30% of Covid deaths not caused by Covid...DUH!!! We told you so and so did Trump!

Another anti-vax er crawls out of the swamp
Before Covid, there was NEVER a successful vaccine for airborne respiratory viruses.
Today, there STILL is no REAL VACCINE against airborne respiratory viruses!!!!!
The Covid "vaccines" ARE NOT REAL VACCINES!!!!!!!
You fucking demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are PATHETIC!!!!!!
Before Covid, there was NEVER a successful vaccine for airborne respiratory viruses.
Today, there STILL is no REAL VACCINE against airborne respiratory viruses!!!!!
The Covid "vaccines" ARE NOT REAL VACCINES!!!!!!!
You fucking demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are PATHETIC!!!!!!
The Krazy is still among us.
Any actual quotes from the New York Times? Nope.
During Covid’s worst phases, the total number of Americans dying each day was more than 30 percent higher than normal, a shocking increase.
For long stretches of the past three years, the excess was above 10 percent.
That is also true for most high-risk people, Jha pointed out, including older adults — like his parents, who are in their 80s — and people whose immune systems are compromised. “Even for most — not all but most — immunocompromised people, vaccines are actually still quite effective at preventing against serious illness,” he said. “There has been a lot of bad information out there that somehow if you’re immunocompromised that vaccines don’t work.”
Another anti-vax er crawls out of the swamp
And another big pharma, help line the pockets of wealthy shareholders person pawn that doesn't think but let's the biased MSM ONLY interested in
selling advertising by having viewers who believe negative news and that is a FACT!
This study shows the reason why!
"Physiologically, people are more triggered by negative news than positive news. Scientists see it in skin conductance levels and heart rate variability.
Negative news attracts more viewers.
More viewers means more advertising revenue.
People with chronic conditions that were well managed were killed by covid. My friends among them. This is dishonest. What do you win?
The point is why did the unions/government/MSM all coordinate to close schools when as of today ONLY 1,847 under 18 have died out of 74 million kids?
What other than selling advertising from negative news was the gain for MSM. Unions got members off work for over a year. The government, almost $350 billion in emergency funding ! By closing education we now have Children lost about 35% of a normal school year's worth of learning during the pandemic, study suggests.
And that's going to be the MOST costly loss!
The point is why did the unions/government/MSM all coordinate to close schools when as of today ONLY 1,847 under 18 have died out of 74 million kids?
What other than selling advertising from negative news was the gain for MSM. Unions got members off work for over a year. The government, almost $350 billion in emergency funding ! By closing education we now have Children lost about 35% of a normal school year's worth of learning during the pandemic, study suggests.
And that's going to be the MOST costly loss!
The alternative is not acceptable. Enough Americans died, moron.
Feb. 26, 2020: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

Premature ejaculations of success. Mission Accomplished!

“Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. ... And this is their new hoax.”

No one is going to forget Trump called this pandemic a hoax.

“We’re the number one travel destination anywhere in the world, yet we have far fewer cases of the disease than even countries with much less travel or a much smaller population.”

Point out to a Trump supporter today that we had the most cases and the most deaths in the world and watch them spin, spin, spin.

“With approximately 100,000 CoronaVirus cases worldwide, and 3,280 deaths, the United States, because of quick action on closing our borders, has, as of now, only 129 cases (40 Americans brought in) and 11 deaths.”

Quick action? Not allowing SOME Chinese to come here, and then doing NOTHING for the next two months. How'd that work out?

“We did an interview on Fox last night, a town hall. I think it was very good. And I said: ‘Calm. You have to be calm. It’ll go away.' ”

Magical thinking. Trump's favorite activity.

March 7: “We’re doing very well and we’ve done a fantastic job.”

Mission Accomplished!

“So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!”

Trump would be in even deeper trouble if his followers actually started thinking.

March 10: “And it hit the world. And we’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”

Victory! Mission Accomplished!

March 29: “So you’re talking about [worst-case scenarios of] 2.2 million deaths, 2.2 million people from this. And so if we could hold that down, as we’re saying, to 100,000 — it’s a horrible number, maybe even less — but to 100,000. So we have between 100 and 200,000, and we altogether have done a very good job."

Mission Accomplished!

May 14: “If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.”

Stunning illogic. Read that statement over and over until it sinks in just how fucked this kind of idiocy is.

This was actually Trump's strategy for the first two months after our first case in the US. Don't test anybody. Let it spread uncontained so we have no idea where it is and where it is going. That is when Trump became a mass murderer.

“When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.” - Donald Trump, stable genius.

New York Times Admits 30% of “COVID Deaths” Weren’t From COVID​

July 19, 2023
After years of subjecting the public to fear-mongering, The New York Times has admitted that nearly a third of “Covid deaths” weren’t actually caused by Covid-19.
The official number [of Covid-19 deaths] is probably an exaggeration because it includes some people who had [the] virus when they died even though it was not the underlying cause of death,”
In 2020, The Times attacked Trump when he suggested that the number of Covid deaths was exaggerated, claiming “most statisticians and public health experts say he is wrong” and arguing the number was in fact “far higher” than recorded.

So why did the BIASED MSM over exaggerate COVID deaths?
This study shows the reason why!
"Physiologically, people are more triggered by negative news than positive news. Scientists see it in skin conductance levels and heart rate variability.
Negative news attracts more viewers.
More viewers means more advertising revenue.

Very simple folks, COVID, Trump coverage, all of that made the biased MSM just salivate at the negative news.

Another example of good news not reported is I've tracked Covid cases from this site
https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ United States COVID Statistics Since 3/31/20.
But I've had to get the following statistic from this site: Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years | Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
because it wasn't BAD NEWS!!!

Since I started tracking Covid out of 74 million kids in the USA under age 18... 1,847 have died. This is 0.00251%.

Yet we had school closings because of why? The teachers couldn't wear masks? I remember in my school days the teachers were in the front of the class, i.e.
at least 6 feet away. But just as we now know that 30% of Covid deaths were exaggerations..i.e.
The reason we weren't told that under 18 their bodies were growing, were more healthy, and those that died most likely had comorbidity... but we never heard that!
Folks those of you that still believe the MSM are truth tellers... grow up!

The kids are safe. They always have been.
It may sound strange, given a year of panic over school closures and reopenings, a year of masking toddlers and closing playgrounds and huddling in pandemic pods, that, according to the CDC, among children the mortality risk from COVID-19 is actually lower than from the flu.
The risk of severe disease or hospitalization is about the same.

And yet with all the above proof there will still be some of you that don't follow the FACTS, the reality, the truth
because you still believe the BIASED MSM that sells negative news!

Oh so my friend Tommy didn’t die in the ICU of the Hospital with his lungs full of fluids? Interesting. How about his wife who died three days later in the same ICU with the same symptoms?

Well who cares if he died.

241 cops died. I wonder what really killed then. I’m assuming if it wasn’t Covid it must have been RW cult members.
"Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light. And I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but we’re going to test it?" - Donald Trump, stable genius.
“And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute — one minute — and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning?" - Donald Trump, very stable genius.
“And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute — one minute — and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning?" - Donald Trump, very stable genius.
BUT NO BLEACH!! Biden suggested Bleach... as the MSM puts it...
Biden said: "..... maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay,"

NOW as the MSM and dummies like you that believe word for word the MSM... tell me that Biden didn't suggest drinking bleach?
And by the way politifact.org an extremely BIASED LEFT wing group even said Biden lied about this as Trump never suggested drinking bleach.
AGAIN I provide FACTS: PolitiFact - No, Trump didn’t tell Americans infected with the coronavirus to drink bleach
The point is why did the unions/government/MSM all coordinate to close schools when as of today ONLY 1,847 under 18 have died out of 74 million kids?
What other than selling advertising from negative news was the gain for MSM. Unions got members off work for over a year. The government, almost $350 billion in emergency funding ! By closing education we now have Children lost about 35% of a normal school year's worth of learning during the pandemic, study suggests.
And that's going to be the MOST costly loss!
Closing schools had long been the first thing that officials are supposed to do in a pandemic.

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