"40 million revolutionaries north of the Rio Grande"

Not funny. I didn't watch the video, but read the article. I'd be less sympathetic if the guy wasn't innocent though.

It bothers me that this fella is a teacher. I believe he may be an instructor at UCLA. What the hell is he telling his students? College kids are easily brainwashed.

(that was to bones)

Correction: People are easily brainwashed.
Yes. Of course he would have to be convicted first. Same as the Lieberman bill. But isn't "overthrowing the U.S. government" still a crime? Hopefully those Homeland Security people have La Raza on their radar - just below the tea parties and vets of course.

No, the Lieberman bill strips SUSPECTED terrorists of their rights.
Not what I read Modbert. It simply adds terrorism to the other 7 conditions that are currently law.
Not what I read Modbert. It simply adds terrorism to the other 7 conditions that are currently law.

We already have such laws on the book, they're called treason. Now, tell me, such we already have such laws, why do we need this?
McVeigh was executed. Same thing.

What he said may not be a crime but what he is proposing is. I guess we'll have to wait til they kill a few people first.

You still miss the point. Commission of a capital crime may get you the death penalty, but it will not get your citizenship taken away, notwithstanding what you or Rudy a noun, a verb and 9/11 say.
Link to Title 18, Chap. 113B Criminal Penalties for InternationalTerrorism

(a) Homicide.— Whoever kills a national of the United States, while such national is outside the United States, shall—
(1) if the killing is murder (as defined in section 1111 (a)), be fined under this title, punished by death or imprisonment for any term of years or for life, or both;
(2) if the killing is a voluntary manslaughter as defined in section 1112 (a) of this title, be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and
(3) if the killing is an involuntary manslaughter as defined in section 1112 (a) of this title, be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b) Attempt or Conspiracy With Respect to Homicide.— Whoever outside the United States attempts to kill, or engages in a conspiracy to kill, a national of the United States shall—
(1) in the case of an attempt to commit a killing that is a murder as defined in this chapter, be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both; and
(2) in the case of a conspiracy by two or more persons to commit a killing that is a murder as defined in section 1111 (a) of this title, if one or more of such persons do any overt act to effect the object of the conspiracy, be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both so fined and so imprisoned.
(c) Other Conduct.— Whoever outside the United States engages in physical violence—
(1) with intent to cause serious bodily injury to a national of the United States; or
(2) with the result that serious bodily injury is caused to a national of the United States;
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
(d) Limitation on Prosecution.— No prosecution for any offense described in this section shall be undertaken by the United States except on written certification of the Attorney General or the highest ranking subordinate of the Attorney General with responsibility for criminal prosecutions that, in the judgment of the certifying official, such offense was intended to coerce, intimidate, or retaliate against a government or a civilian population.
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StandWithArizona — May 08, 2010 — "Where we now stand is stolen, occupied Mexico"...La Raza rally at UCLA....More gems: 'Communist Revolution', 'Frail, racist white people', 'La Raza' (the Race), Fidel Castro, 'Northern Front of Latin Revolution'..."40 million...revolutionaries...in the belly of the beast". "Our enemy is Capitalism and Imperialism".

"We are revolutionary Mexican organization here. We understand that this is not just about Mexico. Its about a global struggle against imperialism and capitalism At the forefront of this revolutionary movement is La Raza. We will no longer fall for these lies called borders. We see America as a northern front of a revolutionary movement Our enemy is capitalism and imperialism."

Santee H.S. history teacher Ron Gochez, La Raza Rally at UCLA, 05/08/10
The Streetsweeper Chronicles

Ron Gochez is NOT a professor at UCLA. Gochez is currently a HISTORY teacher at Santee H.S. in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles Unified School District

Here is his H.S.:
Santee Education Complex
Phone: (213) 763-1000

Los Angeles Unified School District
Tel: 213-241-7000
[email protected]

Los Angeles Board of Education:
Tel: 213-241-6389
Email: [email protected]tee, CA high school teacher calls for Mexican Revolt in USA
Taking away someone's citizenship has been called the harshest punishment known to man. Banishment from ones country leaves a man without refuge; no place where he can claim a right to live. Once you are a citizen of the USA, it may be taken away if you have used illegal or fraudulent methods to gain it, such as hiding the fact that you had an extensive criminal record in your native land./I]
LOL, the banner states no hate speech here, he calls White people racists, he speaks against capitalism and imperalism and he uses the socialist Latin American countries as examples of what he wants in America.

(1) Everything he spoke spewed racism!
(2) Capitalism has been proven as the best system in history. Socialism has failed everywhere its been tested.
(3) Naming all the Latin Americans Socialist States! LOL he named at the failed states in Latin America. Why not name Chile, the most successful Latin America Country, which happens to be a highly captialist state!
(4) He speaks out about imperalism, yet he is calling for a violent take over of America. How hypocritical!
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L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S.

May 08, 2010 — "Where we now stand is stolen, occupied Mexico"...La Raza rally at UCLA....More gems: 'Communist Revolution', 'Frail, racist white people', 'La Raza' (the Race), Fidel Castro, 'Northern Front of Latin Revolution'..."40 million...revolutionaries...in the belly of the beast". "Our enemy is Capitalism and Imperialism". Sedition anyone?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGqPo5ofk0s]YouTube - L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S.[/ame]

Well there you go, a 'Tea Party' from the far left- not that anyone on the far right would recognize themselves & the similar rhetoric and behavior.

You call that crap equal to what the Tea Party folks stand for? This "teacher" is un-American, the Tea Party stands for America and the Constitution.

This "teacher" is an enemy of the USA, apparently, just like you.
L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S.

May 08, 2010 — "Where we now stand is stolen, occupied Mexico"...La Raza rally at UCLA....More gems: 'Communist Revolution', 'Frail, racist white people', 'La Raza' (the Race), Fidel Castro, 'Northern Front of Latin Revolution'..."40 million...revolutionaries...in the belly of the beast". "Our enemy is Capitalism and Imperialism". Sedition anyone?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGqPo5ofk0s]YouTube - L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S.[/ame]

Well there you go, a 'Tea Party' from the far left- not that anyone on the far right would recognize themselves & the similar rhetoric and behavior.

Your a douche bag! The PEACEFUL tea party protesters, who are all American taxpayor, complain about too high taxation and out of control spending! The guys are screaming racist cries to ethically clease the Southwest and overthrow the US government!

Compares apples to apples your retard asshole!
L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S.

May 08, 2010 — "Where we now stand is stolen, occupied Mexico"...La Raza rally at UCLA....More gems: 'Communist Revolution', 'Frail, racist white people', 'La Raza' (the Race), Fidel Castro, 'Northern Front of Latin Revolution'..."40 million...revolutionaries...in the belly of the beast". "Our enemy is Capitalism and Imperialism". Sedition anyone?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGqPo5ofk0s]YouTube - L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S.[/ame]

I really wish the Mex illegal invaders and their La Raza allies would attempt a revolt. That would be War and they could be exterminated without bothering about their 'civil rights'.

Be careful what you wish for. Guarantee La Raz radicals would team up with Islamic Radicals! WMD and terrorism would be the name of their game. They are already ethically cleasing many areas slightly North of the border and pushing North.
I'm sure the FBI has its eye on this jerk - they would be dumb not to.......

You probably would say the same about Major Hasan, yet they didn't. PC assholes would call it racially profiling! PC assholes won't let people do their job.
Oh for the good ole days! It was predicted way back when that the liberal leftists would destroy all that is/was good about this country.
L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S.

YouTube - L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S.

Well there you go, a 'Tea Party' from the far left- not that anyone on the far right would recognize themselves & the similar rhetoric and behavior.

You call that crap equal to what the Tea Party folks stand for? This "teacher" is un-American, the Tea Party stands for America and the Constitution.

This "teacher" is an enemy of the USA, apparently, just like you.

LOL. Me? I'm a Navy Vet, retire law enforcement officer; I've never been arrested, detained or question about my patriotism (tell I posted on the MB) or anything else. I coached LL baseball, CYO basketball and Pop Warner football (and I know this is suspicious, but I also coached soccer, sshhhhh) as we raised our kids. Oh, served on community board (pool club, PTA, Justice Commission); we pay our taxes, have a dog and a cat and my wife still drives a minivan (Honda Obyssey - does that makes us suspect?).

I did suggest the Tea Party stands for insurrection, and that by adopting the name "Tea Party" the leaders (Freedom Watch) sought to evoke emotion from the masses (and they did very well). Too bad the emotion lead members of the Tea Party are ignorant of our nations history.
A proper name might have been The Whiskey Party, for members of the Tea Party of today are in fact represented, those in Boston so many years ago were not; however, those who engaged in insurrection and armed conflict against the government, as participants in the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794, protested an excise tax on whiskey.
Today's Tea Party enthusiasts might take a lesson from history, Washington and 13,000 federal troop put down the rebels in short order.
Well there you go, a 'Tea Party' from the far left- not that anyone on the far right would recognize themselves & the similar rhetoric and behavior.

You call that crap equal to what the Tea Party folks stand for? This "teacher" is un-American, the Tea Party stands for America and the Constitution.

This "teacher" is an enemy of the USA, apparently, just like you.

LOL. Me? I'm a Navy Vet, retire law enforcement officer; I've never been arrested, detained or question about my patriotism (tell I posted on the MB) or anything else. I coached LL baseball, CYO basketball and Pop Warner football (and I know this is suspicious, but I also coached soccer, sshhhhh) as we raised our kids. Oh, served on community board (pool club, PTA, Justice Commission); we pay our taxes, have a dog and a cat and my wife still drives a minivan (Honda Obyssey - does that makes us suspect?).

I did suggest the Tea Party stands for insurrection, and that by adopting the name "Tea Party" the leaders (Freedom Watch) sought to evoke emotion from the masses (and they did very well). Too bad the emotion lead members of the Tea Party are ignorant of our nations history.
A proper name might have been The Whiskey Party, for members of the Tea Party of today are in fact represented, those in Boston so many years ago were not; however, those who engaged in insurrection and armed conflict against the government, as participants in the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794, protested an excise tax on whiskey.
Today's Tea Party enthusiasts might take a lesson from history, Washington and 13,000 federal troop put down the rebels in short order.

Still, the "teacher" represents an uprising against American ideals.
You call that crap equal to what the Tea Party folks stand for? This "teacher" is un-American, the Tea Party stands for America and the Constitution.

This "teacher" is an enemy of the USA, apparently, just like you.

LOL. Me? I'm a Navy Vet, retire law enforcement officer; I've never been arrested, detained or question about my patriotism (tell I posted on the MB) or anything else. I coached LL baseball, CYO basketball and Pop Warner football (and I know this is suspicious, but I also coached soccer, sshhhhh) as we raised our kids. Oh, served on community board (pool club, PTA, Justice Commission); we pay our taxes, have a dog and a cat and my wife still drives a minivan (Honda Obyssey - does that makes us suspect?).

I did suggest the Tea Party stands for insurrection, and that by adopting the name "Tea Party" the leaders (Freedom Watch) sought to evoke emotion from the masses (and they did very well). Too bad the emotion lead members of the Tea Party are ignorant of our nations history.
A proper name might have been The Whiskey Party, for members of the Tea Party of today are in fact represented, those in Boston so many years ago were not; however, those who engaged in insurrection and armed conflict against the government, as participants in the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794, protested an excise tax on whiskey.
Today's Tea Party enthusiasts might take a lesson from history, Washington and 13,000 federal troop put down the rebels in short order.

Still, the "teacher" represents an uprising against American ideals.

So do comments by some on the far right, and by that I don't mean those upset by high taxes; I mean those who advocate Nullification, Secession and Vigilanteism and stir the emotions of the hoi polloi without concern for the crazies who listen to the words of sedition ("Sedition", defined as: any action, esp. in speech or writing, promoting such discontent or rebellion to act out violently).
One can argue what Gov. Perry (for example) really advocates, but we can be sure with some certainty that there are those listening who hope he is (advocating violence, for what would be the consequence of Texas leaving the union but violence?) and others who take his words - and the words of other pols on the far right literally, and figure they now have permssion to act with violence.
Of course the language of those on the far left is as extreme and hateful. I don't defend the language of this 'teacher', and I don't defend the language of RW fringers on this MB or pols either - all of them IMHO are extremist and deserve our condemnation.
Stolen land? We kicked their ass and won it. Nobody forced them to sign The Treaty of Guadalupe either. Nor did we beg them to offer us Baja California for a few million which we should have took them up on. ~BH

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