400 million guns

I imagine some on the left too, wanting guns banned.

The funny thing is, gun nuts comply with driving lessons and tests, obtaining a driver's licence, using vehicles with restrictions and regulations. Mention doing the same with guns, their tampons fall out of their ass, then they spurt, "2nd Amendment". It's the 2nd Amendment that's America's Achilles Heal in trying to make gun use safe.

Gun nuts believe American gun owners are the good guys, many/most would fail the UK system to even use a shotgun, yet we have no age restrictions on shotguns. Their mentality with gun ownership is dangerous.

I think some on purpose, like westwall , play stupid. It's one of the gun nut 10 commandments to repeat gun crap. If he claims he ain't acting stupid on purpose, then he has an IQ of a bag of sawdust.

The bag of sawdust is the moron who lives in a country with all the laws you want, spiraling into gun violence, yet you bury your head in the sand.

Like the good little ostrich you appear to be.
No, I want a SCOTUS that isn't blatantly corrupt the way that we now know this one to be. Fuck it, get rid of all of them and start with 5 new justices selected by a bipartisan committee (as bipartisan as we can get these days).

No it's called the right to peaceably assemble under the 1st Amendment. I didn't say threaten violence or burn anything down; I meant protest the clear corruption that exists on this court and demand that they resign. If they can't stand the fact that their names are on TV at night and places in history would be dragged through the mud, tough fucking shit.
You are only saying SCOTUS is corrupt because for the first time in decades it’s ruling based upon the Constitution, NOT liberal social dogma.
You are only saying SCOTUS is corrupt because for the first time in decades it’s ruling based upon the Constitution, NOT liberal social dogma.

I'm saying it's corrupt because we have at least one justice who is getting compensated by a billionaire right wing political megadonor and not reporting it -- that is textbook corruption, plain and simple. If that were a political candidate, he would be looking at a criminal trial. He should be looking at one now but the law doesn't apparently provide a criminal penalty; he can therefore likely only be impeach or otherwise forced to resign.

And then we learned yesterday that Neil Gorsuch apparently has had business transactions with a law firm with matters before the Court -- more textbook corruption. But the same remedy.

Alito is just off his chain -- he doesn't even hide the fact that he doesn't give a fuck about stare decisis anymore; he just writes whatever opinion he feels like writing.

So no, I don't respect this court majority - at all. I will never see it as legitimate. I think millions out there feel similarly, and we will probably ultimately need some sort of bipartisan commission at some point to restore faith in the judiciary, because nobody will respect the current hyper-politicized nominations/confirmations process. Being honest, yes, I would agree that Kagan, Sotomayor, and Brown-Jackson are a product of that same process, so it goes both ways, but that's the point: we need a clean slate of actual jurists, not partisans. People who are capable of ruling on either side of the spectrum based on a legal analysis, not their ideology.

The Court is broken.
Since they believe that merely owning guns makes you commit murder, you would think they would be the first to turn in their guns......

I mean, it puzzles me how they say that less guns is the answer, yet, you don’t see stories on the web if democrats voluntarily turning in their guns. What are they waiting for?
Wouldn’t it be nice if only republicans owned guns huh.

I don’t want my guns taken. Nor do I want to turn them in.

What I want is for new sales of assault weapons to be banned and to ensure that ALL gun sales are done so with appropriate regulations. What I want is for people with mental issues to not get access to guns.

Sorry if that messes with your narrative.

Wouldn’t it be nice if only republicans owned guns huh.

We’ll, we have to start somewhere don’t we? The most immediate effect we can have is for those who are against guns to get rid of theirs. That’s a start at least.

I don’t want my guns taken. Nor do I want to turn them in.

Ahh, “I don’t want to get rid of MY guns”… but you’d sure be quite fine with it if the government forced everyone on the right to give up theirs, wouldn’t you?

What I want is for new sales of assault weapons to be banned and to ensure that ALL gun sales are done so with appropriate regulations.

First, what is an “assault weapon”, and what do you propose to do, after the new regulations, about the millions of “assault weapons” that are still out there?

What I want is for people with mental issues to not get access to guns.

Hmm, how many times has the left referred to people on the right as having “mental issues”? Is there a hidden meaning in your statement there?

Sorry if that messes with your narrative.

You’re not messing with my narrative. I’m simply pointing out that the left wants to reduce guns, and there is a way to do that, right now, the left seems to be unwilling to do it though…odd don’t you think?
How did your logic tree end up with that interpretation of what I wrote? I'm sure some Dems/Progs do, but many do not.

I propose absolutely that in the form of uniform legislation or policy. I guess that's the part you don't like, but...I don't care.

I'm sure some Dems/Progs do, but many do not.

Ok, so we can start there. The ones who do, they can turn them in. That would be a start to removing guns.
It's the people and it's the guns.

As I told you already, when you put guns into arm's reach of people who are unstable - either because they are undiagnosed nutcases like Steven Paddock or because they are living in communities/neighborhoods that are unstable (poverty, bad schools, limited job opportunities), you're going to have more gun violence.

I've already shown you that red states have higher rates of gun violence than blue states. You then tried to dismiss that by arguing that it's the urban/suburban areas where most of the violence is taking place, and I don't necessarily dispute that.

But if we go deeper and break it down into counties, we can see similar results. These are the counties with the highest rates of gun violence, broken down into small, mid-sized, and large counties by population. Note that St. Louis is a little different because the city is independent from the county yet part of the county.

Here are the states with the strictest gun laws:

View attachment 779555

And now here are the counties with the most gun violence per capita:

Small counties

View attachment 779557

Midsize counties

View attachment 779559

Large counties

They give an expanded discussion for the large counties.

View attachment 779560

Interestingly enough, I don't see New York, San Francisco, King County (Seattle), Los Angeles, Newark, Boston, or other cities in states where gun control is a thing.
CA strictest gun laws NH very lax gun laws

CA murder rate is 5 times that of NH
Well Washington just banned new AR-15 sales, so it's game on, which brings me to another reason why the gun rights crowd gets gun right wrong. To allow people to own military grade arms, which they claim is an enshrined right under 2A, is to ignore the police powers that states have and in a sense states' 'rights' to maintain order in their own jurisdictions. The 2nd Amendment can't be just read in isolation of everything else in the Constitution.
It's not a military grade firearm you lying pos.
I imagine some on the left too, wanting guns banned.

The funny thing is, gun nuts comply with driving lessons and tests, obtaining a driver's licence, using vehicles with restrictions and regulations. Mention doing the same with guns, their tampons fall out of their ass, then they spurt, "2nd Amendment". It's the 2nd Amendment that's America's Achilles Heal in trying to make gun use safe.

Gun nuts believe American gun owners are the good guys, many/most would fail the UK system to even use a shotgun, yet we have no age restrictions on shotguns. Their mentality with gun ownership is dangerous.

I think some on purpose, like westwall , play stupid. It's one of the gun nut 10 commandments to repeat gun crap. If he claims he ain't acting stupid on purpose, then he has an IQ of a bag of sawdust.
You just illustrate your ignorance of the US Constitution once again.

It is unconstitutional to force anyone to pay to exercise a protected right.

I imagine some on the left too, wanting guns banned.

The funny thing is, gun nuts comply with driving lessons and tests, obtaining a driver's licence, using vehicles with restrictions and regulations. Mention doing the same with guns, their tampons fall out of their ass, then they spurt, "2nd Amendment". It's the 2nd Amendment that's America's Achilles Heal in trying to make gun use safe.

Gun nuts believe American gun owners are the good guys, many/most would fail the UK system to even use a shotgun, yet we have no age restrictions on shotguns. Their mentality with gun ownership is dangerous.

I think some on purpose, like westwall , play stupid. It's one of the gun nut 10 commandments to repeat gun crap. If he claims he ain't acting stupid on purpose, then he has an IQ of a bag of sawdust.
How did you get so stupid? Or are you just another lying jackass?
‘Banning’ in quotation marks because there isn’t an actual ‘ban.’
Actual bans don’t allow individuals to retain possession of the prohibited item.
Consequently, ‘banning’ assault weapons won’t make us ‘safer.’
So you agree:
When liberals and Democrats talk about the need to ban assault weapons and we that will be made safer by doing so, they are lying.
Good to know.
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"2A loons" are not shooting up schools and shopping malls. They have guns, but having guns does not translate to being homicidal maniacs anywhere other than in the fever swamp.
The control freaks operate on the flawed logic that everyone who owns a gun is nothing but a mass murderer in waiting.
We’ll, we have to start somewhere don’t we?
As we have seen previously...what seems reasonable to YOU is not that
Ahh, “I don’t want to get rid of MY guns”… but you’d sure be quite fine with it if the government forced everyone on the right to give up theirs, wouldn’t you?
That is literally the opposite of what I said

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