3.8 Trillion Reasons not to vote for any democrat in congress


VIP Member
Oct 3, 2009
3.8 Trillion reason not to vote for anyone in congress.

Honestly, don't the democrats in office know enough about the constitution that it is they who make the budged and the president signs it into law? Which is why we should not blame Obama for this but blame the dumbies in congress for not knowing what there constitutional role is.
3.8 Trillion reason not to vote for anyone in congress.

Honestly, don't the democrats in office know enough about the constitution that it is they who make the budged and the president signs it into law? Which is why we should not blame Obama for this but blame the dumbies in congress for not knowing what there constitutional role is.

For the same reason you didn't blame Congress under Bush until the Democrats took control in 06? It's called partisanship. You display it very well.:clap2:
Actually, the entire nation DID blame Bush. I'm not sure why die hard Democrats supporting Obama''s Bush-like actions all the time. If he didn't throw away our childrens' future with the porkulus bill, we wouldn't be here. And you watch these cowards walk away from dealing with SS and Medicare shortfalls, and shove the cost on the kids. Shameless punks these Democrats, and quite a few GOP too. I hope some will be capable of shame, seem doubtful this President is.
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3.8 Trillion reason not to vote for anyone in congress.

Honestly, don't the democrats in office know enough about the constitution that it is they who make the budged and the president signs it into law? Which is why we should not blame Obama for this but blame the dumbies in congress for not knowing what there constitutional role is.

Is that minus the One Point Two Trillion Dollar ($1.2,000,000,000,000,000.00) National Debt left by the shrub?

Does that include the record defense spending, never once put in the defense department budget under the shrub?

Does that include the un-funded tax cuts for top One Percent (01%) under the shrub?

Does that include the un-funded Medicare Part (D) left by the shrub?

Where was all this outrage when bushie baby was spending the U.S. in to debt? The Repugs had majorities in the House and in the Senate and all they did was act like sheep. Better yet lemming, following the shrub and dead-eye dick(less) over the budgetary cliff without once saying NO!!!
Wow, it looks like a liberal is finally acknowledging the Bush debt was bad, and they should have paid that off before ripping off the nation with porkulus. Perhaps there is hope.
Liberals keep asking the same tired question about where everyone was when Bush was spending like a drunken Democrat.

We were here screaming Bush sucked for being a big government spendaholic.

Now the real question is where were you liberals when you clearly saw Bush approvals at two percent, which includes US by the way. And also, where are you today when absolutely nothing has changed since Bush except our debt and corruption is a lot worse under Obama.
Barack Obama = George Bush on Steroids. His policies are almost identical to George Bush's policies. He just took all Bush's worst ideas like "Stimulus" and Bailouts and made them much much worse. It really is very sad.
What would you like cut out?

We could start with two wars. We really never needed them
Eliminating the Bush tax cuts will allow us to pay more of that budget.

Anything else you want cut?
The Dem Titanic is about to sink. They hated dat "EVIL BOOOOOOOSSH" yet their Hopey Changey has adopted all of George Bush's policies. You add that to an incredibly incompetent & failed Democrat-led Congress and you get a miserable Third World Malaise. It's time for real change. Make 2010 count people.
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What would you like cut out?

We could start with two wars. We really never needed them
Eliminating the Bush tax cuts will allow us to pay more of that budget.

Anything else you want cut?

The Bush Tax cuts disappear next year this is their last year.
3.8 Trillion reason not to vote for anyone in congress.

Honestly, don't the democrats in office know enough about the constitution that it is they who make the budged and the president signs it into law? Which is why we should not blame Obama for this but blame the dumbies in congress for not knowing what there constitutional role is.

For the same reason you didn't blame Congress under Bush until the Democrats took control in 06? It's called partisanship. You display it very well.:clap2:

In your frenetic rush to play tit for tat, you've forgotten that the Republican Congress' spending is the REASON that Democrats took control in 2006. Partisanship? You are the proverbial pot calling the kettle.
they always bring up Bush when it is a THREAD about the dear leader Obama, why is that?

Anything to deflect off the Thug in Cheif they more than likely voted for.:lol:
3.8 Trillion reason not to vote for anyone in congress.

Honestly, don't the democrats in office know enough about the constitution that it is they who make the budged and the president signs it into law? Which is why we should not blame Obama for this but blame the dumbies in congress for not knowing what there constitutional role is.

For the same reason you didn't blame Congress under Bush until the Democrats took control in 06? It's called partisanship. You display it very well.:clap2:

Did any republicans win any reelection? No so that means that the normal republican supporters switched sides hoping to get a change but instead got three times the mess.
Its halirous to hear Barry talk about fiscal responsibility while he signs these kinds of bills into law.
"3.8 Trillion Reasons not to vote for any democrat in congress"

You should totally make that into a bumper sticker! :clap2:

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