4 year old exercises his second amendment rights

Ok so you only care about the people accidentally killed by guns, not those whose lives are protected and defended by them?

Gotcha. You're a slimeball.
Your posts in this thread.

The fact that you don't even acknowledge that guns save lives, all you do is post about, and get giddy when, someone is accidentally shot with a gun.
Your posts in this thread.

The fact that you don't even acknowledge that guns save lives, all you do is post about, and get giddy when, someone is accidentally shot with a gun.

Examples of accidents are far easier to find than any with lives saved. That should tell you something.
Your posts in this thread.

The fact that you don't even acknowledge that guns save lives, all you do is post about, and get giddy when, someone is accidentally shot with a gun.

Also in all these accidents we know they wouldn't have happened had the family chosen to not own a gun. Most of the defenses are of property. Very few lives are saved. And I have not suggested banning guns, just that families should think long and hard about ownership.
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Well that's like saying a child who dies in a car accident, (thousands and thousands a year, but you don't care about those kids, they don't help your anti-gun agenda) wouldn't have died had their parents not bought a car. No, they sure wouldn't have. Why don't you care about those kids, again?

At times like this you just say DUHHHHHH.

Just because someone is accidentally shot with a gun doesn't mean guns aren't used to save lives. Hell, I know one guy used a gun to get a basketball out of a tree. Not what it was designed for but it worked.
Well that's like saying a child who dies in a car accident, (thousands and thousands a year, but you don't care about those kids, they don't help your anti-gun agenda) wouldn't have died had their parents not bought a car. No, they sure wouldn't have. Why don't you care about those kids, again?

At times like this you just say DUHHHHHH.

Just because someone is accidentally shot with a gun doesn't mean guns aren't used to save lives. Hell, I know one guy used a gun to get a basketball out of a tree. Not what it was designed for but it worked.

The family does a lot of things with that car. Go to work, get food, get medicine, go to the doctor... Things essential for life. Most people never need a gun for anything. Why are you talking about cars? I support speed limits, traffic signs, child seats in cars... I also support sensors on cars to help stop when you aren't paying attention. Many car accidents happen because of rain, snow, ice, animals in the road... Many of these gun accidents are a matter of just not storing properly. Pretty simple compared to car accidents. And of course cars are used many, many millions of times more than guns...

You suggest they save lives, then give an example of using to get a basketball out of a tree? The family that is now destroyed was correct to have a gun because maybe they would someday need to get a basketball out of a tree?
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So, even if the study was off by 1 MILLION, it is still showing us that people do in fact use guns for self defense and that they do in fact save lives. MORE lives than are lost to guns. Lives that are lost to guns are because of criminals. And you assholes want to take guns away from honest law-abiding citizens. You people are fucked up.

Now you know how I feel when dealing with brain...he is a rabid anti gunner who hides behind a reasonable seeming posting style.......the actual research refutes him at every step so he nit picks the research to frustrate people......
Florida Woman Shot in Back by 4-Year-Old Son

A 4-year-old boy accidentally shot in his mother, an apparently staunch pro-gun advocate, in the back in north Florida on Tuesday, according to local deputies.

The woman, who has been identified as Jamie Gilt, 31, told Putnam County police officials that her son was sitting in the back of her pickup truck when he picked up a .45-caliber handgun and shot her through the back of the seat. A deputy on patrol approached the car on Tuesday afternoon, as it had stopped and looked “awkward,” and found her shot in the front seat.
Always blaming the firearm... Fucking spineless lemmings.
So how big was the la times survey? Was it national?

Are you all stupid or something???

Kleck conducted a national survey in 1994 (the National Self-Defense Survey) and, extrapolating from the 5,000 households surveyed, estimated that in 1993 there were approximately 2.5 million incidents of defensive gun use (DGU - the use of guns for self-protection), compared to about 0.5 million gun crimes as estimated by the National Crime Victimization Survey.[13]

That isn't the la times survey idiot.

The LA Times didn't conduct a survey, you idiot. They report the results. Derp. No wonder I call you brainless.

Then why does 2aguy list it as a separate survey and why does it have a different number than kleck? You really are lost...

It was a survey based on other studies that have been performed, you retard!!! What is the matter with you?? Dr. Kleck performed a STUDY with research and data.

Brain trots out the l.a. Study because you can't find it on the Internet........he won't contact the Times and try to get it so he pretends that a study listed in a peer reviewed research paper doesn't exist.....it is all he has considering the l.a. Times is just one of 3 studies listed on the same link...

He is an actual troll.......

Brain is 12'years old..........that is how he thinks...so debating its him is frustrating....
Are you all stupid or something???

Kleck conducted a national survey in 1994 (the National Self-Defense Survey) and, extrapolating from the 5,000 households surveyed, estimated that in 1993 there were approximately 2.5 million incidents of defensive gun use (DGU - the use of guns for self-protection), compared to about 0.5 million gun crimes as estimated by the National Crime Victimization Survey.[13]

That isn't the la times survey idiot.

The LA Times didn't conduct a survey, you idiot. They report the results. Derp. No wonder I call you brainless.

Then why does 2aguy list it as a separate survey and why does it have a different number than kleck? You really are lost...

It was a survey based on other studies that have been performed, you retard!!! What is the matter with you?? Dr. Kleck performed a STUDY with research and data.

Brain trots out the l.a. Study because you can't find it on the Internet........he won't contact the Times and try to get it so he pretends that a study listed in a peer reviewed research paper doesn't exist.....it is all he has considering the l.a. Times is just one of 3 studies listed on the same link...

He is an actual troll.......

Brain is 12'years old..........that is how he thinks...so debating its him is frustrating....

The fact is you can't find info on most of your list. And in the case of the CDC you make up that they estimated DGU's when clearly they did not do a study. Many on your list are also not even national surveys. The list has no value.

Tell us about the Field survey. How big was the survey?
Studies by Kleck and the Department of Justice conclude that guns are frequently used to protect crime victims. But do they serve as a deterrent to crime? Findings are mixed.

A study by professors James D. Wright and Peter Rossi surveyed nearly 2,000 incarcerated felons and concluded that criminals are more worried about running into armed victims than law enforcement.

According to the Wright-Rossi survey, 34% of the felons responding from state prisons said that they had been “scared off, shot at, wounded or captured” by a victim armed with a firearm. The same percentage said they worried about being fired upon by armed victims, while 57% said they were more concerned with encountering an armed victim than encountering law enforcement officers.

Why are they worried? There are only a little over 200 justifiable homicides with a gun each year. According to 2aguy most armed defenders let the criminal go...

Why are you worried about people defending themselves against criminals? Even if it was 30,000 people a year, that is still 30,000 who avoided being victims of criminals because of their guns. Right?

With 19,000 accidental shootings and 500 accidental shooting deaths it is probably better for some to just give up their wallet. Not to mention how many people are in jail because they thought it was a lawful defense.

1,500,000 times Americans use guns for self defense according to Bill Clinton.......,,,,far more than non fatal accidents, fatal accidents and actual gun murder.....combined......twit.
Studies by Kleck and the Department of Justice conclude that guns are frequently used to protect crime victims. But do they serve as a deterrent to crime? Findings are mixed.

A study by professors James D. Wright and Peter Rossi surveyed nearly 2,000 incarcerated felons and concluded that criminals are more worried about running into armed victims than law enforcement.

According to the Wright-Rossi survey, 34% of the felons responding from state prisons said that they had been “scared off, shot at, wounded or captured” by a victim armed with a firearm. The same percentage said they worried about being fired upon by armed victims, while 57% said they were more concerned with encountering an armed victim than encountering law enforcement officers.

Why are they worried? There are only a little over 200 justifiable homicides with a gun each year. According to 2aguy most armed defenders let the criminal go...

Why are you worried about people defending themselves against criminals? Even if it was 30,000 people a year, that is still 30,000 who avoided being victims of criminals because of their guns. Right?

With 19,000 accidental shootings and 500 accidental shooting deaths it is probably better for some to just give up their wallet. Not to mention how many people are in jail because they thought it was a lawful defense.

1,500,000 times Americans use guns for self defense according to Bill Clinton.......,,,,far more than non fatal accidents, fatal accidents and actual gun murder.....combined......twit.

Why fatal? There is obviously not 1.5 million lives being saved. Gun owners are a minority, a small minority when you look at how many carry. We only have like 14,000 murders each year in the country. That means at most the number of lives saved is some small percent of 14,000.
Studies by Kleck and the Department of Justice conclude that guns are frequently used to protect crime victims. But do they serve as a deterrent to crime? Findings are mixed.

A study by professors James D. Wright and Peter Rossi surveyed nearly 2,000 incarcerated felons and concluded that criminals are more worried about running into armed victims than law enforcement.

According to the Wright-Rossi survey, 34% of the felons responding from state prisons said that they had been “scared off, shot at, wounded or captured” by a victim armed with a firearm. The same percentage said they worried about being fired upon by armed victims, while 57% said they were more concerned with encountering an armed victim than encountering law enforcement officers.

Why are they worried? There are only a little over 200 justifiable homicides with a gun each year. According to 2aguy most armed defenders let the criminal go...

Why are you worried about people defending themselves against criminals? Even if it was 30,000 people a year, that is still 30,000 who avoided being victims of criminals because of their guns. Right?

With 19,000 accidental shootings and 500 accidental shooting deaths it is probably better for some to just give up their wallet. Not to mention how many people are in jail because they thought it was a lawful defense.

1,500,000 times Americans use guns for self defense according to Bill Clinton.......,,,,far more than non fatal accidents, fatal accidents and actual gun murder.....combined......twit.

Why fatal? There is obviously not 1.5 million lives being saved. Gun owners are a minority, a small minority when you look at how many carry. We only have like 14,000 murders each year in the country. That means at most the number of lives saved is some small percent of 14,000.

And not only are gun owners a minority, but lets look at the relationship of the victim to the murderer:
In 2009, 24.2 percent of victims were slain by family members; 53.8 percent were killed by someone they knew (acquaintance, neighbor, friend, boyfriend, etc.). The relationship of murder victims and offenders was unknown in 43.9 percent of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter incidents in 2009. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 10.)
  • Of the female murder victims for whom their relationships to the offenders were known, 34.6 percent were murdered by their husbands or boyfriends. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Tables 2 and 10.)

Over 50% of the time the victim is an acquaintance, over 24% a family member. The guy who decides to kill his gun toting wife is going to do it when she can't defend herself with a gun, like while in the shower or sleeping. The same could be said for many in the acquaintance group. So at most it really is a very small percent of 14,000.
Here are some parents greatly regretting gun ownership now:
Police: Child killed in accidental shooting

These stories are much easier to find than any of lives being saved.

Yeah...because they bleed......and journalists are,anti gun in their bias........again...1,500,000 defensive gun uses and when you tell the guy you will shoot if they don't leave...and then they leave...doesn't make the local news twit......and then most of these stories can't break local news into national news even if a thug is shot.......you guys are so desperate to hide the truth, the facts and the reality...

Too bad for you that women and minorities don't buy your lies...they are the growing sectors in gun ownership........and that is not good news for you anti gun nuts...
Here are some parents greatly regretting gun ownership now:
Police: Child killed in accidental shooting

These stories are much easier to find than any of lives being saved.

Yeah...because they bleed......and journalists are,anti gun in their bias........again...1,500,000 defensive gun uses and when you tell the guy you will shoot if they don't leave...and then they leave...doesn't make the local news twit......and then most of these stories can't break local news into national news even if a thug is shot.......you guys are so desperate to hide the truth, the facts and the reality...

Too bad for you that women and minorities don't buy your lies...they are the growing sectors in gun ownership........and that is not good news for you anti gun nuts...

Yet you post many that do make the news... The news needs exciting stories like gun defenses, they aren't going to turn them away. You are living in fantasy land again.

According to the OP that is not good news for women or children.

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