4.3% growth April-Sept. Thanks for no phony crises, mindless GOP.

Exactly what Fanny is supposed to do- give mortgages to WORTHY poor and minorities,.

give mortgages give welfare give food stamps give more and more to buy votes and cripple people. The idea is not to cripple people with welfare but to encourage them to function on their own. As liberalism inclines the country declines.
WORTHY WORKING people, brainwashed (80% chance racist) functional moron. Change the channel.

too stupid!! If they were worthy working people they would not need welfare mortgages from the liberal govt.
Exactly what Fanny is supposed to do- give mortgages to WORTHY poor and minorities,.

give mortgages give welfare give food stamps give more and more to buy votes and cripple people. The idea is not to cripple people with welfare but to encourage them to function on their own. As liberalism inclines the country declines.
WORTHY WORKING people, brainwashed (80% chance racist) functional moron. Change the channel.

No problem here with assisting people who deserve help....
But it always gets corrupted.

yes, to a liberal everyone needs assistence forever despite decades of economic growth! THe safety net is replaced by a crippling permanent ghetto.
People who have to come up with a down payment are a better bet to give a mortgage to.
They have an interest in keeping up with the payments.
Those that don't might not...
After all they have nothing to lose.
Exactly what Fanny is supposed to do- give mortgages to WORTHY poor and minorities,.

give mortgages give welfare give food stamps give more and more to buy votes and cripple people. The idea is not to cripple people with welfare but to encourage them to function on their own. As liberalism inclines the country declines.
WORTHY WORKING people, brainwashed (80% chance racist) functional moron. Change the channel.

too stupid!! If they were worthy working people they would not need welfare mortgages from the liberal govt.
In a dreamy Pub dupe world that never existed.Ever heard of redlining?
Obama's job growth has eclipsed Reagan's.

If Obama had Fox News and Lmbaugh, his economic success would be the stuff of legend.
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OK, lets be fair about the issue. If you want to blame the republican majority in congress for the slow recovery while democrats held the presidency and a majority in the senate you have to consider who was in charge during the 2nd half of Bush's second term. Democrats held the majority in both houses of congress in the second half of Bush's second term when democrat Barney Frank became chairperson of the House Banking Committee which had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae. Democrats told America that Fannie was fine and solvent when it was on the verge of collapse. So if you accept the theory that the in-fighting between the Obama administration and the republican party had something to do with the slow economic growth you certainly have to consider that the democrat party intentionally or through gross negligence, caused the collapse of Fannie Mae which brought down the entire freaking economy as history's biggest October surprise.
Total Pub BS. Dems were unable to pass a gd thing against Pub obstruction and vetoes 2007-09. And for that matter since 2/4/20010 duh.

Fanny had nothing to do with the meltdown, got in very late under Pub pressure. You can tell because their portion of the bailout was 25-30% of the total. Their percentage of the market fell from 75% to 25% in 2003 when Pub pals took over, giving crap loans to anyone with a pulse, brainwashed drone.
Yes, Fanny and Freddie were central to the economic tumble. Are you a freakin' idiot or something?

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