31 patriot front members arrested at pride parade for planning a riot. White national supremest group.

My argument was correlative. It was meant to suggest that if the FBI can position informants and agents to incite at J6, they can easily stage a farce like this one.
Lots of things "can" happen.

You need PROOF that they did

It seems every time MAGArats do something violent the tards claim it was the Feds...with nothing that amounts to proof
Yes, but you need to show some evidence, else the supposition is that at least a majority of these losers are in fact losers.
I am questioning why anyone at this point actually starts any of these events with their full trust in the FBI or DOJ. They have proven to be nothing more than democrat operatives over the last six years. What have they done to earn any trust?
Lots of things "can" happen.

You need PROOF that they did

It seems every time MAGArats do something violent the tards claim it was the Feds...with nothing that amounts to proof
Like I said. The Bullhorn, Ray Epps, now this.
Shows how easy it is for the Feds to gin up a farce like this, or J6.
Lots of things "can" happen.

You need PROOF that they did

It seems every time MAGArats do something violent the tards claim it was the Feds...with nothing that amounts to proof
The fact we now have to get proof that the FBI and DOJ are being honest before moving to proving a crime is the worst part of what obie and the democrats have done to our law enforcement agencies and their reputations.
I am questioning why anyone at this point actually starts any of these events with their full trust in the FBI or DOJ. They have proven to be nothing more than democrat operatives over the last six years. What have they done to earn any trust?
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Trust is not involved.
The fact we now have to get proof that the FBI and DOJ are being honest before moving to proving a crime is the worst part of what obie and the democrats have done to our law enforcement agencies and their reputations.
Is this a standard you are willing to apply to all criminal cases?
It's like a made for TV moment.

Look at the gear the cop searching this guy is wearing...

View attachment 657150

Charged with misdemeanor criminal conspiracy to supposedly do something criminal.

For the ones who are not Feds, they will probably now get their cell phones searched. The authorities will attempt to use these communications to show some kind of conspiracy. There will be some "unindicted individuals in the text chain.

"31 White Supremacists" is all over the news, but these guys were unarmed and even post videos showing exactly what they do, getting a U-Haul and then marching. Whoop dee doo.

This seems like both an attempt to reinforce the gravity of the ongoing Jan 6th theatrical performance, and a warning by the DOJ to other organized RIght-Wing groups that they might be targeted next, if they dare to rent a U-Haul instead of a limo or eight Ubers to get to their event.
Just wait, they'll hit the driver for having people in the trailer and charge all of the guns in the trailer for not wearing seatbelts too.

laughing animated.gif
Yet you want us to trust this was the most secure election… ever.
No. You have to prove your case. You have not. In a court of law it would be poured out for lack of evidence, which is what has occurred. Also not relevant to this criminal case.

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