4 years Later, Only 3 New Miles of Wall And Not A Single Peso From Mexico

Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

Only 3 miles? You are as full of shit as a Christmas turkey! How about a real source other than HuffyPoo? Oh, there aren't any others that lie like you?
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Yea so he's replacing an old wall in a location where a good quality one is desperately needed with a much better, much stronger and much newer wall. If there was a wall there already then that location was already shown to need one, so why wouldn't it get the upgraded wall first?

They plan on doing 450 miles of wall before the end of the year.

On December 17, 2019, acting Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan stated that 93 miles of barriers has been built during the Trump administration; according to CBP figures, at least 90 miles of that replaced existing structures. So Trump has build 93 miles of boarder fencing in 3 years and he's going to build over 200 miles of new fencing in 6 months. NOT LIKELY. At this rate border fencing will take him 66 years to fence the border and he hasn't gotten to areas where he will face opposition from land owners plus American that have any sense at all will send him packing come November.

Those existing "structures" were border markers that did not stop. anyone except maybe a tortoise dying of thirst.
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

So Russia, Russia, Russian, didnt work, Stormy Daniels didnt work, Brett Kavanaugh didnt work, Ukraine didnt work, Kung Flu virus didnt work, China recession didnt work, now we are back to the wall....See how insane these people are..
I think all those things in your list are working... Trump is an idiot and a horrible president and you just laid out a nice list showing why thats true.
And you still think the groper, sleepy, creepy Joe wipes his own ass..

I think what you just did was a poor attempt at a deflection... But to answer your question because unlike you I give direct answers... Yes I think Biden wipes his own ass and would do a hell of a lot better as president than Trump

Biden doesnt know his ass from a hole in the ground that is how mentally challenged he is. His Doctor wife has to point to it all the time, and coddle poor Joe, as he Joe keeps in his basement. Reminds me of Cartman during the World of Warcraft episode.

Jill Biden is a PhD, not an MD!
Yea so he's replacing an old wall in a location where a good quality one is desperately needed with a much better, much stronger and much newer wall. If there was a wall there already then that location was already shown to need one, so why wouldn't it get the upgraded wall first?

They plan on doing 450 miles of wall before the end of the year.

Just pray the wind doesn't blow it down.

Just more bullshit from the libtard wing!
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

I'm very disappointed in the Wall. But your qualifier "new wall" is the type of thing some one does, who is trying to dishonestly exaggerate the strength of their argument.

The "Make Mexico Pay for it" was always, to me, and I believe to most Trump supporters, just icing on the cake and not getting that, is fine.

ESPECIALLY as Mexico has really stepped up in helping stopping immigration from further south.
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

They bought the whole thing and now ignore the con.

Par for the course for Trumpsters. Ignore the con, just follow the man, just follow the man....
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

They bought the whole thing and now ignore the con.

Par for the course for Trumpsters. Ignore the con, just follow the man, just follow the man....

I don't think we ever cared about Mexico paying for it, and many of us are unhappy that he has not built the Wall.

You calling us names, is about your issues, not ours.
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.
Trump campaigned on a $8-$12 billion price tag and 3.5 years to complete. So he has 3 miles knocked out after 3.5 years and does anybody know how much has been spent?

I'm assuming he is going to send Mexico the invoice after the wall is complete
1. There is 212 miles of new wall, with a total of 450 miles to be completed by the end of the year. About $11b has been spent so far. Actually if Congress got off its ass and passed a "Remittance Tax" on money sent out of the US the wall would be paid for as well as ICE.
2. Your 3-mile comment is plain stupid.

3. The border patrol appreciates the new wall

4. The new wall works. Look at the 2020 crossings compared to prior years. The old wall sucked, the new wall works great.
View attachment 354256
There is 3 miles of new distance on the wall... The rest was reenforcement of existing wall... Lets be honest now Mr Spin
Look at ALL the links I posted. YOU be honest. The ineffective old wall is being replaced with new wall, not "reinforced", duh.
Sure, old wall being replaced, I’m fine with that. 3 new miles have been built in the time period that it was supposed to be complete and cost $8-12 billion. Do you know how much has been spent on what they’ve already done? Do you care?

I anwered your questions in post #24.
You calling us names, is about your issues, not ours.
Good gawd, stop playing the victim.

You don't think I see how you post to other people? "Trumpsters" is some kind of vicious name-calling, is it? Aww. Go ahead and give me another term to use so that I don't harm your tender PC sensibilities in the future. I'll try to remember to use it whenever addressing you.

You people have fallen for the con, and you stick with him because he enables your worst impulses. Enjoy it while you have it, because this country will ultimately grow out of it.
I would be embarrassed to post this OP, so know the left is once again against protecting our borders from the Yahoo virus?

Jesus you guys built a border in the chop zone..

Fuck you
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

They bought the whole thing and now ignore the con.

Par for the course for Trumpsters. Ignore the con, just follow the man, just follow the man....

The libtards know damn well Hillary was not going to build the wall!
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

I so hope this man loses in November.

He has been the most irresponsible and toxic leach we have had in our White House in my lifetime. Eisenhower was president when I was born so I've lived through some very sleazy presidents through the years, but this one, wow.

So there's 3 miles of wall while the military is denied the programs they need. Wasn't some of that money supposed to go to a school or training facility for the military or something like that?

I so hope if Biden is elected he spends the first few months reversing everything trump has done.

I also hope that our justice department investigates all the crimes of trump and his cohorts then prosecutes them to the fullest extent of the law. This garbage of allowing a former president to not be held responsible for their crimes has got to stop. They need to be held to the same standards and laws as everyone else.
It's 212 miles of new fence. Democrats say math is racist.
It's 212 miles of new fence. Democrats say math is racist.
Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan stated that 93 miles of barriers has been built during the Trump administration; according to CBP figures, at least 90 miles of that replaced existing structures.

The last time I checked 93 minus 90 is 3.
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

" They call him Flopper Flopper slower than bullshit"
I know logic will fry your brain so I hope I don't hurt the peanut.

Mexicans have been stealing our pesos because of the Clinton disaster called NAFTA. Trump cut a great deal and nixed that horror. How many extra pesos do you think Mexico is paying us now?? Logical they ARE PAYING FOR THE WALL.

The 400 miles of wall are the worst at guarding us. Fences knocked over. That 400 miles are the easiest to cross. Logical??

You are a retarded Joke!

- Reagan Amnesty Invited Central Americans to Storm Across the Border!

- Clinton & Obama Increased US Manufacturing Jobs!

- Reagan, Bush 1&2 & Trump Lost US Manufacturing Jobs!

- Bush II Stopped Enforcement of trade deals allowing all US manufacturing Jobs to leave!

Which is totally irrelevant to Donald Trump's promise to build a great beautiful wall on the Mexican border paid for by Mexico. The fact is he has build 3 miles of new re-enforced fencing and 90 miles of replacement along a 1900 mile border paid for by using defense funds.
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

I so hope this man loses in November.

He has been the most irresponsible and toxic leach we have had in our White House in my lifetime. Eisenhower was president when I was born so I've lived through some very sleazy presidents through the years, but this one, wow.

So there's 3 miles of wall while the military is denied the programs they need. Wasn't some of that money supposed to go to a school or training facility for the military or something like that?

I so hope if Biden is elected he spends the first few months reversing everything trump has done.

I also hope that our justice department investigates all the crimes of trump and his cohorts then prosecutes them to the fullest extent of the law. This garbage of allowing a former president to not be held responsible for their crimes has got to stop. They need to be held to the same standards and laws as everyone else.
Tens of thousands of deaths and over a million small business failures can not be erased. It will take far more than a few months to erase the Trump hatred and division between the US and it's allies, between blacks and whites, and between the police and the communities they serve.
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

Only 3 miles? You are as full of shit as a Christmas turkey! How about a real source other than HuffyPoo? Oh, there aren't any others that lie like you?
All the links in the world wouldn't satisfy you

Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

I'm very disappointed in the Wall. But your qualifier "new wall" is the type of thing some one does, who is trying to dishonestly exaggerate the strength of their argument.

The "Make Mexico Pay for it" was always, to me, and I believe to most Trump supporters, just icing on the cake and not getting that, is fine.

ESPECIALLY as Mexico has really stepped up in helping stopping immigration from further south.
You illustrate what is so disturbing about Trump supporters. You're OK with him lying about Mexico paying for the wall? Are you Ok with him lying about his deal with the Ukraine for information on Biden's son, his claim that coronavirus is just the flu, and the virus is going away? Trump is a pathological liar. He says whatever he believes will benefit him at the time with no thought as whether it is true or not. Words matter but truth matters even more.
You calling us names, is about your issues, not ours.
Good gawd, stop playing the victim.

You don't think I see how you post to other people? "Trumpsters" is some kind of vicious name-calling, is it? Aww. Go ahead and give me another term to use so that I don't harm your tender PC sensibilities in the future. I'll try to remember to use it whenever addressing you.

You people have fallen for the con, and you stick with him because he enables your worst impulses. Enjoy it while you have it, because this country will ultimately grow out of it.

1. I post to people with the level of respect they show me. If they call me names for no reason, I will respond in kind, but with just cause.

2. Trump; supporters would be good for discussion people that support Trump politically. But, it does not dimish or insult the people you are referring to, so you will probably not use it.

3. PC is not about not wanting to be insulted. It is rude of you to lie to my face like that.

4. Your assumption that we feel for a con is unsupported by anything other than your bigotry.

5. Your assumption of our "worst impulses" is just you calling people you don't like, names.

6. This country will never grow out off us wanting our interests represented. It might grow to a point where we don't get that, and realize that we will never get it again. That will not be a good thing. Shitting on people for no reason, does not generally lead to good things.
Four years after promising a 2,000-mile “Great Wall” made of reinforced concrete and paid for by Mexico, President Donald Trump took a victory lap for securing three new miles of steel fence that was paid for by raiding the military budget.

“This is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world,” Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the Mexican border at Yuma, Arizona, where he said 212 miles have been built and that close to 500 would be finished by the end of the year. “Our border has never been more secure.”

In fact, only three of those 212 miles are along parts of the border that previously had no barrier. The rest have replaced existing fencing, a process that began under President George W. Bush and continued under President Barack Obama.

And that fencing, between 18 and 30 feet tall, has proven vulnerable to smugglers and human traffickers using portable, battery-powered saws.

“As Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump is a pathological liar,” said Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, referring to the Texas GOP senator’s lengthy critique of Trump’s mental health at the end of the 2016 Republican presidential primaries

There is a huge difference in what Donald Trump promises and what Donald Trump delivers. However, what is really scary is that Trump actual believes he has done what he promised and he will tell his supporters that over and over, despite facts to the contrary. Of course, when has Donald Trump every paid any attention to the facts. They are just a nuisance that interferes with the message.

I'm very disappointed in the Wall. But your qualifier "new wall" is the type of thing some one does, who is trying to dishonestly exaggerate the strength of their argument.

The "Make Mexico Pay for it" was always, to me, and I believe to most Trump supporters, just icing on the cake and not getting that, is fine.

ESPECIALLY as Mexico has really stepped up in helping stopping immigration from further south.
You illustrate what is so disturbing about Trump supporters. You're OK with him lying about Mexico paying for the wall? Are you Ok with him lying about his deal with the Ukraine for information on Biden's son, his claim that coronavirus is just the flu, and the virus is going away? Trump is a pathological liar. He says whatever he believes will benefit him at the time with no thought as whether it is true or not. Words matter but truth matters even more.

He is a hyperbolic braggart. I was never sure how serious he was about making Mexico pay for it.

I was fairly sure that he was serious about the Wall and I am disappointed that we have not seen more of that. To be more clear, I do not know why we do not have all high traffic areas completely blocked by serious Wall.

HIs opponents, varied from not as good to far, far worse on this issue.

Trump, for all his lack of experience and even with the disappointing results, was and still IS, the best choice of that available choices.

Jeb Bush would probably had pushed for Amnesty. Certainly Hillary would have.

This is not us being "conned". That you libs keep pretending that it is, is you not listening to our answers. AT ALL.

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