4 years Later, Only 3 New Miles of Wall And Not A Single Peso From Mexico

You calling us names, is about your issues, not ours.
Good gawd, stop playing the victim.

You don't think I see how you post to other people? "Trumpsters" is some kind of vicious name-calling, is it? Aww. Go ahead and give me another term to use so that I don't harm your tender PC sensibilities in the future. I'll try to remember to use it whenever addressing you.

You people have fallen for the con, and you stick with him because he enables your worst impulses. Enjoy it while you have it, because this country will ultimately grow out of it.

1. I post to people with the level of respect they show me. If they call me names for no reason, I will respond in kind, but with just cause.

2. Trump; supporters would be good for discussion people that support Trump politically. But, it does not dimish or insult the people you are referring to, so you will probably not use it.

3. PC is not about not wanting to be insulted. It is rude of you to lie to my face like that.

4. Your assumption that we feel for a con is unsupported by anything other than your bigotry.

5. Your assumption of our "worst impulses" is just you calling people you don't like, names.

6. This country will never grow out off us wanting our interests represented. It might grow to a point where we don't get that, and realize that we will never get it again. That will not be a good thing. Shitting on people for no reason, does not generally lead to good things.
Using the term "worst impulses" is not name calling. (wtf?)

You're making snowflake college students look like Rambo.

You are not a victim. Man up a little.
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

Lotsa new wall replaced dilapidated fencing that a short knocked up Mexican could scale.
You calling us names, is about your issues, not ours.
Good gawd, stop playing the victim.

You don't think I see how you post to other people? "Trumpsters" is some kind of vicious name-calling, is it? Aww. Go ahead and give me another term to use so that I don't harm your tender PC sensibilities in the future. I'll try to remember to use it whenever addressing you.

You people have fallen for the con, and you stick with him because he enables your worst impulses. Enjoy it while you have it, because this country will ultimately grow out of it.

1. I post to people with the level of respect they show me. If they call me names for no reason, I will respond in kind, but with just cause.

2. Trump; supporters would be good for discussion people that support Trump politically. But, it does not dimish or insult the people you are referring to, so you will probably not use it.

3. PC is not about not wanting to be insulted. It is rude of you to lie to my face like that.

4. Your assumption that we feel for a con is unsupported by anything other than your bigotry.

5. Your assumption of our "worst impulses" is just you calling people you don't like, names.

6. This country will never grow out off us wanting our interests represented. It might grow to a point where we don't get that, and realize that we will never get it again. That will not be a good thing. Shitting on people for no reason, does not generally lead to good things.
Using the term "worst impulses" is not name calling. (wtf?)

You're making snowflake college students look like Rambo.

You are not a victim. Man up a little.

1' Your implication was obvious. Man up and admit that. Illegal immigration is a real problem. Dismissing those who want it solved, as just having "Worst impulses" is dishonest and rude.

2. Ridiculing me as a "snowflake" for pointing out your bad behavior, is just you doubling down on your bad behavior.

3. AND it is you knowing that you cannot defend your policy positions in serious and honest debate. Because otherwise, you would not be holding on to these logical fallacies with such grim determination. You are in the wrong and you know it. That is why you are operating based on your "worst impulses".
You calling us names, is about your issues, not ours.
Good gawd, stop playing the victim.

You don't think I see how you post to other people? "Trumpsters" is some kind of vicious name-calling, is it? Aww. Go ahead and give me another term to use so that I don't harm your tender PC sensibilities in the future. I'll try to remember to use it whenever addressing you.

You people have fallen for the con, and you stick with him because he enables your worst impulses. Enjoy it while you have it, because this country will ultimately grow out of it.

1. I post to people with the level of respect they show me. If they call me names for no reason, I will respond in kind, but with just cause.

2. Trump; supporters would be good for discussion people that support Trump politically. But, it does not dimish or insult the people you are referring to, so you will probably not use it.

3. PC is not about not wanting to be insulted. It is rude of you to lie to my face like that.

4. Your assumption that we feel for a con is unsupported by anything other than your bigotry.

5. Your assumption of our "worst impulses" is just you calling people you don't like, names.

6. This country will never grow out off us wanting our interests represented. It might grow to a point where we don't get that, and realize that we will never get it again. That will not be a good thing. Shitting on people for no reason, does not generally lead to good things.
Using the term "worst impulses" is not name calling. (wtf?)

You're making snowflake college students look like Rambo.

You are not a victim. Man up a little.

1' Your implication was obvious. Man up and admit that. Illegal immigration is a real problem. Dismissing those who want it solved, as just having "Worst impulses" is dishonest and rude.

2. Ridiculing me as a "snowflake" for pointing out your bad behavior, is just you doubling down on your bad behavior.

3. AND it is you knowing that you cannot defend your policy positions in serious and honest debate. Because otherwise, you would not be holding on to these logical fallacies with such grim determination. You are in the wrong and you know it. That is why you are operating based on your "worst impulses".
I'm done with a symmetrical online conversations with people who can only see one side of a story. That includes you, obviously.

I hope I didn't hurt your feelings there.
You calling us names, is about your issues, not ours.
Good gawd, stop playing the victim.

You don't think I see how you post to other people? "Trumpsters" is some kind of vicious name-calling, is it? Aww. Go ahead and give me another term to use so that I don't harm your tender PC sensibilities in the future. I'll try to remember to use it whenever addressing you.

You people have fallen for the con, and you stick with him because he enables your worst impulses. Enjoy it while you have it, because this country will ultimately grow out of it.

1. I post to people with the level of respect they show me. If they call me names for no reason, I will respond in kind, but with just cause.

2. Trump; supporters would be good for discussion people that support Trump politically. But, it does not dimish or insult the people you are referring to, so you will probably not use it.

3. PC is not about not wanting to be insulted. It is rude of you to lie to my face like that.

4. Your assumption that we feel for a con is unsupported by anything other than your bigotry.

5. Your assumption of our "worst impulses" is just you calling people you don't like, names.

6. This country will never grow out off us wanting our interests represented. It might grow to a point where we don't get that, and realize that we will never get it again. That will not be a good thing. Shitting on people for no reason, does not generally lead to good things.
Using the term "worst impulses" is not name calling. (wtf?)

You're making snowflake college students look like Rambo.

You are not a victim. Man up a little.

1' Your implication was obvious. Man up and admit that. Illegal immigration is a real problem. Dismissing those who want it solved, as just having "Worst impulses" is dishonest and rude.

2. Ridiculing me as a "snowflake" for pointing out your bad behavior, is just you doubling down on your bad behavior.

3. AND it is you knowing that you cannot defend your policy positions in serious and honest debate. Because otherwise, you would not be holding on to these logical fallacies with such grim determination. You are in the wrong and you know it. That is why you are operating based on your "worst impulses".
I'm done with a symmetrical online conversations with people who can only see one side of a story. That includes you, obviously.

I hope I didn't hurt your feelings there.

Well, you expressed disagreement, and claimed that I was the one who can't see both sides of an issue.

You did not, state or imply that my motive was some type of personality flaw or because I was a bad person.

You did not challenge my man hood.

Oh, wait, you did, at the end, when you implied with your snide "i hope I didn't hurt your feelings there".

You couldn't just state your point and let it stand on it's own merits, or lack there of,

you have to go for the personal attack.

My pointing out your bad behavior, is not a weakness on my part.

AND, once again, since you seem unwilling to remember this, my point is my "Feelings" but my intent is to not let you people operate under different debating rules than us.

We cannot have real debate in this country, where Republicans are expected to operate by marquess of queensberry rules while you Dems are constantly lying and race baiting and making everything personal,

hell, now using street violence and censorship to silence your enemies.

NO. I will not engage in such a non-symmetrical conversations.
You calling us names, is about your issues, not ours.
Good gawd, stop playing the victim.

You don't think I see how you post to other people? "Trumpsters" is some kind of vicious name-calling, is it? Aww. Go ahead and give me another term to use so that I don't harm your tender PC sensibilities in the future. I'll try to remember to use it whenever addressing you.

You people have fallen for the con, and you stick with him because he enables your worst impulses. Enjoy it while you have it, because this country will ultimately grow out of it.

1. I post to people with the level of respect they show me. If they call me names for no reason, I will respond in kind, but with just cause.

2. Trump; supporters would be good for discussion people that support Trump politically. But, it does not dimish or insult the people you are referring to, so you will probably not use it.

3. PC is not about not wanting to be insulted. It is rude of you to lie to my face like that.

4. Your assumption that we feel for a con is unsupported by anything other than your bigotry.

5. Your assumption of our "worst impulses" is just you calling people you don't like, names.

6. This country will never grow out off us wanting our interests represented. It might grow to a point where we don't get that, and realize that we will never get it again. That will not be a good thing. Shitting on people for no reason, does not generally lead to good things.
Using the term "worst impulses" is not name calling. (wtf?)

You're making snowflake college students look like Rambo.

You are not a victim. Man up a little.

1' Your implication was obvious. Man up and admit that. Illegal immigration is a real problem. Dismissing those who want it solved, as just having "Worst impulses" is dishonest and rude.

2. Ridiculing me as a "snowflake" for pointing out your bad behavior, is just you doubling down on your bad behavior.

3. AND it is you knowing that you cannot defend your policy positions in serious and honest debate. Because otherwise, you would not be holding on to these logical fallacies with such grim determination. You are in the wrong and you know it. That is why you are operating based on your "worst impulses".
I'm done with a symmetrical online conversations with people who can only see one side of a story. That includes you, obviously.

I hope I didn't hurt your feelings there.

Well, you expressed disagreement, and claimed that I was the one who can't see both sides of an issue.

You did not, state or imply that my motive was some type of personality flaw or because I was a bad person.

You did not challenge my man hood.

Oh, wait, you did, at the end, when you implied with your snide "i hope I didn't hurt your feelings there".

You couldn't just state your point and let it stand on it's own merits, or lack there of,

you have to go for the personal attack.

My pointing out your bad behavior, is not a weakness on my part.

AND, once again, since you seem unwilling to remember this, my point is my "Feelings" but my intent is to not let you people operate under different debating rules than us.

We cannot have real debate in this country, where Republicans are expected to operate by marquess of queensberry rules while you Dems are constantly lying and race baiting and making everything personal,

hell, now using street violence and censorship to silence your enemies.

NO. I will not engage in such a non-symmetrical conversations.
Then we're in full agreement.

There is clearly no longer any reason for you to post to me.
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

So the new trade deal didn't count towards paying for the wall? And using the drug dealers and gangs and cartel money doesn't count?
How about money out of Aid to Mexico or out of tagged on pricing to defense products?
Do you really know what you think you know just because Anderson Cooper who lives in a 99% white neighborhood tells you so or "a walled" in CNN says it's so?
You calling us names, is about your issues, not ours.
Good gawd, stop playing the victim.

You don't think I see how you post to other people? "Trumpsters" is some kind of vicious name-calling, is it? Aww. Go ahead and give me another term to use so that I don't harm your tender PC sensibilities in the future. I'll try to remember to use it whenever addressing you.

You people have fallen for the con, and you stick with him because he enables your worst impulses. Enjoy it while you have it, because this country will ultimately grow out of it.

1. I post to people with the level of respect they show me. If they call me names for no reason, I will respond in kind, but with just cause.

2. Trump; supporters would be good for discussion people that support Trump politically. But, it does not dimish or insult the people you are referring to, so you will probably not use it.

3. PC is not about not wanting to be insulted. It is rude of you to lie to my face like that.

4. Your assumption that we feel for a con is unsupported by anything other than your bigotry.

5. Your assumption of our "worst impulses" is just you calling people you don't like, names.

6. This country will never grow out off us wanting our interests represented. It might grow to a point where we don't get that, and realize that we will never get it again. That will not be a good thing. Shitting on people for no reason, does not generally lead to good things.
Using the term "worst impulses" is not name calling. (wtf?)

You're making snowflake college students look like Rambo.

You are not a victim. Man up a little.

1' Your implication was obvious. Man up and admit that. Illegal immigration is a real problem. Dismissing those who want it solved, as just having "Worst impulses" is dishonest and rude.

2. Ridiculing me as a "snowflake" for pointing out your bad behavior, is just you doubling down on your bad behavior.

3. AND it is you knowing that you cannot defend your policy positions in serious and honest debate. Because otherwise, you would not be holding on to these logical fallacies with such grim determination. You are in the wrong and you know it. That is why you are operating based on your "worst impulses".
I'm done with a symmetrical online conversations with people who can only see one side of a story. That includes you, obviously.

I hope I didn't hurt your feelings there.

Well, you expressed disagreement, and claimed that I was the one who can't see both sides of an issue.

You did not, state or imply that my motive was some type of personality flaw or because I was a bad person.

You did not challenge my man hood.

Oh, wait, you did, at the end, when you implied with your snide "i hope I didn't hurt your feelings there".

You couldn't just state your point and let it stand on it's own merits, or lack there of,

you have to go for the personal attack.

My pointing out your bad behavior, is not a weakness on my part.

AND, once again, since you seem unwilling to remember this, my point is my "Feelings" but my intent is to not let you people operate under different debating rules than us.

We cannot have real debate in this country, where Republicans are expected to operate by marquess of queensberry rules while you Dems are constantly lying and race baiting and making everything personal,

hell, now using street violence and censorship to silence your enemies.

NO. I will not engage in such a non-symmetrical conversations.
Then we're in full agreement.

There is clearly no longer any reason for you to post to me.

Your request to be allowed to launch personal and propaganda attacks without being called on it, is denied.
Your request to be allowed to launch personal and propaganda attacks without being called on it, is denied.

A quick hop over to the Search gives us a giggle. Whining about "personal attacks", from a guy who says stuff like this to those who dare to trigger him:

you are a fucktard. And a coward, because you would not say that in real life to any republicans.
The idea that retarded monkeys like you should be allowed to throw shit around in a serious debate and be treated as though you were not the fucking assholes you are,

So, fuck you.
It is just you being an asshole.

Seriously. How fucking stupid are you?
You say you are an asshole? Well, it's good that you know it.
I'm not southern you stupid prick.
You have to hand it to Trump. He went ahead with his campaign promise to tighten border security in spite of an attempted (ongoing) political coup, a pandemic and civil unrest sponsored by Marxist democrats.
What the hell did democrat icon FDR accomplish in his first 3 1/2 years except turning a recession into a soup line depression?
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn......Nancy and Chuck are the problem......everyone knows it.
Trump has delivered on his promises....nuff said.
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall”
trump never promised a 2,000 mile wall

Amazing how they create straw-men isn't it? Fact is that the numbers are down....way down....and that is what he promised. Mexico has indeed paid for the wall....the Newly established trade treaty has saved us untold billions already.

Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

So the new trade deal didn't count towards paying for the wall? And using the drug dealers and gangs and cartel money doesn't count?
How about money out of Aid to Mexico or out of tagged on pricing to defense products?
Do you really know what you think you know just because Anderson Cooper who lives in a 99% white neighborhood tells you so or "a walled" in CNN says it's so?

Disingenuous liberal assholes claim that conservatives don’t understand nuance.

The savings to America to have a secure border is many billions of dollars.

Even CHAZCHOP made a barrier, are they racist?
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

So the new trade deal didn't count towards paying for the wall? And using the drug dealers and gangs and cartel money doesn't count?
How about money out of Aid to Mexico or out of tagged on pricing to defense products?
Do you really know what you think you know just because Anderson Cooper who lives in a 99% white neighborhood tells you so or "a walled" in CNN says it's so?

Disingenuous liberal assholes claim that conservatives don’t understand nuance.

The savings to America to have a secure border is many billions of dollars.

Even CHAZCHOP made a barrier, are they racist?

He has kept that promise and it terrifies them. Don't forget that millions in cartel cash comes up over the border by human mule.....then it goes out toe La Raza and democratic donations. Trump is well aware of this....he has hit them where it hurts the most...right in the pocket and still they out-raise the GOP with Chinese money pouring in.

Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

Prove something, liar.
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

So the new trade deal didn't count towards paying for the wall? And using the drug dealers and gangs and cartel money doesn't count?
How about money out of Aid to Mexico or out of tagged on pricing to defense products?
Do you really know what you think you know just because Anderson Cooper who lives in a 99% white neighborhood tells you so or "a walled" in CNN says it's so?

Disingenuous liberal assholes claim that conservatives don’t understand nuance.

The savings to America to have a secure border is many billions of dollars.

Even CHAZCHOP made a barrier, are they racist?
You Lie, the City of Seattle Erected that CHOP barrier.

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