35 soul-crushing facts about American income inequality

Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.
It does increase wealth for the 1% which is who runs the republican party,who pays for the republican party to exist so the republican party members can make sure the fed gov stays off their backs to pay a fair share of taxes,pay livable wages,and to keep jobs here. Granted the fed gov isn't doing a very good job of any of those either but its better to have them do SOMETHING than allow the 1% free reign over things.
always made me proud that even the poorest of Americas population was still richer that 98-99 percent of the rest of the world .
People need to quit worrying about what other people earn. (Key word: earn.) There will always be someone who makes more than you and less than you.

The bottom line is that if you can't earn enough in America to live comfortably, then you aren't really trying.
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.
It does increase wealth for the 1% which is who runs the republican party,who pays for the republican party to exist so the republican party members can make sure the fed gov stays off their backs to pay a fair share of taxes,pay livable wages,and to keep jobs here. Granted the fed gov isn't doing a very good job of any of those either but its better to have them do SOMETHING than allow the 1% free reign over things.

Excuse me, who populated their cabinet with executives from Goldman Sachs? Yes Obama did, suck on it!
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.
It does increase wealth for the 1% which is who runs the republican party,who pays for the republican party to exist so the republican party members can make sure the fed gov stays off their backs to pay a fair share of taxes,pay livable wages,and to keep jobs here. Granted the fed gov isn't doing a very good job of any of those either but its better to have them do SOMETHING than allow the 1% free reign over things.

Excuse me, who populated their cabinet with executives from Goldman Sachs? Yes Obama did, suck on it!
And didnt prosecute a one of em
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.
It does increase wealth for the 1% which is who runs the republican party,who pays for the republican party to exist so the republican party members can make sure the fed gov stays off their backs to pay a fair share of taxes,pay livable wages,and to keep jobs here. Granted the fed gov isn't doing a very good job of any of those either but its better to have them do SOMETHING than allow the 1% free reign over things.

Excuse me, who populated their cabinet with executives from Goldman Sachs? Yes Obama did, suck on it!
I didn't say jack shit about Obama did I? He is just as bad as Bush,Clinton,Bush,Reagan,Carter etc.
an old lady that I knew said to me that even the homeless have fried chicken legs in each hand . She was from Armenia and was talking about whiners whining that they were hungry .
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People need to quit worrying about what other people earn. (Key word: earn.) There will always be someone who makes more than you and less than you.

The bottom line is that if you can't earn enough in America to live comfortably, then you aren't really trying.
I guess you haven't heard about a natural rate of unemployment or corporate downsizing.
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

All those mexicans will surely help...right?
They already are;

The United States is the world's largest national economy, representing 22% of nominal global GDP and 17% of global GDP (PPP).[2] The United States' GDP was estimated to be $17.710 trillion as of Q1 2015.[2][30] The U.S. dollar is the currency most used in international transactions and is the world's foremost reserve currency.[31] Several countries use it as their official currency, and in many others it is the de facto currency.[32] The United States has a mixed economy[33][34] and has maintained a stable overall GDP growth rate, a moderate unemployment rate, and high levels of research and capital investment.[35] Its six largest trading partners are Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, Germany, and South Korea.[36]--Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_United_States

Simply by coming over here and making us look bad with a third world, capital work ethic, and sending money home so they can buy US goods.
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.
It does increase wealth for the 1% which is who runs the republican party,who pays for the republican party to exist so the republican party members can make sure the fed gov stays off their backs to pay a fair share of taxes,pay livable wages,and to keep jobs here. Granted the fed gov isn't doing a very good job of any of those either but its better to have them do SOMETHING n allow the 1% free reign over things.

Give me a f*cking break.
You people are so gullible and ignorant of any truth beyond what MSNBC tells you.
I suppose you heard of the term "Reaganomics" - trickle down theory of giving money to the top so that it will "trickle down" to the masses.
Well then...are you aware that Obama has engaged in the LARGEST MOST EXPANSIVE use of trickle down economics in the history of America? No administration even comes close to the $trillions of taxpayer dollars STILL BE GIVEN AT NO COST to elite corporations and the financial giants.
Are you aware that the top 7% since Obama took office have lavished in a RECORD 33% earnings increase while the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have suffered a 5% decline??? At a time of record welfare??
Wake the f*ck up simpletons. Obama is an elitist/corporatist who has promoted Americas transformation into an oligarchy than any President in history. All the while receiving your praise and so ignorant as to blame someone else.
Man you low information people make me sick.
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

They are correct. Socialism sucks up wealth and makes it disappear forever.
Nothing but propaganda and rhetoric instead of a "hard work" ethic to understand the issues; the poor in the US are not really poor enough to the Right, by third world absolute (Capital) poverty Standards, due merely to Socialism in the US.
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

All those mexicans will surely help...right?
They already are;

The United States is the world's largest national economy, representing 22% of nominal global GDP and 17% of global GDP (PPP).[2] The United States' GDP was estimated to be $17.710 trillion as of Q1 2015.[2][30] The U.S. dollar is the currency most used in international transactions and is the world's foremost reserve currency.[31] Several countries use it as their official currency, and in many others it is the de facto currency.[32] The United States has a mixed economy[33][34] and has maintained a stable overall GDP growth rate, a moderate unemployment rate, and high levels of research and capital investment.[35] Its six largest trading partners are Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, Germany, and South Korea.[36]--Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_United_States

Simply by coming over here and making us look bad with a third world, capital work ethic, and sending money home so they can buy US goods.

What a dumbass,they're driving down wages while you cry about income equality.:cuckoo:
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

All those mexicans will surely help...right?
They already are;

The United States is the world's largest national economy, representing 22% of nominal global GDP and 17% of global GDP (PPP).[2] The United States' GDP was estimated to be $17.710 trillion as of Q1 2015.[2][30] The U.S. dollar is the currency most used in international transactions and is the world's foremost reserve currency.[31] Several countries use it as their official currency, and in many others it is the de facto currency.[32] The United States has a mixed economy[33][34] and has maintained a stable overall GDP growth rate, a moderate unemployment rate, and high levels of research and capital investment.[35] Its six largest trading partners are Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, Germany, and South Korea.[36]--Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_United_States

Simply by coming over here and making us look bad with a third world, capital work ethic, and sending money home so they can buy US goods.

What a dumbass,they're driving down wages while you cry about income equality.:cuckoo:
Rent seeking or price seeking by sending jobs overseas is really helping our job market, right. It is merely public policies which accomplish that. We have a Commerce Clause and an official Mint. Why are there No Good Capitalist to be found who can make money on Commerce (well regulated) at our borders.

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