3 Black Guys Kill A 5 Yr Old White Girl

3) And no, not just black people can and do this kind of horrific thing.
It is most of the time

No it's not, you foolish racist.

See, what you need to do is get out of that mindset of posting like this.

Can't you just realize that there are good and bad apples in each group of people?

Imagine how much more peaceful life would be if you understood that.
you need to go look at table 43 at the Bureau of Justice Statistics

Table 43

Negroes commit shockingly, MASSIVELY disproportionate amounts of crime in regards to their minority status in the country.

Here..Do your own research;
Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics

First of all, it is important to mention the USA 2010 census data*, according to which:
Whites constitute 72.4% of the population
Blacks constitute 12.6% of the population
The ratio is thus 5.75:1

1. Rape:

The rape rates, from the years 1996 to 2008

The averages for all the years are as follows:
All victims: 219,372
White victims: 180,560
Black victims: 38,812
All white rapists: 131,351
All black rapists: 52,908
White on black rapists: 1,869
Black on white rapists: 21,401

It is thus:
- 14.28 times more likely that any woman will be raped by a black man than a white man.

- 65.82 times more likely that a white woman will be raped by a black man than a black woman by a white man.

Some interesting observations:
For the years 1997, 1999, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008, there were ZERO white on black rapes reported.
When during 2003 to 2008 white men raped zero black women, blacks raped 131,413 white women and 148,343 black women!

In 2005, blacks even outnumbered whites on the number of rapes! 74,080 rapes were committed by blacks, whereas only 49,613 were committed by whites! That is 1.49 times more or 8,57 times more in proportion to the demographics.

2. Homicide by strangers:

The homicide rates** where the offenders were strangers, from the years 1976 to 2005, can be found here, on page 72:

The averages for all the years are as follows:
White on white stranger homicides: 41.64%
White on black stranger homicides: 5.08%
Black on black stranger homicides: 33.23%
Black on white stranger homicides: 18.77%

It is thus:
- 6.4 times more likely that any person will be murdered by a black stranger than a white stranger.

- 21.25 times more likely that a white person will be murdered by a black stranger than a black person by a white stranger.

One can also see that blacks commit more than half of all stranger murders, when they are only 12.6% of the population.

*Keep in mind that in the USA, Arabs and other Semites, as well as Mexicans and other non-white Hispanics and mixed people are considered "white", so the numbers are (intentionally) skewed against whites.

**These figures differ when you also take homicides by acquaintances into account, which is irrelevant to the point I'm making here, that it is far more likely you will be killed by some random black on the street than by a random white person, thus profiling is completely justified and logical.

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