40pc of Americans: Jesus will return...

The free, moral and justice-seeking world has to take all possible preparations against these Gog and Magogists that divide the world into definitions of God and Satan.
What is your view of Fundamentalists degrading Jesus into a role of end-time Destructor?
Which side are you on? Someone who is in reality an undercover Afghani cave-men?

Shown on German State Television ZDF and German-French ARTE during 2008 US elections, a documentary about US Evangelical Radicals.
The documentary shows, how radical Evangelist Fundamentalists have become one of the most influental groups to influence US society and politics. Documentary is titled:
"Last Battle: Christian Fundamentalists in the USA".
Die letzte Schlacht - ARTE

German Magazine SPIEGEL reporting during the built-up to Iraq-War in February 2003:
Summary: "Evengelists call for Crusade against Islam. Southern Baptist Convention with 41.500 churches and 15.9 Million followers is core of the Fundamentalists"
DER SPIEGEL*8/2003 - Krieg aus Nächstenliebe
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German State Televion ARD reporting about 2006 Lebanon-War of Israel and reactions within US Evangelist community.
Summary: We have to support Israel so the world can as predicted go to Armegeddon.
Evangelikale in den USA: Die Armageddon-Lobby | tagesschau.de
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A murderous Muslim complaining about Christians? Give me a break. You support open terrorism , you support the murder of anyone that does not worship Mohammad. Go fuck a tree you pervert.
I think that is a minimal number.
I feel that considerably more than 40% of Murkas slaves/prisoners are completely delusional.
A murderous Muslim complaining about Christians? Give me a break. You support open terrorism , you support the murder of anyone that does not worship Mohammad. Go fuck a tree you pervert.

Thanks for your contribution.
I pitty you.

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