$30,000,000,000,000 and Counting

You babbled on about stupid conspiracy theories.
You are most likely right wing.
I don't like either party,
but it's clear repubs are a disaster.
Yes, and Democrats are infinitely worse, especially since 2016.
What could be worse now than an ex president dividing the country because he is a sore loser? Sad.

Also Obama.



Yes, and Democrats are infinitely worse, especially since 2016.


Also Obama.
So that is your problem. Trump failed on every front and you are worried about Obama and Biden? Obama fixed the Bush disaster and Biden is trying to fix the Trump disaster. It's sad we don't have better, but it's clear one side creates the disaster and the other tries to fix it.
So that is your problem.
^ Makes no sense.
Trump failed on every front
and you are worried about Obama and Biden?
Obama fixed the Bush disaster
Made it worse.
and Biden is trying to fix the Trump disaster.
Nope. Biden IS the disaster.
It's sad we don't have better,
but it's clear one side creates the disaster
Both, but Democrats are infinitely worse at the moment.
and the other tries to fix it.
Neither does.
^ Makes no sense.



Made it worse.

Nope. Biden IS the disaster.


Both, but Democrats are infinitely worse at the moment.

Neither does.
So you are just a moron then. Trump economic policy couldn't even hit 3% growth. Deficits increased every single year even with a good economy. Crime increased. He lead us to the most pandemic deaths in the world. I'm sorry you are so stupid.
So you are just a moron then. Trump economic policy couldn't even hit 3% growth. Deficits increased every single year even with a good economy. Crime increased. He lead us to the most pandemic deaths in the world. I'm sorry you are so stupid.
Nice double-spacing.

The rest is garbage.

You're just another dangerously duped Democrat.

Among the Presidents from Jimmy Carter to Donald Trump, President Bill Clinton created the most jobs at 18.6 million, while Ronald Reagan had the largest cumulative percentage increase in jobs at 15.6%.

Trump ended up with a net negative job creation.

lantern boy just makes it too easy to destroy him. It kind of feels unfair. I feel like a giant kicking a dwarf. :lol:
Poor little uneducated shitstain who swallowed every Russia Collusion hoax and now forgets to mention that the Fauci/China flu was the reason for job loss. Too easy making the village idiot g0000 look stupid. Like taking candy from a baby.
Actually you said this....Reagan’s led to a doubling of revenues coming in,

I proved that false. And now you have nothing but more name calling.

Revenues rise 94% of the time whether taxes are raised or lowered. They just rise at a slower rate after a tax cut

How do you not know this?
Actually the real numbers shown you and g0000 are true liars about Reagan and pretty much everything else..

517 billion to 909 billion over Reagan’s term. You and g0000 can go back to fluffing each other now. Or throw a pre-K level tantrum like you did a while ago when another poster mentioned some proclivities you seemed to show...
Then provide the data. Show that jobs are lost after taxes are raised, show that revenue falls after taxes are raised. All you have are empty words and 3rd grade name calling
Your google seems to be broken now eh? All you have is bullshit.
517 billion to 909 billion over Reagan’s term

Over 8 years. that is a 76% increase in 8 years. Using your own link the previous 8 years tax revenues rose by 123%.

Your lack of any sort of math skills does you in again.

Sucks to be you.
Over 8 years. that is a 76% increase in 8 years. Using your own link the previous 8 years tax revenues rose by 123%.

Your lack of any sort of math skills does you in again.

Sucks to be you.
Now trying to nit pick. Because you got yoir face shoved in your utter bullshit as usual asshole. Thro your tantrum now. Or go back to your other proclivities. Sucks to be a whiny jackass like you.
Now trying to nit pick. Because you got yoir face shoved in your utter bullshit as usual asshole. Thro your tantrum now. Or go back to your other proclivities. Sucks to be a whiny jackass like you.

I am nit picking by showing you that you are wrong?

That is a new one.
I am nit picking by showing you that you are wrong?

That is a new one.
Move those goal posts. Your chart didn’t do anything you claimed and the numbers showed you a moron. But you must defend your beloved Dims at all costs. No shame, no dignity. Just sad.
Move those goal posts. Your chart didn’t do anything you claimed and the numbers showed you a moron. But you must defend your beloved Dims at all costs. No shame, no dignity. Just sad.

I am not moving anything. You claimed that Regan's tax cuts doubled the revenue, but then you proved that tax revenue grew slower after the tax cuts. and not just by a little bit but it grew 40% slower after the tax cuts.

My chart was based off the numbers from the link we both used, i just did that math for you since you are not capable
Poor little uneducated shitstain who swallowed every Russia Collusion hoax and now forgets to mention that the Fauci/China flu was the reason for job loss. Too easy making the village idiot g0000 look stupid. Like taking candy from a baby.
It's amusing how you keep deflecting from the fact you have been proven wrong over and over. That you manufacture bullshit and then dodge and weave when caught.

The fact is, your claims that jobs are lost and revenues decrease when taxes are raised has been thoroughly destroyed. When Clinton raised taxes, job creation skyrocketed and tax revenues increased. Those are simple facts you cannot run away from no matter how triggered and foaming at the mouth you get.

Tards like yourself are so accustomed to getting away with manufacturing bullshit that you keep doing so in the face of reality when finally confronted and proven wrong. You simply are not man enough to admit when you are wrong, nor are you intelligent enough to realize your propagandists have been feeding you lies.

You are living in an actual delusion.

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As I said at the beginning of my discussion with lantard2814, as long as tax rates remain inside certain margins, they have little to no impact on job creation or revenues. I have more than proven this with links. Lantard has done nothing but foam at the mouth like a demon-possessed child, unable to prove any of his bullshit.

Much larger factors are involved in job creation and federal revenues than tax rates. Much larger factors.
Repubs hand out tax cuts so nobody cares about debt and spending. Then deficits increase when they pass huge spending. The only way anyone will ever care about spending and debt is if taxes go up!
I am not moving anything. You claimed that Regan's tax cuts doubled the revenue, but then you proved that tax revenue grew slower after the tax cuts. and not just by a little bit but it grew 40% slower after the tax cuts.

My chart was based off the numbers from the link we both used, i just did that math for you since you are not capable
You'll never "prove" anything to people who prefer to be arrogant and ignorant.
The tard herd whined about Obama's spending for ten years (well into Trump's presidency), and then went dead silent while Trump added $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama, and now you fuckwits are whining about Democrats' spending again.

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

Trump proposes record spending, trillion-dollar deficit

Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years

Hard to say if they're being hypocritical or just absolutely clueless.

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