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400 Americans

Have more wealth than half the population of the United States.

Hey Mr. Reagan, when exactly is this trickle down thing going to kick in?

Hey Mr. Bush, since the "job creators" still have the Tax Cut you gave them in 2002 and 2004, why aren't they, you know, creating more jobs?

Hey Mr. Lyndon Johnson, since your war on poverty was designed to rid us of hunger and alleviate suffering, when are those trillions spent in the last 50 years going to do the job? Why do we still have the same percentage in poverty today as we had before that money was spent to "defeat" it?

Where would all those people be today had that money not been spent? Would you have rather that it had been spent killing Arabs in Iraq, or feeding and housing our own people?

Actually, I would have preferred the money be used to create a viable work force, an educated work force. Instead, it was used to buy votes ("those ni&&ers will vote Democrat for the next 200 years). We didn't help the poor - we created a permanent under-class, unarmed to compete in the world today, and unwilling to try to break the bonds that hold them down.

What are you babbling about? We have the most highly educated work force we've ever had. Unarmed to compete in the world? That is as idiotic a statement as I've heard this week.

You truly ARE disconnected from reality -

on one hand, you complain that all the high tech jobs went overseas, and on the other, you complain that all these supposedly highly qualified workers are sitting here doing menial work because that is all they can find.

The truth about our educational system? We produce functional illiterates. They can't make change - they can't construct a coherent sentence longer than three words. We produce kids that, during a recent testing cycle, of all the students, over 70% of the 10th graders can't perform at the 10th grade level - and 90% of the Afro-American kids tests were not proficient. We get COLLEGE graduates who come to us - and we have to send them to remedial English and remedial math courses at the local junior college - and these are kids who just got their diploma.

We just interviewed and hired for a position in our logistics branch - entry level. Basically, we were looking for a high school graduate capable of reading a bill of lading, finding the box on the shelf, and loading into the truck. We interviewed 21 - that's right, 21 - before we found a high school graduate that met our needs. THAT is ridiculous - it wasn't rocket science. Oh, by the way, despite all your caterwauling about so many people looking for jobs, it took us 3 months of advertising to get those 21 applicants. (I spent more in advertising for the position than the employee will make in the first three months!) People don't want to work, because you made it possible for them not to work.

Ask any - and I mean, any - employer how hard it is to get qualified employees. Listen to them tell you - and then get back to me about how highly educated the work force is. They may have high school diplomas, but they don't know enough to be of any value to us. They ARE unarmed to compete in the world today.
Excellent post! Keep it up!
Recession ended March 1991.
Clinton took office January 1991.

Recession ended June 2009
Obama took office Jan 2009
Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Can't argue with those facts!

Wow, you really have been driking the Kool Aid.
I post the actual facts and dates and I've been drinking Kool Aid.
You must be a GOP operative sent here to make libs look like outright morons. You're doing a great job. You deserve a raise!

Post the data to back up your claim, bubba.
LOL!!! Are you a bot? Because no human being could possibly be that stupid. None.
What do you think I posted, moron? T hat was data.
But ... but ... it's not really data, if it can't be distorted to support the leftist position. Everybody knows that fact that doesn't support their position isn't really a fact at all ... it's just an .... inconvenience.
Data=what supports the narrative
Reagan's growth was mainly deficit defense spending (doubled the debt) and a corrupt S+L bubble. Great job!

You know --- maybe we should identify Reagan's performance against the current WH occupant.

Oh wait ---- he's a leftist. He can't do anything wrong.
50 months of growth despite mindless opposition, no corrupt bubble, averted a full blown depress- only cost 6-7 trillion. Thanks for the meltdown/disaster, functional shyttehead.

A complete distortion of reality unworthy of a response ... so, it doesn't get one.
Sorry but waking up in the morning is not a job skill, neither is showing up on time and sober.

The only "skill" needed to show up on time is the ability to read a clock and most people learn that in grade school.

This is just like the obesity thread. Just as people know that eating better and exercising will result in weight loss they all know that showing up to work late and drunk will get them fired.
That's stunningly incorrect.
You have to budget time. You have to dress appropriately. I realize this seems pretty elemental. And it is. But it is surprising how many people actually cannot do this.
Have you ever hired for an entry level position?

Yes and if people couldn't show up on time and sober they didn't get the job.

And it's not that people can't it's that they won't. Big difference in my book.

I have yet to meet anyone who was completely incapable of getting somewhere on time. If Joe Blow can make it to a movie on time then he can get to work on time.
OK, so you admit these are basic job skills and until someone has mastered them he really isnt worth very much at all.
They are not skills.

You don't have to master showing up on time you either do it or you don't there are no levels of mastery there.
If you are never on time it's not because you can't be on time it's because you choose not to be on time therefore you are choosing to be passed over for work.
Yeah actually you do. It's called time budgeting. And some people cant do it and some people need to learn how to do it.

we're going to have to agree to disagree on this.
Last time I looked, everyone in this country has an opportunity to go to school through the 12th grade. Are you saying that's not a resource? Where I live, there is a technical college that has many Associate degree programs. Most are 60 - 70 semester hours. With lottery money, the overall costs is a minimal investment.

There are plenty of resources available if people want them and plenty of excuses that e made if they don't.
Oh yeah? What do you tell the inner city black kid whose mom is strung out on drugs and whose dad is in jail and doesnt have a telephone or shoes or mail service? How do you proposing providing resources so he can become an astronaut?

Tell him there is some bleeding heart Liberal somewhere that claims he/she has compassion but don't waste your time asking them because their compassion comes from seeing who else they can get the resources from.

The resources you propose providing them would likely come from taxpayers and involve those who didn't do drugs or weren't put in jail having taken from them resources that otherwise would go to THEIR KIDS. I would tell him to not get strung out on drug or do something to get thrown in jail so your kids, if you have any, won't have to rely on taxpayers.
We need cheap loans for that tech school, and many more. You're clueless as to what Pub policies have done. Right up on racist code though...

Feel free to loan them any of your money you want. I find it interesting that the bleeding heart proposals always involve someone else getting the bills.

I am a prime example of those policies. If you vote for what's in your best interest, why shouldn't I do the same?

Well stated.

I do loan money to my kids for school (and give them some too). It's great I am also required to pay for other people's school.

My kids could qualify for food stamps but would go homeless before doing so.

If you think it's so great that you pay for other people's school, why do you need to be required to do it? If you thought it was good idea, you wouldn't need to be told.
Hey Mssrs. Clinton and Obama...

Your insipid post implies that these "400 Americans" have somehow stolen their wealth from half the population of the United States. Do you include Bill Gates in those 400? If so, please explain how his accumulation of wealth has deprived others of wealth. You may wait until Recess to respond.

That’s the mindset of the Liberals. They assume we operate under a zero sum game where one person gaining wealth means someone else had to lose for them to do it.

Are you saying that the filthy rich are all honest men and woman who have never lied or cheated their fellow humans and always stay within the bounds of ethical conduct? Ever? Really?
N, of course not. They exploited their workers and paid them peanuts so they could live in big houses and offshore jobs.

Define 'exploited' -

Exploited to certain people means a business not paying someone with $7.25/hour skills $15/hour because it's not fair.
Have more wealth than half the population of the United States.

Hey Mr. Reagan, when exactly is this trickle down thing going to kick in?

Hey Mr. Bush, since the "job creators" still have the Tax Cut you gave them in 2002 and 2004, why aren't they, you know, creating more jobs?

Hey Mr. Lyndon Johnson, since your war on poverty was designed to rid us of hunger and alleviate suffering, when are those trillions spent in the last 50 years going to do the job? Why do we still have the same percentage in poverty today as we had before that money was spent to "defeat" it?

Where would all those people be today had that money not been spent? Would you have rather that it had been spent killing Arabs in Iraq, or feeding and housing our own people?

Actually, I would have preferred the money be used to create a viable work force, an educated work force. Instead, it was used to buy votes ("those ni&&ers will vote Democrat for the next 200 years). We didn't help the poor - we created a permanent under-class, unarmed to compete in the world today, and unwilling to try to break the bonds that hold them down.

Compete against who? With what? The rich have taken all the money invested it overseas. What resources do you suppose the poor have in order to "break the bonds"?

Circular logic, my friend -

You complain because business doesn't use local workers, but then you say local workers can't compete. Again, you have created a permanent under-class, and you have no way to break your cycle. In fact, it would seem you have no plan - just something to bitch about.

If you want me to fix it, I can --- but you'll have to pay me for it.

You won't find those saying we need to train our people wanting to pay for it themselves. They'll use statements like an educated workforce benefits us all.
That's quite a narrow view. We still had little in the way of competition, seeing as how Japan and Germany were still in rebuild mode. Now there are many more than those two competing and competing very well.

Oh really? Is that why China makes most products sold in this ocuntry? Because we had little competition? Give me a break.

You can buy a $11 shirt made in China, or a $59 shirt made in Oregon - which do you pick?

Why do you think that shirt from China only costs $11, despite the huge freight costs?

Their slave labor conditions are worse than ours.

We don’t have slave conditions here. Someone with low level skills is getting an equivalent low level pay. If their pay is too low, perhaps they should improve their skills instead of demanding they be paid on existence rather than what they offer.

Define "low level skills" and place a dollar figure to it;'s worth to a company that hires many "low skill" workers? Look. The corporations did this to themselves. They farmed out the high paying jobs to low wage workers overseas to save a buck, and left millions here with little choice but to work the "low skill" jobs. And you say this as if low skill jobs are of little or no value to these companies, when the fact is in most cases, they are the very backbone of the companies. So treat them with disrespect if you want. But don't expect them to put up with these conditions for long. At Ford, guys with seniority (30 or more years) get to choose the job they want. My step brother is one of those, and he joined the clean up crew. What do these guys do? They sweep and mop the floors - for $30/hour. And yet Ford is turning a profit right here in the U.S.A.

A job that someone even with less than a high school diploma could get because to be able to do it requires little to no cognitive ability. Cleaning toilets, emptying trash, and sweeping/vacuuming floors fits it. I do those things at my house and can't recall ever being taught how to do it. If I was taught, it was by my parents at such a young age that it fits the definition of low skilled.

I can't place a specific dollar figure on it for a business that I don't own. That's for the business owner to do not you or me to do it for them. If they say it's worth $7.50/hour, it's no one else's place to say it's worth more.

I don't treat those with low skills with disrespect. What I don't have respect for is when someone with low skills demands they be handed more for nothing calling it fair that they get a wage simpy because they breath espeically when the reason they have low skills is themselves.

Your step brother gets that much not because of the job he does but because the union pieces of shit that extort business. Your step brother is an overpaid monkey. That's why I don't nor will I ever buy a Ford product.
Wrong. He had a white trash mother. Also, his half black part is why many voted for him. Tim Scott was elected because of his beliefs. It has to be because you idiots on the left claim we Conservatives are racist and don't like black people.

Well, your record of alienating them and nearly every other minority (including the largest minority in the U.S. today - hispanics) clearly shows that you are right. Conservatives ARE racist and don't like A LOT of people. Or perhaps I should rephrase this and simply say that conservatives don't like anyone that is not them. So perhaps racist is not the correct phrase. Bigots. Yeah. That word works.

Even you know you're in trouble since you're dragging out the tired "racism" card. Not working so well for you anymore, is it? Not that you're going to give it up, obviously.

You saw the pictures and video from the RNC. You know their policies. Don't deny it.

You're a pathetic race baiter who can't argue with logic or positive empirical results because liberalism has none, so you sink to the lowest depths of political smear, You're a racist. It's all you have. No brains, no dick, just the lowest form of political pandering. I have no respect for you or the rest of you morally decrepit liberal scum who can't argue with reason, so you don't even try. You just go to fear and hate based divisive politics. If you ever do decide to enter into manhood and defend your views with facts and reason let me know. In the meantime you're just on my not to be taken seriously list. People like you are the ones destroying discourse in this country. There can be nothing to follow, you're a racist. Have a good one, asshole.
Oh really? Is that why China makes most products sold in this ocuntry? Because we had little competition? Give me a break.

You can buy a $11 shirt made in China, or a $59 shirt made in Oregon - which do you pick?

Why do you think that shirt from China only costs $11, despite the huge freight costs?

Their slave labor conditions are worse than ours.

We don’t have slave conditions here. Someone with low level skills is getting an equivalent low level pay. If their pay is too low, perhaps they should improve their skills instead of demanding they be paid on existence rather than what they offer.

Define "low level skills" and place a dollar figure to it;'s worth to a company that hires many "low skill" workers? Look. The corporations did this to themselves. They farmed out the high paying jobs to low wage workers overseas to save a buck, and left millions here with little choice but to work the "low skill" jobs. And you say this as if low skill jobs are of little or no value to these companies, when the fact is in most cases, they are the very backbone of the companies. So treat them with disrespect if you want. But don't expect them to put up with these conditions for long. At Ford, guys with seniority (30 or more years) get to choose the job they want. My step brother is one of those, and he joined the clean up crew. What do these guys do? They sweep and mop the floors - for $30/hour. And yet Ford is turning a profit right here in the U.S.A.

A job that someone even with less than a high school diploma could get because to be able to do it requires little to no cognitive ability. Cleaning toilets, emptying trash, and sweeping/vacuuming floors fits it. I do those things at my house and can't recall ever being taught how to do it. If I was taught, it was by my parents at such a young age that it fits the definition of low skilled.

I can't place a specific dollar figure on it for a business that I don't own. That's for the business owner to do not you or me to do it for them. If they say it's worth $7.50/hour, it's no one else's place to say it's worth more.

I don't treat those with low skills with disrespect. What I don't have respect for is when someone with low skills demands they be handed more for nothing calling it fair that they get a wage simpy because they breath espeically when the reason they have low skills is themselves.

Your step brother gets that much not because of the job he does but because the union pieces of shit that extort business. Your step brother is an overpaid monkey. That's why I don't nor will I ever buy a Ford product.

There are a lot of overpaid monkeys in this country; corporate CEOs, for instance. By the way, the reason why my step brother gets paid so much to mop floors is because Ford recognizes his 30+ years of profitable service to the company and offered him whatever floor job he wanted for his remaining time prior to retirement. And traditionally, old timers pick the clean up crew because it is the easiest job.
Reagan's growth was mainly deficit defense spending (doubled the debt) and a corrupt S+L bubble. Great job!

You know --- maybe we should identify Reagan's performance against the current WH occupant.

Oh wait ---- he's a leftist. He can't do anything wrong.
50 months of growth despite mindless opposition, no corrupt bubble, averted a full blown depress- only cost 6-7 trillion. Thanks for the meltdown/disaster, functional shyttehead.

You think the economy is good? You need to get off your boat and come on shore more often. Or at all.
I recognize you have a good news blackout lol...4% growth ok? Oil/gas boom?

So one quarter of decent growth is all it takes to make you happy? I'm guessing if the guy in the White House had an "R" after his name that wouldn't do it for you...
Wrong. He had a white trash mother. Also, his half black part is why many voted for him. Tim Scott was elected because of his beliefs. It has to be because you idiots on the left claim we Conservatives are racist and don't like black people.

Well, your record of alienating them and nearly every other minority (including the largest minority in the U.S. today - hispanics) clearly shows that you are right. Conservatives ARE racist and don't like A LOT of people. Or perhaps I should rephrase this and simply say that conservatives don't like anyone that is not them. So perhaps racist is not the correct phrase. Bigots. Yeah. That word works.

Even you know you're in trouble since you're dragging out the tired "racism" card. Not working so well for you anymore, is it? Not that you're going to give it up, obviously.

You saw the pictures and video from the RNC. You know their policies. Don't deny it.

You're a pathetic race baiter who can't argue with logic or positive empirical results because liberalism has none, so you sink to the lowest depths of political smear, You're a racist. It's all you have. No brains, no dick, just the lowest form of political pandering. I have no respect for you or the rest of you morally decrepit liberal scum who can't argue with reason, so you don't even try. You just go to fear and hate based divisive politics. If you ever do decide to enter into manhood and defend your views with facts and reason let me know. In the meantime you're just on my not to be taken seriously list. People like you are the ones destroying discourse in this country. There can be nothing to follow, you're a racist. Have a good one, asshole.

So what you are saying is that there is some other reason that the RNC has these terrific problems with minorities and women. No doubt, you are prepared to blame them for hating the Republican party much like some of you Republicans have, in the past, blamed the victims of rape for being raped. So, bubba, tell me, what other reason can you cite as to why minorities and women don't flock to your political causes? Oh I know the mantra you folks cite: It's the Democrats' fault that Republicans are not viewed favorably by women and minorities. It couldn't be anything else, like the words and deeds of your own people. Naw, it could't be that.
Wrong. He had a white trash mother. Also, his half black part is why many voted for him. Tim Scott was elected because of his beliefs. It has to be because you idiots on the left claim we Conservatives are racist and don't like black people.

Well, your record of alienating them and nearly every other minority (including the largest minority in the U.S. today - hispanics) clearly shows that you are right. Conservatives ARE racist and don't like A LOT of people. Or perhaps I should rephrase this and simply say that conservatives don't like anyone that is not them. So perhaps racist is not the correct phrase. Bigots. Yeah. That word works.

Even you know you're in trouble since you're dragging out the tired "racism" card. Not working so well for you anymore, is it? Not that you're going to give it up, obviously.

You saw the pictures and video from the RNC. You know their policies. Don't deny it.

You're a pathetic race baiter who can't argue with logic or positive empirical results because liberalism has none, so you sink to the lowest depths of political smear, You're a racist. It's all you have. No brains, no dick, just the lowest form of political pandering. I have no respect for you or the rest of you morally decrepit liberal scum who can't argue with reason, so you don't even try. You just go to fear and hate based divisive politics. If you ever do decide to enter into manhood and defend your views with facts and reason let me know. In the meantime you're just on my not to be taken seriously list. People like you are the ones destroying discourse in this country. There can be nothing to follow, you're a racist. Have a good one, asshole.

So what you are saying is that there is some other reason that the RNC has these terrific problems with minorities and women. No doubt, you are prepared to blame them for hating the Republican party much like some of you Republicans have, in the past, blamed the victims of rape for being raped. So, bubba, tell me, what other reason can you cite as to why minorities and women don't flock to your political causes? Oh I know the mantra you folks cite: It's the Democrats' fault that Republicans are not viewed favorably by women and minorities. It couldn't be anything else, like the words and deeds of your own people. Naw, it could't be that.

It's the words, deeds, and pandering by the Democrats as to why minorities flock to you. When you promise them the world at someone else's expense, it's not hard to figure out why those whou would rather have someone else do for them than do for themselves come to you. That's not blaming the Democrat party. It's saying it's no surprise people, when promised things and told that they deserve it, flock to the party that has convinced them that bullshit is true.
You can buy a $11 shirt made in China, or a $59 shirt made in Oregon - which do you pick?

Why do you think that shirt from China only costs $11, despite the huge freight costs?

Their slave labor conditions are worse than ours.

We don’t have slave conditions here. Someone with low level skills is getting an equivalent low level pay. If their pay is too low, perhaps they should improve their skills instead of demanding they be paid on existence rather than what they offer.

Define "low level skills" and place a dollar figure to it;'s worth to a company that hires many "low skill" workers? Look. The corporations did this to themselves. They farmed out the high paying jobs to low wage workers overseas to save a buck, and left millions here with little choice but to work the "low skill" jobs. And you say this as if low skill jobs are of little or no value to these companies, when the fact is in most cases, they are the very backbone of the companies. So treat them with disrespect if you want. But don't expect them to put up with these conditions for long. At Ford, guys with seniority (30 or more years) get to choose the job they want. My step brother is one of those, and he joined the clean up crew. What do these guys do? They sweep and mop the floors - for $30/hour. And yet Ford is turning a profit right here in the U.S.A.

A job that someone even with less than a high school diploma could get because to be able to do it requires little to no cognitive ability. Cleaning toilets, emptying trash, and sweeping/vacuuming floors fits it. I do those things at my house and can't recall ever being taught how to do it. If I was taught, it was by my parents at such a young age that it fits the definition of low skilled.

I can't place a specific dollar figure on it for a business that I don't own. That's for the business owner to do not you or me to do it for them. If they say it's worth $7.50/hour, it's no one else's place to say it's worth more.

I don't treat those with low skills with disrespect. What I don't have respect for is when someone with low skills demands they be handed more for nothing calling it fair that they get a wage simpy because they breath espeically when the reason they have low skills is themselves.

Your step brother gets that much not because of the job he does but because the union pieces of shit that extort business. Your step brother is an overpaid monkey. That's why I don't nor will I ever buy a Ford product.

There are a lot of overpaid monkeys in this country; corporate CEOs, for instance. By the way, the reason why my step brother gets paid so much to mop floors is because Ford recognizes his 30+ years of profitable service to the company and offered him whatever floor job he wanted for his remaining time prior to retirement. And traditionally, old timers pick the clean up crew because it is the easiest job.

Your step brother who you just said took the easy job.

I'll put some a CEO above some floor sweeper any day. The CEO didn't take the easy way out later in a career. Your family did Tells you something about who has character and who simply wants to float their way through.
Well, your record of alienating them and nearly every other minority (including the largest minority in the U.S. today - hispanics) clearly shows that you are right. Conservatives ARE racist and don't like A LOT of people. Or perhaps I should rephrase this and simply say that conservatives don't like anyone that is not them. So perhaps racist is not the correct phrase. Bigots. Yeah. That word works.

Even you know you're in trouble since you're dragging out the tired "racism" card. Not working so well for you anymore, is it? Not that you're going to give it up, obviously.

You saw the pictures and video from the RNC. You know their policies. Don't deny it.

You're a pathetic race baiter who can't argue with logic or positive empirical results because liberalism has none, so you sink to the lowest depths of political smear, You're a racist. It's all you have. No brains, no dick, just the lowest form of political pandering. I have no respect for you or the rest of you morally decrepit liberal scum who can't argue with reason, so you don't even try. You just go to fear and hate based divisive politics. If you ever do decide to enter into manhood and defend your views with facts and reason let me know. In the meantime you're just on my not to be taken seriously list. People like you are the ones destroying discourse in this country. There can be nothing to follow, you're a racist. Have a good one, asshole.

So what you are saying is that there is some other reason that the RNC has these terrific problems with minorities and women. No doubt, you are prepared to blame them for hating the Republican party much like some of you Republicans have, in the past, blamed the victims of rape for being raped. So, bubba, tell me, what other reason can you cite as to why minorities and women don't flock to your political causes? Oh I know the mantra you folks cite: It's the Democrats' fault that Republicans are not viewed favorably by women and minorities. It couldn't be anything else, like the words and deeds of your own people. Naw, it could't be that.

It's the words, deeds, and pandering by the Democrats as to why minorities flock to you. When you promise them the world at someone else's expense, it's not hard to figure out why those whou would rather have someone else do for them than do for themselves come to you. That's not blaming the Democrat party. It's saying it's no surprise people, when promised things and told that they deserve it, flock to the party that has convinced them that bullshit is true.

So what you are saying is that women and minorities are so gullible and stupid that they cannot figure out for themselves which party has their best interest at heart. Got it. :wink:
So what you are saying is that there is some other reason that the RNC has these terrific problems with minorities and women

Strawman and begging the question.

Right. So the question being begged is what OTHER reason is there that the RNC cannot attract minorities and women to their cause? Any suggestions?

They don't pander to women with things like birth control and minorities with programs like affirmative action. If that's what you have to do to get them, it tells me the ones you get only want something for nothing and would run off at the next flashier thing. Not a good base if you ask me.
Even you know you're in trouble since you're dragging out the tired "racism" card. Not working so well for you anymore, is it? Not that you're going to give it up, obviously.

You saw the pictures and video from the RNC. You know their policies. Don't deny it.

You're a pathetic race baiter who can't argue with logic or positive empirical results because liberalism has none, so you sink to the lowest depths of political smear, You're a racist. It's all you have. No brains, no dick, just the lowest form of political pandering. I have no respect for you or the rest of you morally decrepit liberal scum who can't argue with reason, so you don't even try. You just go to fear and hate based divisive politics. If you ever do decide to enter into manhood and defend your views with facts and reason let me know. In the meantime you're just on my not to be taken seriously list. People like you are the ones destroying discourse in this country. There can be nothing to follow, you're a racist. Have a good one, asshole.

So what you are saying is that there is some other reason that the RNC has these terrific problems with minorities and women. No doubt, you are prepared to blame them for hating the Republican party much like some of you Republicans have, in the past, blamed the victims of rape for being raped. So, bubba, tell me, what other reason can you cite as to why minorities and women don't flock to your political causes? Oh I know the mantra you folks cite: It's the Democrats' fault that Republicans are not viewed favorably by women and minorities. It couldn't be anything else, like the words and deeds of your own people. Naw, it could't be that.

It's the words, deeds, and pandering by the Democrats as to why minorities flock to you. When you promise them the world at someone else's expense, it's not hard to figure out why those whou would rather have someone else do for them than do for themselves come to you. That's not blaming the Democrat party. It's saying it's no surprise people, when promised things and told that they deserve it, flock to the party that has convinced them that bullshit is true.

So what you are saying is that women and minorities are so gullible and stupid that they cannot figure out for themselves which party has their best interest at heart. Got it. :wink:

Are you saying the Democrat pandering means they have the best interests of women and minorities at heart? If you are, you're saying their stupid because you have to pander to them to get them. If what you're doing is so good, pandering wouldn't be necessary.
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