400 million guns

Again, that's what your Federalist judges say; that's not what the Constitution says
All I see here is your inability to soundly argue against my points.

The constitution exists in its case law; w/o case law, the constitution has no effect.
Thus, the rulings of the court and the effect of the constitution are inseparable.

You may not like the rulngs of the court, but you don't get to ignore them.
. There's no constitutional basis behind your arguments,
The volumes of text found in the rulings and opinions of Miller, Heller McDonald, Caetano and Bruen prove your claim false.
All I see here is your inability to soundly argue against my points.

The constitution exists in its case law; w/o case law, the constitution has no effect.
Thus, the rulings of the court and the effect of the constitution are inseparable.

You may not like the rulngs of the court, but you don't get to ignore them.

The volumes of text found in the rulings and opinions of Miller, Heller McDonald, Caetano and Bruen prove your claim false.
ALL those cases establish restrictions on guns
It will only lower the rate of firearm homicides and the severity of mass killings, true.
Likely not.

The 1994 AWB failed to realize its goal:

“That the law did not have much of an impact on overall gun crime came as little surprise, Koper said. For one, assault weapons were used in only 2 percent of gun crimes before the ban. And second, existing weapons were grandfathered, meaning there were an estimated 1.5 million pre-ban assault weapons and 25 million to 50 million large-capacity magazines still in the U.S.”

Indeed, the 1994 AWB wasn’t actually a ‘ban,’ since millions of assault weapons remained in private possession, pursuant to the grandfather provision.

And any new ‘ban’ would have the same provision with millions of assault weapons still in the hands of private citizens.

Given how ineffective AWBs in fact are, there’s no justification for such government excess and overreach, no justification for such an undue burden on the Second Amendment right.
You are saying we have a need for a militia with a trillion dollar defense budget??

there would never be a time when its a good idea to have the people helpless and under the governments control,,

read some history,,
we all said we would never forget the atrocities of the NAZI's and the communist hoards of USSR and CCP,,,
The Constitution said it was necessary when we had almost no standing Army.

Is that the case now?
if thats what they meant they would have worded it that way,,

a standing army might be the very thing we need protection from,,,

remember the nazis,USSR and CCP killed millions because they couldnt defend themselves from standing armies,,
Given how ineffective AWBs in fact are, there’s no justification for such government excess and overreach, no justification for such an undue burden on the Second Amendment right.
"Undue burden"?
You are fully aware of the fact "undue burden" or any other means-end test no longer applies to the 2nd Amendment.
Likely not.

The 1994 AWB failed to realize its goal:

“That the law did not have much of an impact on overall gun crime came as little surprise, Koper said. For one, assault weapons were used in only 2 percent of gun crimes before the ban. And second, existing weapons were grandfathered, meaning there were an estimated 1.5 million pre-ban assault weapons and 25 million to 50 million large-capacity magazines still in the U.S.”

Indeed, the 1994 AWB wasn’t actually a ‘ban,’ since millions of assault weapons remained in private possession, pursuant to the grandfather provision.

And any new ‘ban’ would have the same provision with millions of assault weapons still in the hands of private citizens.

Given how ineffective AWBs in fact are, there’s no justification for such government excess and overreach, no justification for such an undue burden on the Second Amendment right.
When the AW ban ended the number of mass shootings exploded. So yea. It had an effect.

As far as the ARs in circulation...they will eventually be turned in to gun buy backs, rusted away in closets etc. It will take time but they will be gone.

And most importantly some sick little fucker will not be able to walk into the corner gun shop...buy one...and go kill a dozen kids...as has happened more than a few times
It happened in Australia and Canada. Why won't it happen here?
The right’s lies and demagoguery about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated,’ neither of which will happen, are intended to derail any substantive exploration of solutions to gun crime and violence.

For Republicans, lying about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated’ is valuable partisan rhetoric.
The right’s lies and demagoguery about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated,’ neither of which will happen, are intended to derail any substantive exploration of solutions to gun crime and violence.

For Republicans, lying about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated’ is valuable partisan rhetoric.
your premise is a lie,,,

democrats are openly talking about bans and confiscation,,,
When the AW ban ended the number of mass shootings exploded. So yea. It had an effect.
This is a dim-witted post-hoc fallacy.
By now, even you should know better - but you don't.
As far as the ARs in circulation...they will eventually be turned in to gun buy backs, rusted away in closets etc. It will take time but they will be gone.
20,000,000 ARs in public hands.
If 100/day are removed from the market, by whatever means, , in ~275 years, there will be 10,000,000 left.
And most importantly some sick little fucker will not be able to walk into the corner gun shop...buy one...and go kill a dozen kids...as has happened more than a few times
Why not? They might have used ARs in stock.
They did. Read it again

They described the uses of the militia in the Constitution. Article 2 Section 8. To put DOWN Insurrection...not support it
and they laid out how to have a ready to go militia by guaranteeing the peoples right to keep and bear arms,,

at this point its a failing on state and local governments to not regulate the men in their areas to make sure they are trained and well supplied with proper military grade arms,,

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