4 Officers Shot

Dear God. You can't make this shit up...

no you cannot for the naked truth is (according to the Seattle Times) the guy had 8 felonies in the State of Washington. So it's no like they didn't have their chance to put him away again. And you wonder why white Republicans carry guns?

What the hell does this have to do with "white Republicans"?

This guy should never have seen the light of day in Arkansas. If Fuckabee hadn't released him, he'd have never had the chance to even be in Washington State.

well sis, I believe it was the demoncwats who were trying to demonize white republicans who owned guns.. now you know why they do,, cause of fucktards like huckabee and the entire state of washington.. yep.
no you cannot for the naked truth is (according to the Seattle Times) the guy had 8 felonies in the State of Washington. So it's no like they didn't have their chance to put him away again. And you wonder why white Republicans carry guns?

What the hell does this have to do with "white Republicans"?

This guy should never have seen the light of day in Arkansas. If Fuckabee hadn't released him, he'd have never had the chance to even be in Washington State.

well sis, I believe it was the demoncwats who were trying to demonize white republicans who owned guns.. now you know why they do,, cause of fucktards like huckabee and the entire state of washington.. yep.

You're making no sense whatsoever. None.
Suspect in Lakewood police shootings was wounded, may be dead

Maurice Clemmons, the man suspected of killing four Lakewood police officers Sunday in a Parkland coffee shop, was shot and perhaps seriously wounded by one of the officers before fleeing, Pierce County sheriff's spokesman Ed Troyer said this morning.

"He has suffered a gunshot wound," Troyer said at a media briefing held just before 3 a.m.

Police know that Clemmons was wounded because they have detained other people — Troyer wouldn't say how many — who helped Clemmons after the shootings.

Local News | Suspect in Lakewood police shootings was wounded, may be dead | Seattle Times Newspaper
What the hell does this have to do with "white Republicans"?

This guy should never have seen the light of day in Arkansas. If Fuckabee hadn't released him, he'd have never had the chance to even be in Washington State.

well sis, I believe it was the demoncwats who were trying to demonize white republicans who owned guns.. now you know why they do,, cause of fucktards like huckabee and the entire state of washington.. yep.

You're making no sense whatsoever. None.

what part don't you understand?
I feel like this was a planned ambush. Which leaves the question as to motive.
Potential motives abound. Someone may have decided to remove a single witness and hide in among a group massacre. Similarly someone may have had a vendetta against one of the targets and used the opportunity to blame "gang violence."

One difficulty which the USA faces is the cycle of violence spawned by clashes between police and minorities. I've known too many police who buy into the "black kids are trouble" stereotype and respond with excessive force in situations involving black youths. Even with children, officers are apt to treat some as "trash" and the children learn to be bitter about it. That gives ample room for gangs to promise them a better future than minimum wage and false accusations anytime a convenient suspect is needed. The gang promise is both money and empowerment, for the police are no longer the sole owners of force. The gangs can fight back.
If this proves to be a gangland style execution, then a conviction may prove difficult. The perpetrator may well have been a professional with military experience hired for the occasion by a gang leader savvy enough to cover his trail. The number of middle age veterans returning from eight years of combat training with no skill except killing may result in a rapid increase in police casualties of this sort.

A solution is needed, but one is not apparent at this time.
It's going to political this morning. 3, 2, 1....

The original article posted by Huggy had comments which made it political. Not surprisingly, Huggy and Noose thought they were my comments when I posted a couple and said I was "surprised" at them :)cuckoo:). Of course, EZ herself made it political after chastising those who did when she started this thread: http://www.usmessageboard.com/current-events/96361-mike-huckabee.html

The sad fact is that there is reason to politicize this story, so I believe EZ was right to join in.

Yes there is.

When Clemmons received the 60-year sentence, he already was serving 48 years on five felony convictions and facing up to 95 more years on charges of robbery, theft and possessing a handgun on school property, according to a story in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

Huckabee can kiss my ass. There was no "failure" in the Arkansas criminal justice system. Seems it was working quite well til he fucked with it. That bastard owes the families of these officers an apology---and one to the family of the child this monster raped as well.

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. As I said in another post:

Huckabee freed a black man from a 95-year prison sentence because he committed a crime before he was 18 and had already served years in prison. It'll be interesting to see what prominent blacks like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama have to say about this. I doubt they'll say anything bad about Huckabee concerning this, but they should.


Race relations always seem to be strained in Arkansas which may have been a contributing factor in Huckabee commuting Clemmons' sentence, which I certainly consider a 'failure' of the Arkansas criminal justice system if true.
The original article posted by Huggy had comments which made it political. Not surprisingly, Huggy and Noose thought they were my comments when I posted a couple and said I was "surprised" at them :)cuckoo:). Of course, EZ herself made it political after chastising those who did when she started this thread: http://www.usmessageboard.com/current-events/96361-mike-huckabee.html

The sad fact is that there is reason to politicize this story, so I believe EZ was right to join in.

Yes there is.

When Clemmons received the 60-year sentence, he already was serving 48 years on five felony convictions and facing up to 95 more years on charges of robbery, theft and possessing a handgun on school property, according to a story in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

Huckabee can kiss my ass. There was no "failure" in the Arkansas criminal justice system. Seems it was working quite well til he fucked with it. That bastard owes the families of these officers an apology---and one to the family of the child this monster raped as well.

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. As I said in another post:

Huckabee freed a black man from a 95-year prison sentence because he committed a crime before he was 18 and had already served years in prison. It'll be interesting to see what prominent blacks like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama have to say about this. I doubt they'll say anything bad about Huckabee concerning this, but they should.


Race relations always seem to be strained in Arkansas which may have been a contributing factor in Huckabee commuting Clemmons' sentence, which I certainly consider a 'failure' of the Arkansas criminal justice system if true.

Agreed but Washington had no obligation to compound the Huckabee error and they did multiple times.. So it seems they agreed with Huckabee before they didn't.
Yes there is.

When Clemmons received the 60-year sentence, he already was serving 48 years on five felony convictions and facing up to 95 more years on charges of robbery, theft and possessing a handgun on school property, according to a story in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

Huckabee can kiss my ass. There was no "failure" in the Arkansas criminal justice system. Seems it was working quite well til he fucked with it. That bastard owes the families of these officers an apology---and one to the family of the child this monster raped as well.

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. As I said in another post:

Huckabee freed a black man from a 95-year prison sentence because he committed a crime before he was 18 and had already served years in prison. It'll be interesting to see what prominent blacks like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama have to say about this. I doubt they'll say anything bad about Huckabee concerning this, but they should.


Race relations always seem to be strained in Arkansas which may have been a contributing factor in Huckabee commuting Clemmons' sentence, which I certainly consider a 'failure' of the Arkansas criminal justice system if true.

Agreed but Washington had no obligation to compound the Huckabee error and they did multiple times.. So it seems they agreed with Huckabee before they didn't.

Exactly right. Washington State is left holding the bag on this one.
From the heart of Seattle: This is actually an escalation, we have had an increase in violence toward cops recently and, sad as it is, this is only the second completely unexplained killing of cops this month.

People who don't like how cops behave, well guess what? YOU morons who whine about tasers and all that stupid shit fucking caused this. Thanks for completely fucking up the country with your whining. Anyone who hates cops is scum in my book now, not even worth the carbon used to create you.
Sometimes you post something so incredibly stupid that it makes me fall off my chair laughing that there exists someone like you that is both severely mentally retarded and capable of posting on a message board.

The perp has a history of violence and mental illness...in fact it is being reported that he claims to be Jesus.

But no....it's the fault of people who think that sometimes police officers use excessive violence.

Stupid. Idiotic. Twit.

well,. manifool said the cops were "dirty" so what the hell. no double standards here are there?

you are still a fool and that's what you said.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Manifold could try every day for the rest of time and he still couldn't match KK's idiocy.

don't tell me you think the cops were dirty too. Would you bet on it?
I have no idea what happened...but that doesn't change the fact that KK is an idiot.

And the funniest thing about her idiocy is her pretense of supporting free speech, no matter how damaging. :cuckoo:
Manifold could try every day for the rest of time and he still couldn't match KK's idiocy.

don't tell me you think the cops were dirty too. Would you bet on it?
I have no idea what happened...but that doesn't change the fact that KK is an idiot.

And the funniest thing about her idiocy is her pretense of supporting free speech, no matter how damaging. :cuckoo:

well you know I have picked on KK a lot for her opinions, but in this case I have to say she might have a point. I wish she or Huggy would give us the low down on what the relationships are between cops and minorities in Seattle. If it's anything like LA there may be a deep resentment about police brutality. You and I both know we have seen them use tasers when we thought it un necessary. We should wait and see. What I am beginning to think is Washington screwed up letting this guy by with 8 felonies given his records in Ark.
well you know I have picked on KK a lot for her opinions, but in this case I have to say she might have a point. I wish she or Huggy would give us the low down on what the relationships are between cops and minorities in Seattle. If it's anything like LA there may be a deep resentment about police brutality. You and I both know we have seen them use tasers when we thought it un necessary. We should wait and see. What I am beginning to think is Washington screwed up letting this guy by with 8 felonies given his records in Ark.

You keep bringing up minorities in Seattle. It's proven this guy has a record, and he's not even from Seattle. So the whole idea of a point being made about minorities in this case is not even part of the conversation. All you're doing is race-baiting seemingly.

This also has nothing to do with tasers.
well you know I have picked on KK a lot for her opinions, but in this case I have to say she might have a point. I wish she or Huggy would give us the low down on what the relationships are between cops and minorities in Seattle. If it's anything like LA there may be a deep resentment about police brutality. You and I both know we have seen them use tasers when we thought it un necessary. We should wait and see. What I am beginning to think is Washington screwed up letting this guy by with 8 felonies given his records in Ark.

You keep bringing up minorities in Seattle. It's proven this guy has a record, and he's not even from Seattle. So the whole idea of a point being made about minorities in this case is not even part of the conversation. All you're doing is race-baiting seemingly.

This also has nothing to do with tasers.

That remains to be seen doesn't it. He has been in Washington long enough to rack up 8 felony arrests. He was released from jail last week. and I personally think I am not race baiting. but that's just me. wassamatter race only an issue when you give permission?
A lot of people have problems with police brutality. That doesn't mean they go out and kill 4 cops at one pop.

And it certainly doesn't mean that discussing tasers and the actions of the police when they fuck up causes random people to slaughter the police.

And pretending it does is the ultimate free speech suppressor: Don't Question Authority.

KK is a fraud. And it is a shame she went in that gutter.
A lot of people have problems with police brutality. That doesn't mean they go out and kill 4 cops at one pop.

And it certainly doesn't mean that discussing tasers and the actions of the police when they fuck up causes random people to slaughter the police.

And pretending it does is the ultimate free speech suppressor: Don't Question Authority.

KK is a fraud. And it is a shame she went in that gutter.

KK is not a fraud. She is a human being just like the rest of us. And she is entitled to her opinions. Just like you and I. Who knows what made that dude walk in there and execute those officers. I can tell you it ain't cause he loved them.

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