$30,000,000,000,000 and Counting

This year’s Index of Economic Freedom paints a disturbing picture, both at home and abroad," Heritage President Kevin Roberts said of the report. "The decline of American economic freedom is serious cause for alarm and has real and tangible consequences for all Americans, especially low-income families and the working class."

The report determined the U.S. fell 2.7 points from the 2021 Index of Economic Freedom to a record-low score of 72.1, according to the data released Monday. The U.S. also fell to its lowest ranking globally, from the 20th spot in last year’s rating to 25th in 2022.

The index, launched in 1995, evaluates countries on rule of law, government size, regulatory efficiency and open markets, while also examining specific categories such as property rights, judicial effectiveness, government integrity and tax burden.

Americans are currently dealing with 40-year highs in inflation, with the consumer price index rising 7.5% in January of this year compared to the same month in 2021. Biden’s first year in office also saw a supply-chain crisis, U.S. consumer confidence plunging to an 11-year low, industries rocked by vaccine and mask mandates and the U.S. national debt notching a new record when it surpassed $30 trillion.


Joe Biden is the economy killer.
In just 4 short months what a job Democrats have done on the economy.....and on Americans.

Remember this?

White House Boasts Cookouts Are 16 Cents Cheaper This Year

https://www.newsweek.com › ... › Economy
The Biden administration boasted on Thursday that cost of a Fourth of July cookout went down by 16 cents in 2021 compared to 2020, ...

Biden administration mocked after touting July 4 cookouts will ...

https://www.yahoo.com › now › biden-administration-...
"The cost for the cookout is down just 16 cents (less than 1%) from last year, but 8% higher compared to 2019." " ...

White House roasted for claiming 4th of July BBQ will be 16 ...

https://www.mystateline.com › news › white-house-roas...
The White House tweeted that the cost of a BBQ went down by 16 cents in 2021, compared to 2020. “Planning a cookout this year?” the tweet asked.

Joe Biden says BBQ's 16 cents cheaper under him versus ...

https://www.shorenewsnetwork.com › 2021/07/02 › joe...
WASHINGTON, D.C. - There's great news. The cost of food for your Fourth of July BBQ will be 16 whole cents cheaper than it was last year.

Wow! 16 whole cents!!!!!!!!

Compared to this:

According to the bureau’s 36th annual survey, feeding a family of 10 the classic Thanksgiving menu will cost about $53.31, or less than $6 per person.

Last year’s average was about $46.90."

View attachment 568008
Ingredients for a "classic" menu rose to $53 nationally, per AFBF. Add a few more items to your table, like ham and russet potatoes, and the price goes to $68."

And this doesn't even count kimchee!!!!!!!!!!!

Trish Shreds Biden's Economic Policy "Get Ready For More Inflation!"​

Electricity up 6.5%. Fuel oil up 59%. Firewood up 35%. Eggs up 12%. And, steak up 24%. The cost of everything is going up, up and away. Trish Regan warns it's about to get a whole lot worse.


After 4 years of treasonous lunacy because psychopath Hillary lost, they cooked up the terrorist CovidScam, backed a year of rioting, murder and arson resulting from their ruthless/insane CovidScam, then ruthlessly/illegally supressed the socialist vote to put demented rapist Biden in office as well as pack Congress, so yes, I must agree that Democrats are INCREDIBLY dangerous, Nazi-like fascists, and MUCH more criminal than the Republicans.

See above.
I am talking facts, not right wing fantasy consiracy theory garbage.
You're wrong on all levels. Say, ever notice leftists often adopt user names and avatars to represent antonyms?
You didn't answer my question. When was the last time a republican decreased deficits? They decreased almost every year under Obama.
Crack1958 has embarked on a new day of lying and stupidity

I see repubs quickly trying to change the subject. They have no real defense of their sad fiscal policy. They have increased deficits every single time...
In just 4 short months what a job Democrats have done on the economy.....and on Americans.

Remember this?

White House Boasts Cookouts Are 16 Cents Cheaper This Year

https://www.newsweek.com › ... › Economy
The Biden administration boasted on Thursday that cost of a Fourth of July cookout went down by 16 cents in 2021 compared to 2020, ...

Biden administration mocked after touting July 4 cookouts will ...

https://www.yahoo.com › now › biden-administration-...
"The cost for the cookout is down just 16 cents (less than 1%) from last year, but 8% higher compared to 2019." " ...

White House roasted for claiming 4th of July BBQ will be 16 ...

https://www.mystateline.com › news › white-house-roas...
The White House tweeted that the cost of a BBQ went down by 16 cents in 2021, compared to 2020. “Planning a cookout this year?” the tweet asked.

Joe Biden says BBQ's 16 cents cheaper under him versus ...

https://www.shorenewsnetwork.com › 2021/07/02 › joe...
WASHINGTON, D.C. - There's great news. The cost of food for your Fourth of July BBQ will be 16 whole cents cheaper than it was last year.

Wow! 16 whole cents!!!!!!!!

Compared to this:

According to the bureau’s 36th annual survey, feeding a family of 10 the classic Thanksgiving menu will cost about $53.31, or less than $6 per person.

Last year’s average was about $46.90."

View attachment 568008
Ingredients for a "classic" menu rose to $53 nationally, per AFBF. Add a few more items to your table, like ham and russet potatoes, and the price goes to $68."

And this doesn't even count kimchee!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't do cookouts on the 4th so look how much I saved...

And the first post is still un-refuted:​

$30,000,000,000,000 and Counting​

Can no one in Washington do math?

OP: The Democrats will literally destroy this nation with debt. Literally. That is not hyperbole. Oh, and if anyone brings up Trump you can shove that crap where the sun does not shine. Obama gave us more debt than all other presidents before him combined and handed that to Trump.


And the first post is still un-refuted:​

$30,000,000,000,000 and Counting​

Can no one in Washington do math?

OP: The Democrats will literally destroy this nation with debt. Literally. That is not hyperbole. Oh, and if anyone brings up Trump you can shove that crap where the sun does not shine. Obama gave us more debt than all other presidents before him combined and handed that to Trump.

It's been proven the debt is caused by the repubs. They keep handing out tax cut so nobody cares about debt or spending. Then deficits go up and up. Deficits declined almost every year of Obama. When was the last year deficits declined with a republican?
I see repubs quickly trying to change the subject. They have no real defense of their sad fiscal policy. They have increased deficits every single time...
Well, look at the OP. He really blames the debt on the Dems. That's it. Just them.

I don't know if that's delusion or cultism or ignorance, but it's definitely amazing that he can manage to miss so much.
Well, look at the OP. He really blames the debt on the Dems. That's it. Just them.

I don't know if that's delusion or cultism or ignorance, but it's definitely amazing that he can manage to miss so much.
I have to say with as much as he posts I almost think he must be some russian troll paid to try to ruin the USA.
Of all the Trumpsters here, he's one of the handful who aren't just down there with them, he's one of the TOUR GUIDES.
Is he somebody who got kicked off under another name? He is very new. I think some other lunatics are missing.
Are you?

I'm not right wing, and the fact that you can't see that, nor recognize the facts pertaining to the Nazi-like Democrats, tells me you're a duped Democrat cultist.
You babbled on about stupid conspiracy theories. You are most likely right wing. I don't like either party, but it's clear repubs are a disaster. What could be worse now than an ex president dividing the country because he is a sore loser? Sad.

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