4 Diseases Making a Comeback Thanks to Anti-Vaxxers

There is no excuse not to get your kids vaccinated. The parents whose child gets Whooping Cough because they refused to vaccinate will be straight at the ER demanding treatment for the child that they made sick.

Vaccine has been available for several years but it's expensive and many who likely would benefit haven't been getting it. For many, a cost issue.

Thing is - and I have no idea why - there has been a huge increase in the number of people getting shingles in the last six months to a year. No, no link so don't ask for one. Purely anecdotal and it may be confined to a single region. Still, about 1 in 5 of local folks over 70 have gotten shingles.

Local doctors intrigued but not enough to try to get any study going.

Bright spot: Those who had the vaccination tend to have smaller areas of blistering and it subsides much more quickly than in those who did not get the vaccine.

Go figure.
Meh, let them do what they want. Darwinism in action if you ask me.

except that there are people who either can't be vaccinated for medical reasons or the vaccines don't work. so they end up getting sick because of loons who refuse to vaccinate.

but why actually think about societal good? right?

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