4 Signs that DOMA is doomed

I don't care one way or the other...I'm just SICK AND TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT IT!

You should care about equal protection under the law.

However, it'll be something that we will talk about for a long time to come. Eventually it will become legal, and just like roe v wade, politicians and groups will continue to fight it for the foreseeable future.

It is not something we will talk about for a long time. Once it becomes the law of the land everyone will wonder what the big deal was

Same as them serving openly in the military now.
The bigots told us that would cause massive retirements, lack of unit cohesion and 47 other problems.
Bad case of eat up with the dumb ass.
Any and all other discriminatory laws.
Book it.

like affirmative action? :razz:

Court ordered school integration.

There is no doubt that gay marriage will pass. Just not for long.

There are people in this world who still oppose court ordered integration?

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like affirmative action? :razz:

Court ordered school integration.

There is no doubt that gay marriage will pass. Just not for long.

There are people in this world who still oppose court ordered integration?

You understand that court ordered integration failed don't you? You can support it but that cow has left the barn. Affirmative action failed. We are now into the third generation of affirmative action with no real improvement. In fact blacks are worse off with higher unemployment than if we never had affirmative action.

If you could rewind this movie you would clearly see that Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia and other cities started disintegrating when they adopted plans for cout ordered integration.

Sorry to disabuse you of your fuzzy feel good but acceptance and normalization of homosexuality has happened before with always the same result of lots of dead gay people.

I don't know why but it would seem that along with acceptance of homosexuality comes acceptance of all other forms of depravity. What decent people remain just stop caring what happens to degenerates. When some group rises to oppose degeneracy there isn't enough people caring enough to defend them. That seems to be the case in London and Paris where the public is largely not moved to outrage when muslims attack gays.

In America it has been somewhat different. It's self induced disease that brings the big yawn. So far.
Don't worry rw... There are still places where you and your boyfriend can get recognized by a civil union.

Better get used to it

Gay Marriage will soon be available to half the population

Your half will not be far behind

My half? :confused:I don't care about you degenerates. It's just more women for me.

How do you know that women won't marry each other rather than deal with you?
and they will bodecea.

I bet even non gay women will marry to gain the protections you are given in the deal.

That is why I have always said we should dump marriage and do a civil union of everyone and let the church keep the word marriage.

Then any two people can partake of a civil union for any reasons they deem
I am a straight-married for 37 years with 3 kids, southern drawl speaking, bourbon swiller, beer guzzler, backer chewin, football lovin, flannel shirt wearin, fishin n huntin lover and Georgia by the grace of God.

I have no problem with gay folk wanting to get married.
Does not affect me in any way.

While I would vote to approve same sex marriage at the state level, I do not see any constitutional right to it. With regards the constitution I have always been a strict constructionist, and am wary of 5 of 9 people being able to create a right out of thin air, mostly because those that create one can limit or destroy one just as easy. Anyone who puts all thier faith in the courts must remember it was the courts that created the civil rights issues of the 50's and 60's with thier terrible plessey v. Fergueson ruling.

We have bypassed the amendment process with judges who legislate rather and adjudicate.
I am a straight-married for 37 years with 3 kids, southern drawl speaking, bourbon swiller, beer guzzler, backer chewin, football lovin, flannel shirt wearin, fishin n huntin lover and Georgia by the grace of God.

I have no problem with gay folk wanting to get married.
Does not affect me in any way.

While I would vote to approve same sex marriage at the state level, I do not see any constitutional right to it. With regards the constitution I have always been a strict constructionist, and am wary of 5 of 9 people being able to create a right out of thin air, mostly because those that create one can limit or destroy one just as easy. Anyone who puts all thier faith in the courts must remember it was the courts that created the civil rights issues of the 50's and 60's with thier terrible plessey v. Fergueson ruling.

We have bypassed the amendment process with judges who legislate rather and adjudicate.

Plessy v. Ferguson was a 1896 case where the SCOTUS ruled that "separate but equal" was Constitutionally valid.

Brown v. Board of Education was a 1954 case where the SCOTUS overturned Plessy v. Ferguson and showed that "separate but equal" was not a Constitutionally valid way to operate government entities.

I am a straight-married for 37 years with 3 kids, southern drawl speaking, bourbon swiller, beer guzzler, backer chewin, football lovin, flannel shirt wearin, fishin n huntin lover and Georgia by the grace of God.

I have no problem with gay folk wanting to get married.
Does not affect me in any way.

While I would vote to approve same sex marriage at the state level, I do not see any constitutional right to it. With regards the constitution I have always been a strict constructionist, and am wary of 5 of 9 people being able to create a right out of thin air, mostly because those that create one can limit or destroy one just as easy. Anyone who puts all thier faith in the courts must remember it was the courts that created the civil rights issues of the 50's and 60's with thier terrible plessey v. Fergueson ruling.

We have bypassed the amendment process with judges who legislate rather and adjudicate.

Not what is happening here.
They are ruling if DOMA gives government the right to take rights AWAY.
And it does and if they are strict constitutionalists theywill rule that DOMA does just that.
Those that support DOMA and government laws banning gay marriage support government taking the right away from gays and lesbians to marry each other.
Court ordered school integration.

There is no doubt that gay marriage will pass. Just not for long.

There are people in this world who still oppose court ordered integration?

You understand that court ordered integration failed don't you? You can support it but that cow has left the barn. Affirmative action failed. We are now into the third generation of affirmative action with no real improvement. In fact blacks are worse off with higher unemployment than if we never had affirmative action.

If you could rewind this movie you would clearly see that Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia and other cities started disintegrating when they adopted plans for cout ordered integration.

Sorry to disabuse you of your fuzzy feel good but acceptance and normalization of homosexuality has happened before with always the same result of lots of dead gay people.

I don't know why but it would seem that along with acceptance of homosexuality comes acceptance of all other forms of depravity. What decent people remain just stop caring what happens to degenerates. When some group rises to oppose degeneracy there isn't enough people caring enough to defend them. That seems to be the case in London and Paris where the public is largely not moved to outrage when muslims attack gays.

In America it has been somewhat different. It's self induced disease that brings the big yawn. So far.

You have to prove homosexuality is depravity for any of your claims to have any credibility.
Shame as some do but the fact you claim that bull shit throws the rest out with the bull shit.
You can believe that homosexuality is moral corruption all you want, have at it.
But we will not allow you to push your bull shit on us. We believe that our family members, neighbors and friends that happen to be homosexual are not immoral citizens.
And are offended by your ruthless claims that they are. We just assume you keep your religious beliefs to yourself and if you do not have anything nice to say about folks you do not even know then just keep your pie hole shut.
One day you may come out of your angry, pompous, opinionated and self righteous self.
For the sake of your family I hope you do. Otherwise you are going to grow an old, bitter and angry grump.
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Conservatives of principle want the end of DOMA and return of this issue to the states.
4. Some legal scholars are pushing Clarence Thomas to go rogue
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, "the most conservative justice since the 1930s," historically votes in favor of state authority, and is something of a "legal outlier" with "radical" views, according to The New York Times. So radical, in fact, that he's not afraid to dissent from his fellow conservatives.

Indicative of the hypocrisy of the right and the inconsistent application of conservative judicial doctrine, a consequence of social conservatism.

Thomas, who is actually a libertarian, along with the conservatives on the Court, should rule to invalidate DOMA on ‘states’ rights’ grounds.

“How dare the Federal government presume to dictate to the states how to write their marriage laws.”

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