3 most important issues to you

Healthcare healthcare healthcare. Not to mention protecting Medicare and social security. Eliminate them and the country descends into mass chaos.
As the greatest nation on Earth, we either figure healthcare out things go south. Perhaps it is time for a third party to figure it out. Healthcare and patriotism go hand in hand.
Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.
1. Liberty
2. Liberty

..oh, and fuck commies.

Goddam right
My number 2 issue is the debt. Were woeking on 21 trillion the intrest alone has a major effect on our nation.
The debt need to be paid off and that will take a few decades.
We need a balanced yearly budget where so much is paid on our debt.
As long as we keep borrowing it has a bad effect on not only the economy but our abilty to properly fund other program's

actually we have already blown past the 22 trillion mark, 21 trillion is so last year
Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.
1. Peace
2. Peace
3. Peace
My number 2 issue is the debt. Were woeking on 21 trillion the intrest alone has a major effect on our nation.
The debt need to be paid off and that will take a few decades.
We need a balanced yearly budget where so much is paid on our debt.
As long as we keep borrowing it has a bad effect on not only the economy but our abilty to properly fund other program's
We should not give handouts to other countries until our debt is paid in full. Not right we borrow money and then give it away to someone else.
My number 3 is immigration . there are a estimated
10.5 million to 30 milli9n illegals in our nation.
They need deported .
----------------------------- Sure , agree but why ?? If all 30 million were deported the pro immigration advocates on the board would start begging for LEGALS that will vote 'dem' or 'moderate repub rino' to replace the illegals Aponi .
Merit based immigration, limit immigration to those immigrants with skills we need or money to spend on employees.
1. Citizens united
2. Citizens united
3. Citizens united

Politicians controlled by money, foreign or domestic, is a national security issue.
Wheelie has a great point. $$$$$$ always a bad thing in politics. Always. Irrefutable.
I identify with no political party.

1) The political destruction of the Democratic Party as a political force in the United States.
2) The ending of the illegal invasion of the United States by what ever means necessary.
3) The definitive weaponization of space before we get impossibly behind.

Also we need to reconsider who our allies actually are, and which are attached ramora-like solely by historical tradition.
I want to comment on your concern for the weaponization of space simply because its one of my big concerns but I feel it takes more of a explanation for those who don't understand

The nation that controls space can control the world.
Just think you wake up one day with no ready tellers no gps no satalite tv no cameras in space no communication satellites no cell phones com etc.
Our military relys on satalites for gps com weapons target and so much more.
Trump was not stupid by talking about a space force .its the future and the winner might just control the world.
It is one of my 3 top issues tied to what I would call our military forces abality to protect America
I can agree that “space force” was a wise move and although trump was a shitty salesman for it...the left was pretty ridiculous for the overwhelming ridicule he got for it.

A more important thing trump did was get the whole shielding our power grid from EMP’ started, even if it is just exploratory. Carrington events are projected to happen every 120 years or so, plus or minus 20. If one happened now (which were right in that error range), we’d be so royally fucked. Not only would we have zero electronics, pretty much all houses would catch fire at once. A lot of people would die initially, those who survive wouldn’t have running water or refrigeration, no shelter, no nothing we’re used too. We’d go back to the Stone Age in the blink of an eye, and have very little experience in surviving in that type of environment.

Yes this is all true and would require Faraday cages everywhere. You have natural emp from solar flares and man-made
Political issues vary and are truely important to each person.
We all have issues that are important to us .

What are the top 3 issues to you and why. Also what party do you identify with.

I know this next part is asking a hell of a lot but lets try to just state our position and not attack others for posting what their position is.

All sides might learn something about the other side .

Its important that when you talk about the issue you make it plain why you feel strongly about it.
  1. Illegal immigration
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Illegal immigration
Funny that one really doesn't effect me at all, nor have I seen any real problems from it. More a distraction from real problems like the debt to me.

You don’t think illegals cause the debt to go up somwhat? Hmmmm

No, but I know for a fact the tax cuts for the rich, and deregulatory policies since Reagan, are responsible for every dime of it.

Which makes the most important of the three

1. Raising taxes on the rich and corporations, and ending every loophole they have to not pay them.

2. Health care for all, end of discussion.

3. Green energy subsidies, with the goal of using them for 100% of our energy needs in the next 20 years.
My third issue is the health care system. I know insurance 8s to high .
I pay for my own and kids m8ne al9ne is 700 a month I am a diebetic.
Obama care was not the answer tort reform and med cost need adressed first zo dony have answrrs. But its a big issue .
My third issue is the health care system. I know insurance 8s to high .
I pay for my own and kids m8ne al9ne is 700 a month I am a diebetic.
Obama care was not the answer tort reform and med cost need adressed first zo dony have answrrs. But its a big issue .
The problem with health care is you can pay into it and be a productive citizen, then the one time in your life you really need it and you were laid off and don't have insurance you are screwed. We need to eliminate that loophole.
You forgot to list that it increases production of greenhouse gases. Illegals come from a country where their carbon footprint is low to a high consumption country where their carbon foot print is orders of magnitude larger.
# 8 on the list is >> Increased pollution.

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