$30,000,000,000,000 and Counting

Neat. Conservatives are pretending to care about the national debt again.
Quite an interesting topic for me since I don't like debt. One thing that is being overlooked in the "which party increases debt the most" battle is that dollars are constantly declining in value. I started in 1984, the end of Reagan's first term, and calculated the national debt increase for each presidential term in 1980 dollars. Here is the result, in billions of dollars:

1981-84 Reagan 1: $ 563
1985-88 Reagan 2: $ 757
1989-92 Bush: $ 920
1993-96 Clinton 1: $ 670
1997-00 Clinton 2: $ 230
2001-04 Bush 1: $ 793
2005-08 Bush 2: $1,116
2009-12 Obama 1: $2,360
2013-16 Obama 2: $1,669
2017-20 Trump: $2,868

So go ahead, fight away. Just use a metric that makes sense.

By the way, things are getting worse.
How the fuck did your stupid ignorant ass end up in my thread. All your posts are lies and stupidities.

Thread topic:

$30,000,000,000,000 and Counting​

Can no one in Washington do math?

OP: The Democrats will literally destroy this nation with debt. Literally. That is not hyperbole. Oh, and if anyone brings up Trump you can shove that crap where the sun does not shine. Obama gave us more debt than all other presidents before him combined and handed that to Trump.

And every time Repubs are in power their policy increases deficits. Bigger deficits add to the debt faster. When was the last repub to lower deficits? Deficits decreased almost every year under Obama.
Well, in the context of the thread, yes.

In the big picture, they're less deranged/dangerous.
I disagree, they took over the capital and are trying to damage our voting rights. I don't know what is more dangerous than that.

$30,000,000,000,000 and Counting​

Can no one in Washington do math?

OP: The Democrats will literally destroy this nation with debt. Literally. That is not hyperbole. Oh, and if anyone brings up Trump you can shove that crap where the sun does not shine. Obama gave us more debt than all other presidents before him combined and handed that to Trump.

The Democrats?????? Are you fucking serious?????

The Republicans have now crashed the American economy four times in the past 100 years, and you come here and call the Democrats fiscally irresponsible.

Go fuck yourself you stupid monkey!!!
When we are deeply in debt the republicans give the wealthy huge tax cuts while increasing spending. Then they put the bill on the credit card as deficits increase. And deficits have increased every time the repubs have power and cut taxes. The most irresponsible policy possible. The repubs own this debt. When was the last time a repub president decreased deficits? I can't remember myself. Clinton and Obama sure decreased them though. All repubs have are excuses.
I disagree,
they took over the capital and are trying to damage our voting rights.
After 4 years of treasonous lunacy because psychopath Hillary lost, they cooked up the terrorist CovidScam, backed a year of rioting, murder and arson resulting from their ruthless/insane CovidScam, then ruthlessly/illegally supressed the socialist vote to put demented rapist Biden in office as well as pack Congress, so yes, I must agree that Democrats are INCREDIBLY dangerous, Nazi-like fascists, and MUCH more criminal than the Republicans.
I don't know what is more dangerous than that.
See above.

$30,000,000,000,000 and Counting​

Can no one in Washington do math?

OP: The Democrats will literally destroy this nation with debt. Literally. That is not hyperbole. Oh, and if anyone brings up Trump you can shove that crap where the sun does not shine. Obama gave us more debt than all other presidents before him combined and handed that to Trump.

Republicans are no different than Democrats when it comes to spending. I agreed with some of his policies but Trump spent like a Democrat.

$30,000,000,000,000 and Counting​

Can no one in Washington do math?

OP: The Democrats will literally destroy this nation with debt. Literally. That is not hyperbole. Oh, and if anyone brings up Trump you can shove that crap where the sun does not shine. Obama gave us more debt than all other presidents before him combined and handed that to Trump.

I'll bring it up. trump said he would eliminate the debt and in fact he enlarged it by 5 trillion.
Why should it not be mentioned?
Shove that up your arse dickhead.
Quite an interesting topic for me since I don't like debt. One thing that is being overlooked in the "which party increases debt the most" battle is that dollars are constantly declining in value. I started in 1984, the end of Reagan's first term, and calculated the national debt increase for each presidential term in 1980 dollars. Here is the result, in billions of dollars:

1981-84 Reagan 1: $ 563
1985-88 Reagan 2: $ 757
1989-92 Bush: $ 920
1993-96 Clinton 1: $ 670
1997-00 Clinton 2: $ 230
2001-04 Bush 1: $ 793
2005-08 Bush 2: $1,116
2009-12 Obama 1: $2,360
2013-16 Obama 2: $1,669
2017-20 Trump: $2,868

So go ahead, fight away. Just use a metric that makes sense.

By the way, things are getting worse.

Reagan did not want debt. He proposed spending cuts which the democrat Congress rejected, along side his military spending increases, which the democrat Congress passed.

The Republicans took Congress in 1994 for the first time in almost 70 years and Speaker Newt Gingrich almost balanced the budget.

Your numbers to do tell the truthful story
The first two years republicans were in full control and deficits increased. Cutting taxes always increases deficits. Republican policy is a failure.

How many years did the deficit increase under a Democrat controlled House of Representatives???

It was only $9,000,000,000,000 until Obumma took office.
Neither party can take the high road when it comes to their spending patterns.
Each party when they gain control seems to think they have a mandate from the people
to spend the tax dollars/borrowed dollars on their wish list.
I'll bring it up. trump said he would eliminate the debt and in fact he enlarged it by 5 trillion.
Why should it not be mentioned?
Shove that up your arse dickhead.
The last tie to any gold standard we had was as the reserve currency of the world with the caveat that nay nation dealing in dollars could get it in gold from Bretton Woods agreement after WW 2. France wanted its money back in gold in 1971. We did not have it and we went to a basket of currencies and what is believed to have our currency tied a bit with oil. We made agreements with Saudi Arabia and had a non-hostile relationship with them since then even though we had two oil crises. We had a balanced budget up to a bit after that. Biden has been around for all of the deficits. Every program and law we enact that demands resources adds up over the years. The Great Society in 1965 is not the same in 2022. There is an argument for the military industrial complex. We have endless government employees with half decent salaries and pensions and benefits. The state, city and local governments taxes have gone up even more as a percentage. The worst thing is we have normalized gambling to get tax revenues.
Would you be willing to wager on those numbers?

Let's start with the Reagan tax cuts.

Here is the change in revenue year to year for the years before and after the Reagan tax cuts.

If you do the math, the 6 year average yearly growth of tax revenue before the Reagan tax cuts was 13.05% and the 6 year average yearly growth of tax revenue after the Reagan tax cuts was 6.76%

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Numbers taken from here....https://www.thebalance.com/current-u-s-federal-government-tax-revenue-3305762

If you have a different source you would like i would be happy to do the math for you since you clearly are not capable.
More bullshit. Record revenues came in after all those tax cuts. Proven and undeniable. Not interested in your cherry picked charts since you’ll cry and whine no matter how stupid you make yourself look on a daily basis. You clearly have zero knowledge of economics. No surprise to anybody who’s ever seen your idiocy.
Neither party can take the high road when it comes to their spending patterns.
Each party when they gain control seems to think they have a mandate from the people
to spend the tax dollars/borrowed dollars on their wish list.

True, but no one opened Pandora's Box quite the way Obumma did starting back in 2009 with his QE1 and 2. The really sad thing is that we need to spend on many programs like our infrastructure which has been left to crumble for generations, but we have wasted so much money on other things and driven our debt so high, I don't see how we can afford any of it now.

I hate to say it, but now would be a good time for another big war to come along to help boost things for us.

Government actually needs massive spending cuts but unfortunately, not only is that total political suicide, but economic and societal suicide now as a large portion of our economy and society now depend on it all.

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