48 Hours Later Democrats Are Still Trying to Tally Iowa Caucus

Look at the bright side, they are at 86% with errors, they inadvertently gave Deval Patrick votes!! Oooops
Face it, Democrats have trouble counting over 20, even using their fingers and toes....

Or 21, if it's a Democrat woman, and she counts her pecker, too!!!
Heard they had to make a correction a little while ago to what they had released, too.
The dems in the DNC saw how badly Joe got beat and they tried to cover it up...they stink....
Iowa Caucus Torn to Shreds!

DNC Mulls Asking Donald Trump To Run As Democrat In Effort To Stop Sanders
DNC Mulls Asking Donald Trump To Run As Democrat In Effort To Stop Sanders

". . . said DNC chairman Tom Perez, who had circled Trump’s name on a white board listing dozens of potential candidates the party could try to convince to jump into the Democratic Party primaries in order to obstruct a Sanders nomination. “This late in the game, we need somebody with name recognition and a built-in following, which Trump definitely has. He has political experience working with Republicans, which will help him win over moderate voters who are turned off by the idea of a socialist president. Plus, he’ll have the backing of the Democratic donor base, who generally prefer him to Sanders. Look, sometimes politics makes strange bedfellows, but I think I speak for party leadership when I say that we’d much rather see Donald Trump than Bernie Sanders as the Democratic nominee.”
I saw that on thE boob tube with thier fancy maths and edumuhcations they're still counting .

They aren't still counting, they are still re-configuring and reconstructing the best lie.

The Sanders campaign has their internal polling putting them WAY ahead. So. . . they need to come up with the best lie.

No one showed up to caucus or vote in any great numbers. .. . . because there aren't any folks in the DNC in Iowa anymore. NO ONE CARES. The result? The only folks that showed up are in reality, were the extreme left socialists that took over the party.

Remember, Sanders socialists are a bit hot headed, if the DNC doesn't diffuse this, it could get ugly.

The DNC is just trying to maintain control of, what they see as their party.
The marxist Dim cult relies on "chick math".... they're stupid in ways that are hard to quantify... most of them have an app on their phone reminding them it's more hygienic to wipe front to back....
I don't believe for one minute that fudge packer is winning.

It doesn't matter. They will make folks believe what ever they want them to believe. They have you believing what they want about Trump, don't they?

They have intel agents that work for Fox and CNN. They will repeat it OVER AND OVER again till you DO believe it.

Folks believe the 911 lie. They believe the JFK lie. The believe the bin Laden Lie. Any lie that the spooks need Americans to believe about their covert ops, their agents on the TEE VEE will get folks to believe.

Every president we have had since Reagan, has been associated with the spooks, including TRUMP. Whether he dissociated with them after his time dealing with Intertel, Resorts International, Mary Cart Paints etc., or not?


Who knows?
DNC Mulls Asking Donald Trump To Run As Democrat In Effort To Stop Sanders
DNC Mulls Asking Donald Trump To Run As Democrat In Effort To Stop Sanders

". . . said DNC chairman Tom Perez, who had circled Trump’s name on a white board listing dozens of potential candidates the party could try to convince to jump into the Democratic Party primaries in order to obstruct a Sanders nomination. “This late in the game, we need somebody with name recognition and a built-in following, which Trump definitely has. He has political experience working with Republicans, which will help him win over moderate voters who are turned off by the idea of a socialist president. Plus, he’ll have the backing of the Democratic donor base, who generally prefer him to Sanders. Look, sometimes politics makes strange bedfellows, but I think I speak for party leadership when I say that we’d much rather see Donald Trump than Bernie Sanders as the Democratic nominee.”

LOL They should know by now that Tump isn't anywhere near that stupid.

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