$30,000,000,000,000 and Counting

More bullshit. Record revenues came in after all those tax cuts. Proven and undeniable. Not interested in your cherry picked charts since you’ll cry and whine no matter how stupid you make yourself look on a daily basis. You clearly have zero knowledge of economics. No surprise to anybody who’s ever seen your idiocy.

I gave you the data and I gave you the math. And all you can do is call me names. You made a claim that I have proven is false and all you can do is rant and rave like a 3rd grader.

How sad for you, yet so very predictable
True, but no one opened Pandora's Box quite the way Obumma did starting back in 2009 with his QE1 and 2.

Obama added a smaller percent to the debt than Bush II or Reagan, yet they get a free pass and Obama is the reason for it all.

Do you need to mirrors when you shave?

$30,000,000,000,000 and Counting​

Can no one in Washington do math?

OP: The Democrats will literally destroy this nation with debt. Literally. That is not hyperbole. Oh, and if anyone brings up Trump you can shove that crap where the sun does not shine. Obama gave us more debt than all other presidents before him combined and handed that to Trump.

The tard herd whined about Obama's spending for ten years (well into Trump's presidency), and then went dead silent while Trump added $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama, and now you fuckwits are whining about Democrats' spending again.

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

Trump proposes record spending, trillion-dollar deficit

Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years

Obama added a smaller percent to the debt than Bush II or Reagan, yet they get a free pass and Obama is the reason for it all.

Do you need to mirrors when you shave?
Obama cut the deficit by more than half.

Trump and the GOP Congress doubled it in his first two years.
I gave you the data and I gave you the math. And all you can do is call me names. You made a claim that I have proven is false and all you can do is rant and rave like a 3rd grader.

How sad for you, yet so very predictable
No you fucking illiterate asswipe. I said when taxes are lowered, revenues rise. Which in your stupidity, you then proved that you are a liar. You proved nothing to be incorrect. So you have to lie and forget the fact that you have spouted worse things when you get proven wrong. Which is daily. Predictable from a lying lefturd like you.
No you fucking illiterate asswipe. I said when taxes are lowered, revenues rise.
Um...retard? When taxes are raised, revenues also rise. This is something your propagandists have failed to tell you. It's called a lie of omission, something at which they excel. They depend on you being too stupid to look into it for yourself.

As long as tax rates remain inside certain margins, revenues go up regardless.

Hope this helps!
Clinton raised taxes in 1993. Tax revenues between 1993 an d1994 went up 9.2 percent.

Bush cut taxes in 2001. Tax revenues between 2001 and 2002 went DOWN 9.2 percent.

Bush cut taxes again in 2003. Tax revenues between 2003 and 2004 went up 9.4 percent.

Obama increased taxes in 2013. Tax revenues between 2013 and 2014 went up by 9.2 percent.

Trump cut taxes in 2018. Tax revenues between 2018 and 2019 went up 9.6 percent.

Um...retard? When taxes are raised, revenues also rise. This is something your propagandists have failed to tell you. It's called a lie of omission, something which they excel at. They depend on you being too stupid to look into it for yourself.

As long as tax rates remain inside certain margins, revenues go up regardless.

Hope this helps!
Go fuck yourself you racist piece of shit. Being the uneducated asshole you are, you fail to recognize that revenues decrease when taxes are raised. Loss of jobs due to increased taxes means less revenue coming in.
Go fuck yourself you racist piece of shit. Being the uneducated asshole you are, you fail to recognize that revenues decrease when taxes are raised. Loss of jobs due to increased taxes means less revenue coming in.
I provided the links which prove I am correct and that you are an idiot. You didn't even look at them because you are so beholden to your illusions you'd rather spew fantasies than face the truth.

I provided the links which prove I am correct and that you are an idiot. You didn't even look at them because you are so beholden to your illusions you'd rather spew fantasies than face the truth.

Time to educate you again. Though it'd be easier teaching a pig to sing. Raising taxes does nothing long term. Short term gains that get quickly wiped out by long term losses due to jobs being cut. Proving you too stupid to think critically is too easy racist.
Time to educate you again. Though it'd be easier teaching a pig to sing. Raising taxes does nothing long term. Short term gains that get quickly wiped out by long term losses due to jobs being cut. Proving you too stupid to think critically is too easy racist.
You have zero data to back up your manufactured bullshit. So sad.

Clinton raised taxes at the beginning of his presidency. The nation went on to create more jobs than any president from Carter to Trump.

Keep digging, tard! This is fun! :lol:
The last tie to any gold standard we had was as the reserve currency of the world with the caveat that nay nation dealing in dollars could get it in gold from Bretton Woods agreement after WW 2. France wanted its money back in gold in 1971. We did not have it and we went to a basket of currencies and what is believed to have our currency tied a bit with oil. We made agreements with Saudi Arabia and had a non-hostile relationship with them since then even though we had two oil crises. We had a balanced budget up to a bit after that. Biden has been around for all of the deficits. Every program and law we enact that demands resources adds up over the years. The Great Society in 1965 is not the same in 2022. There is an argument for the military industrial complex. We have endless government employees with half decent salaries and pensions and benefits. The state, city and local governments taxes have gone up even more as a percentage. The worst thing is we have normalized gambling to get tax revenues.
Oh how sad. Is that your hate and religion belching that?
No you fucking illiterate asswipe. I said when taxes are lowered, revenues rise

Actually you said this....Reagan’s led to a doubling of revenues coming in,

I proved that false. And now you have nothing but more name calling.

Revenues rise 94% of the time whether taxes are raised or lowered. They just rise at a slower rate after a tax cut

How do you not know this?
Go fuck yourself you racist piece of shit. Being the uneducated asshole you are, you fail to recognize that revenues decrease when taxes are raised. Loss of jobs due to increased taxes means less revenue coming in.

Then provide the data. Show that jobs are lost after taxes are raised, show that revenue falls after taxes are raised. All you have are empty words and 3rd grade name calling

$30,000,000,000,000 and Counting​

Can no one in Washington do math?

OP: The Democrats will literally destroy this nation with debt. Literally. That is not hyperbole. Oh, and if anyone brings up Trump you can shove that crap where the sun does not shine. Obama gave us more debt than all other presidents before him combined and handed that to Trump.

Yeah, it was just the Democrats only who created debt... :auiqs.jpg:

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