36 Million Families Won’t Be Getting A Child Tax Credit This Week

There is no labor shortage that is a lie perpetuated by anti Americans.
You must watch CNN and MSNBC, FACTS are so offensive to you. Do you know the meaning of our Labor Participation Rate? If not, and that's nothing about which to get defensive, just look it up on Bing.

Here is incontrovertible proof that you are 100% wrong. Are you man enough to admit you are wrong or is your ego too great to allow you to make that move?

Millions of families this weekend will stop receiving monthly child tax payments for the first time in months after Congress failed to pass an extension of the expanded credit.

As lawmakers struggle to revive talks to renew the expansion, more than 30 million families that have been receiving the monthly payments since July will not see another round on Saturday.

Democrats temporarily expanded the child tax credit in early 2021 as part of a sweeping coronavirus relief package enacted under President Biden.

Under the expansion, Democrats removed work requirements for the credit, raised the maximum credit amount and allowed those eligible to access half of the credit amount through monthly payments.

Many Democrats and advocates have called for the expanded credit to be made permanent, touting it as significant contributor to reducing child poverty by allowing those in the lowest-income households to access the full amount, as well as a means to help provide relief to middle-income families.

The democrats have included an extension for these payments and make them permanent into the BBB Bill, which appears to be dead. Maybe they could try to pass some kind of extension as a standalone bill, with some changes to bring enough republicans on board. They did it with the infrastructure bill, maybe this one can be done the same way. BUT - there's a question in my mind about the effect this has on people not working. Are some people staying home to take care of the kids cuz they were getting these payments? The payments stop tomorrow (Jan 15), so will we see an uptick in people going back to work? What if those payments are extended, in effect will we be paying people not to work?

Anytime the Communists have power they try to create more government dependents. That's all this is about. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
That free shit had a built-in expiration date. It was not intended to go on forever.

Sure it was. But you have to condition the people for it first.

The Communists create all these programs so that if anything is taken away, blame the Republicans for it. If they can't take it away, tell the people at campaign time if you don't vote for me, you will lose X.

This is what I call my Ray from Cleveland's raccoon theory.

You see a raccoon digging around in your garbage can. So you go in the house and fetch that nice meaty ham bone you were going to throw away at the end of the week anyhow. You give it to the raccoon and he eats in delight. Now give it about 20 seconds and try to take your ham bone back and see what happens to you.

The left realized generations ago that once you give people something, it's almost impossible to take it away even if your opposition is in leadership later on.
You should start calling us names, it will be more fun for everyone.

The fact is this whole boondoggle was a vote buying scam. We are not about to support it nor encourage folks to expect more of the same. There is no responsible way to ween them off the government teat, it's time for tough love.

It's also why they want to hire 83,000 more IRS agents. We don't need them, but government workers generally vote Democrat. The cost to us? 80 billion dollars for vote buying.
On Jan. 15, around 36 million households with children won’t get a payment that many had come to rely on over the previous six months. Thanks to Sen. Joe Manchin and every single Senate Republican, the expanded child tax credit lapsed, and Democrats aren’t sure how to move forward on restoring it.

How many Senate seats were up tor grabs again this year?
How about going back to work and stop demanding the taxpayer to pay for your children?

Many jobs out there that need to be filled, so get out there and start working…

Also the DailyKos spin on stuff is not helping your cause in this debate and you truly need to stop and think if a fringe leftist site that spew the DSA propaganda is complaining then it mean Manchin is correct!
On Jan. 15, around 36 million households with children won’t get a payment that many had come to rely on over the previous six months. Thanks to Sen. Joe Manchin and every single Senate Republican, the expanded child tax credit lapsed, and Democrats aren’t sure how to move forward on restoring it.

How many Senate seats were up tor grabs again this year?

Our founders never wanted people to be so dependent on the federal government. Even back then they realized that the more dependent you are on them, the less freedom you have.
On Jan. 15, around 36 million households with children won’t get a payment that many had come to rely on over the previous six months. Thanks to Sen. Joe Manchin and every single Senate Republican, the expanded child tax credit lapsed, and Democrats aren’t sure how to move forward on restoring it.

How many Senate seats were up tor grabs again this year?
"Relied on"??
Yeah right.
More like... "yay the government check is here!! Time to go to the liquor store! Get some smokes! Buy a video game!"
Our founders never wanted people to be so dependent on the federal government. Even back then they realized that the more dependent you are on them, the less freedom you have.
Skew is a pro-DSA member and believe any opposition to his or her way of thinking is terroristic and should be dealt with by having the Federal Government do mass genocide against the people that pay taxes…

So as you understand that then you will realize Skew believe the Founding Father’s were racist bigots that should be shunned and the Constitution is just a damn piece of paper created by racist whites and is worth nothing and that we should embrace the insanity of AOC and give Communism… I mean Socialism a try and if you are against this way of thinking then you should be labeled as a terrorist and given a shower and baked afterwards…

Skew think the Government is better equipped to tell us how we should live, think and breed and that tax credit is helping his cause to move us to his Utopia without knowing the form of Government and Society that Skew want never work because of Greed, Sloth and Envy…

Now Skew will tell all of you about how I am a traitor for speaking the truth and reality and shouldn’t be allowed my first amendment right while demanding we all Obey the DSA and become brainless drones of society that wait for a check from the government!

Veering off to topic in attempts to demonstrate where your point is correct ... But, already defeated by the Progressives.

You may remember that in October, 2020, the BLM movement started to somewhat fade out of the picture.
Not an obvious disappearance, just a gradual decline in public appearances, especially in light of the Justice Barret Nomination process.

There were key districts in key states the Progressives needed to capture.
It is not unbelievable that funders like George Soros, loaded up buses of BLM members in Portland and sent them to Detroit (and other places).

While the GOP had pretty much written off some districts, failed to appear and present any kind of message ...
The Progressives could have had 50 BLM members going door to door providing something better than ... "I hope you fucking starve".

They could help people understand the actual ballot process, fill out the required materials, and see that things were completed properly.
They wouldn't even have to cheat, just offer assistance and their advice, while eating cookies and drinking milk at Granny's house.

It's just as likely the Progressives and BLM just beat the GOP in the ground game in some cases.
The GOP wasn't there ... They weren't providing a better option.

I am not saying that can account for everything that went sideways in the 2020 election ...
But it should cause pause, and allow us to consider that for any message to get where it needs to go ...
You have to have an appealing message, and you have to make sure it actually gets there.

Furthermore ... I don't mind offending anyone.

The Right always seems to underestimate the lengths the Progressives will actually go to in order to win.
They throw stuff in the Right's face, just begging that the people on the Right will chase the little red ball.

In fact ... You can look at the OP creating this thread ...
And all the people on the Right tripping over themselves to see who can be the first, or best at saying ...
"They can go fuck themselves".

If you think that is ever going to get our country closer to where it needs to be ...
Well let me scream ... "Go Fuck Yourself" ... :thup:

Welfare is destroying the country......it attracts the wrong type of immigrants who are problems and have problem kids. Welfare encourages the worst among us to have the most kids who are more like their parents...than the people who came here earlier looking to WORK THEIR WAY UP. Catering to the we want more and more and more and more free shit only means that the globalists seeking the US destruction load up us with more of these type people. The US is imploding.

It is likely to late now, but the correct answer was to tell people to grow the fuck up and take care of their own business. To stop having kids for a government check that they couldn't take care of because these kids like their parents are most always a problem.

Same goes with trying to explain civilly why welfare and buying votes is destroying the US from within by bankrupting the country and encouraging the worst to have more kids who are also the worse. I don't think any words matter now.
On Jan. 15, around 36 million households with children won’t get a payment that many had come to rely on over the previous six months. Thanks to Sen. Joe Manchin and every single Senate Republican, the expanded child tax credit lapsed, and Democrats aren’t sure how to move forward on restoring it.

How many Senate seats were up tor grabs again this year?
Shouldn't they be able to get jobs according to the loons Biden has had job reports that where the greatest since the Universe rapidly expanded.
Skew is a pro-DSA member and believe any opposition to his or her way of thinking is terroristic and should be dealt with by having the Federal Government do mass genocide against the people that pay taxes…

So as you understand that then you will realize Skew believe the Founding Father’s were racist bigots that should be shunned and the Constitution is just a damn piece of paper created by racist whites and is worth nothing and that we should embrace the insanity of AOC and give Communism… I mean Socialism a try and if you are against this way of thinking then you should be labeled as a terrorist and given a shower and baked afterwards…

Skew think the Government is better equipped to tell us how we should live, think and breed and that tax credit is helping his cause to move us to his Utopia without knowing the form of Government and Society that Skew want never work because of Greed, Sloth and Envy…

Now Skew will tell all of you about how I am a traitor for speaking the truth and reality and shouldn’t be allowed my first amendment right while demanding we all Obey the DSA and become brainless drones of society that wait for a check from the government!

It's their baby step to true Communism.

"When people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of our Republic"

This is exactly what they want.
Welfare is destroying the country......it attracts the wrong type of immigrants who are problems and have problem kids. Welfare encourages the worst among us to have the most kids who are more like their parents...than the people who came here earlier looking to WORK THEIR WAY UP. Catering to the we want more and more and more and more free shit only means that the globalists seeking the US destruction load up us with more of these type people. The US is imploding.

It is likely to late now, but the correct answer was to tell people to grow the fuck up and take care of their own business. To stop having kids for a government check that they couldn't take care of because these kids like their parents are most always a problem.

Same goes with trying to explain civilly why welfare and buying votes is destroying the US from within by bankrupting the country and encouraging the worst to have more kids who are also the worse. I don't think any words matter now.

Of course, you could say that Welfare and Open Immigration is just where the Government
and Large Corporations (with the help of the Government) are buying their slaves with your money.

They will house them, feed them, and encourage them to breed ... On the Taxpayers' bill.
Then they will send them to school where they will teach them it is what we are all supposed to do ...
And that they should be thankful for it.

With Progressives ... Whatever you say, is what they are going to use to beat you.
You just need to figure out how to say it better than they do.

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So we have problematic welfare combined with corporations that desire a low wage labor force. Both sid s,BOTH, go against american ideals. It's time workers start to take a more firm stance for better wages and working conditions. Time to taper off welfare.
So we have problematic welfare combined with corporations that desire a low wage labor force. Both sid s,BOTH, go against american ideals. It's time workers start to take a more firm stance for better wages and working conditions. Time to taper off welfare.

Workers can take a stance ... Stop going to work.
The Government will feed them, house them, encourage them to breed, and get them back to work as soon as possible.

Or ... The worker can take control of their own destiny, open a business, probably fail a few times ...
And eventually escape their Government funded slavery, or die trying.

If the worker ever looks towards Government for a solution ...
They might as well just put the chains back on ...
Because it's already in bed with the Corporations.

If you are a worker ...
Understand that the product you provide your customers with is labor.

On Jan. 15, around 36 million households with children won’t get a payment that many had come to rely on over the previous six months. Thanks to Sen. Joe Manchin and every single Senate Republican, the expanded child tax credit lapsed, and Democrats aren’t sure how to move forward on restoring it.

How many Senate seats were up tor grabs again this year?
folks shouldn’t become dependent on govt…

Of course, you could say that Welfare and Open Immigration is just where the Government
and Large Corporations (with the help of the Government) are buying their slaves with your money.

They will house them, feed them, and encourage them to breed ... On the Taxpayers' bill.
Then they will send them to school where they will teach them it is what we are all supposed to do ...
And that they should be thankful for it.

With Progressives ... Whatever you say, is what they are going to use to beat you.
You just need to figure out how to say it better than they do.

Liberals are experts at emotional manipulation and they control most all of the airways...how you say something is meaningless---it will ALL be spun or just prevented from ever be heard.

People aren't as in depth thinkers as you are-----they are generally lazy and don't focus. To get any point across to them, you need quick short bursts---preferably funny or with some other striking attention gimmick. This is why Trump was successful against the libs--his quick insults got the point across quickly enough to grab people's attention and make them think for a second.

Your be more friendly quiet talking style gives to much credit to people's attention span. Most will never hear you even if they are standing right next to you when you say it.

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