3 people dead after gunman targeted Black people in Jacksonville

Strange, its been quite some time since the incident and the shooter hasn't been identified?
The thread title is dildos and has zero to do with the event in Jacksonville.
WTF does that have to do with the black folks whose lives were taken?
Looks like a hate crime to me. Why else would a mob of black people be vandalizing a store that is probably owned and patronized by mostly respectable white people?

By the way. I hate you. Why are you bothering me? Go away.

Michelle_Obama - half_the_credit.png

The shooter was one of them. What a tragety is usauly happens the other way around.
US continues to be consistent and reliable in some areas . A remarkable role model for countries which they try to influence .
Why would white people have hurt feelings over it?
This knucklehead doesn't know what he's trying to convey, because he's a white hating racist himself probably ?

I'm with you Hawk, it makes no sense regardless of hate, to just make some kind of statement that you don't like people by killing them. It's the ultimate stupidity. Racism is the ultimate stupidity, because no one person is alike regardless of their race, and if you get to know someone the idiocy of race judgment don't even exist among rational minded people.

What we are seeing is this race baiting and pandering by politician's on the left in the extreme, otherwise who are hell bent on stirring up racism in this country. Fact.

They built up an entire fake bull shite narrative that Trump was a racist, as if they were clean as the driven snow themselves. Now thousands have died because of the bull shite, and they are still dying because of their bull shite.

The shooter was one of them. What a tragety is usauly happens the other way around.
I am sorry, but who is the President of the United States again?


The shooter was one of them. What a tragety is usauly happens the other way around.
The shooter was confirmed to be a white supremacist. There was as was painted on one of the rifles. AR15 used.
Yep that is what you have been doing, just keep pumping in the drugs and guns and that usually does the trick. I guess that was quite working for him.
I’ve been pushing drugs and guns into black neighborhoods?

LOL. I’m not a Democrat.

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