3 More Suspected White Supremacists Arrested In Georgia -- Dem False Flag Operation?

Your pathetic inability to refute anything he says, is noted.

We all know that you got nothin.
There is nothing to refute....blacks are sub-human criminal scum...

So what do you plan to do about them??

I ain't black tho…"I am one of the good ones" -- white people told me so....

View attachment 301055
1. I have fun showing how wrong you people are
2. he's right...you did not and could not refute it
So what are you going to do about the "blacks"

Or do you think simply showing up on posts about white supremacists being arrested and whining is a sufficient enough way to deal with those black savages??

Or maybe you are just an insecure cuck and this is how you deal with your own impotence...sad
...insulting is ANOTHER way of showing your immaturity and that you have no argument
...I care about the black kids....I called these jackass radio stations many years ago and asked them how come they are not doing more about these black kids being shot---and I did not call out of hatred or racism ....the jackass said ''what do you want us to do''?!!!!!????--how about talikng about that instead of the FAKE white racism/etc !!
..we have had many more black children shot and killed in the last few weeks --and the MSM makes no big deal about it--they talk about WHITES!!!!! that don't murder
...here--the most important thing is this:
Still waiting for you to tell me about your plan for dealing with the blacks??

Maybe we can implement some type of laws, we can call them black codes or you can name them after a crow or something fun -- and those laws will be totally awesome because they will be just for the "blacks"

and you can justify that need for those laws because of how horrible and savage those blacks are -- its not like they are not even equal to the decent real Americans -- look at the stats...they deserve to be treated less than.....we can do it for those Hispanics too -- but only the dark scary looking ones...not the Ted Cruz type of Hispanics...

and the best part is....it's not racist to treat a certain demographic worse than others...its just about data and stats...

keep babbling --we keep laughing
Wow the return of democrats lynching republicans and black conservatives has returned

Black conservatives? How many are there? 4. It was conservatives that were lynching black folks.
Pre new deal over 77% of blacks voted for republicans.. but yes democrats have always Lynched black republicans View attachment 301061
Why do you think those "democrats" lynched black republicans?? Was it because of their support for low capital gains taxes?? Deregulation of wall street...what??

By the way.....it is widely believed that Michael Donald was the last lynching of a black man by the KKK...in the early 1980's --- was Michael a black republican??

The Woman Who Beat The Klan

Or are you just full of jizz??
I have pictures of black klan members? Do you want to continue with you fallices? Or would you like to talk about the democrat south, democrat kkk, democrat implemented Jim Crow laws, TODAYS urban slave plantations run by democrats, all cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by democrats, 6,000 blacks shot in Obama’s home town of Chicago during his administration alone.. HE DID NOTHING!

so you really want to say republicans are the racist lol you will lose.. you are debating someone in the hood and see what democrats have done. You can’t win this one.. I WILL DESTROY YOU ON RACE RELATIONS
I understand facts trigger dic suckers like you...

But where in my comment did I say you have pictures of black klan members??
There is nothing to refute....blacks are sub-human criminal scum...

So what do you plan to do about them??

I ain't black tho…"I am one of the good ones" -- white people told me so....

View attachment 301055
1. I have fun showing how wrong you people are
2. he's right...you did not and could not refute it
So what are you going to do about the "blacks"

Or do you think simply showing up on posts about white supremacists being arrested and whining is a sufficient enough way to deal with those black savages??

Or maybe you are just an insecure cuck and this is how you deal with your own impotence...sad
...insulting is ANOTHER way of showing your immaturity and that you have no argument
...I care about the black kids....I called these jackass radio stations many years ago and asked them how come they are not doing more about these black kids being shot---and I did not call out of hatred or racism ....the jackass said ''what do you want us to do''?!!!!!????--how about talikng about that instead of the FAKE white racism/etc !!
..we have had many more black children shot and killed in the last few weeks --and the MSM makes no big deal about it--they talk about WHITES!!!!! that don't murder
...here--the most important thing is this:
Still waiting for you to tell me about your plan for dealing with the blacks??

Maybe we can implement some type of laws, we can call them black codes or you can name them after a crow or something fun -- and those laws will be totally awesome because they will be just for the "blacks"

and you can justify that need for those laws because of how horrible and savage those blacks are -- its not like they are not even equal to the decent real Americans -- look at the stats...they deserve to be treated less than.....we can do it for those Hispanics too -- but only the dark scary looking ones...not the Ted Cruz type of Hispanics...

and the best part is....it's not racist to treat a certain demographic worse than others...its just about data and stats...

keep babbling --we keep laughing
In other words...you don't have the balls to put the bullshit you believe into policy?? Cool...

Well if simply standing on the sidelines and saying "blacks are bad...wahh wahh" -- every time white supremacists are arrested by the FBI makes you feel empowered...have at it...

Meanwhile, the rest of us will be just fine.....since we don't get triggered by white supremacists being arrested
1. I have fun showing how wrong you people are
2. he's right...you did not and could not refute it
So what are you going to do about the "blacks"

Or do you think simply showing up on posts about white supremacists being arrested and whining is a sufficient enough way to deal with those black savages??

Or maybe you are just an insecure cuck and this is how you deal with your own impotence...sad
...insulting is ANOTHER way of showing your immaturity and that you have no argument
...I care about the black kids....I called these jackass radio stations many years ago and asked them how come they are not doing more about these black kids being shot---and I did not call out of hatred or racism ....the jackass said ''what do you want us to do''?!!!!!????--how about talikng about that instead of the FAKE white racism/etc !!
..we have had many more black children shot and killed in the last few weeks --and the MSM makes no big deal about it--they talk about WHITES!!!!! that don't murder
...here--the most important thing is this:
Still waiting for you to tell me about your plan for dealing with the blacks??

Maybe we can implement some type of laws, we can call them black codes or you can name them after a crow or something fun -- and those laws will be totally awesome because they will be just for the "blacks"

and you can justify that need for those laws because of how horrible and savage those blacks are -- its not like they are not even equal to the decent real Americans -- look at the stats...they deserve to be treated less than.....we can do it for those Hispanics too -- but only the dark scary looking ones...not the Ted Cruz type of Hispanics...

and the best part is....it's not racist to treat a certain demographic worse than others...its just about data and stats...

keep babbling --we keep laughing
In other words...you don't have the balls to put the bullshit you believe into policy?? Cool...

Well if simply standing on the sidelines and saying "blacks are bad...wahh wahh" -- every time white supremacists are arrested by the FBI makes you feel empowered...have at it...

Meanwhile, the rest of us will be just fine.....since we don't get triggered by white supremacists being arrested
..like I said, I keep laughing--keep the babbling coming
hahahhahah..if that's what triggerred is--I LOVE it
Wow the return of democrats lynching republicans and black conservatives has returned

Black conservatives? How many are there? 4. It was conservatives that were lynching black folks.
Pre new deal over 77% of blacks voted for republicans.. but yes democrats have always Lynched black republicans View attachment 301061
Why do you think those "democrats" lynched black republicans?? Was it because of their support for low capital gains taxes?? Deregulation of wall street...what??

By the way.....it is widely believed that Michael Donald was the last lynching of a black man by the KKK...in the early 1980's --- was Michael a black republican??

The Woman Who Beat The Klan

Or are you just full of jizz??
I have pictures of black klan members? Do you want to continue with you fallices? Or would you like to talk about the democrat south, democrat kkk, democrat implemented Jim Crow laws, TODAYS urban slave plantations run by democrats, all cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by democrats, 6,000 blacks shot in Obama’s home town of Chicago during his administration alone.. HE DID NOTHING!

so you really want to say republicans are the racist lol you will lose.. you are debating someone in the hood and see what democrats have done. You can’t win this one.. I WILL DESTROY YOU ON RACE RELATIONS
I understand facts trigger dic suckers like you...

But where in my comment did I say you have pictures of black klan members??
You posted a fallacy picture and I’m saying I can destroy it with a picture of a black clans member.. hehehehehehheh

now sit down and stfu before you get served again
Wow the return of democrats lynching republicans and black conservatives has returned

Black conservatives? How many are there? 4. It was conservatives that were lynching black folks.
Pre new deal over 77% of blacks voted for republicans.. but yes democrats have always Lynched black republicans View attachment 301061
Why do you think those "democrats" lynched black republicans?? Was it because of their support for low capital gains taxes?? Deregulation of wall street...what??

By the way.....it is widely believed that Michael Donald was the last lynching of a black man by the KKK...in the early 1980's --- was Michael a black republican??

The Woman Who Beat The Klan

Or are you just full of jizz??

You nailed it, he is full of shit.
jesus f christ --the MSM have got people's minds so warped
..Friday, they talked about how all the Dem candidates were WHITE
...now, the WHITE supremacists
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
blacks murder over 3000 per year
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
blacks 13% of the population..whites about 65%--yet:
white on black murders --229
black on white murders --500
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
blacks commit HATE crimes at twice the rate of whites

What's the number on White on White murders and Black on Black murders. I guess the white on white really doesn't matter, as long as, they weren't killed by someone black.
..hahahha--these whites didn't even murder anyone----hahahhahaa--and they make a BIG DEAL out of it

You're right because they were stopped before they could murder anyone. Is that a bad thing in your eyes.
.....what's idiotic is the MSM --and you--making a HUGE deal/problem when a white cop DEFENDS themselves OR about these whites that did NOT murder anyone compared to blacks murdering 8 blacks everyDAY
..we've had many black CHILDREN murdered/shot in the last few weeks in my city --no big deal, is it?
..the MSM and you look very ridiculous

There have been young black men murdered by cops and they were not defending themselves, that is the right wing lie that is constantly repeated. How many whites have been murdered by other whites in your city? Doesn't really matter does it, as long as, they are murdered by someone white.
Wow the return of democrats lynching republicans and black conservatives has returned

Black conservatives? How many are there? 4. It was conservatives that were lynching black folks.
Pre new deal over 77% of blacks voted for republicans.. but yes democrats have always Lynched black republicans View attachment 301061

Hmmm, when did black folks stop voting Republican? Was it a Republican or a Democrat that signed the CRA and the VRA?

Today's republicans

Today’s republicans? Richard Spencer just said he hates Donald trump lol I would think anyone worried about getting prosecuted for free speech would vote for a Republican.. but not share my values. Besides 90% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites.. did you think the victim would remain silent? Lol

Most racist today identify there party affiliation as Republican or Independent. Where do you get these statistics? It's amazing how you never post anything to back them up. It's like you pull them out your ass and hope that everyone will believe them.
Which is more dangerous, muslim sleeper cells or "white supremicists"? Also which of those do you think is more numerous......
Wow the return of democrats lynching republicans and black conservatives has returned

Black conservatives? How many are there? 4. It was conservatives that were lynching black folks.
Pre new deal over 77% of blacks voted for republicans.. but yes democrats have always Lynched black republicans View attachment 301061
Why do you think those "democrats" lynched black republicans?? Was it because of their support for low capital gains taxes?? Deregulation of wall street...what??

By the way.....it is widely believed that Michael Donald was the last lynching of a black man by the KKK...in the early 1980's --- was Michael a black republican??

The Woman Who Beat The Klan

Or are you just full of jizz??

You nailed it, he is full of shit.
I destroyed his fallacy ,, you want it next?
Wow the return of democrats lynching republicans and black conservatives has returned

Black conservatives? How many are there? 4. It was conservatives that were lynching black folks.
Pre new deal over 77% of blacks voted for republicans.. but yes democrats have always Lynched black republicans View attachment 301061

Hmmm, when did black folks stop voting Republican? Was it a Republican or a Democrat that signed the CRA and the VRA?

Today's republicans

Today’s republicans? Richard Spencer just said he hates Donald trump lol I would think anyone worried about getting prosecuted for free speech would vote for a Republican.. but not share my values. Besides 90% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites.. did you think the victim would remain silent? Lol

Most racist today identify there party affiliation as Republican or Independent. Where do you get these statistics? It's amazing how you never post anything to back them up. It's like you pull them out your ass and hope that everyone will believe them.
Lol HELLOOOOOO ALLL CRIES OF RACIAL OPPRESSION ONLY COMES FROM TOWNS RUN BY DEMOCRATS LOL how are democrat politicians identifying as republicans???? Helllooooooo lol
Wow the return of democrats lynching republicans and black conservatives has returned

Black conservatives? How many are there? 4. It was conservatives that were lynching black folks.
Pre new deal over 77% of blacks voted for republicans.. but yes democrats have always Lynched black republicans View attachment 301061
Why do you think those "democrats" lynched black republicans?? Was it because of their support for low capital gains taxes?? Deregulation of wall street...what??

By the way.....it is widely believed that Michael Donald was the last lynching of a black man by the KKK...in the early 1980's --- was Michael a black republican??

The Woman Who Beat The Klan

Or are you just full of jizz??

You nailed it, he is full of shit.
I destroyed his fallacy ,, you want it next?
No you didn't destroy anything he said...

You get your ass kicked on here daily...you are the Glass Joe of debates....

I am starting to think you are a masochist because you love the punishment....which is why they call you jizz….it flies out your mouth every time you get slapped around...
Black conservatives? How many are there? 4. It was conservatives that were lynching black folks.
Pre new deal over 77% of blacks voted for republicans.. but yes democrats have always Lynched black republicans View attachment 301061
Why do you think those "democrats" lynched black republicans?? Was it because of their support for low capital gains taxes?? Deregulation of wall street...what??

By the way.....it is widely believed that Michael Donald was the last lynching of a black man by the KKK...in the early 1980's --- was Michael a black republican??

The Woman Who Beat The Klan

Or are you just full of jizz??

You nailed it, he is full of shit.
I destroyed his fallacy ,, you want it next?
No you didn't destroy anything he said...

You get your ass kicked on here daily...you are the Glass Joe of debates....
View attachment 301066

I am starting to think you are a masochist because you love the punishment....which is why they call you jizz….it flies out your mouth every time you get slapped around...
What ever makes you feel better lol but no one here can debate my proof .. you revert to name calling because you can’t win.. you live in fake news race land lol enjoy your time.. but you are wrong
Wow the return of democrats lynching republicans and black conservatives has returned

Black conservatives? How many are there? 4. It was conservatives that were lynching black folks.
Pre new deal over 77% of blacks voted for republicans.. but yes democrats have always Lynched black republicans View attachment 301061
Why do you think those "democrats" lynched black republicans?? Was it because of their support for low capital gains taxes?? Deregulation of wall street...what??

By the way.....it is widely believed that Michael Donald was the last lynching of a black man by the KKK...in the early 1980's --- was Michael a black republican??

The Woman Who Beat The Klan

Or are you just full of jizz??
I have pictures of black klan members?

There is no end to your bullshit.

Do you want to continue with you fallices? Or would you like to talk about the democrat south, democrat kkk, democrat implemented Jim Crow laws, TODAYS urban slave plantations run by democrats, all cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by democrats, 6,000 blacks shot in Obama’s home town of Chicago during his administration alone.. HE DID NOTHING!

We all know about the history of the South, white republicans in the South were just as racist as their democrat counter parts. How many Southern Republicans voted for the CRA or VRA? What the hell has republicans like Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell, etc. done for black folks in this country and they have been in the Congress for decades. Please tell me.

so you really want to say republicans are the racist lol you will lose.. you are debating someone in the hood and see what democrats have done. You can’t win this one.. I WILL DESTROY YOU ON RACE RELATIONS

:abgg2q.jpg: Here you go with the comedy again. You couldn't find your way to the "Hood" if you had a flashlight. How in the hell can a racist destroy anyone on RACE RELATIONS. :1peleas:
Pre new deal over 77% of blacks voted for republicans.. but yes democrats have always Lynched black republicans View attachment 301061
Why do you think those "democrats" lynched black republicans?? Was it because of their support for low capital gains taxes?? Deregulation of wall street...what??

By the way.....it is widely believed that Michael Donald was the last lynching of a black man by the KKK...in the early 1980's --- was Michael a black republican??

The Woman Who Beat The Klan

Or are you just full of jizz??

You nailed it, he is full of shit.
I destroyed his fallacy ,, you want it next?
No you didn't destroy anything he said...

You get your ass kicked on here daily...you are the Glass Joe of debates....
View attachment 301066

I am starting to think you are a masochist because you love the punishment....which is why they call you jizz….it flies out your mouth every time you get slapped around...
What ever makes you feel better lol but no one here can debate my proof .. you revert to name calling because you can’t win.. you live in fake news race land lol enjoy your time.. but you are wrong

What proof? All you do is post your opinion, you never bring anything to back that bullshit up.
Three more suspected members of white supremacist group arrested

View attachment 300945

In addition to the 3 suspects arrested by the FBI in Virginia.....3 more suspects were arrested in Georgia -- which leads me to conclude that this is definitely a false flag operation engineered by Obama and financed by Soros.....what I don't understand is why Trump is allowing this to happen??

"Three more suspected members of the violent white supremacist group "The Base" have been arrested in Georgia, authorities said Friday. The men are accused of plotting to overthrow the government and planning to murder a Bartow County couple. Luke Austin Lane, 21, was arrested near his home on Wednesday without incident and is being housed at the Floyd County Jail pending charges of conspiracy to commit murder and participation, officials said. He was denied bond.

Michael John Helterbrand, 25, of Dalton, and Jacob Kaderli, 19, of Dacula, were arrested in different locations. Kaderli has been sent to Floyd County facilities and Helterbrand expected to arrive on Friday. They were also charged with conspiracy to commit murder and participation in a criminal street gang."

A criminal street gang?? Then why don't they go arrest all of the blacks in the "hood" if being in a gang is grounds for being arrested?? We know its a false flag or at least an attempt to frame these young men for their thoughts... Again, Why is Trump sitting by and letting this take place?? he needs to stand up to the Dems and stop this....and free these men immediately....

"definitely a false flag operation engineered by Obama and financed by Soros..."

Goddamn, really???? Bahahahahahahaaha....Just when I thought it couldn't get more stupid here.

"Why Trump is allowing this to happen??"

He'll defend these assholes just like he defended the white supremacists in Charlottesville, you dumb fuck.

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