36 Million Families Won’t Be Getting A Child Tax Credit This Week


Those that help their opposition achieve their goals are doing little to protect themselves as they become ever more like their opposition every day.

If you honestly think those arguments are going to win over the hearts and minds of the people you need to bring to your side and unite with ...
Well ... I'm not going to start calling you names, and you should get the picture ... :thup:

You should start calling us names, it will be more fun for everyone.

The fact is this whole boondoggle was a vote buying scam. We are not about to support it nor encourage folks to expect more of the same. There is no responsible way to ween them off the government teat, it's time for tough love.
On Jan. 15, around 36 million households with children won’t get a payment that many had come to rely on over the previous six months. Thanks to Sen. Joe Manchin and every single Senate Republican, the expanded child tax credit lapsed, and Democrats aren’t sure how to move forward on restoring it.

How many Senate seats were up tor grabs again this year?
That free shit had a built-in expiration date. It was not intended to go on forever.
On Jan. 15, around 36 million households with children won’t get a payment that many had come to rely on over the previous six months. Thanks to Sen. Joe Manchin and every single Senate Republican, the expanded child tax credit lapsed, and Democrats aren’t sure how to move forward on restoring it.

How many Senate seats were up tor grabs again this year?

Love it, now they can go out and get a job and quit living off their kids.

You should start calling us names, it will be more fun for everyone.

The fact is this whole boondoggle was a vote buying scam. We are not about to support it nor encourage folks to expect more of the same. There is no responsible way to ween them off the government teat, it's time for tough love.

What I was suggesting was more like the difference in saying "Hunger can be a powerful motivator" ...
and saying, "I hope you fucking starve".

The same overall conditions apply in both, but the latter is personal
and says more about the person saying it, than the point trying to be made.

Let me know when the latter starts working better ... :dunno:

I also post all that as a somewhat stalwart enthusiast of Tough Love (do my share of name calling too).
Just not in a manner that defeats the purpose and further empowers my enemies.

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What I was suggesting was more like the difference in saying "Hunger can be a powerful motivator" ...
and saying, "I hope you fucking starve".

The same overall conditions apply in both, but the latter is personal
and says more about the person saying it, than the point trying to be made.

Let me know when the latter starts working better ... :dunno:

I also post all that as a somewhat stalwart enthusiast of Tough Love (do my share of name calling too).
Just not in a manner that defeats the purpose and further empowers my enemies.

Fair enough, though less entertaining.
Fair enough, though less entertaining.

There's a balance between what is entertaining and what is effective.
The entertaining part is what has provided us with a Banana Republic, complete with Kangaroo Courts.

I am willing to accept that I might be doing something wrong ...
Because it isn't slowing my opposition down.

Adaptation and innovation are always the keys to success.

On Jan. 15, around 36 million households with children won’t get a payment that many had come to rely on over the previous six months. Thanks to Sen. Joe Manchin and every single Senate Republican, the expanded child tax credit lapsed, and Democrats aren’t sure how to move forward on restoring it.

How many Senate seats were up tor grabs again this year?
So you are admitting that the FREE MONEY stolen from Taxpayers and given to others including illegals and druggies and criminals was a dem effort to BUY VOTES? Isn't that immoral and illegal? Doesn't this encourage illegals to flood over, with both druggies and criminals encouraged to have more kids that they can't take care of and are often abused?

The Progressives are dividing the country, or populous, and you are not going to keep the country together (like you posted) if you keep helping them.
I know you don't care (as you posted), and that's why you keep making the same mistakes.

You aren't pissing the Progressives off.
You're just pissing in the wind and getting piss all over yourself ... :thup:

The progressives are dividing the country are paying low lives to outbreed and the illegals to flood over and out breed. This is a fact. Taking money to give to certain groups is nothing more than stealing from taxpayers in order to buy votes which is all supposed to be illegal. This is why our founders did not want those who did not own land supporting themselves...they did not want a group of people that was immoral enough and could be bought off by pols offering to take from others to give to them in order to buy votes.

The kids this shit encourages to be bred is creating more and more problems as they are not up to par with their counterpart kids who are bred and raised by families who want them not just a government check for them.
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On Jan. 15, around 36 million households with children won’t get a payment that many had come to rely on over the previous six months. Thanks to Sen. Joe Manchin and every single Senate Republican, the expanded child tax credit lapsed, and Democrats aren’t sure how to move forward on restoring it.

How many Senate seats were up tor grabs again this year?
Go to War. A limited one. Lose a few Blue cities. Look... I agree with you. There is not enough money to go to all of our issues and problems. And we created many more with your agendas designed to eliminate anything wrong. Extreme feminism has educated women who are not as smart as educated men or those denied by modern laws for any reason in charge of many things by those rules. So, everything is more expensive because of it.

What I was suggesting was more like the difference in saying "Hunger can be a powerful motivator" ...
and saying, "I hope you fucking starve".

The same overall conditions apply in both, but the latter is personal
and says more about the person saying it, than the point trying to be made.

Let me know when the latter starts working better ... :dunno:

I also post all that as a somewhat stalwart enthusiast of Tough Love (do my share of name calling too).
Just not in a manner that defeats the purpose and further empowers my enemies.

No one will hear you----it is to quiet of a statement. Those who you wish to not offend won't hear you, and those that are fed up with the graft want to SCREAM now.
No one will hear you----it is to quiet of a statement. Those you wish to not offend won't you, and those that are fed up with the graft want to SCREAM now.

Veering off to topic in attempts to demonstrate where your point is correct ... But, already defeated by the Progressives.

You may remember that in October, 2020, the BLM movement started to somewhat fade out of the picture.
Not an obvious disappearance, just a gradual decline in public appearances, especially in light of the Justice Barret Nomination process.

There were key districts in key states the Progressives needed to capture.
It is not unbelievable that funders like George Soros, loaded up buses of BLM members in Portland and sent them to Detroit (and other places).

While the GOP had pretty much written off some districts, failed to appear and present any kind of message ...
The Progressives could have had 50 BLM members going door to door providing something better than ... "I hope you fucking starve".

They could help people understand the actual ballot process, fill out the required materials, and see that things were completed properly.
They wouldn't even have to cheat, just offer assistance and their advice, while eating cookies and drinking milk at Granny's house.

It's just as likely the Progressives and BLM just beat the GOP in the ground game in some cases.
The GOP wasn't there ... They weren't providing a better option.

I am not saying that can account for everything that went sideways in the 2020 election ...
But it should cause pause, and allow us to consider that for any message to get where it needs to go ...
You have to have an appealing message, and you have to make sure it actually gets there.

Furthermore ... I don't mind offending anyone.

The Right always seems to underestimate the lengths the Progressives will actually go to in order to win.
They throw stuff in the Right's face, just begging that the people on the Right will chase the little red ball.

In fact ... You can look at the OP creating this thread ...
And all the people on the Right tripping over themselves to see who can be the first, or best at saying ...
"They can go fuck themselves".

If you think that is ever going to get our country closer to where it needs to be ...
Well let me scream ... "Go Fuck Yourself" ... :thup:

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Millions of families this weekend will stop receiving monthly child tax payments for the first time in months after Congress failed to pass an extension of the expanded credit.

As lawmakers struggle to revive talks to renew the expansion, more than 30 million families that have been receiving the monthly payments since July will not see another round on Saturday.

Democrats temporarily expanded the child tax credit in early 2021 as part of a sweeping coronavirus relief package enacted under President Biden.

Under the expansion, Democrats removed work requirements for the credit, raised the maximum credit amount and allowed those eligible to access half of the credit amount through monthly payments.

Many Democrats and advocates have called for the expanded credit to be made permanent, touting it as significant contributor to reducing child poverty by allowing those in the lowest-income households to access the full amount, as well as a means to help provide relief to middle-income families.

The democrats have included an extension for these payments and make them permanent into the BBB Bill, which appears to be dead. Maybe they could try to pass some kind of extension as a standalone bill, with some changes to bring enough republicans on board. They did it with the infrastructure bill, maybe this one can be done the same way. BUT - there's a question in my mind about the effect this has on people not working. Are some people staying home to take care of the kids cuz they were getting these payments? The payments stop tomorrow (Jan 15), so will we see an uptick in people going back to work? What if those payments are extended, in effect will we be paying people not to work?
Millions of families this weekend will stop receiving monthly child tax payments for the first time in months after Congress failed to pass an extension of the expanded credit.

As lawmakers struggle to revive talks to renew the expansion, more than 30 million families that have been receiving the monthly payments since July will not see another round on Saturday.

Democrats temporarily expanded the child tax credit in early 2021 as part of a sweeping coronavirus relief package enacted under President Biden.

Under the expansion, Democrats removed work requirements for the credit, raised the maximum credit amount and allowed those eligible to access half of the credit amount through monthly payments.

Many Democrats and advocates have called for the expanded credit to be made permanent, touting it as significant contributor to reducing child poverty by allowing those in the lowest-income households to access the full amount, as well as a means to help provide relief to middle-income families.

The democrats have included an extension for these payments and make them permanent into the BBB Bill, which appears to be dead. Maybe they could try to pass some kind of extension as a standalone bill, with some changes to bring enough republicans on board. They did it with the infrastructure bill, maybe this one can be done the same way. BUT - there's a question in my mind about the effect this has on people not working. Are some people staying home to take care of the kids cuz they were getting these payments? The payments stop tomorrow (Jan 15), so will we see an uptick in people going back to work? What if those payments are extended, in effect will we be paying people not to work?

Well bye.

On Jan. 15, around 36 million households with children won’t get a payment that many had come to rely on over the previous six months. Thanks to Sen. Joe Manchin and every single Senate Republican, the expanded child tax credit lapsed, and Democrats aren’t sure how to move forward on restoring it.

How many Senate seats were up tor grabs again this year?
About time!


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