31 patriot front members arrested at pride parade for planning a riot. White national supremest group.

What is it with the feds dressing like this and traveling in U-hauls? Makes me question how good our international spies are. Holy shit.

Somewhere in the DOJ or FBI their handler is getting their ass reamed for not telling those podunk ass Idaho cops to stand down.
Whatever you need to tell yourself because I don’t believe that dead people vote. :laugh:
Still, when I have shown you how to confirm that, you think that's a demerit on my argument? Okay. But please, keep responding. You'll get nothing but those links in response.
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I'll even take the guesswork out for you.

Take the date of death of any person in question and cross it with the date they voted. If the date of death precedes the date they voted it means a dead person voted. If the date they voted proceeds the date when they voted, it means they were alive to cast the vote.

Not hard. Just requires a bit of backbone and some discernible reading comprehension skills.
As for you,

The only way Wray could assert this is if he had agents undercover within right-wing groups protesting at the capital, or embedded among peaceful protesters during J6.
That's not a correct statement. Signals Intel would do this too. I'd hope he has insiders as well, but that's completely different than saying the FBI is the one doing these events.
“The page you requested, https://stevemorse.org/ssdi/ssdi.htm , is not on my server.
If you don't understand why you got this error message, click to send me e-mail and tell me what you were looking for. Thanks.

Click here to see a list of all my pages.

-- Steve Morse”

“The page you requested, https://stevemorse.org/ssdi/ssdi.htm , is not on my server.
If you don't understand why you got this error message, click to send me e-mail and tell me what you were looking for. Thanks.

Click here to see a list of all my pages.

-- Steve Morse”

Steve Morse the guitar player? The Deep Purple and Dixie Dregs guy?
What is it with the feds dressing like this and traveling in U-hauls? Makes me question how good our international spies are. Holy shit.

Somewhere in the DOJ or FBI their handler is getting their ass reamed for not telling those podunk ass Idaho cops to stand down.
What evidence do you have?
Oh no, you misread me. We're going to have lots of fun together. This is just a little preview of things to come. I'm going to deconstruct all your beliefs, challenge your fundamental assumptions, expose the contradictions in your worldview.

By the time we're done, you're gonna say, "you know... Scruffy is right. This libtard stuff sucks. I'm outta here". :p

I've laughed at your post since you've gotten here (as has everyone else). I see nothing coming that will change any of that.
That's not a correct statement. Signals Intel would do this too. I'd hope he has insiders as well, but that's completely different than saying the FBI is the one doing these events.
My argument was correlative. It was meant to suggest that if the FBI can position informants and agents to incite at J6, they can easily stage a farce like this one.
My argument was correlative. It was meant to suggest that if the FBI can position informants and agents to incite at J6, they can easily stage a farce like this one.
Yes, but you need to show some evidence, else the supposition is that at least a majority of these losers are in fact losers.

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