'300 Men March' group arrives in Washington DC

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Uh oh Tank.....Mutant head lice :laugh:

Mutant lice are probably coming But first the hype - CNN.com

"Reports of lice resistance started appearing in the mid 1990s in the United States, Europe and Australia. A 2014 study suggested the potential for resistance is high in several areas in the United States and Canada. Among lice samples from 84 people in these countries, 99.6% of the insects had mutations in genes that could allow them to survive the insecticides permethrin and pyrethrin, which are the active ingredients in over-the-counter remedies."
I'd rather have lice then Aids
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Uh oh Tank.....Mutant head lice :laugh:

Mutant lice are probably coming But first the hype - CNN.com

"Reports of lice resistance started appearing in the mid 1990s in the United States, Europe and Australia. A 2014 study suggested the potential for resistance is high in several areas in the United States and Canada. Among lice samples from 84 people in these countries, 99.6% of the insects had mutations in genes that could allow them to survive the insecticides permethrin and pyrethrin, which are the active ingredients in over-the-counter remedies."
I'd rather have lice then Aids
You dont have choice. You catch lice regardless.
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Uh oh Tank.....Mutant head lice :laugh:

Mutant lice are probably coming But first the hype - CNN.com

"Reports of lice resistance started appearing in the mid 1990s in the United States, Europe and Australia. A 2014 study suggested the potential for resistance is high in several areas in the United States and Canada. Among lice samples from 84 people in these countries, 99.6% of the insects had mutations in genes that could allow them to survive the insecticides permethrin and pyrethrin, which are the active ingredients in over-the-counter remedies."
I'd rather have lice then Aids
You dont have choice. You catch lice regardless.

What's the point? Were they bussed in from Baltimore while pretending they were marching? Do they have freaking jobs? Are they going to demand an audience with Mr. Hope/Change or are they going to enjoy the tourist sites?
This goes out to all you race baiters who claim no one cares about black on black violence while you sit there with your white on white violence that seems to be swell.


BALTIMORE, Md. (WBFF) - Members of the “300 Men March” movement began marching to Washington DC from southwest Baltimore Sunday night. The march is aimed at addressing this summer's rise in violence in Baltimore City.

.....Time to attack them personally.....AAANNND GO!
At least these people are standing up and doing something. Can't say that for certain USMB posters..
It should be 100,000 or even one million THAT would show meaningful outrage...
"White on white violence ( where?) that seems to be swell"....
Ahem...Just who is race baiting here?.....Shut your bung hole....
Within humanity, "race" is a just a delusional cultural construct. Biologically, there is only one race. The human race. People of all cultures must learn to understand and accept this.​
They could only get 300 people to show up? This is exactly what we've been complaining about. Clearly black on black violence means nothing to the black community. This is extremely disappointing.
Should have been a Million....

When it was a million man March you probably said it should be 2 mill.
Well it probably should be. Show us your community has the desire to rid yourselves of that awful culture.
This goes out to all you race baiters who claim no one cares about black on black violence while you sit there with your white on white violence that seems to be swell.


BALTIMORE, Md. (WBFF) - Members of the “300 Men March” movement began marching to Washington DC from southwest Baltimore Sunday night. The march is aimed at addressing this summer's rise in violence in Baltimore City.

.....Time to attack them personally.....AAANNND GO!

Good for them.
It never seizes to amaze me how certain people literally log in to this site every day to complain about black people... over and over again, obsessively. How safe and empowered these truly weak select few must feel behind their computer lol​

Message boards are one of the last safe havens for these racists. You can see it in this thread, these people have real problems.

They've even convinced themselves that racism is ok.

It isn't, and you can bet they will never go out into public and practice their beliefs because they will get slapped down hard. Like what happened in South Carolina. How's that con-federate flag thing coming along racists?
Racists? Define Racist?.....Describe in your own words your view of racism and racist behavior.
It never seizes to amaze me how certain people literally log in to this site every day to complain about black people... over and over again, obsessively. How safe and empowered these truly weak select few must feel behind their computer lol​

Message boards are one of the last safe havens for these racists. You can see it in this thread, these people have real problems.

They've even convinced themselves that racism is ok.

It isn't, and you can bet they will never go out into public and practice their beliefs because they will get slapped down hard. Like what happened in South Carolina. How's that con-federate flag thing coming along racists?
Racists? Define Racist?.....Describe in your own words your view of racism and racist behavior.

Nah, you'll redefine anything to fit your angry fearfilled view of life. Knock yourself out. Most people know racism when they see it. You don't of course and you'd like to paint it as some 'gray' area that can't be defined.

Sorry, that type of crap works in little circles of cons but not in the real world.
It never seizes to amaze me how certain people literally log in to this site every day to complain about black people... over and over again, obsessively. How safe and empowered these truly weak select few must feel behind their computer lol​

Message boards are one of the last safe havens for these racists. You can see it in this thread, these people have real problems.

They've even convinced themselves that racism is ok.

It isn't, and you can bet they will never go out into public and practice their beliefs because they will get slapped down hard. Like what happened in South Carolina. How's that con-federate flag thing coming along racists?
Racists? Define Racist?.....Describe in your own words your view of racism and racist behavior.

Nah, you'll redefine anything to fit your angry fearfilled view of life. Knock yourself out. Most people know racism when they see it. You don't of course and you'd like to paint it as some 'gray' area that can't be defined.

Sorry, that type of crap works in little circles of cons but not in the real world.
You are so good at finding racism, that you can even find it where it doesnt exist!
Marches will accomplish absolutely dick.

The vermin in the black neighborhoods needs to be harshly and unmercifully dealt with by the people within those neighborhoods.
And just how do average citizens with no authority do that? Decent Blacks pay taxes that ostensibly include police protection but instead are lumped in with the "vermin" and treated as such by the very agencies that should be protecting them.

If the black conservative community galvanizes to rid their neighborhoods of thugs, they risk arrest and prosecution if violence erupts, which undoubtedly it will.

Farrakhan, a leadiing black conservative leader has made some progress with his Million Man March. He is the one force in the black community that has the charisma to unify blacks of all faiths, to include atheists and thugs. His militancy has drawn the ire of many white conservatives but he echoes many of their values in his sermons
Self sufficiency, responsibility, justice and independence are Farrakhan's theme and not neccessarily within the framework of Islamic dogma. While many Christians are unwilling to become Muslims, Farrakhan and the NOI emerged as iconic symbols of black manhood and leadership.

He just might be the key to resolving the homicide rate in the ghettos. But who will address those taking pLace in White communities all across the land WHERE WHITES ARE KILLING WHITES AT HIGH RATES?

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