4 years Later, Only 3 New Miles of Wall And Not A Single Peso From Mexico

Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

So Russia, Russia, Russian, didnt work, Stormy Daniels didnt work, Brett Kavanaugh didnt work, Ukraine didnt work, Kung Flu virus didnt work, China recession didnt work, now we are back to the wall....See how insane these people are..
I think all those things in your list are working... Trump is an idiot and a horrible president and you just laid out a nice list showing why thats true.
And you still think the groper, sleepy, creepy Joe wipes his own ass..

I think what you just did was a poor attempt at a deflection... But to answer your question because unlike you I give direct answers... Yes I think Biden wipes his own ass and would do a hell of a lot better as president than Trump
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

" They call him Flopper Flopper slower than bullshit"
I know logic will fry your brain so I hope I don't hurt the peanut.

Mexicans have been stealing our pesos because of the Clinton disaster called NAFTA. Trump cut a great deal and nixed that horror. How many extra pesos do you think Mexico is paying us now?? Logical they ARE PAYING FOR THE WALL.

The 400 miles of wall are the worst at guarding us. Fences knocked over. That 400 miles are the easiest to cross. Logical??
Ah, yes Trump can cut a deal, like the one he promised with Iran which never happened, and the one with North Korea that never happened, and the bilateral trade agreements to replace TPP which never happened. The Mexican government has paid nothing for the wall and I seriously doubt they every will. In the end American tax payers will pay for the Trump folly.
Mexico is paying for the wall in tariffs produced by Trump. Trump is making Mexico pay for the wall. Plus the revenue over the yrs will pay for 1000 walls. Sorry you can't see that. Maybe you should go to the fake noose story and chime in.

Plus that first 400 miles of the wall are the most problematic . 6ft high fences knocked over aren't walls.

The only deal Trump promised Iran is when they bombed their main man in Iran.
No, businesses in the US that buy Mexican good pay the tariffs, not Mexico. Neither the Mexican government nor Mexican businesses pay anything. No matter how you cut it, the US pays for the wall which is what we knew all along would happen.
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.
Trump campaigned on a $8-$12 billion price tag and 3.5 years to complete. So he has 3 miles knocked out after 3.5 years and does anybody know how much has been spent?

I'm assuming he is going to send Mexico the invoice after the wall is complete
1. There is 212 miles of new wall, with a total of 450 miles to be completed by the end of the year. About $11b has been spent so far. Actually if Congress got off its ass and passed a "Remittance Tax" on money sent out of the US the wall would be paid for as well as ICE.
2. Your 3-mile comment is plain stupid.

3. The border patrol appreciates the new wall

4. The new wall works. Look at the 2020 crossings compared to prior years. The old wall sucked, the new wall works great.
View attachment 354256
There is 3 miles of new distance on the wall... The rest was reenforcement of existing wall... Lets be honest now Mr Spin
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

So Russia, Russia, Russian, didnt work, Stormy Daniels didnt work, Brett Kavanaugh didnt work, Ukraine didnt work, Kung Flu virus didnt work, China recession didnt work, now we are back to the wall....See how insane these people are..
I think all those things in your list are working... Trump is an idiot and a horrible president and you just laid out a nice list showing why thats true.
And you still think the groper, sleepy, creepy Joe wipes his own ass..

I think what you just did was a poor attempt at a deflection... But to answer your question because unlike you I give direct answers... Yes I think Biden wipes his own ass and would do a hell of a lot better as president than Trump

Biden doesnt know his ass from a hole in the ground that is how mentally challenged he is. His Doctor wife has to point to it all the time, and coddle poor Joe, as he Joe keeps in his basement. Reminds me of Cartman during the World of Warcraft episode.

Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.
Trump campaigned on a $8-$12 billion price tag and 3.5 years to complete. So he has 3 miles knocked out after 3.5 years and does anybody know how much has been spent?

I'm assuming he is going to send Mexico the invoice after the wall is complete
1. There is 212 miles of new wall, with a total of 450 miles to be completed by the end of the year. About $11b has been spent so far. Actually if Congress got off its ass and passed a "Remittance Tax" on money sent out of the US the wall would be paid for as well as ICE.
2. Your 3-mile comment is plain stupid.

3. The border patrol appreciates the new wall

4. The new wall works. Look at the 2020 crossings compared to prior years. The old wall sucked, the new wall works great.
View attachment 354256
There is 3 miles of new distance on the wall... The rest was reenforcement of existing wall... Lets be honest now Mr Spin
Existing FENCE, get it right and have you seen some of that shit they call Fence!? 2 strands of barbed wire ain't gonna stop anyone.
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

So Russia, Russia, Russian, didnt work, Stormy Daniels didnt work, Brett Kavanaugh didnt work, Ukraine didnt work, Kung Flu virus didnt work, China recession didnt work, now we are back to the wall....See how insane these people are..
I think all those things in your list are working... Trump is an idiot and a horrible president and you just laid out a nice list showing why thats true.
And you still think the groper, sleepy, creepy Joe wipes his own ass..

I think what you just did was a poor attempt at a deflection... But to answer your question because unlike you I give direct answers... Yes I think Biden wipes his own ass and would do a hell of a lot better as president than Trump

Biden doesnt know his ass from a hole in the ground that is how mentally challenged he is. His Doctor wife has to point to it all the time, and coddle poor Joe, as he Joe keeps in his basement. Reminds me of Cartman during the World of Warcraft episode.

Ok so you don't think Joe can wipe his own ass because he can't recognize it from a hole in the ground. Excellent. I'll concede all points of this argument and let you have it. I have no interest in engaging with a kindergartener.
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.
Trump campaigned on a $8-$12 billion price tag and 3.5 years to complete. So he has 3 miles knocked out after 3.5 years and does anybody know how much has been spent?

I'm assuming he is going to send Mexico the invoice after the wall is complete
1. There is 212 miles of new wall, with a total of 450 miles to be completed by the end of the year. About $11b has been spent so far. Actually if Congress got off its ass and passed a "Remittance Tax" on money sent out of the US the wall would be paid for as well as ICE.
2. Your 3-mile comment is plain stupid.

3. The border patrol appreciates the new wall

4. The new wall works. Look at the 2020 crossings compared to prior years. The old wall sucked, the new wall works great.
View attachment 354256
There is 3 miles of new distance on the wall... The rest was reenforcement of existing wall... Lets be honest now Mr Spin
Existing FENCE, get it right and have you seen some of that shit they call Fence!? 2 strands of barbed wire ain't gonna stop anyone.
I thought Fence and wall were the same thing?? Ok, he replaced fence and has built 3 new miles of border fence. Still he was completely full of shit on what he campaigned on... But who cares right?!
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.
Trump campaigned on a $8-$12 billion price tag and 3.5 years to complete. So he has 3 miles knocked out after 3.5 years and does anybody know how much has been spent?

I'm assuming he is going to send Mexico the invoice after the wall is complete
1. There is 212 miles of new wall, with a total of 450 miles to be completed by the end of the year. About $11b has been spent so far. Actually if Congress got off its ass and passed a "Remittance Tax" on money sent out of the US the wall would be paid for as well as ICE.
2. Your 3-mile comment is plain stupid.

3. The border patrol appreciates the new wall

4. The new wall works. Look at the 2020 crossings compared to prior years. The old wall sucked, the new wall works great.
View attachment 354256
There is 3 miles of new distance on the wall... The rest was reenforcement of existing wall... Lets be honest now Mr Spin
Existing FENCE, get it right and have you seen some of that shit they call Fence!? 2 strands of barbed wire ain't gonna stop anyone.
I thought Fence and wall were the same thing?? Ok, he replaced fence and has built 3 new miles of border fence. Still he was completely full of shit on what he campaigned on... But who cares right?!
Replaced the fencing with wall AND created more wall, how much well that depends on which source you believe. I stopped believing in 2018 he was gonna do shit about the wall. I expect all work to stop if he wins reelection.
No new fencing/wall but I'm pretty sure Mexico's check is in the mail. As soon as MAGAt gets it, he'll start the actual fence.

Thing is, he's sorta running to continue this debacle for another four years and yet, not a word about the promise/lie that many voted for. How come?
In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing
Do a little google search and see what that fencing looked like and where it is now. It was completely worthless before Trump. If Dems would ever work WITH him, 10 times more would be done.

I'm only disappointed in the Democrats
No balanced budget.

No decrease in the trade deficit with China and Mexico. In fact, a record deficit.

No repeal and replace of Obamacare.

Hillary is still alive and still free. Not locked up.

The swamp is bigger, wider, and deeper. Corruption in this Administration is through the roof.

Aaaaaaaaand...no Wall.

"Only I can fix it!"

4 years Later, Only 3 New Miles of Wall And Not A Single Peso From Mexico
I blame Obama. When Trump took office, the cupboard was bare of fences and concrete.
During the Obama administration as of 2011 649 miles had been completed of which 299 were vehicle barriers and 350 miles of pedestrian fencing. After 3 years of the Trump administration 93 miles of reinforced fencing has been completed 90 which was replacement and 3 miles were new.
Trump's new design is SHIT!
$5 of rebar gets you a ladder to climb over it.
$100 gets you a saw to cut through it.
3 months and a shovel gets you a tunnel UNDER it!
TOTAL waste of time and money, just like Trump himself.
4 years Later, Only 3 New Miles of Wall And Not A Single Peso From Mexico
I blame Obama. When Trump took office, the cupboard was bare of fences and concrete.
During the Obama administration as of 2011 649 miles had been completed of which 299 were vehicle barriers and 350 miles of pedestrian fencing. After 3 years of the Trump administration 93 miles of reinforced fencing has been completed 90 which was replacement and 3 miles were new.
LOL wikipedia.

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