30 s hootings in chicago since friday afternoon

hey libbies, now that they have to allow concealed carries, if someone defends themselves there, you won't have to ignore these stories anymore, you can then attack that person who engaged in self defense.
""While Chicago continues to see reductions in crime and violence, there's obviously much more work to be done and we continue to be challenged by lax state and federal gun laws. Through our police strategies, the City's strengthened investments in youth violence prevention, and a close partnership with residents and community leaders, no one will rest until everyone in Chicago enjoys the same sense of safety.""

Notice the liberal faggots blame the violence on "lax" federal and state gun laws.

what fucking faggots. I mean it takes being a HIV positive liberal poofter to be this fucking stupid.
We need to build more prisons and lock up as many blacks, mexicans and white trash as it takes.

Move the women and children out, put a fence around the city until they're all dead, then clean up the mess.
Seems the only shootings that make national headlines are teh ones that can be used to scare whitey into thinking "wait, that could happen to me!"
Do reliable statistical breakdowns exist on the number of guns involved in gun-crimes; subdivided into (1) Licensed Guns and (2) Unlicensed Guns?

Anybody wanna bet which way the scale would tilt in connection with these Inner City Shootings?

Yeah... more Gun Laws... that'll fix it... not.
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Chicago murder rate is still way down

Gun control is working
Hey since you're doing a weekly update, can you keep up with the weekly Denny's specials too?

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