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400 Americans

He provided an accurate history lesson as anyone who lived through the supply-side economics era can testify. Show us where he's wrong.
It was a history lesson by a retard, for the retard. He's completely full of shit, the facts don't back it up. Only a hand full of whack jobs say the Reagan years were bad or wrong for America.

The problem is you assholes have nothing. So you try to diminish everything around you to look better. It ain't working.
I voted for Reagan twice in spite of warnings at the time from my more politically aware friends. Turns out they were right.

LOL, another hard leftist who was a Republican. Sure you were, sure you were. What is the fascination with you people of making that ridiculous claim?

So to pretend for a second, you have to explain what made you change your view that personal accountability is bunk and we need government to run our lives for us? None of you can ever explain that in a way that demonstrates in any way that you ever grasped anything but authoritarian leftism.
Pandering - your word, not mine. Speaking of pandering, did Rick Perry ever figure out that evolution is real? Who was he pandering to when he made that statement? It couldn't have been evangelical creationists, could it? You know. The base of the Republican party?

See, yet another deflection you use to demonstrate you don't grasp the issues so you can debate actual positions. The Republicans suck and their positions are easily debatable. The real question is if you can't explain what is wrong with their position on the actual issues and they are a screwed up as they are, how stupid are you?

You obviously have not paid attention to very many of my posts, particularly posts in other threads. I have made very clear my stance on many issues, the majority of which are at complete odds with the Republican party platform. As such I don't need to explain myself to you or anyone else. If you are interested in my positions, I suggest you go look for them.

What I see here is Republicans are racists, Rick Perry supports evolution. Your posts show what a Democratic whore you are. I have no reason to accept your challenge to go read the body of your posts and verify or not your claim you are not always a Democratic whore.

Rick Perry does not support evolution. He has repeatedly said that he doesn't.

And he's right.

Meaning, I take it, that neither do you support evolution. Fortunately, science doesn't require your support to be true. Get over yourself, already.
He provided an accurate history lesson as anyone who lived through the supply-side economics era can testify. Show us where he's wrong.
It was a history lesson by a retard, for the retard. He's completely full of shit, the facts don't back it up. Only a hand full of whack jobs say the Reagan years were bad or wrong for America.

The problem is you assholes have nothing. So you try to diminish everything around you to look better. It ain't working.
I voted for Reagan twice in spite of warnings at the time from my more politically aware friends. Turns out they were right.

I note that you haven't/can't reply to post 493, which puts the lie to your claim.

I'm sorry, but if you ignore the facts, they still won't go away.
Are you saying the Democrat pandering means they have the best interests of women and minorities at heart?
Pandering - your word, not mine. Speaking of pandering, did Rick Perry ever figure out that evolution is real? Who was he pandering to when he made that statement? It couldn't have been evangelical creationists, could it? You know. The base of the Republican party?

See, yet another deflection you use to demonstrate you don't grasp the issues so you can debate actual positions. The Republicans suck and their positions are easily debatable. The real question is if you can't explain what is wrong with their position on the actual issues and they are a screwed up as they are, how stupid are you?

You obviously have not paid attention to very many of my posts, particularly posts in other threads. I have made very clear my stance on many issues, the majority of which are at complete odds with the Republican party platform. As such I don't need to explain myself to you or anyone else. If you are interested in my positions, I suggest you go look for them.

What I see here is Republicans are racists, Rick Perry supports evolution. Your posts show what a Democratic whore you are. I have no reason to accept your challenge to go read the body of your posts and verify or not your claim you are not always a Democratic whore.

Rick Perry does not support evolution. He has repeatedly said that he doesn't.


i note that you haven't replied to post 519, which exposes your lack of understanding of our education system.

I'm sorry, but just because you ignore facts, doesn't mean they go away.
Rick Perry does not support evolution. He has repeatedly said that he doesn't.


What color is his kitchen? I could never vote for someone with a yellow kitchen. Now blue, that works. Wall paper is OK, but not too much. Too much wall paper and they are out, I won't vote for them.

I'm trying to talk politics at your speed so you can keep up and feel more comfortable.

Laugh all you want, fly boy. The fact is that anyone who doesn't support the most widely accepted scientific theory on the planet has no business in politics representing scientific interests.
Since I didn't use the phrase to begin with, non-sequitur. Clearly you are confused. May I suggest? Put the bottle down.

You're going to have to walk me through that logic. So if I use a phrase, and you use it back to me ... wrong. That isn't using it wrong?

Right. So the question being begged is what OTHER reason is there that the RNC cannot attract minorities and women to their cause? Any suggestions?

This is clearly wrong, that question wasn't "begged." Seriously, you are on the internet with a browser. If you don't know what something means, and then you use it wrong and are told you don't know what it means, why don't you Google it instead of compounding your stupidity?

I'm starting to get why you go with race whoring instead of addressing actual Republican positions.

Clearly you are having a problem with sarcasm as well as irony. What congregation do you belong to, anyway?

I have addressed Republican positions on many forums. I don't address them much here because all those positions deserve from me is scorn.

So when you said using begging the question back to me wrong isn't wrong didn't fly, now you're going with that using begging the question wrong is "sarcasm." LOL, you are a hoot even if you're useless to engage in actual political discussion with.

Here's an idea. What about saying, oops, I didn't know what it means and used it wrong. So I Googled it and now I know. You know, manning up to your mistake?

Because I would be lying if I said I didn't know what it means. How about instead of using this non-issue to divert attention from the fact that you didn't address the issue I raised, you instead address the issue I raised. How about you do that!
Democrats buy the minority vote with promises of continued entitlement payments, so duh...
Nice try.
You can't argue with facts, dude. That is why they are called facts.
Interestingly, most of those entitlement payments go to red states.
Irrelevant to the fact that Dems buy the minority vote with promises of continued entitlement payments, dispelling any mystery as to why minorities support the Dems.

So you believe it is irrelevant that Republicans that so vehemtly hate the notion that government of the people by the people and for the people should take care of its people are from states where they do exactly that? You don't see the irony? you don't see the hypocrisy? What have you been smoking, dude?
Rick Perry does not support evolution. He has repeatedly said that he doesn't.


What color is his kitchen? I could never vote for someone with a yellow kitchen. Now blue, that works. Wall paper is OK, but not too much. Too much wall paper and they are out, I won't vote for them.

I'm trying to talk politics at your speed so you can keep up and feel more comfortable.

Laugh all you want, fly boy. The fact is that anyone who doesn't support the most widely accepted scientific theory on the planet has no business in politics representing scientific interests.

LOL, someone who thinks if you remove personal responsibility for people's actions allowing them to endlessly infringe on other people's rights then you increase freedom, government can make better decisions over our own lives than we can and socialism increases economic freedom is rejecting people based on what they believe?

Pot ... meet kettle ...
Walmart is one of the largest employers in the country, and it makes a crapload of money off the backs of its workers while they languish at the low end of the wage scale. It is a disgrace.

Walmart provides more jobs to low-skilled workers than any other company. They languish at the low end of the wage scale, because that's where their abilities lie. Walmart has simply figured out a way to employ them, and make money doing it.
You're just jealous.
Bullshit. That simply isn't true. Walmart employees have a wide range of technical skills. But many have had to settle for the jobs they can get because that is what (barely) puts food on the table.
I went through the check out line the other day and heard them discussing medieval French literature and nuclear power patents.
Gee, how obtuse you are. And how many jobs in medieval French literature and nuclear power would you say there are?
As I said:
The guy with the PhD apparently has not kept his skills relevant to the labor market.
His fault.

So how many times must a person re-educate themselves to keep up with labor trends? And should companies pay that cost?
Democrats buy the minority vote with promises of continued entitlement payments, so duh...
Nice try.
You can't argue with facts, dude. That is why they are called facts.
Interestingly, most of those entitlement payments go to red states.
Irrelevant to the fact that Dems buy the minority vote with promises of continued entitlement payments, dispelling any mystery as to why minorities support the Dems.

So you believe it is irrelevant that Republicans that so vehemtly hate the notion that government of the people by the people and for the people should take care of its people are from states where they do exactly that? You don't see the irony? you don't see the hypocrisy? What have you been smoking, dude?

You do like to put words into people's mouths they didn't say. I am doubting your claim of this vast body of work you claim you actually addressed issues...
Walmart provides more jobs to low-skilled workers than any other company. They languish at the low end of the wage scale, because that's where their abilities lie. Walmart has simply figured out a way to employ them, and make money doing it.
You're just jealous.
Bullshit. That simply isn't true. Walmart employees have a wide range of technical skills. But many have had to settle for the jobs they can get because that is what (barely) puts food on the table.
I went through the check out line the other day and heard them discussing medieval French literature and nuclear power patents.
Gee, how obtuse you are. And how many jobs in medieval French literature and nuclear power would you say there are?
As I said:
The guy with the PhD apparently has not kept his skills relevant to the labor market.
His fault.

So how many times must a person re-educate themselves to keep up with labor trends? And should companies pay that cost?

Through their entire career.
Since I didn't use the phrase to begin with, non-sequitur. Clearly you are confused. May I suggest? Put the bottle down.

You're going to have to walk me through that logic. So if I use a phrase, and you use it back to me ... wrong. That isn't using it wrong?

Right. So the question being begged is what OTHER reason is there that the RNC cannot attract minorities and women to their cause? Any suggestions?

This is clearly wrong, that question wasn't "begged." Seriously, you are on the internet with a browser. If you don't know what something means, and then you use it wrong and are told you don't know what it means, why don't you Google it instead of compounding your stupidity?

I'm starting to get why you go with race whoring instead of addressing actual Republican positions.

Clearly you are having a problem with sarcasm as well as irony. What congregation do you belong to, anyway?

I have addressed Republican positions on many forums. I don't address them much here because all those positions deserve from me is scorn.

So when you said using begging the question back to me wrong isn't wrong didn't fly, now you're going with that using begging the question wrong is "sarcasm." LOL, you are a hoot even if you're useless to engage in actual political discussion with.

Here's an idea. What about saying, oops, I didn't know what it means and used it wrong. So I Googled it and now I know. You know, manning up to your mistake?

Because I would be lying if I said I didn't know what it means. How about instead of using this non-issue to divert attention from the fact that you didn't address the issue I raised, you instead address the issue I raised. How about you do that!


You are complaining about debating non issues? The race slut who is obsessed with people's religious views?


BTW, I only respond every time you deny it. And if you know what it means, why did you use it completely wrong?
Have more wealth than half the population of the United States.

Hey Mr. Reagan, when exactly is this trickle down thing going to kick in?

Hey Mr. Bush, since the "job creators" still have the Tax Cut you gave them in 2002 and 2004, why aren't they, you know, creating more jobs?

Hey Mr. Lyndon Johnson, since your war on poverty was designed to rid us of hunger and alleviate suffering, when are those trillions spent in the last 50 years going to do the job? Why do we still have the same percentage in poverty today as we had before that money was spent to "defeat" it?

Where would all those people be today had that money not been spent? Would you have rather that it had been spent killing Arabs in Iraq, or feeding and housing our own people?

Actually, I would have preferred the money be used to create a viable work force, an educated work force. Instead, it was used to buy votes ("those ni&&ers will vote Democrat for the next 200 years). We didn't help the poor - we created a permanent under-class, unarmed to compete in the world today, and unwilling to try to break the bonds that hold them down.

What are you babbling about? We have the most highly educated work force we've ever had. Unarmed to compete in the world? That is as idiotic a statement as I've heard this week.

You truly ARE disconnected from reality -

on one hand, you complain that all the high tech jobs went overseas, and on the other, you complain that all these supposedly highly qualified workers are sitting here doing menial work because that is all they can find.

The truth about our educational system? We produce functional illiterates. They can't make change - they can't construct a coherent sentence longer than three words. We produce kids that, during a recent testing cycle, of all the students, over 70% of the 10th graders can't perform at the 10th grade level - and 90% of the Afro-American kids tests were not proficient. We get COLLEGE graduates who come to us - and we have to send them to remedial English and remedial math courses at the local junior college - and these are kids who just got their diploma.

We just interviewed and hired for a position in our logistics branch - entry level. Basically, we were looking for a high school graduate capable of reading a bill of lading, finding the box on the shelf, and loading into the truck. We interviewed 21 - that's right, 21 - before we found a high school graduate that met our needs. THAT is ridiculous - it wasn't rocket science. Oh, by the way, despite all your caterwauling about so many people looking for jobs, it took us 3 months of advertising to get those 21 applicants. (I spent more in advertising for the position than the employee will make in the first three months!) People don't want to work, because you made it possible for them not to work.

Ask any - and I mean, any - employer how hard it is to get qualified employees. Listen to them tell you - and then get back to me about how highly educated the work force is. They may have high school diplomas, but they don't know enough to be of any value to us. They ARE unarmed to compete in the world today.
Nice try.
You can't argue with facts, dude. That is why they are called facts.
Interestingly, most of those entitlement payments go to red states.
Irrelevant to the fact that Dems buy the minority vote with promises of continued entitlement payments, dispelling any mystery as to why minorities support the Dems.

So you believe it is irrelevant that Republicans that so vehemtly hate the notion that government of the people by the people and for the people should take care of its people are from states where they do exactly that? You don't see the irony? you don't see the hypocrisy? What have you been smoking, dude?

You do like to put words into people's mouths they didn't say. I am doubting your claim of this vast body of work you claim you actually addressed issues...

Vast body of work? This thread? Bhwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! That's the funniest thing I've heard all week. Bravo.
Bullshit. That simply isn't true. Walmart employees have a wide range of technical skills. But many have had to settle for the jobs they can get because that is what (barely) puts food on the table.
I went through the check out line the other day and heard them discussing medieval French literature and nuclear power patents.
Gee, how obtuse you are. And how many jobs in medieval French literature and nuclear power would you say there are?
As I said:
The guy with the PhD apparently has not kept his skills relevant to the labor market.
His fault.

So how many times must a person re-educate themselves to keep up with labor trends? And should companies pay that cost?

Through their entire career.

And how many times have you had to re-educate yourself? Don't you think it would be easier if companies would refrain from moving their operations every five years just so they can exploit the latest low wage workers they managed to convince should work for them? Don't you think that companies should be held to at least a modicum of ethical standards in thre 21st century?
Since I didn't use the phrase to begin with, non-sequitur. Clearly you are confused. May I suggest? Put the bottle down.

You're going to have to walk me through that logic. So if I use a phrase, and you use it back to me ... wrong. That isn't using it wrong?

Right. So the question being begged is what OTHER reason is there that the RNC cannot attract minorities and women to their cause? Any suggestions?

This is clearly wrong, that question wasn't "begged." Seriously, you are on the internet with a browser. If you don't know what something means, and then you use it wrong and are told you don't know what it means, why don't you Google it instead of compounding your stupidity?

I'm starting to get why you go with race whoring instead of addressing actual Republican positions.

Clearly you are having a problem with sarcasm as well as irony. What congregation do you belong to, anyway?

I have addressed Republican positions on many forums. I don't address them much here because all those positions deserve from me is scorn.

So when you said using begging the question back to me wrong isn't wrong didn't fly, now you're going with that using begging the question wrong is "sarcasm." LOL, you are a hoot even if you're useless to engage in actual political discussion with.

Here's an idea. What about saying, oops, I didn't know what it means and used it wrong. So I Googled it and now I know. You know, manning up to your mistake?

Because I would be lying if I said I didn't know what it means. How about instead of using this non-issue to divert attention from the fact that you didn't address the issue I raised, you instead address the issue I raised. How about you do that!


You are complaining about debating non issues? The race slut who is obsessed with people's religious views?


BTW, I only respond every time you deny it. And if you know what it means, why did you use it completely wrong?

You really are obsessed with diverting the conversation, aren't you? What are you afraid of?
Reagan's growth was mainly deficit defense spending (doubled the debt) and a corrupt S+L bubble. Great job!

You know --- maybe we should identify Reagan's performance against the current WH occupant.

Oh wait ---- he's a leftist. He can't do anything wrong.
50 months of growth despite mindless opposition, no corrupt bubble, averted a full blown depress- only cost 6-7 trillion. Thanks for the meltdown/disaster, functional shyttehead.

You think the economy is good? You need to get off your boat and come on shore more often. Or at all.
I recognize you have a good news blackout lol...4% growth ok? Oil/gas boom?

So one quarter of decent growth is all it takes to make you happy? I'm guessing if the guy in the White House had an "R" after his name that wouldn't do it for you...
Actually, now your a-hole heroes have cut the phony crises and shutdown threats, we're at about full growth. Too bad we still can't have a jobs infrastructure act, at a perfect time for it.

I'm for America whoever's in charge. Too bad with Pubs it's usually a corrupt bubble for insiders.
Hey Mr. Lyndon Johnson, since your war on poverty was designed to rid us of hunger and alleviate suffering, when are those trillions spent in the last 50 years going to do the job? Why do we still have the same percentage in poverty today as we had before that money was spent to "defeat" it?

Where would all those people be today had that money not been spent? Would you have rather that it had been spent killing Arabs in Iraq, or feeding and housing our own people?

Actually, I would have preferred the money be used to create a viable work force, an educated work force. Instead, it was used to buy votes ("those ni&&ers will vote Democrat for the next 200 years). We didn't help the poor - we created a permanent under-class, unarmed to compete in the world today, and unwilling to try to break the bonds that hold them down.

What are you babbling about? We have the most highly educated work force we've ever had. Unarmed to compete in the world? That is as idiotic a statement as I've heard this week.

You truly ARE disconnected from reality -

on one hand, you complain that all the high tech jobs went overseas, and on the other, you complain that all these supposedly highly qualified workers are sitting here doing menial work because that is all they can find.

The truth about our educational system? We produce functional illiterates. They can't make change - they can't construct a coherent sentence longer than three words. We produce kids that, during a recent testing cycle, of all the students, over 70% of the 10th graders can't perform at the 10th grade level - and 90% of the Afro-American kids tests were not proficient. We get COLLEGE graduates who come to us - and we have to send them to remedial English and remedial math courses at the local junior college - and these are kids who just got their diploma.

We just interviewed and hired for a position in our logistics branch - entry level. Basically, we were looking for a high school graduate capable of reading a bill of lading, finding the box on the shelf, and loading into the truck. We interviewed 21 - that's right, 21 - before we found a high school graduate that met our needs. THAT is ridiculous - it wasn't rocket science. Oh, by the way, despite all your caterwauling about so many people looking for jobs, it took us 3 months of advertising to get those 21 applicants. (I spent more in advertising for the position than the employee will make in the first three months!) People don't want to work, because you made it possible for them not to work.

Ask any - and I mean, any - employer how hard it is to get qualified employees. Listen to them tell you - and then get back to me about how highly educated the work force is. They may have high school diplomas, but they don't know enough to be of any value to us. They ARE unarmed to compete in the world today.
You can't argue with facts, dude. That is why they are called facts.
Interestingly, most of those entitlement payments go to red states.
Irrelevant to the fact that Dems buy the minority vote with promises of continued entitlement payments, dispelling any mystery as to why minorities support the Dems.

So you believe it is irrelevant that Republicans that so vehemtly hate the notion that government of the people by the people and for the people should take care of its people are from states where they do exactly that? You don't see the irony? you don't see the hypocrisy? What have you been smoking, dude?

You do like to put words into people's mouths they didn't say. I am doubting your claim of this vast body of work you claim you actually addressed issues...

Vast body of work? This thread? Bhwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! That's the funniest thing I've heard all week. Bravo.

Um...no long term memory, eh?

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