
Okay. I don't see why you think it's going to a "bad place," but if it's making you uncomfortable, we'll call it a draw.
cause you recently said the way i was responding was getting borderline harassment or something like that a few posts ago.

i do think what trump jr said was likely something normal for most politicians. esp since he is *not* one and may or may not have known it was illegal to get that info in such a manner. i've not seen or heard anything else to link them that wasn't going about it in an agenda manner.

i do feel the investigation is part pay back part plan to keep trump busy. what the investigation has found hasn't been related to russia at all but financial issues. if that is what we attack then obama's appointments when he was first elected had around 60% that should have been "investigated" because they were in fact delinquent on many tax issues for many years running.

i think people today are more focused on "revenge" than "justice" and have mixed the 2 to a single outcome.

if we're to take comments in e-mail to justify investigating someone, then why is the same focus not being placed on the DNC e-mails and all that it revealed that were, to me, much worse than "sure i'll take that bad info..." from trump jr.

rest assured i can keep the bulldog going and dig, but you don't like it when i do and since my goal isn't to piss you off i stopped doing that is all.
And you quite cleverly got in the last word, too, but I will still be the "gentleman" here and not continue to debate it since you say you don't want to. Although you keep it up.
i never said i didn't want to debate it.

i said i didn't want to make you mad at me. again. as for having to get the last word in - sorry. i thought we were having a conversation and replying back and forth is traditionally part of that. for example, you said:

"Well, the Russians failed because I don't hate you. I don't understand how you can argue in one post that the investigation was unwarranted and in the next point out how the Russians have set us against each other in a destructive cycle of accusations and reprisals, becoming less and less based in reality."

and since you were misinterpreting what i said and why i feel the way i do, i explained. that's it. you keep making this a me vs. you while i'm trying to NOT make it that way.

and the russians trolled us to pit us against each other. yes. is that illegal? not as far as i know. should we investigate trump cause of it?

no. not on what little we have to actually link the 2. a music producers e-mail and a lawyers meeting and wa-la. years of investigations. i think that was a waste of time. we know how they did it and where they did it.

why is what anyone wants to make of it at this point.

Well done, my dear.
100% pure Russian PROPAGANDA..... HOW can you and other USMB right wing members not recognize this...? It's in-explainable HOW LITTLE you all know and truly ignorant you guys are on this topic??? BLOWS MY MIND!!! For very very little money in advertising, the Russians found a way through trolls and Bots to spread those ads to hundreds of millions of people...

Five Takeaways From New Reports on Russia’s Social Media Operations

All of the emphasis on Facebook has obscured the huge role of Instagram, as well as the Russian activity on many smaller platforms.
Most of the early media coverage of the Russian campaign focused on Facebook. The New Knowledge report argues that the Internet Research Agency’s presence on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, has been underestimated and may have been as effective or even more effective than its Facebook effort. The report says there were 187 million engagements on Instagram — users “liking” or sharing the content created in Russia — compared with 76.5 million engagements on Facebook.

“Our assessment is that Instagram is likely to be a key battleground on an ongoing basis,” the report concludes.

Both reports note that there was hardly a social platform, however obscure, that the Internet Research Agency did not invade: Reddit, Google+, Vine, Gab, Meetup, Pinterest, Tumblr and more. The Russian trolls even created a podcast on SoundCloud.

Why are we still talking about this more than two years after the election?
Russia had used similar online influence tactics inside Russian borders and in neighboring countries, including Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine. But the campaign against the United States in 2016 was historic on several counts: It was the first major foreign influence campaign aimed at affecting a presidential election; it was the biggest influence operation ever to be aimed at Americans from another country; and it was the biggest attack ever — using virtual, not physical weapons — on the United States by its old Cold War adversary, albeit slimmed down from the Soviet Union to Russia alone. It will be studied for years.

It is impossible to measure what effect the Russian campaign — along with the hacking and leaking of Democratic emails — had on the outcome of the very close 2016 election. But some political scientists believe it may have won the presidency for Donald J. Trump — a remarkable conclusion, even if it cannot be proved or disproved.

Inevitably, some American political operatives are learning from Russia’s example, testing the tools of chicanery in their online operations. So the Internet Research Agency may have taught a new generation of tricksters how to swing an election in the cyberage.
So dumb.

Russia had no affect on the election.

Folks in our own intelligence agencies, and folks in the DNC that really knew what a danger HRC was, leaked damaging files to Wikileaks.

Americans found out the truth about who she is, and decided to take a chance on a buffoonish carnival entertainer with a spotty track record of success in business over a known corrupt politician that had proven documents on Wikileaks to back up that corruption.

All of the corporate press denials of that corruption, all of the investigations by the government of how that documentation ended up in the public domain is NOT going to change the public opinion of the fact that HRC is a slimy corrupt politician.

Folks know that truth, they will not be gas lighted into believing the emperor has clothes on at this point.
To me, who won the election is beside the point.
It's like I told you before the election, your vote doesn't really matter anyway, so why do you care?

No matter who won, the wars would continue, and nothing would change anyway. So who cares?
Our votes don't matter? If Hillary were President, do you really think we would be withdrawing, bit by bit from the UN? Would we have pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal? Would we have refused to sign the Paris Climate Accords? Would we have cut immigration and refugees into this country at a time when there is such need for safe havens?

Votes do matter.
Do you notice how every single thing you listed is what the Corporate media has told are the things that are on the CFR and the globalist wish list?

It's like you knocked on the Bilderberg Meeting hotel door or Ted Turner's house and said, in a right proper Oliver Twist voice, " 'scuse me sir, what can I give you with my last dying breath?"

Do you have any strength or ability to live or think for yourself? Is there any thought in your head that wasn't put there by the TEE VEE or the NYT?

Did it ever occur to you that when I heard about those things I was alarmed/disappointed/angry without being told I should be? Do you realize how insulting you are? Get off this kick that I can't think for myself. You don't either. I have read links you supplied, and you do the same thing we all do--you share the ideas that are similar to your own. But I bet you wouldn't like me accusing you of being brainwashed by those writers, would you?
i never said i didn't want to debate it.

i said i didn't want to make you mad at me. again. as for having to get the last word in - sorry. i thought we were having a conversation and replying back and forth is traditionally part of that. for example, you said:

"Well, the Russians failed because I don't hate you. I don't understand how you can argue in one post that the investigation was unwarranted and in the next point out how the Russians have set us against each other in a destructive cycle of accusations and reprisals, becoming less and less based in reality."

and since you were misinterpreting what i said and why i feel the way i do, i explained. that's it. you keep making this a me vs. you while i'm trying to NOT make it that way.

and the russians trolled us to pit us against each other. yes. is that illegal? not as far as i know. should we investigate trump cause of it?

no. not on what little we have to actually link the 2. a music producers e-mail and a lawyers meeting and wa-la. years of investigations. i think that was a waste of time. we know how they did it and where they did it.

why is what anyone wants to make of it at this point.

It's like I told you before the election, your vote doesn't really matter anyway, so why do you care?

No matter who won, the wars would continue, and nothing would change anyway. So who cares?
Our votes don't matter? If Hillary were President, do you really think we would be withdrawing, bit by bit from the UN? Would we have pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal? Would we have refused to sign the Paris Climate Accords? Would we have cut immigration and refugees into this country at a time when there is such need for safe havens?

Votes do matter.
i'm fine with pulling out of the UN. we've become the world police and i am not a fan of that at all.

i'm fine with pulling out of nuke deals with iran when they have shown they are NOT following through. just as i would be for n korea if they keep that shit up.

paris climate accord? that was a global money grab with zero accountability put into it.

safe havens? again - why are we the united way of the world? we've got many of our own local issues we need to focus on.
I was pointing out that our elected officials DO make choices with consequences, that's all.
They do make choices, but seldom face consequences for their often criminal and deadly actions.

Why? Because too many Americans are ignorant.
I fear some of the consequences of the choices Trump is making. We cannot control the reactions of other countries. Someday we may rue our decision to put a reality tv star in the White House.
Yet our corrupt government DOES often control the actions of other nations.
Our votes don't matter? If Hillary were President, do you really think we would be withdrawing, bit by bit from the UN? Would we have pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal? Would we have refused to sign the Paris Climate Accords? Would we have cut immigration and refugees into this country at a time when there is such need for safe havens?

Votes do matter.
i'm fine with pulling out of the UN. we've become the world police and i am not a fan of that at all.

i'm fine with pulling out of nuke deals with iran when they have shown they are NOT following through. just as i would be for n korea if they keep that shit up.

paris climate accord? that was a global money grab with zero accountability put into it.

safe havens? again - why are we the united way of the world? we've got many of our own local issues we need to focus on.
I was pointing out that our elected officials DO make choices with consequences, that's all.
They do make choices, but seldom face consequences for their often criminal and deadly actions.

Why? Because too many Americans are ignorant.
I fear some of the consequences of the choices Trump is making. We cannot control the reactions of other countries. Someday we may rue our decision to put a reality tv star in the White House.
ah hell. we can't control the reactions of people in here so not sure why this gets expanded to think we ever could control the reactions of other countries anyway. no president ever could. not a fan of the way trump is doing things at times but at times i've not been a fan of things any president has done.
There you go again, taking a sharp swerve into the brush for no reason. I did not say we ever COULD control the reactions of others, did I? I never said it was any different from Trump. You need to stop inserting your own ideas into words people (didn't) say.
cause you recently said the way i was responding was getting borderline harassment or something like that a few posts ago.

i do think what trump jr said was likely something normal for most politicians. esp since he is *not* one and may or may not have known it was illegal to get that info in such a manner. i've not seen or heard anything else to link them that wasn't going about it in an agenda manner.

i do feel the investigation is part pay back part plan to keep trump busy. what the investigation has found hasn't been related to russia at all but financial issues. if that is what we attack then obama's appointments when he was first elected had around 60% that should have been "investigated" because they were in fact delinquent on many tax issues for many years running.

i think people today are more focused on "revenge" than "justice" and have mixed the 2 to a single outcome.

if we're to take comments in e-mail to justify investigating someone, then why is the same focus not being placed on the DNC e-mails and all that it revealed that were, to me, much worse than "sure i'll take that bad info..." from trump jr.

rest assured i can keep the bulldog going and dig, but you don't like it when i do and since my goal isn't to piss you off i stopped doing that is all.
And you quite cleverly got in the last word, too, but I will still be the "gentleman" here and not continue to debate it since you say you don't want to. Although you keep it up.
i never said i didn't want to debate it.

i said i didn't want to make you mad at me. again. as for having to get the last word in - sorry. i thought we were having a conversation and replying back and forth is traditionally part of that. for example, you said:

"Well, the Russians failed because I don't hate you. I don't understand how you can argue in one post that the investigation was unwarranted and in the next point out how the Russians have set us against each other in a destructive cycle of accusations and reprisals, becoming less and less based in reality."

and since you were misinterpreting what i said and why i feel the way i do, i explained. that's it. you keep making this a me vs. you while i'm trying to NOT make it that way.

and the russians trolled us to pit us against each other. yes. is that illegal? not as far as i know. should we investigate trump cause of it?

no. not on what little we have to actually link the 2. a music producers e-mail and a lawyers meeting and wa-la. years of investigations. i think that was a waste of time. we know how they did it and where they did it.

why is what anyone wants to make of it at this point.

So dumb.

Russia had no affect on the election.

Folks in our own intelligence agencies, and folks in the DNC that really knew what a danger HRC was, leaked damaging files to Wikileaks.

Americans found out the truth about who she is, and decided to take a chance on a buffoonish carnival entertainer with a spotty track record of success in business over a known corrupt politician that had proven documents on Wikileaks to back up that corruption.

All of the corporate press denials of that corruption, all of the investigations by the government of how that documentation ended up in the public domain is NOT going to change the public opinion of the fact that HRC is a slimy corrupt politician.

Folks know that truth, they will not be gas lighted into believing the emperor has clothes on at this point.
To me, who won the election is beside the point.
It's like I told you before the election, your vote doesn't really matter anyway, so why do you care?

No matter who won, the wars would continue, and nothing would change anyway. So who cares?
Our votes don't matter? If Hillary were President, do you really think we would be withdrawing, bit by bit from the UN? Would we have pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal? Would we have refused to sign the Paris Climate Accords? Would we have cut immigration and refugees into this country at a time when there is such need for safe havens?

Votes do matter.
Do you notice how every single thing you listed is what the Corporate media has told are the things that are on the CFR and the globalist wish list?

It's like you knocked on the Bilderberg Meeting hotel door or Ted Turner's house and said, in a right proper Oliver Twist voice, " 'scuse me sir, what can I give you with my last dying breath?"

Do you have any strength or ability to live or think for yourself? Is there any thought in your head that wasn't put there by the TEE VEE or the NYT?

Did it ever occur to you that when I heard about those things I was alarmed/disappointed/angry without being told I should be? Do you realize how insulting you are? Get off this kick that I can't think for myself. You don't either. I have read links you supplied, and you do the same thing we all do--you share the ideas that are similar to your own. But I bet you wouldn't like me accusing you of being brainwashed by those writers, would you?
It’s true. We all live in an unreal matrix of lies and deception. Thanks to a government and media gone rogue.

I say it is way past the time to terminate this government, but I recognize I am of a very small minority.
Oh, I believe the investigation into Russian intervention in our Presidential election and the possibility of Americans willingly involved in it is clearly called for.
I felt Don's emails that I quoted above are the smoking gun of the campaign's attitude and it would not surprise me if some of them actually get caught doing something illegal. But it's a hard thing to prove, conspiracy. So I'm not really expecting that, either.
and the attitude is that they would accept help from a foreign government - in this case russia.

the series of events that played out from that mail didn't evolve into anything illegal at all, much less actual information passed on. no russian gov official was involved in any of this other than their name mentioned but the "sure i'll take that" is enough to base multi-year long investigations over "just in case" something was there.

i can relate as i feel hillary (for example) has much more than "sure i'll take that" against her and she needs to be in jail. but proven? well no one has done it yet and lucy keeps pulling the football away.

to me, it's these very different viewpoints over similar topics the russians exploited against us to get us to hate each other. they skewed how we reference in as much as what info we reference as well. nothing illegal as far as i know and something *we* need to be aware of and put the emotions they're trying to stir away and focus on what we can prove, not what we feel.
Well, the Russians failed because I don't hate you. I don't understand how you can argue in one post that the investigation was unwarranted and in the next point out how the Russians have set us against each other in a destructive cycle of accusations and reprisals, becoming less and less based in reality.

I have faith that our Intelligence Agencies know what they are doing. Apparently you don't. I believe they have very good evidence that Russia did the hacking of the DNC and that they, through a middle man, supplied it to Wikileaks. There was a whole lot of "forgetting" about meetings with and doings with Russians by the members of the Trump campaign. Maybe it's coincidence or a tempest in a teapot, over and over again. There were many reasons for the investigation, not just the Trump Tower meeting. Let's not forget that there was no Special Investigation until Trump fired the Director of the FBI and told Russians the next day that he had cleared up "that problem."
There were lots of good reasons for the investigation and whatever they come up with will be interesting, I'm sure.

Damn you are so idealistic and naive. It is really quaint. I love your heart of gold.

The establishment doesn't give a shit about the people, it only cares about itself.

Spooks and the Masked Media
Spooks and the Masked Media
". . . . A common retort is that it is absurd to suggest that The New York Times, The Washington Post, Fox News, CNN, etc. are just disseminating propaganda from behind a mask of objectivity. And it is that small word “just” that reveals the falsity of the reply. For obviously these media organizations report truthfully on certain matters. For if they didn’t, their lies would not work. But when it comes to crucial matters of foreign or domestic policy – matters that involve the controlling interests of the elites – lies and deceptions are the rule.

Yes, Trump is a narcissistic mana personality who has entranced and mystified his hard core followers. But to think he is the only hypnotist on the stage is childish beyond belief. The psychoanalyst Sandor Ferenczi observed that people are so susceptible to returning to an imaginary childhood through hypnotic trances because “In our innermost soul we are still children, and we remain so throughout life.” Like the little children who go trick-or-treating dressed up as ghosts, witches, or grim reapers, adults too fear death and are easily induced to believe god-like authorities who will quell their fears and ostensibly explain to them who the good and bad guys are.

Like parents with children, the masked media magicians play the good cop/bad cop game with great success. Obama was a god; Trump, the devil. Trump is a savior; Obama, a destroyer. This charade is so obvious that it’s not. But that’s how the play is played. At the moment, all eyes are on Trump, who commands center stage. And those obsessively transfixed eyes are staring out of the heads of people of all political persuasions, those that love and those that loathe the man and all he stands for. And who has created this obsession but none other than our friends in the corporate media, the same people who gave us Obama-mania.

Meanwhile, back stage…it’s a wonderful life. . . . "

That said nothing, Mr. Beale, except "FAKE NEWS." I believe Trump has that message covered.
Donnie isn’t right about much, but he is right about the MSM being fake news. Somehow, magically, Americans don’t know this. Yet, the Church Committee exposed the MSM as fake way back in the 1970s.

Imagine how great this nation would be, if we had a REAL MSM.
journalism has fallen apart and is NOT what it was 10 years ago or more. the shift wasn't sudden but it does seem almost complete.

they don't report on what is happening anymore. they report on what someone THINKS is happening. somehow opinions are now news, not the events themselves. "anonymous sources" say what people want to hear so they're right and must be defended. our own journalists cry FREEDOM OF PRESS then dox people who bitch at them.

as a country we've become very EMO and this is what happens when we cater to our emotions. couple that with the "all about me" attitudes this is what we get. choices between hillary and trump for president.

"which turd do you choose? good choice, move along please".

we need to see things as a whole, not as one side vs the other anymore. that obviously isn't working but people are stubborn and as long as some asswhipe with a blog gives them validation, here we are.
i'm fine with pulling out of the UN. we've become the world police and i am not a fan of that at all.

i'm fine with pulling out of nuke deals with iran when they have shown they are NOT following through. just as i would be for n korea if they keep that shit up.

paris climate accord? that was a global money grab with zero accountability put into it.

safe havens? again - why are we the united way of the world? we've got many of our own local issues we need to focus on.
I was pointing out that our elected officials DO make choices with consequences, that's all.
They do make choices, but seldom face consequences for their often criminal and deadly actions.

Why? Because too many Americans are ignorant.
I fear some of the consequences of the choices Trump is making. We cannot control the reactions of other countries. Someday we may rue our decision to put a reality tv star in the White House.
ah hell. we can't control the reactions of people in here so not sure why this gets expanded to think we ever could control the reactions of other countries anyway. no president ever could. not a fan of the way trump is doing things at times but at times i've not been a fan of things any president has done.
There you go again, taking a sharp swerve into the brush for no reason. I did not say we ever COULD control the reactions of others, did I? I never said it was any different from Trump. You need to stop inserting your own ideas into words people (didn't) say.
so - you're worried about not being able to control the reactions of other countries then say we never could.

what are you worried about again? i lose track and go into the weeds a lot cause i try to make sense on a logical level of these emotional things you say.
Oh, I believe the investigation into Russian intervention in our Presidential election and the possibility of Americans willingly involved in it is clearly called for.
I felt Don's emails that I quoted above are the smoking gun of the campaign's attitude and it would not surprise me if some of them actually get caught doing something illegal. But it's a hard thing to prove, conspiracy. So I'm not really expecting that, either.
and the attitude is that they would accept help from a foreign government - in this case russia.

the series of events that played out from that mail didn't evolve into anything illegal at all, much less actual information passed on. no russian gov official was involved in any of this other than their name mentioned but the "sure i'll take that" is enough to base multi-year long investigations over "just in case" something was there.

i can relate as i feel hillary (for example) has much more than "sure i'll take that" against her and she needs to be in jail. but proven? well no one has done it yet and lucy keeps pulling the football away.

to me, it's these very different viewpoints over similar topics the russians exploited against us to get us to hate each other. they skewed how we reference in as much as what info we reference as well. nothing illegal as far as i know and something *we* need to be aware of and put the emotions they're trying to stir away and focus on what we can prove, not what we feel.
Well, the Russians failed because I don't hate you. I don't understand how you can argue in one post that the investigation was unwarranted and in the next point out how the Russians have set us against each other in a destructive cycle of accusations and reprisals, becoming less and less based in reality.

I have faith that our Intelligence Agencies know what they are doing. Apparently you don't. I believe they have very good evidence that Russia did the hacking of the DNC and that they, through a middle man, supplied it to Wikileaks. There was a whole lot of "forgetting" about meetings with and doings with Russians by the members of the Trump campaign. Maybe it's coincidence or a tempest in a teapot, over and over again. There were many reasons for the investigation, not just the Trump Tower meeting. Let's not forget that there was no Special Investigation until Trump fired the Director of the FBI and told Russians the next day that he had cleared up "that problem."
There were lots of good reasons for the investigation and whatever they come up with will be interesting, I'm sure.

Damn you are so idealistic and naive. It is really quaint. I love your heart of gold.

The establishment doesn't give a shit about the people, it only cares about itself.

Spooks and the Masked Media
Spooks and the Masked Media
". . . . A common retort is that it is absurd to suggest that The New York Times, The Washington Post, Fox News, CNN, etc. are just disseminating propaganda from behind a mask of objectivity. And it is that small word “just” that reveals the falsity of the reply. For obviously these media organizations report truthfully on certain matters. For if they didn’t, their lies would not work. But when it comes to crucial matters of foreign or domestic policy – matters that involve the controlling interests of the elites – lies and deceptions are the rule.

Yes, Trump is a narcissistic mana personality who has entranced and mystified his hard core followers. But to think he is the only hypnotist on the stage is childish beyond belief. The psychoanalyst Sandor Ferenczi observed that people are so susceptible to returning to an imaginary childhood through hypnotic trances because “In our innermost soul we are still children, and we remain so throughout life.” Like the little children who go trick-or-treating dressed up as ghosts, witches, or grim reapers, adults too fear death and are easily induced to believe god-like authorities who will quell their fears and ostensibly explain to them who the good and bad guys are.

Like parents with children, the masked media magicians play the good cop/bad cop game with great success. Obama was a god; Trump, the devil. Trump is a savior; Obama, a destroyer. This charade is so obvious that it’s not. But that’s how the play is played. At the moment, all eyes are on Trump, who commands center stage. And those obsessively transfixed eyes are staring out of the heads of people of all political persuasions, those that love and those that loathe the man and all he stands for. And who has created this obsession but none other than our friends in the corporate media, the same people who gave us Obama-mania.

Meanwhile, back stage…it’s a wonderful life. . . . "

That said nothing, Mr. Beale, except "FAKE NEWS." I believe Trump has that message covered.
Donnie isn’t right about much, but he is right about the MSM being fake news. Somehow, magically, Americans don’t know this. Yet, the Church Committee exposed the MSM as fake way back in the 1970s.

Imagine how great this nation would be, if we had a REAL MSM.
www.oann.com - i do like these guys so far. they seem more "traditional" journalism.

sharyl attkisson. if you want old school dig dig dig THEN report with the facts, not opinions, you want people like her in charge. CNN gets drunk on camera and talks about their mothers sex lives and people still call the site credible. well fewer each day but hey - maybe one day people will grow up and stop calling what they want to hear "news" and everything else a lie.

but our media today does cater to their base on an emotional level. period.
And you quite cleverly got in the last word, too, but I will still be the "gentleman" here and not continue to debate it since you say you don't want to. Although you keep it up.
i never said i didn't want to debate it.

i said i didn't want to make you mad at me. again. as for having to get the last word in - sorry. i thought we were having a conversation and replying back and forth is traditionally part of that. for example, you said:

"Well, the Russians failed because I don't hate you. I don't understand how you can argue in one post that the investigation was unwarranted and in the next point out how the Russians have set us against each other in a destructive cycle of accusations and reprisals, becoming less and less based in reality."

and since you were misinterpreting what i said and why i feel the way i do, i explained. that's it. you keep making this a me vs. you while i'm trying to NOT make it that way.

and the russians trolled us to pit us against each other. yes. is that illegal? not as far as i know. should we investigate trump cause of it?

no. not on what little we have to actually link the 2. a music producers e-mail and a lawyers meeting and wa-la. years of investigations. i think that was a waste of time. we know how they did it and where they did it.

why is what anyone wants to make of it at this point.

To me, who won the election is beside the point.
It's like I told you before the election, your vote doesn't really matter anyway, so why do you care?

No matter who won, the wars would continue, and nothing would change anyway. So who cares?
Our votes don't matter? If Hillary were President, do you really think we would be withdrawing, bit by bit from the UN? Would we have pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal? Would we have refused to sign the Paris Climate Accords? Would we have cut immigration and refugees into this country at a time when there is such need for safe havens?

Votes do matter.
Do you notice how every single thing you listed is what the Corporate media has told are the things that are on the CFR and the globalist wish list?

It's like you knocked on the Bilderberg Meeting hotel door or Ted Turner's house and said, in a right proper Oliver Twist voice, " 'scuse me sir, what can I give you with my last dying breath?"

Do you have any strength or ability to live or think for yourself? Is there any thought in your head that wasn't put there by the TEE VEE or the NYT?

Did it ever occur to you that when I heard about those things I was alarmed/disappointed/angry without being told I should be? Do you realize how insulting you are? Get off this kick that I can't think for myself. You don't either. I have read links you supplied, and you do the same thing we all do--you share the ideas that are similar to your own. But I bet you wouldn't like me accusing you of being brainwashed by those writers, would you?
It’s true. We all live in an unreal matrix of lies and deception. Thanks to a government and media gone rogue.

I say it is way past the time to terminate this government, but I recognize I am of a very small minority.
i want to boot them all out, dust off the constitution, set term limits for the senate and congress, and start over with the same concept that has worked for as long as it has.

when a new congresswoman can call the president a motherfucker, we've gone too far.
I was pointing out that our elected officials DO make choices with consequences, that's all.
They do make choices, but seldom face consequences for their often criminal and deadly actions.

Why? Because too many Americans are ignorant.
I fear some of the consequences of the choices Trump is making. We cannot control the reactions of other countries. Someday we may rue our decision to put a reality tv star in the White House.
ah hell. we can't control the reactions of people in here so not sure why this gets expanded to think we ever could control the reactions of other countries anyway. no president ever could. not a fan of the way trump is doing things at times but at times i've not been a fan of things any president has done.
There you go again, taking a sharp swerve into the brush for no reason. I did not say we ever COULD control the reactions of others, did I? I never said it was any different from Trump. You need to stop inserting your own ideas into words people (didn't) say.
so - you're worried about not being able to control the reactions of other countries then say we never could.

what are you worried about again? i lose track and go into the weeds a lot cause i try to make sense on a logical level of these emotional things you say.
Never mind. I'm outta here. I'm not conversing with you in this mood.
They do make choices, but seldom face consequences for their often criminal and deadly actions.

Why? Because too many Americans are ignorant.
I fear some of the consequences of the choices Trump is making. We cannot control the reactions of other countries. Someday we may rue our decision to put a reality tv star in the White House.
ah hell. we can't control the reactions of people in here so not sure why this gets expanded to think we ever could control the reactions of other countries anyway. no president ever could. not a fan of the way trump is doing things at times but at times i've not been a fan of things any president has done.
There you go again, taking a sharp swerve into the brush for no reason. I did not say we ever COULD control the reactions of others, did I? I never said it was any different from Trump. You need to stop inserting your own ideas into words people (didn't) say.
so - you're worried about not being able to control the reactions of other countries then say we never could.

what are you worried about again? i lose track and go into the weeds a lot cause i try to make sense on a logical level of these emotional things you say.
Never mind. I'm outta here. I'm not conversing with you in this mood.
well, bye.

fyi - i went into overdrive yesterday to avoid being in this "mood". it did me no good at all cause you still got all huffy. all i can conclude with that is to not worry about trying to be polite anymore and just say what i think. if that upsets you, ignore me. kinda also proves my point that once you see someone in a certain way, it's very difficult to "unsee" them like that. what i do is now based on your notion of what you think i mean so you react emotionally.

kinda like i said the other day and you went NU HUH then got all emo on me.
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I fear some of the consequences of the choices Trump is making. We cannot control the reactions of other countries. Someday we may rue our decision to put a reality tv star in the White House.
ah hell. we can't control the reactions of people in here so not sure why this gets expanded to think we ever could control the reactions of other countries anyway. no president ever could. not a fan of the way trump is doing things at times but at times i've not been a fan of things any president has done.
There you go again, taking a sharp swerve into the brush for no reason. I did not say we ever COULD control the reactions of others, did I? I never said it was any different from Trump. You need to stop inserting your own ideas into words people (didn't) say.
so - you're worried about not being able to control the reactions of other countries then say we never could.

what are you worried about again? i lose track and go into the weeds a lot cause i try to make sense on a logical level of these emotional things you say.
Never mind. I'm outta here. I'm not conversing with you in this mood.
well, bye.

fyi - i went into overdrive yesterday to avoid being in this "mood". it did me no good at all cause you still got all huffy. all i can conclude with that is to not worry about trying to be polite anymore and just say what i think. if that upsets you, ignore me. kinda also proves my point that once you see someone in a certain way, it's very difficult to "unsee" them like that. what i do is now based on your notion of what you think i mean so you react emotionally.

kinda like i said the other day and you went NU HUH then got all emo on me.
Oh my God, you are NUTS. That is not what happened at all. I enjoyed our conversations yesterday but you are right back to hearing whatever you want to hear, regardless of what is said, and it's impossible to have a conversation like that. I'm not the one getting "emo" ice. Think about it.
ah hell. we can't control the reactions of people in here so not sure why this gets expanded to think we ever could control the reactions of other countries anyway. no president ever could. not a fan of the way trump is doing things at times but at times i've not been a fan of things any president has done.
There you go again, taking a sharp swerve into the brush for no reason. I did not say we ever COULD control the reactions of others, did I? I never said it was any different from Trump. You need to stop inserting your own ideas into words people (didn't) say.
so - you're worried about not being able to control the reactions of other countries then say we never could.

what are you worried about again? i lose track and go into the weeds a lot cause i try to make sense on a logical level of these emotional things you say.
Never mind. I'm outta here. I'm not conversing with you in this mood.
well, bye.

fyi - i went into overdrive yesterday to avoid being in this "mood". it did me no good at all cause you still got all huffy. all i can conclude with that is to not worry about trying to be polite anymore and just say what i think. if that upsets you, ignore me. kinda also proves my point that once you see someone in a certain way, it's very difficult to "unsee" them like that. what i do is now based on your notion of what you think i mean so you react emotionally.

kinda like i said the other day and you went NU HUH then got all emo on me.
Oh my God, you are NUTS. That is not what happened at all. I enjoyed our conversations yesterday but you are right back to hearing whatever you want to hear, regardless of what is said, and it's impossible to have a conversation like that. I'm not the one getting "emo" ice. Think about it.
so...this is "outta here"?


i was getting to "badgering" regardless of how much effort i put into NOT doing that. so since that's where you and i will go regardless of how i try to NOT go there, i don't see the point in being that "PC".

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