4 years Later, Only 3 New Miles of Wall And Not A Single Peso From Mexico

The fencing / “wall” could have been rebuilt and extended with Democratic approval and Congressional funding if Trump had not been, from the very beginning, such a prick and demagogue.

When Trump acts like a lowlife demagogue, when Republicans repudiated all compromise on things like DACA and a road to citizenship for millions of hardworking productive long-time undocumented workers, when Trump attacked respected Mexican-American judges as “Mexicans” who could never be fair, when he made “The Wall” into a campaign symbol for everything xenophobic he stood for, he made it inevitable that his “Wall” would be opposed.

Personally, along with the overwhelming majority of U.S. voters in both parties, I always felt and still feel repairing and where appropriate extending walls and electronic security to control our borders is absolutely appropriate. In the past it has been authorized innumerable times by both party administrations without issue. Other measures are probably also worth considering ... in a serious manner. Border security is no different than airport security in principle. Neither should be a partisan issue.

But then neither should reacting to COVID-19! Unfortunately, here too Trump’s simple incompetence, grandstanding, inability to work with others or act responsibly, has left our nation in the lurch. Trump builds unnecessary walls between Americans, but cannot defend us against real dangers.
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Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

So the new trade deal didn't count towards paying for the wall? And using the drug dealers and gangs and cartel money doesn't count?
How about money out of Aid to Mexico or out of tagged on pricing to defense products?
Do you really know what you think you know just because Anderson Cooper who lives in a 99% white neighborhood tells you so or "a walled" in CNN says it's so?

Disingenuous liberal assholes claim that conservatives don’t understand nuance.

The savings to America to have a secure border is many billions of dollars.

Even CHAZCHOP made a barrier, are they racist?
Chaz/Chop, DNC, CNN and Beto all have walls and no open entrance policies, no free entrance to back door or windows to avoid the courtesy front doorbell.
Your request to be allowed to launch personal and propaganda attacks without being called on it, is denied.

A quick hop over to the Search gives us a giggle. Whining about "personal attacks", from a guy who says stuff like this to those who dare to trigger him:

you are a fucktard. And a coward, because you would not say that in real life to any republicans.
The idea that retarded monkeys like you should be allowed to throw shit around in a serious debate and be treated as though you were not the fucking assholes you are,

So, fuck you.
It is just you being an asshole.

Seriously. How fucking stupid are you?
You say you are an asshole? Well, it's good that you know it.
I'm not southern you stupid prick.

Correct. People insulted me, and I insulted them back, with an attempt to match the level of the incivility.

That is what I said. YOur posting me doing that, supports my statement.

That you did not post the lib assholes being lib assholes, is you being dishonest, trying to create the illusion that I launched these attacks without justification.

The desire of the Left to be allowed to defame and smear their enemies, while their enemies are held to a higher standard, and just take it like good little bitches,

is a reflection of both the intellectual immaturity and moral cowardice of the Left.

It is also an tacit admission that you know that, generally speaking, you are wrong, and on the wrong side of the issues.

People that were confident in the strength of their ideas, to win the Context of Ideas, would not need to use such underhanded and dishonest tactics.
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

So the new trade deal didn't count towards paying for the wall? And using the drug dealers and gangs and cartel money doesn't count?
How about money out of Aid to Mexico or out of tagged on pricing to defense products?
Do you really know what you think you know just because Anderson Cooper who lives in a 99% white neighborhood tells you so or "a walled" in CNN says it's so?

Disingenuous liberal assholes claim that conservatives don’t understand nuance.

The savings to America to have a secure border is many billions of dollars.

Even CHAZCHOP made a barrier, are they racist?
You Lie, the City of Seattle Erected that CHOP barrier.
I saw chop moving barriers, I guess your news sources never showed that part?
Perfect example of Democrats ineptitude. It is disgusted how the Democrats blew its chance of getting DACA resolved in bargaining over funding for the wall.
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

So the new trade deal didn't count towards paying for the wall? And using the drug dealers and gangs and cartel money doesn't count?
How about money out of Aid to Mexico or out of tagged on pricing to defense products?
Do you really know what you think you know just because Anderson Cooper who lives in a 99% white neighborhood tells you so or "a walled" in CNN says it's so?

Disingenuous liberal assholes claim that conservatives don’t understand nuance.

The savings to America to have a secure border is many billions of dollars.

Even CHAZCHOP made a barrier, are they racist?
You Lie, the City of Seattle Erected that CHOP barrier.

So the Mayor of Seattle is racist?

What about the summer of love?
Perfect example of Democrats ineptitude. It is disgusted how the Democrats blew its chance of getting DACA resolved in bargaining over funding for the wall.

My personal favorite was when Dims claimed that Central and South American immigrants were fleeing tyranny. Pubs said fine, we will let them flee tyranny, but they can’t vote.

Dims ditched the deal because they are lying scum.
The fencing / “wall” could have been rebuilt and extended with Democratic approval and Congressional funding if Trump had not been, from the very beginning, such a prick and demagogue.
you cannot blame trump for the failures of congress
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

I'm very disappointed in the Wall. But your qualifier "new wall" is the type of thing some one does, who is trying to dishonestly exaggerate the strength of their argument.

The "Make Mexico Pay for it" was always, to me, and I believe to most Trump supporters, just icing on the cake and not getting that, is fine.

ESPECIALLY as Mexico has really stepped up in helping stopping immigration from further south.
You illustrate what is so disturbing about Trump supporters. You're OK with him lying about Mexico paying for the wall? Are you Ok with him lying about his deal with the Ukraine for information on Biden's son, his claim that coronavirus is just the flu, and the virus is going away? Trump is a pathological liar. He says whatever he believes will benefit him at the time with no thought as whether it is true or not. Words matter but truth matters even more.

He is a hyperbolic braggart. I was never sure how serious he was about making Mexico pay for it.

I was fairly sure that he was serious about the Wall and I am disappointed that we have not seen more of that. To be more clear, I do not know why we do not have all high traffic areas completely blocked by serious Wall.

HIs opponents, varied from not as good to far, far worse on this issue.

Trump, for all his lack of experience and even with the disappointing results, was and still IS, the best choice of that available choices.

Jeb Bush would probably had pushed for Amnesty. Certainly Hillary would have.

This is not us being "conned". That you libs keep pretending that it is, is you not listening to our answers. AT ALL.
This election is a choice between an elderly statement who will likely have a rather ho hum administration, certainly boring compared to Donald Trump. I expect Biden will lead the fight against the virus as opposed pretending it doesn't exist. I also expect him to introduce some immigration reforms but not anything close to what many in his party wants, and to rebuild some of the international bridges that Trump has been burning down, listening to our intelligence agencies instead telling them their job, and making it clear that Putin and Kim Jong-um are not America's friends. Where trump considers the nation a work in progress, Biden is likely to consider himself a caretaker of a great nation.

With Trump I expect to see America become one of the most authoritarian nations on the planet. I expect him to run roughshod over congress and the courts. Without an election to win, he doesn't need to pander to supporters. He can begin to reshape America into a country of one man rule, similar to the demigods he has always admired. His once shocking actions such as cutting deals with foreign powers for political favors, interfering with the with the courts for his personal benefit, effectively rewriting laws via executive orders will become common place. The Senate has made it clear by their refusal to even consider the impeachment charges that they will give him complete freedom to act as he chose. With only a few more well placed judges and a 2nd term he will be able to rule the country as he sees fit. I suppose that is what a lot of Trump supporters want. However, they might be surprised to see how quickly he will turn on them when he no longer needs their support, something Trump is famous for.
The fencing / “wall” could have been rebuilt and extended with Democratic approval and Congressional funding if Trump had not been, from the very beginning, such a prick and demagogue.

When Trump acts like a lowlife demagogue, when Republicans repudiated all compromise on things like DACA and a road to citizenship for millions of hardworking productive long-time undocumented workers, when Trump attacked respected Mexican-American judges as “Mexicans” who could never be fair, when he made “The Wall” into a campaign symbol for everything xenophobic he stood for, he made it inevitable that his “Wall” would be opposed.

Personally, along with the overwhelming majority of U.S. voters in both parties, I always felt and still feel repairing and where appropriate extending walls and electronic security to control our borders is absolutely appropriate. In the past it has been authorized innumerable times by both party administrations without issue. Other measures are probably also worth considering ... in a serious manner. Border security is no different than airport security in principle. Neither should be a partisan issue.

But then neither should reacting to COVID-19! Unfortunately, here too Trump’s simple incompetence, grandstanding, inability to work with others or act responsibly, has left our nation in the lurch. Trump builds unnecessary walls between Americans, but cannot defend us against real dangers.
I agree. I talked to lot of democrats about border security and no one said they wanted open borders but they did want fair immigration laws and fair treatment for undocumented immigrants. You're right, any other president could have had democrats as well as republican support for the border wall and a lot more would have been accomplished. But Trump turned the issue of the Wall into a hatefest between conservatives and liberals, native born Americans and Immigrants, and Mexicans and Americans. For democrats to be for the Wall meant you approved Trump's war of hatred. Personally, I have never had a problem with building border barriers where they were needed.
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