4-5 Point Draft on Govt Reformation: Proposals for Reforms and Resolutions (requested by friends with the Green Party)


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
This is the draft of 4-5 proposed reforms that a friend of mine requested from the Green Party,
and a friend with the Libertarian Party asked me to send for review.

I got tired at the end and didn't finish #5, which would have gone into applications for converting prison systems and facilities into teaching hospitals and treatment/rehab centers to provide more effective health care and preventative help with the same resources currently wasted on failed criminal programs and problems, to save lives, resources and taxes instead of raising and wasting taxes. //

Resolve to reform and expand the Electoral College system to provide Proportional Representation by Party
through a Party Council, on a Voluntary, Advisory, and Consensus based capacity only.

A. Participation and Policies would be on a Voluntary and Advisory basis only, with emphasis on consensus based agreements, and documentation of conflicting beliefs or reasons for objection where Parties fail to reach agreement, in order to maintain a neutral all-inclusive process for facilitating communication that allows equal and objective representation of political interests, beliefs and biases of each person or group without discrimination against them by creed.

B. Each Party within each Electoral District would elect Representatives
proportional to respective populations within that District. Participating Parties and Representatives may also exercise the option to select Mediators to facilitate communication and documentation between them to reach consensus on policies and statements produced by the Councils.

C. Party Councils would facilitate mediation to address disputes brought by District constituents (citizens, residents, taxpayers or other people or entities under District jurisdiction or affected by policies in that District) regarding complaints of Government or Corporate abuses, including Partisan grievances and conflicts affecting Government policy, Media representation and bias, political beliefs and conflicts between Parties, their members, taxpayers and other members of the public.

Because participation is voluntary, any person or entity within that District may present complaints of abuse, bias or conflicts to their local Councils; and the Council members may either address the complaints, and/or refer the complaints to another entity to satisfy the complainant.

D. Recommended format for Complaints:
Complaints may be submitted by reporting violations of individual rights and protections within the Constitutional Bill of Rights, Fourteenth Amendment rights to equal protection of laws, Civil Rights protections against Discrimination by Class or Creed, and the Code of Ethics for Government Service, by naming the Office, Official or Organization responsible for committing or correcting the abuse, describing the problem or conflict and/or the debts and damages incurred, and the persons or populations affected.

E. On a voluntary basis, Party Councils would document both problems and complaints, as well as proposed solutions and reforms, and reasons for objections per Party, and assist with communicating these to the respective Government officials or offices, Media or Corporate organizations, Party organizations or leaders.

2. DECENTRALIZATION of Federal Government and DEMOCRATIZATION of State Districts and Cities by Precinct
Resolve to implement tax reforms to incentivize Direct Democracy and Self-Government through Ownership and Cooperative Economics to promote Equal Empowerment, Participation and Protections for all persons in the Democratic Process and Economy.

Tax Credits or Tax Breaks and Deductions would be offered to Citizens and Organizations for investing resources directly into building schools, health care service clinics and teaching hospitals and other programs and facilities to replace federal government alternatives with locally owned programs democratically managed by residents within that District or State.
The percentage of credits and deductions will be proportional to the percentage of the investment or donation that covers the flat cost of the services, facilities or staff at comparable government rates (up to 100% for nonprofit services at cost) while any added expenditures above flat cost will remain subject to existing rules for deducting business expenses or nonprofit donations.

To allow for Government funding and support, federal and state grants can offset costs of ensuring building and distributing facility sites proportionally to population demands per District and State, as long as [the] government entit[ies] providing funding does not interfere with the ability and decisions of local programs in operating, representing and serving their respective populations.

This policy will be used to address immediate demands to democratize districts by establishing cooperative health care networks, such as by party precincts and neighborhood civic or business associations, in order for citizens and businesses to directly control pandemic policies by managing their own medical resources.


Political Parties seeking to implement Political Beliefs, Religions or Creeds through public advocacy that discriminate against the beliefs or creeds of other persons or parties will be required to file as Political Religious Organizations responsible for funding their own programs and policies, and prohibited from lobbying and establishing Political Beliefs and faith-based biases through Government that disparage or violate rights and beliefs of other persons or parties.

Party or Political Organizations seeking the right to lobby to implement or influence legislation must sign agreements to uphold Constitutional and Civil Rights Accommodation laws, protecting the rights and beliefs of other persons and Parties affected by public policy from Discrimination by Creed. This includes agreement to submit and comply with mediation or arbitration to address and resolve any complaints of conflicts or abuse by consensus to avoid legal costs to taxpayers. Any legal costs required to resolve complaints will be the financial responsibility of the parties in dispute.

Legal requirements within the registration of Political Parties as either Religious or Nonreligious Organizations will include agreements to comply with rules, resolve conflicts or complaints by mediation, arbitration or consensus to prevent legal expenses to the public, or be disqualified by revocation of charters or licenses to operate.

Examples of Political Beliefs and faith based biases include:
* Statist beliefs in Centralized authority issuing collective mandates affecting individual rights and liberties without voting or due process
* Constitutional beliefs in limited government discriminating against citizens or groups that believe in collective policies
* Prochoice or Prolife beliefs that discriminate against people of the other belief
* Christian or LGBT beliefs that discriminate against people of the other belief
* Beliefs about climate change that discriminate against people of [other beliefs]


Resolve to expand RICO laws, which allow victims or communities affected by racketeering or trafficking to claim property or resources used for organized crime as restitution, to apply this policy to Government abuses and violations, so that affected citizens and taxpayers can reclaim property and resources as restitution for corporate or political abuses of government and taxpayer resources as a recognized form of racketeering.

For debts or damages caused by violations or abuses of Government authority and public resources, people or populations affected may bring complaints directly to Executive officials to create state or federal commissions for overseeing the process of reimbursement and corrections.

Land, property or programs abused for political benefit or corporate profit by government abuse at taxpayer expense can be held as collateral to represent the debts and damages contested by affected citizens and taxpayers.

Executive and State officials will have authority to create a State Reserve holding the designated collateral as equity that represents the value of the correctional program used to address and resolve the contested abuses, debts and damages.

The local community or populations claiming restitution through shares of ownership in the land, property and program used to correct the problem will use the Reserve to bank against the debt, to issue notes or credits against the collateral to finance the work to correct the abuses and resulting debts and damages, and to leverage any donations, loans or investments by selling shares to cover costs of the corrections.


In addition to the mandatory selective service draft, all persons seeking educational and health care benefits paid for by Government will be required to register for either mandatory Military or Medical training and service.

The terms and conditions of screening, training and service, and benefits received will be determined democratically by State or by Party in order to Publicly Accommodate people equally regardless of status or creed.
Only if number four includes the abolition of the Drug War and reparations for damages by the US govt. against it's own people followed by expulsions of all past convictions related to drugz, along with reparations for violations of the 4th and 14th Amendment for violation of asset forfeiture laws. So says a close relative of Howie Hawkins.
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How about we just get rid of Parties?

Every candidate runs on his own merits
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Only if number four includes the abolition of the Drug War and reparations for damages by the US govt. against it's own people followed by expulsions of all past convictions related to drugz, along with reparations for violations of the 4th and 14th Amendment for violation of asset forfeiture laws. So says a close relative of Howie Hawkins.
Only if people like you practice what you preach above, and invest in jobs paying yourselves to pursue these corrections instead of paying 80 million to Beto to campaign and say what should be done while doing nothing.

Moonglow can I count on you to contact your nearest precinct chairs of any party willing to form a team to do what you add as conditions that govt must do to enforce laws, redress grievances, and resolve injustice.

Just 3 to 5 people willing to sign a statement making your demands clear and heard. We post that online, and cite your district and party chairs backing this. And more will join you who share that as their top priority for signing on.

We do not have to agree. Just back the points we do agree on enough to invest in enforcing directly.
Only if number four includes the abolition of the Drug War and reparations for damages by the US govt. against it's own people followed by expulsions of all past convictions related to drugz, along with reparations for violations of the 4th and 14th Amendment for violation of asset forfeiture laws. So says a close relative of Howie Hawkins.
Only if people like you practice what you preach above, and invest in jobs paying yourselves to pursue these corrections instead of paying 80 million to Beto to campaign and say what should be done while doing nothing.

Moonglow can I count on you to contact your nearest precinct chairs of any party willing to form a team to do what you add as conditions that govt must do to enforce laws, redress grievances, and resolve injustice.

Just 3 to 5 people willing to sign a statement making your demands clear and heard. We post that online, and cite your district and party chairs backing this. And more will join you who share that as their top priority for signing on.

We do not have to agree. Just back the points we do agree on enough to invest in enforcing directly.
I have already spent thirty years hiring those that others turn away due to drug convictions I am retired from doing it now...As far as beto I have no association with him and there is no way I can attain any type of relationship with him or the office he holds since that has nothing to do with the subject at hand. The proposition is clear and it takes all the effort our govt. has pledge and has done nothing, but as long as the old officers of the drug war and their draconian laws that offer way more punishment than the crime deserves since the issue is a health issue and not a penal issue will continue the drug war for fun and profit.
Only if number four includes the abolition of the Drug War and reparations for damages by the US govt. against it's own people followed by expulsions of all past convictions related to drugz, along with reparations for violations of the 4th and 14th Amendment for violation of asset forfeiture laws. So says a close relative of Howie Hawkins.
Only if people like you practice what you preach above, and invest in jobs paying yourselves to pursue these corrections instead of paying 80 million to Beto to campaign and say what should be done while doing nothing.

Moonglow can I count on you to contact your nearest precinct chairs of any party willing to form a team to do what you add as conditions that govt must do to enforce laws, redress grievances, and resolve injustice.

Just 3 to 5 people willing to sign a statement making your demands clear and heard. We post that online, and cite your district and party chairs backing this. And more will join you who share that as their top priority for signing on.

We do not have to agree. Just back the points we do agree on enough to invest in enforcing directly.
It already exist in the form of proposed legislation in the Missouri legislation where I live and in Washington DC...
Only if number four includes the abolition of the Drug War and reparations for damages by the US govt. against it's own people followed by expulsions of all past convictions related to drugz, along with reparations for violations of the 4th and 14th Amendment for violation of asset forfeiture laws. So says a close relative of Howie Hawkins.
Only if people like you practice what you preach above, and invest in jobs paying yourselves to pursue these corrections instead of paying 80 million to Beto to campaign and say what should be done while doing nothing.

Moonglow can I count on you to contact your nearest precinct chairs of any party willing to form a team to do what you add as conditions that govt must do to enforce laws, redress grievances, and resolve injustice.

Just 3 to 5 people willing to sign a statement making your demands clear and heard. We post that online, and cite your district and party chairs backing this. And more will join you who share that as their top priority for signing on.

We do not have to agree. Just back the points we do agree on enough to invest in enforcing directly.
I have already spent thirty years hiring those that others turn away due to drug convictions I am retired from doing it now...As far as beto I have no association with him and there is no way I can attain any type of relationship with him or the office he holds since that has nothing to do with the subject at hand. The proposition is clear and it takes all the effort our govt. has pledge and has done nothing, but as long as the old officers of the drug war and their draconian laws that offer way more punishment than the crime deserves since the issue is a health issue and not a penal issue will continue the drug war for fun and profit.
This is how I see reparations for drug wars and cartel trafficking and govt racketeering going into sustainable development: www.earnedamnesty.org

Whatever it takes to convert punitive criminal justice systems and prisons into effective treatment centers and teaching hospitals to prevent crime and violence while providing medical education and health care for public service, the Democrats owe the most reparations for oppressive abuse and discrimination against Black populations and have taken on the claim of representing those minority interests. So I would delegate this part of govt reform, including training workers and leaders in building their own campus towns and managing their own busineses schools and govt.

The financing can be leveraged against debts and damages owed from racketeering and trafficking that has involved large pharm interests as well as corrupted law enforcement and the private prison complexes and contracts.
Any "reforms" would have to be Constitutional. Much of that wouldn't be.
To handle "political beliefs" these would have to be decided and managed outside federal govt.

Parties and Media are outside govt.

So mediating between them would be outside.

Only where all people/parties AGREE on policy should that be endorsed by govt as public.

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