that....
Ohhh you're "smaht" HUH?

How come you don't understand what the word REMAINS means?
a high probability of occurring or being true : very probable

Likely is not an "absolute", they are still waiting to see. You don't get to pick and choose which words you like son, you have to take the entire phrase to keep things in context. Smart, na....just smarter than you.
Except that he didn’t do that. The tax cut wasn’t just for the rich despite what the commie networks told you. Do some actual research and don’t be such a lemming.
Sure commie Q NUT.

January 22, 2020
An enormous tax cut for middle-class Americans is coming soon, Donald Trump vowed on Tuesday, if he and his party win in November.

If this pledge sounds familiar, it's because he has made and broken it many times before.

Trump told the Wall Street Journal this week that if he wins a second term and Republicans regain control of Congress, he will cut taxes for the middle class. He declined to share any details of his plan with the paper, saying only that it would be unveiled in three months.
An enormous tax cut for middle-class Americans is coming soon, Donald Trump vowed on Tuesday, if he and his party win in November.

If this pledge sounds familiar, it's because he has made and broken it many times before.

Trump told the Wall Street Journal this week that if he wins a second term and Republicans regain control of Congress, he will cut taxes for the middle class. He declined to share any details of his plan with the paper, saying only that it would be unveiled in three months.

Hours later, Trump went on Fox Business Network and repeated his vague promise. "We are going to be doing a middle-class tax cut, a very big one," he claimed. "We'll be doing that. We'll be announcing that over the next 90 days."

STILL waiting for the trickle?
a high probability of occurring or being true : very probable

Likely is not an "absolute", they are still waiting to see. You don't get to pick and choose which words you like son, you have to take the entire phrase to keep things in context. Smart, na....just smarter than you.
You keep ignoring that pretty important word.


That means it (the ACA) is and has been reducing the deficit up till now.

One might almost think you were being intentionally dishonest

" You don't get to pick and choose which words you like son, you have to take the entire phrase to keep things in context. "

So are you really arguing that small businesses should remain small forever?....that they should be satisfied with stagnate growth of their businesses?....how does that help anyone?...in fact how do higher taxes on any business or corporation help you?....
It gives them more incentives to expand, invest and buy more equipment......................THAT lowers their tax obligation.
WHICH.......................creates jobs.
I don't have a mortgage now, but when I did it was at 2% interest rate, unlike stupid fucks in much of this country we never buy a house without a large down payment. No down payment is why many of your ignorant ilk pay more than 10,000. Of course if they live in IL, NY, CA, WA, or OR, they have to deal with inflated costs from their state officials. Post 219 was about federal income tax moron
You're a fucking liar, 2%?
Even then, you're still paying interest for 3-5 years, moron.

Back in 2009, 2 percent was considered an optimal rate to help get a Making Home Affordable modification’s mortgage payment down to 31 percent of a homeowner’s household income. A third of household income is generally accepted as the recommended level of spending for affordable housing.

“To reach the target affordability level of 31 percent, interest payments will first be reduced down to as low as 2 percent. If, at that rate, the debt to income level is still over 31 percent, lenders then extend the term or amortization period up to 40 years, and finally forbear principal at no interest, until the payment is reduced to the 31 percent target,’ according to an early U.S. Treasury rendition of the program in, “Making Home Affordable Updated Detailed Program Description.

' Post 219 was about federal income tax moron'.

I know post 219, you were FOS then too, idiot

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