3 most important issues to you

I identify with no political party.

1) The political destruction of the Democratic Party as a political force in the United States.
2) The ending of the illegal invasion of the United States by what ever means necessary.
3) The definitive weaponization of space before we get impossibly behind.

Also we need to reconsider who our allies actually are, and which are attached ramora-like solely by historical tradition.
I want to comment on your concern for the weaponization of space simply because its one of my big concerns but I feel it takes more of a explanation for those who don't understand

The nation that controls space can control the world.
Just think you wake up one day with no ready tellers no gps no satalite tv no cameras in space no communication satellites no cell phones com etc.
Our military relys on satalites for gps com weapons target and so much more.
Trump was not stupid by talking about a space force .its the future and the winner might just control the world.
It is one of my 3 top issues tied to what I would call our military forces abality to protect America
I will limit it to one because it the source of so many problems and I believe that treating the disease itself is preferable to treating the symptoms.

Destroy Cultural Marxism
What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.
Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.

I believe much of what I believe in falls under the banner of civil rights, but I'll break down as much as I can in the next paragraphs. As for party, I am currently "decline to state" here in California. I see myself as too libertarian for the Republican Party, but not libertarian enough to be with the Libertarian Party, and I'm against everything the Democratic Party stands for.

The first issue is that I am absolutely anti-abortion. It is murder and should be treated as such. I see great parallels when reading the writings of the slavery abolition movement, how one side treated human beings as commodities to be sold, traded, abused, and killed without any government protections. The degradation of human beings created a climate of hostility and abuses, and scars from such blotches in human history heal very slowly. Murder should never be tolerated in any alleged civil society.

The second would be stopping islamo-facism. Nearly 15 centuries of murder and destruction, and it's appalling seeing so many people turn a blind eye toward centuries of holocaust and conquest to serve some dead false-prophet/pedophile's mad delusions. It is the ultimate globalist force in the world today and islam ruins every place islamists gain any sort of political power.

The third is hard to pick. I'll just go with the corruptness in power in general. The proper role of government is to protect the individual, where the government serves the people, not the other way around. The smaller the government, the better. The individual comes first, unless the individual is a legitimate threat to the rights of other individuals. The family comes before the state. The family goes not belong to the state. Smaller government is preferable to larger government. When governments grow too large, it is no longer government of, by, and for the people. That's what makes globalism so dangerous. When globalist forces become too powerful and corrupt, who then can protect the interests of the individual? So for example, I'll favor Britain's Brexit from the overreaching EU, or anybody who's a member of the corrupt United Nations. Don't grant governmental bodies too much power, or it may be too late to do anything about it Well, I don't want to ramble too much on this third pick, so I'll end this here.
Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.
  1. Illegal immigration
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Illegal immigration
Funny that one really doesn't effect me at all, nor have I seen any real problems from it. More a distraction from real problems like the debt to me.

haha...8 hour wait times in emergency rooms, doctors appointments 6 weeks out, wage suppression, ruined construction trades, communities, cities and states turned into thirdworld shitholes, off the charts incarceration / criminal expenses, underinsured and uninsured drivers on our roadways, overloaded public services / first responder services, crumbling infrastructure, over taxation, over burdened education system, unbearable traffic....I could go on and on....All things Wetbacks are responsible for...all things we are all affected by daily.

So, go ahead and tell us how your quality of life is impacted by "debt"? We're standing by.
I identify with no political party.

1) The political destruction of the Democratic Party as a political force in the United States.
2) The ending of the illegal invasion of the United States by what ever means necessary.
3) The definitive weaponization of space before we get impossibly behind.

Also we need to reconsider who our allies actually are, and which are attached ramora-like solely by historical tradition.
I want to comment on your concern for the weaponization of space simply because its one of my big concerns but I feel it takes more of a explanation for those who don't understand

The nation that controls space can control the world.
Just think you wake up one day with no ready tellers no gps no satalite tv no cameras in space no communication satellites no cell phones com etc.
Our military relys on satalites for gps com weapons target and so much more.
Trump was not stupid by talking about a space force .its the future and the winner might just control the world.
It is one of my 3 top issues tied to what I would call our military forces abality to protect America
I can agree that “space force” was a wise move and although trump was a shitty salesman for it...the left was pretty ridiculous for the overwhelming ridicule he got for it.

A more important thing trump did was get the whole shielding our power grid from EMP’ started, even if it is just exploratory. Carrington events are projected to happen every 120 years or so, plus or minus 20. If one happened now (which were right in that error range), we’d be so royally fucked. Not only would we have zero electronics, pretty much all houses would catch fire at once. A lot of people would die initially, those who survive wouldn’t have running water or refrigeration, no shelter, no nothing we’re used too. We’d go back to the Stone Age in the blink of an eye, and have very little experience in surviving in that type of environment.
Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.
Take all of the common denominators from the thread...do we all agree that a convention of the states is the best/most likely path forward to actually put into practice? Or no?
Damn! There was a really good comment and thread that followed, on this subject just last week about that. Was that you? Conventions of the states?? I should have saved the link.
Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.
  1. Illegal immigration
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Illegal immigration
Funny that one really doesn't effect me at all, nor have I seen any real problems from it. More a distraction from real problems like the debt to me.

haha...8 hour wait times in emergency rooms, doctors appointments 6 weeks out, wage suppression, ruined construction trades, communities, cities and states turned into thirdworld shitholes, off the charts incarceration / criminal expenses, underinsured and uninsured drivers on our roadways, overloaded public services / first responder services, crumbling infrastructure, over taxation, over burdened education system, unbearable traffic....I could go on and on....All things Wetbacks are responsible for...all things we are all affected by daily.

So, go ahead and tell us how your quality of life is impacted by "debt"? We're standing by.
Try the top 3 your concerned about and explain
3 most important issues to you
  1. Busting up the Deep State to restore a constitutional, smaller government Representative Republic for the people again under a Trump Presidency.
  2. Building the wall and getting out all illegals under a Trump Presidency.
  3. Telling the rest of the world to go Fuck Itself under a Trump Presidency.
Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.
  1. Illegal immigration
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Illegal immigration
Funny that one really doesn't effect me at all, nor have I seen any real problems from it. More a distraction from real problems like the debt to me.

You don’t think illegals cause the debt to go up somwhat? Hmmmm
Of course they do. We spend so much on sanctuary cities, education, special education, welfare, section 8 housing food stamps free lunches, health care and it goes on and on. Then there are criminals who take up spaces for Americans who are incarcerated.

If they came over legally, the influx would be fine and we wouldn't be seeing MS-13's.
Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.
Take all of the common denominators from the thread...do we all agree that a convention of the states is the best/most likely path forward to actually put into practice? Or no?
Damn! There was a really good comment and thread that followed, on this subject just last week about that. Was that you? Conventions of the states?? I should have saved the link.
No it wasn’t me. But I think it’s the best. Those in the legislative branch are very happy where they sit and probably aren’t going to do anything to compromise that, even if there’s a president putting a lot of pressure on them to do so. They got a nice thing going for themselves.
Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.
Take all of the common denominators from the thread...do we all agree that a convention of the states is the best/most likely path forward to actually put into practice? Or no?
Damn! There was a really good comment and thread that followed, on this subject just last week about that. Was that you? Conventions of the states?? I should have saved the link.
No it wasn’t me. But I think it’s the best. Those in the legislative branch are very happy where they sit and probably aren’t going to do anything to compromise that, even if there’s a president putting a lot of pressure on them to do so. They got a nice thing going for themselves.
You are so right. Just how many JR senators start out with hardly any savings and have a few million and 3 mansions a decade later. That is bull shit. On thing about Trump, he doesn't have to take bribes or play with inside stock sales. He doesn't even take a salary.
no communication satellites no cell phones com

Cell phones are 100% terrestrial-based, they have nothing to do with space. Satellite comms is pretty much obsolete except for the most remote parts of the world. Global fiber optic nets are much faster than satellites because of the latency and lack of bandwidth satellites possess.
no communication satellites no cell phones com

Cell phones are 100% terrestrial-based, they have nothing to do with space. Satellite comms is pretty much obsolete except for the most remote parts of the world. Global fiber optic nets are much faster than satellites because of the latency and lack of bandwidth satellites possess.
GPS is satellite based, which if compromised would fuck up a lot more than just not being able to find an Uber.
- Balanced budget (during peacetime). I have never and will never vote for a government that cannot balance it's budget during peacetime. If you cannot spend no more then what you take in - you are a FAILURE as a politician to me.
- End the Fed (or - at least - remove it's 'full employment' mandate).
- Every citizen provided with adequate shelter, food and basic (full for children) medical benefits. But shelter/food should be provided through government/charity shelters in regional centers - NOT through financial payments/food stamps to individual citizens. Medical benefits would be government reimbursement of hospitals/clinics for providing basic healthcare (full for children).

Your stances contradict each other. How are you gonna balance a budget AND provide every citizen with adequate shelter, food and basic (full for children) medical benefits?


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