30,000 dead in just 13 days.

The United States reached the 1,000 dead mark from covid-19 on March 26, 2020.

The United States reached the 10,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 6, 2020.

The United States reached the 40,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 19, 2020.

That's an average of 2,307 people dying from covid-19 every day or the past 13 days. Seasonal flue only kills 200 people a day.

Yet we have idiot Trump supporters wanting to open up non-essential business's in various states which will allow the pathogen access to more hosts and lead to more deaths.

The smart Americans are considering closing grocery stores to customers and going strictly to curbside take away and delivery. Idiot customers are not following social distancing in grocery stores and its helping spread the virus and kill grocery store workers.

In the mean time only 6 people have died in TAIWAN since the outbreak began while the United States is at 40,265 deaths.

The United States could have been like Taiwan, but because of the idiot Trump who is currently President, the United States waited until late March to institute the restrictions that Taiwan put in place on January 20, 2020. TRUMP WAITED AND WAITED and now the United States has tens of thousands of dead, rising each day by more than 2,000, with schools shut down and large parts of the economy shut down.

But in TAIWAN, the schools are still open because they have contained the virus. Only 6 people of died in Taiwan, a country of 24 million people more densely populated than any U.S. state and larger than any U.S. state in population with the exception of California and Texas.
Damn! Why didn’t you warn him??!!
U2 Edge!!!!
Where is your predicted 4.4% of 20,000,000 or 880,000 dead Americans based on the global death rate???

You remind me of Joe Biden, haven't been right in 30-years.

Thank you President Trump for beating U2Edge's certified prediction of 880,000 dead Americans!!!!

The death rate in the United States is 5.3% now. 40,265 Americans are dead. Only 6 are dead in TAIWAN. Why is TAIWAN beating the United States if were the greatest country in the world thanks to the past 3 years under TRUMP?

The only prediction I made was that 2.4 million Americans would die by August if no restrictions were put in place at all.
I'm not looking back to find your posts, but your predictions were based on global averages, not with/without mitigation.
Even the CDC's numbers were way off, 2.2m, then 240,000, then 60,000, which might be a little low.
Before it was Japan, and now its Taiwan?! How about the EU with countries that add up to the same population as the US, [GER, FRA, ITA, SPA, UK, SWI ]?
They have more than twice the number of deaths than the US has, thank you President Trump!

Making up something I or someone else said is classic Trumpism.

The model that predicted 2.4 million dead before August 1, 2020 is if NOTHING was done in the United States, no restrictions.

21 of the 27 European Union nations have LESS per capita infections and deaths than the United States.

There are 197 countries on the earth. Here are the top 50 most infected countries with covid 19 based on per capita figures:


01. San Marino
02. Vatican City
03. Andorra
04. Luxembourg
05. Iceland
06. Spain
07. Belgium
08. Switzerland
09. Ireland
10. Italy
11. Monaco
12. France
13. United States
14. Liechtenstein
15. Portugal
16. Netherlands
17. Qatar
18. United Kingdom
19. Germany
20. Austria
21. Israel
22. Sweden
23. Norway
24. Denmark
25. Estonia
26. Singapore
27. Bahrain
28. Turkey
29. Panama
30. Iran
31. Malta
32. Canada
33. Djibouti
34. Serbia
35. United Arab Emirates
36. Finland
37. Slovenia
38. Cyprus
39. Czech Republic
40. Moldova
41. North Macedonia
42. Ecuador
43. Chile
44. Belarus
45. Montenegro
46. Lithuania
47. Peru
48. Croatia
49. Romania
50. Kuwait

So you think Trump is doing a good job. The United States is doing worse than 184 other countries in defending U.S. citizens against this pathogen. Were doing better than just 12 countries. But you think that is something Trump should celebrate?

Lets just say that Trump-Pence is doing better than Biden-_______ could do.
You changed from deaths to cases.
Look at a similar chart for deaths and you'll see that Trump is doing better than most.

Wrong again.

Here are the countries in the top 50 for highest number of deaths from covid-19 per capita:

50 worst countries when it comes to per capita deaths from COVID-19

01. San Marino
02. Belgium
03. Andorra
04. Spain
05. Italy
06. France
07. United Kingdom
08. Netherlands
09. Switzerland
10. Sweden
11. Ireland
12. United States
13. Luxembourg
14. Monaco
15. Portugal
16. Iran
17. Denmark
18. Germany
19. Austria
20. Canada
21. Slovenia
22. Antigua And Barbuda
23. Norway
24. Estonia
25. Panama
26. Ecuador
27. Iceland
28. Liechtenstein
29. Turkey
30. North Macedonia
31. Romania
32. Bahamas
33. Dominican Republic
34. Hungary
35. Israel
36. Czech Republic
37. Finland
38. Moldova
39. Barbados
40. Bosnia
41. Serbia
42. Lithuania
43. Brazil
44. Peru
45. Greece
46. Croatia
47. Poland
48. Cyprus
49. Algeria
50. Albania
So Mr. Know I. All OP, what's your solution for the people that are losing everything because their jobs are closed down ?

The goal right now is survival and saving lives. Your priority is food, water, shelter, and clothing. If you are unable to purchase food and drink, go to your nearest food pantry or homeless shelter. This is a national emergency. When the national emergency is over, the country can start rebuilding the economy.
I heard Trump has no authority to close, or open anything. That’s on the governors.

Trump did have the authority to institute TRAVEL BANS, TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS, CLOSING BORDERS, and ISOLATION OF ANYONE STILL ALLOWED TO ENTER THE COUNTRY under special circumstances. But Trump only instituted on travel ban on China which was useless given that pathogen is spreading worldwide and penetration into the United States can come from ANY COUNTRY!

Not true. Get your shit together before it gets your ass beaten like every other day on this forum, dumbass!

Really? What other countries did Trump issue a travel ban for in February besides China?

TAIWAN did the responsible thing and banned or restricted all travel from every country in the world starting January 20, 2020.

That's why TAIWAN only had 6 deaths while the United States has over 40,000 dead. Trump could have taken the action that Taiwan did in January, and it would have saved 40,000+ American lives!
I heard Trump has no authority to close, or open anything. That’s on the governors.

Trump did have the authority to institute TRAVEL BANS, TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS, CLOSING BORDERS, and ISOLATION OF ANYONE STILL ALLOWED TO ENTER THE COUNTRY under special circumstances. But Trump only instituted on travel ban on China which was useless given that pathogen is spreading worldwide and penetration into the United States can come from ANY COUNTRY!
And you fuckwits said he was overreacting.

I recall some people saying it was racist to just ban travel from China and in a sense it was, because the pathogen can make it into the United States from any country.

If Trump had made the United States great, he should have been ahead of TAIWAN in fighting this pathogen!

Again, the failure of TRUMP can be best described by this statistic: only 6 dead in TAIWAN, but 40,265 dead in the United States.
The thing is that even after he put the restriction in place 40K people still came over from China, some from Wuhan, and landed all over the country.

In TAIWAN, it did not matter where you were from, if you were a citizen etc. You were not let in. If you were able to get a way in, eventually, you were held in quarantine for up to 25 days. TAIWAN treated anyone coming into the country as potentially carrying the pathogen and at risk for killing other people in TAIWAN. TAIWAN's EARLY and strict measures saved lives. Only 420 infections and 6 deaths.

Had Trump done anything close to what you libtards say he should have done, we would have had another health crisis of people with exploding heads.

TAIWAN is not having another health crises. In fact, because they were able to prevent penetration of the virus into the country and prevent community spread, many business's and all schools are still open in TAIWAN.
So Mr. Know I. All OP, what's your solution for the people that are losing everything because their jobs are closed down ?

The goal right now is survival and saving lives. Your priority is food, water, shelter, and clothing. If you are unable to purchase food and drink, go to your nearest food pantry or homeless shelter. This is a national emergency. When the national emergency is over, the country can start rebuilding the economy.

Sweetheart, this is not a "national" emergency. Unless you missed the memo, alot of the nation is set to begin opening on THIS day, today, Monday, April 20th. And thank God for it.

Certain parts of the nation are still suffering under this and will open later.

I don't need your panic and hyperbole to follow. "people will die", "you want grandma to die". Take your meds, suck your thumb, whatever you need to do. America realizes the virus poses a danger but so does a decimated economy.

I don't even think you're American, btw
The United States reached the 1,000 dead mark from covid-19 on March 26, 2020.

The United States reached the 10,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 6, 2020.

The United States reached the 40,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 19, 2020.

That's an average of 2,307 people dying from covid-19 every day or the past 13 days. Seasonal flue only kills 200 people a day.

Yet we have idiot Trump supporters wanting to open up non-essential business's in various states which will allow the pathogen access to more hosts and lead to more deaths.

The smart Americans are considering closing grocery stores to customers and going strictly to curbside take away and delivery. Idiot customers are not following social distancing in grocery stores and its helping spread the virus and kill grocery store workers.

In the mean time only 6 people have died in TAIWAN since the outbreak began while the United States is at 40,265 deaths.

The United States could have been like Taiwan, but because of the idiot Trump who is currently President, the United States waited until late March to institute the restrictions that Taiwan put in place on January 20, 2020. TRUMP WAITED AND WAITED and now the United States has tens of thousands of dead, rising each day by more than 2,000, with schools shut down and large parts of the economy shut down.

But in TAIWAN, the schools are still open because they have contained the virus. Only 6 people of died in Taiwan, a country of 24 million people more densely populated than any U.S. state and larger than any U.S. state in population with the exception of California and Texas.

Taiwan is one small Island versus the U.S. that is fifty States not including territories like Guam and Puerto Rico...

It is easier to control points of entry on a small Island like Taiwan than it is for the U.S. ...

Controlling like Taiwan would mean the U.S. Government would have to override the Constitution and implement martial law which is not happening.

So let me make it clear Taiwan is a small Island with a different style of Government, so yes they will control it better than the U.S. and only a fool would compare the two!

TAIWAN is a democracy, same style of government as the United States. The primary thing Taiwan did is they acted EARLY to stop or restrict entry into the country. Most people travel to the United States by plane. Most people travel to Taiwan by plane. The U.S. has a land border with Canada and one with Mexico. Simply shut it down. Again, most people travel to the United States by plane. The coronavirus arrived in the United States by plane with infected passengers. So the fact that Taiwan is an Island is really irrelevant. North And South America are also an Island in terms of its isolation from where the pandemic started in Asia. Taiwan has more exposure to China where the pandemic started.

Most business's in Taiwan are still open. All the schools are still open in Taiwan. Taiwan did not have to lockdown like the United States did, because they stopped most of the infections before they got into the country and then were able to effectively test, trace, and isolate any that they missed.
The United States reached the 1,000 dead mark from covid-19 on March 26, 2020.

The United States reached the 10,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 6, 2020.

The United States reached the 40,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 19, 2020.

That's an average of 2,307 people dying from covid-19 every day or the past 13 days. Seasonal flue only kills 200 people a day.

Yet we have idiot Trump supporters wanting to open up non-essential business's in various states which will allow the pathogen access to more hosts and lead to more deaths.

The smart Americans are considering closing grocery stores to customers and going strictly to curbside take away and delivery. Idiot customers are not following social distancing in grocery stores and its helping spread the virus and kill grocery store workers.

In the mean time only 6 people have died in TAIWAN since the outbreak began while the United States is at 40,265 deaths.

The United States could have been like Taiwan, but because of the idiot Trump who is currently President, the United States waited until late March to institute the restrictions that Taiwan put in place on January 20, 2020. TRUMP WAITED AND WAITED and now the United States has tens of thousands of dead, rising each day by more than 2,000, with schools shut down and large parts of the economy shut down.

But in TAIWAN, the schools are still open because they have contained the virus. Only 6 people of died in Taiwan, a country of 24 million people more densely populated than any U.S. state and larger than any U.S. state in population with the exception of California and Texas.

Hospitals get more $$$$$$ if the person died of COVID19..... to go no further and as an example.....New York reclassified 3000 deaths to COVID19 last week.... Am I being suspicious here????:eusa_think: ;)

View attachment 325570

People are dying in New York City in their homes, but because they are already dead, they don't get tested for Covid-19 and are not included in deaths for covid-19. This is leading to serious undercounting in total deaths from covid-19.
So Mr. Know I. All OP, what's your solution for the people that are losing everything because their jobs are closed down ?

The goal right now is survival and saving lives. Your priority is food, water, shelter, and clothing. If you are unable to purchase food and drink, go to your nearest food pantry or homeless shelter. This is a national emergency. When the national emergency is over, the country can start rebuilding the economy.

Sweetheart, this is not a "national" emergency. Unless you missed the memo, alot of the nation is set to begin opening on THIS day, today, Monday, April 20th. And thank God for it.

Certain parts of the nation are still suffering under this and will open later.

I don't need your panic and hyperbole to follow. "people will die", "you want grandma to die". Take your meds, suck your thumb, whatever you need to do. America realizes the virus poses a danger but so does a decimated economy.

I don't even think you're American, btw

TRUMP, the idiot President of the United States, declared a national emergency on March 13, 2020.

Only people who are traitors to their country will be opening up April 20, 2020. All that will do is give the pathogen more humans to infect and kill. It won't help the economy because few people are dumb enough to go out and pretend its business as usual. SCIENCE determines when it Is safe to open up, not your dumb gut. Follow the SCIENCE on defeating a pandemic. When the pandemic is defeated, then you open up, but not before.
So Mr. Know I. All OP, what's your solution for the people that are losing everything because their jobs are closed down ?

The goal right now is survival and saving lives. Your priority is food, water, shelter, and clothing. If you are unable to purchase food and drink, go to your nearest food pantry or homeless shelter. This is a national emergency. When the national emergency is over, the country can start rebuilding the economy.

Sweetheart, this is not a "national" emergency. Unless you missed the memo, alot of the nation is set to begin opening on THIS day, today, Monday, April 20th. And thank God for it.

Certain parts of the nation are still suffering under this and will open later.

I don't need your panic and hyperbole to follow. "people will die", "you want grandma to die". Take your meds, suck your thumb, whatever you need to do. America realizes the virus poses a danger but so does a decimated economy.

I don't even think you're American, btw

TRUMP, the idiot President of the United States, declared a national emergency on March 13, 2020.

Only people who are traitors to their country will be opening up April 20, 2020. All that will do is give the pathogen more humans to infect and kill. It won't help the economy because few people are dumb enough to go out and pretend its business as usual. SCIENCE determines when it Is safe to open up, not your dumb gut. Follow the SCIENCE on defeating a pandemic. When the pandemic is defeated, then you open up, but not before.

K so where you living Jack?
The United States reached the 1,000 dead mark from covid-19 on March 26, 2020.

The United States reached the 10,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 6, 2020.

The United States reached the 40,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 19, 2020.

That's an average of 2,307 people dying from covid-19 every day or the past 13 days. Seasonal flue only kills 200 people a day.

Yet we have idiot Trump supporters wanting to open up non-essential business's in various states which will allow the pathogen access to more hosts and lead to more deaths.

The smart Americans are considering closing grocery stores to customers and going strictly to curbside take away and delivery. Idiot customers are not following social distancing in grocery stores and its helping spread the virus and kill grocery store workers.

In the mean time only 6 people have died in TAIWAN since the outbreak began while the United States is at 40,265 deaths.

The United States could have been like Taiwan, but because of the idiot Trump who is currently President, the United States waited until late March to institute the restrictions that Taiwan put in place on January 20, 2020. TRUMP WAITED AND WAITED and now the United States has tens of thousands of dead, rising each day by more than 2,000, with schools shut down and large parts of the economy shut down.

But in TAIWAN, the schools are still open because they have contained the virus. Only 6 people of died in Taiwan, a country of 24 million people more densely populated than any U.S. state and larger than any U.S. state in population with the exception of California and Texas.
Good God in Heaven, have mercy. That's the most elaborate crucifixion and character assassination yet by any Democrat against President Trump I've seen. Don't expect a lot of people to lay back for that, U2Edge. While Democrats were 24/7/on-steroids attempting to destroy President Trump for 3 solid years, no breaks, he beat every stinking one of you motor-mouthed liars developing an anti-COVID-19 strategy you decided to incorporate into your hostility-laden humdrum 2 months later, out of the blue, to pull out the emotional fear in human beings unfortunate enough to have to listen to MSM/Democrat propagandized lies over and over and over again..
Last edited:
Fact..........................................................................................................................Dim response
COVID19 started in China..................................................................."ITS TRUMPS FAULT!"
Trump restricts travel from China............................................................."Thats RAYSISST!"
Trump restricts travel to Europe......................................................"That is stupid and doesnt work!"
The USA has half the death rate of Europe............................................."Trump got lucky!"
Trump sets up task force on COVID19......................................"It aint working, we dont have ventilators!"
Trump gets tens of thousands of ventilators......................"We still dont have enough, we need 40,000!
The ICU rate flattens ahead of the models......................................"Trump is still an idiot!"
Trump points out Media is repeating Chicom agitprop...."Trump is attacking the First Amendment!"
Trump is going to loosen restrictions........................................"Trump is an idiot he can milk this for more government power!"
Trump says revolt if Governors wont loosen restrictions....."Trump is a Nazi!"
Trump starts team to jump start economy........................................."ORANGE MAN BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD! ! ! ! !"

nyc is the blue you are talking about....i assume and seems those figures may quickly change as trump supporters go out in the streets to be what...snowflakes....who cant take self isolation or think suddenly they can open their businesses and people will come....i am all for personal choice it is just hard watching others doing stupid stuff....i.e jim jones...ie..waco cause of people giving them bad info and tht is what is bout ready to happen

odd how you cared about 4 dead and now dont give a damn about what 40 k dead
Shamelessly stolen from a cousin of mine who posts a lot on FB...
Just please consider this...when you think the current US President is a jerk, an ass, an idiot, a sexist, not a politician, doesn’t communicate like a President should, YOU ARE RIGHT!
The bottom line has been that Trump IS a jerk. He’s crude, he bloviates, he gets his feelings hurt and he’s a hot head.
Let me tell you what else he is. He is a business owner that demands performance. He is a company CEO that asks lots of questions. The questions he asks aren’t cloaked in fancy phrases, they are “why the hell....” questions anyone inexperienced in the nuances of being a lifetime politician (lifetime, really, think about that, lifetime career as a politician, something is wrong about that, but I digress)
For decades the health industry has thrown away billions of face masks after one use. Trump asks, “Why the hell are we throwing them away? Why not sterilize them and use them numerous times?”
He’s the guy that gets hospital ships readied in one week, when it would have taken a bureaucrat (politician) weeks or months to get it done. He’s the guy that gets temporary hospitals built in three days.
He’s the guy that gets industries to build ventilators and face masks in a business that’s highly regulated by agencies that move like sloths.
He’s the guy that asks why we aren’t using drugs that might work on people that are dying; what the hell do we have to lose? In spite of all the naysayers.
He’s the guy that shut down travel from China, when the liberals and the media were screaming xenophobia and racist. Now they are asking why didn't he react sooner? He’s the guy that ran on securing the border in the face of a screaming press and media. When he shut down borders in the midst of the coronavirus virus they were up in arms over such a draconian move. Then the rest of the world followed suit all over, including the European Union between member countries.
Has he made mistakes, hell yes. Every president has. Everyone I know would have. All of these experts wouldn’t have done any better. Trump is working harder than I’ve ever seen a President work. He isn’t hiding in his office, he’s out front every day.
Take for instance, all the shortages of PPE’s and ventilators. I’m unaware of anything that prevented all of these governors from ordering all the PPE and ventilators for emergency purposes over the last two years. And yet, it is Trump’s fault that they didn’t.
He’s balanced his approach and listened to the experts, when his distractors said he wouldn’t and couldn’t.
When he offers hope, he’s lying and when he’s straight forward, he should be hopeful. It’s a no win, but he is not deterred by all of that BS coming from the press and the liberals.
I’ll take this kind of leadership over a nice guy that can make eloquent speeches.
He is my President

How the hell old is this chart? January? These numbers bear no relation to reality.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop

It's deaths per capita. It's from like yesterday.
You will need to post a link proving that, otherwise pogo will call you a liar.
Nope, because what you do with that body, can aid the pathogen, in spreading and killing other people. SO NO, ITS NOT YOUR RIGHT BECAUSE IT CAN KILL OR INFECT OTHER PEOPLE, the actions you take or do not take with your own body! YOUR FREEDOM ENDS WHERE MINE BEGINS!
If someone comes into your house, shoot 'em.
Shamelessly stolen from a cousin of mine who posts a lot on FB...
Just please consider this...when you think the current US President is a jerk, an ass, an idiot, a sexist, not a politician, doesn’t communicate like a President should, YOU ARE RIGHT!
The bottom line has been that Trump IS a jerk. He’s crude, he bloviates, he gets his feelings hurt and he’s a hot head.
Let me tell you what else he is. He is a business owner that demands performance. He is a company CEO that asks lots of questions. The questions he asks aren’t cloaked in fancy phrases, they are “why the hell....” questions anyone inexperienced in the nuances of being a lifetime politician (lifetime, really, think about that, lifetime career as a politician, something is wrong about that, but I digress)
For decades the health industry has thrown away billions of face masks after one use. Trump asks, “Why the hell are we throwing them away? Why not sterilize them and use them numerous times?”
He’s the guy that gets hospital ships readied in one week, when it would have taken a bureaucrat (politician) weeks or months to get it done. He’s the guy that gets temporary hospitals built in three days.
He’s the guy that gets industries to build ventilators and face masks in a business that’s highly regulated by agencies that move like sloths.
He’s the guy that asks why we aren’t using drugs that might work on people that are dying; what the hell do we have to lose? In spite of all the naysayers.
He’s the guy that shut down travel from China, when the liberals and the media were screaming xenophobia and racist. Now they are asking why didn't he react sooner? He’s the guy that ran on securing the border in the face of a screaming press and media. When he shut down borders in the midst of the coronavirus virus they were up in arms over such a draconian move. Then the rest of the world followed suit all over, including the European Union between member countries.
Has he made mistakes, hell yes. Every president has. Everyone I know would have. All of these experts wouldn’t have done any better. Trump is working harder than I’ve ever seen a President work. He isn’t hiding in his office, he’s out front every day.
Take for instance, all the shortages of PPE’s and ventilators. I’m unaware of anything that prevented all of these governors from ordering all the PPE and ventilators for emergency purposes over the last two years. And yet, it is Trump’s fault that they didn’t.
He’s balanced his approach and listened to the experts, when his distractors said he wouldn’t and couldn’t.
When he offers hope, he’s lying and when he’s straight forward, he should be hopeful. It’s a no win, but he is not deterred by all of that BS coming from the press and the liberals.
I’ll take this kind of leadership over a nice guy that can make eloquent speeches.
He is my President
There can be no doubt Donnie is an asshole but like all presidents, he has done some good things. The problem is millions of Americans HATE him, much like millions of Americans hate Ears. You can’t reason with hate.
nyc is the blue you are talking about....i assume and seems those figures may quickly change as trump supporters go out in the streets to be what...snowflakes....who cant take self isolation or think suddenly they can open their businesses and people will come....i am all for personal choice it is just hard watching others doing stupid stuff....i.e jim jones...ie..waco cause of people giving them bad info and tht is what is bout ready to happen
odd how you cared about 4 dead and now dont give a damn about what 40 k dead
If that is directed at me, I do care about 40k dead.

But I am also for the 1st amendment that protects free speech and free assembly.

This emergency cannot be used as the dragon to ride this country into a permanent state controled regime of fear.

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