47 Empty Top Secret Folders .......

This does not come as a surprise from a federal judge appointed by Trump and confirmed after he lost reelection by over seven million votes.

Unquestioned is the fact that Trump stole hundreds of pages of classified documents from the American people and carelessly stored them in his Mar-a-Lago resort.

NPR reports, "U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon has granted former President Donald Trump's request for a special master to review documents seized by the FBI from Mar-a-Lago last month, temporarily stopping federal prosecutors from using those documents in their investigation into obstruction and mishandling of government secrets.

"The decision was expected. Last weekend, the judge said she was inclined to grant Trump's request, and a hearing on the matter took place last Thursday. At that hearing, the Justice Department laid out its argument against the special master and signaled it was likely to appeal such a ruling.

"Cannon, a Trump appointee, cited in her order on Monday the need to ensure "the appearance of fairness and integrity under the extraordinary circumstances presented."

"The FBI and the Justice Department have become vicious monsters," Trump in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania on Saturday campaigning for Doug Mastriano.

Trump thinks he won the 2020 election. Mastriano agrees with them. Both are challenging the very basis of American democracy, free and fair elections. Has Trump's federal judge misplaced her sentiments?

Furthermore, Cannon's order contradicts itself here.

NPR continued, "The judge also ordered the government to cease any review or use of the materials for its criminal investigation until the special master review is completed, but Cannon said the intelligence community may continue its review to determine potential national security risks (created by Trump's theft) from the classified material being kept outside of a secure government facility."

"Cannon set a deadline of Fri. Sept. 9 for the two parties to submit a joint filing with a list of proposed candidates to be named special master and a detailed proposal to establish the duties and limits of the special master, as well as a schedule for the review and compensation.

Legal experts have said that requesting a special master is another attempt from Trump to undermine the work of the Justice Department and question their integrity.

It seems apparent that Trump's judge doesn't trust the DOJ. Strangely enough, she apparently trusts Trump more.

Did Cannon just make a very bad career move?
NPR reports, "U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon has granted former President Donald Trump's request for a special master to review documents seized by the FBI from Mar-a-Lago last month, temporarily stopping federal prosecutors from using those documents in their investigation into obstruction and mishandling of government secrets.
Trump stole hundreds of classified documents from the American people. Because the theft created a national security threat, the DOJ conducted a warranted search of Mar-a-Lago to return the documents to a secure location while they conducted an investigation of possible crimes, improper conduct of classified documents, espionage, and obstruction of justice topping the list.

It appears that the federal judge appointed by Trump thought it was important to protect Trump from the DOJ, citing "bias" and "leaks to the media," even though it was Trump who unleashed the media storm regarding the search.

To protect the accused (in this case, Trump), witnesses, and investigation techniques, the DOJ avoids publicity in its investigations.

Trump blew such secrecy all to hell. The judge didn't know that.

This is the man the federal judge wants to protect from the excesses of the DOJ.

ABC reports, "In his first rally since the FBI searched his Mar-a-Lago home last month, former President Donald Trump took the stage in Pennsylvania for nearly two hours during which he responded to the raid on his home last month and President Joe Biden's remarks earlier this week."

"The shameful raid and break-in of my home Mar-a-Lago was a travesty of justice," Trump said of the search. "The FBI and the Justice Department have become vicious monsters."

ABC continued, "Trump's rally also comes as fallout continues from the Aug. 8 FBI search at his Mar-a-Lago estate, where agents recovered classified documents as part of an investigation into his handling of presidential records after leaving office.

Trump almost immediately launched into a response to the raid of his Mar-a-Lago home Saturday, framing it as persecution of a political enemy. He attacked law enforcement without offering any substantive response to the allegations against him regarding his handling of classified documents.

Trump also had words for our President.

“Joe Biden came to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to give the most vicious, hateful and divisive speech ever delivered by an American president.....He's an enemy of the state," Trump said.

Our President spoke about MAGA Republicans who attacked law enforcement and a former President who stole vital documents from the American people and took them to his home.

Trump's vicious speech made little sense to anyone ... unless one was a member of his cult. Since reality is something they avoid, they loved it, and Trump was speaking to them.

"I don't feel he did anything wrong. I think that will come out in the end, but they just want to turn people against Trump," said Barbara, a voter from Mountain Top, Pennsylvania.

This is the man the federal judge wants to protect.
I believe the FBI because we saw the four years Trump was president and his complete disregard for ethics, decorum, or common decency.

Biden 9/1/22
The most overlooked piece of information in this August 30th release was this subpoena. The subpoena demanded he returns any documents containing 28 different classification markings. Included were markings related to NATO, foreign nuclear information, and the United States nuclear information, covering atomic weapons and navy nuke propulsion.
Even Trumps own staff are calling him out for his wrong doing;
Got out of the Army at the rank of Staff Sergeant, E-6. So you'd be wrong.

Not that I would have wanted to join the Boy Scouts... to many fucking religious crazies there.

Uh, guy, nearly every president since Nixon has had to deal with these kinds of investigations.. Most of them had the good sense to cooperate. Shit, Ken Starr and the FBI investigated Clinton's sex life, which is a LOT less serious than 1) trying to shake down a foreign leader to dig up dirt on your opponent, 2) inciting a riot to overturn an election or 3) running off with a bunch of highly classified documents and not securing them.

I believe the FBI because we saw the four years Trump was president and his complete disregard for ethics, decorum, or common decency.
So you were kicked out of the Army, huh sweetheart? They found out how worthless you truly are.

If you could provide proof of any of your claims, perhaps they would have more veritas. As is, whiny claims like yours are simply BS.
Trump stole hundreds of classified documents from the American people. Because the theft created a national security threat, the DOJ conducted a warranted search of Mar-a-Lago to return the documents to a secure location while they conducted an investigation of possible crimes, improper conduct of classified documents, espionage, and obstruction of justice topping the list.

It appears that the federal judge appointed by Trump thought it was important to protect Trump from the DOJ, citing "bias" and "leaks to the media," even though it was Trump who unleashed the media storm regarding the search.

To protect the accused (in this case, Trump), witnesses, and investigation techniques, the DOJ avoids publicity in its investigations.

Trump blew such secrecy all to hell. The judge didn't know that.

This is the man the federal judge wants to protect from the excesses of the DOJ.

ABC reports, "In his first rally since the FBI searched his Mar-a-Lago home last month, former President Donald Trump took the stage in Pennsylvania for nearly two hours during which he responded to the raid on his home last month and President Joe Biden's remarks earlier this week."

"The shameful raid and break-in of my home Mar-a-Lago was a travesty of justice," Trump said of the search. "The FBI and the Justice Department have become vicious monsters."

ABC continued, "Trump's rally also comes as fallout continues from the Aug. 8 FBI search at his Mar-a-Lago estate, where agents recovered classified documents as part of an investigation into his handling of presidential records after leaving office.

Trump almost immediately launched into a response to the raid of his Mar-a-Lago home Saturday, framing it as persecution of a political enemy. He attacked law enforcement without offering any substantive response to the allegations against him regarding his handling of classified documents.

Trump also had words for our President.

“Joe Biden came to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to give the most vicious, hateful and divisive speech ever delivered by an American president.....He's an enemy of the state," Trump said.

Our President spoke about MAGA Republicans who attacked law enforcement and a former President who stole vital documents from the American people and took them to his home.

Trump's vicious speech made little sense to anyone ... unless one was a member of his cult. Since reality is something they avoid, they loved it, and Trump was speaking to them.

"I don't feel he did anything wrong. I think that will come out in the end, but they just want to turn people against Trump," said Barbara, a voter from Mountain Top, Pennsylvania.

This is the man the federal judge wants to protect.
Ya trump released statements FROM the FBI to the press, Trump released FBI pictures and redacted shit from the FBI , you retards grow stupider and stupider with each new thread.
Ya trump released statements FROM the FBI to the press, Trump released FBI pictures and redacted shit from the FBI , you retards grow stupider and stupider with each new thread.
Those press releases were caused by Trump's big mouth, Republicans, and his lawyers who demanded transparency.

To protect the accused (Trump), witnesses, and investigation techniques, the DOJ ordinarily keeps ongoing investigations secret. We found out about a June FBI search of Mar-a-Lago in late August because of Trump's big mouth and his lawyers.
Ya trump released statements FROM the FBI to the press, Trump released FBI pictures and redacted shit from the FBI , you retards grow stupider and stupider with each new thread.
I honestly couldn't have believed they could have become more stupid. Proved wrong everyday in here, that is for sure.
Sorry but that has zero to do with convicted election fraudster's "2000 Fools"
that has everything to do with 2000 mules. So I ask again, you no longer believe in one person one vote?
Sorry but that has zero to do with convicted election fraudster's "2000 Fools"
And who, liar, do you claim is already convicted? Get some facts on your side before you make such slanderous claims.,

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