3 people dead after gunman targeted Black people in Jacksonville

That's a lie. But the white racist must forever be a victim.
Then maybe you can post links as proof that the DOJ has investigated hate crimes against whites by blacks or has investigated a police department because black cops have used excessive force against or killed whites.
"Just one chapter".


No, there is not a big difference.

Judging the history curriculum put together as teaching racism... without seeing the rest of what is being taught is pretty unfair. HAve you actually seen it with your own eyes? The way its worded and it's intent is important.
From what I understand it was only a few lines.. a couple statements within a chapter ..and somehow... THIS is going to sway kids to be racists... I dont even know how its written or its context is approached in the chapter... do you?

And secondly, in the context of this thread..its being lumped in to prove somehow this is the governor of Florida's fault that they have a crazy neo nazi who murdered black people...

Will you give Gavin Newsome the same treatment if a California Skinhead/nazi goes off and murders someone?
Judging the history curriculum put together as teaching racism... without seeing the rest of what is being taught is pretty unfair. HAve you actually seen it with your own eyes? The way its worded and it's intent is important.
From what I understand it was only a few lines.. a couple statements within a chapter ..and somehow... THIS is going to sway kids to be racists... I dont even know how its written or its context is approached in the chapter... do you?

And secondly, in the context of this thread..its being lumped in to prove somehow this is the governor of Florida's fault that they have a crazy neo nazi who murdered black people...

Will you give Gavin Newsome the same treatment if a California Skinhead/nazi goes off and murders someone?

I support very little of what Newsome does.

There was no ‘socialist’ ideology incorporated into Nazi dogma:

“The full name of Hitler’s party was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. In English, that translates to National Socialist German Workers’ Party. But it was not a socialist party; it was a right-wing, ultranationalist party dedicated to racial purity, territorial expansion and anti-Semitism — and total political control.”

I suggest you look up the actual policies of the 3rd Reich

Fuhrer Brides - single mothers cared for by the state
Animal welfare laws
Environmental protection laws
Public smoking bans
Health Care for Germans
Government support of Unions

Those are a few off the top of my head
Far short of a regular weekend in Chicago.

I don’t get these white supremacy types(if that is really what he is) , zero reason to go kill random blacks if you hate them. Just sit back and watch them kill each other in Dem run shit holes if that is the stuff you like.
Yep that is what you have been doing, just keep pumping in the drugs and guns and that usually does the trick. I guess that was quite working for him.
Incorrect. I happen to be black and lived during those times. So I don't need to have some white idiot trying to explain to me what happened in the black community he has not stepped a foot in.
That's all that clown does is try and tell black folks what Democrats have and haven't done, but when you ask him WTF republicans have done he is quiet as a church mouse.
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Sure, as soon as the genocide in places like Chicago are called-out for what it is.
I'm sorry, I'm not a gun guy!

Apparently you're not a guy who reads the articles he links either. The one you linked clearly reports that the gunman had a Glock and an AR-15 style rifle.
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skip ahead to find out what actually happened

You can watch this video and see what is wrong with America, and I don't see anything getting better anytime soon. As a society, we are now in failure mode.
Apparently you're not a guy who reads the articles he links either. The one you linked clearly reports that the gunman had a Glaock and an AR-15 style rifle.
An AR-15 style rifle with swastikas painted all over the weapon!

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