48%: The Democratic Party needs to face an ugly reality

So she made up he was born in Kenya, where his father was actually born, got his school right, got right that he grew up in Indonesia, but didn't get his location of birth right all by making it up.

So at this point you're just conceding that Obama did in fact lie about where he was born

Nope, I'm saying she made a mistake on one point, but got other ones wrong. Maybe she blew threw Obama's notes and assumed because he dad was born in Kenya, so was he. (they were both named Barack Obama)

Because of course WHERE WERE YOU BORN was such a complicated question. And Obama's father wasn't mentioned in the bio. Shit, guy, it was a blurb. Who the fuck would have been talking about Obama's father?

And your story up until now was that the information didn't come from Obama. Now you're changing your story. It did, but it was misunderstood. And his publisher realized he was talking about his father in a short bio later, but didn't realize that when they wrote it. Just more of your double talk.

The ping was the light bulb going off in your head that oh your God, Obama did lie.

The wa-wa-wa was your penis deflating as you didn't have the manhood to just admit that.

Look, dude, it wasn't that big a deal. It was pretentious and arrogant to pretend he was from another country. But it wasn't a crime, it wasn't immoral. It was unethical, but not enough that it should have ruined his life or his career.

But you idiots keep calling it a conspiracy and calling people racist based on it rather than saying wow, Obama did a dumb ass move and laugh it off.

Give me examples of your being presented with a form that says PLACE OF BIRTH and you accidentally filled in where your father was born. Go ...
Because of course WHERE WERE YOU BORN was such a complicated question. And Obama's father wasn't mentioned in the bio. Shit, guy, it was a blurb. Who the fuck would have been talking about Obama's father?

And your story up until now was that the information didn't come from Obama. Now you're changing your story. It did, but it was misunderstood. And his publisher realized he was talking about his father in a short bio later, but didn't realize that when they wrote it. Just more of your double talk.

Actually, I don't have a "story". The story is what comes from the fact checker. She made a mistake. How that mistake was made, maybe Obama gave her publisher information, and maybe the notes were incorrect. Maybe someone had sloppy handwriting...

End of the day, you claimed Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya...

Obama never said that.

you lied.
Because of course WHERE WERE YOU BORN was such a complicated question. And Obama's father wasn't mentioned in the bio. Shit, guy, it was a blurb. Who the fuck would have been talking about Obama's father?

And your story up until now was that the information didn't come from Obama. Now you're changing your story. It did, but it was misunderstood. And his publisher realized he was talking about his father in a short bio later, but didn't realize that when they wrote it. Just more of your double talk.

Actually, I don't have a "story". The story is what comes from the fact checker. She made a mistake. How that mistake was made, maybe Obama gave her publisher information, and maybe the notes were incorrect. Maybe someone had sloppy handwriting...

End of the day, you claimed Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya...

Obama never said that.

you lied.

Yeah. They asked where Obama's ... father ... was born in a blurb bio. Sure they did.

Again, name times you were asked WHERE WERE YOU BORN and you thought they wanted to know your father was born. Go ...
Race isn't an issue for us, it's a Democrat issue. We never bring up race unless it's a response to your never ending racism BS. The Democrats have you people programmed like a robotic arm in a factory. Whatever they say, you repeat it without even thinking about what you are even saying.

Yeah, you guys never bring up race.
Except for Nixon's Law and Order campaign
Reagan's Welfare queens
Bush's Willie Horton Ads
Jesse Helm's White Hands Ad

"Race isn't an issue for us" - "We don't say the N-word out loud, so obviously we aren't racist."

Bush's Willie Horton Ads

Did Bush take a hint from Gore?
Bush never mentioned Willie Horton's race.
Race isn't an issue for us, it's a Democrat issue. We never bring up race unless it's a response to your never ending racism BS. The Democrats have you people programmed like a robotic arm in a factory. Whatever they say, you repeat it without even thinking about what you are even saying.

Yeah, you guys never bring up race.
Except for Nixon's Law and Order campaign
Reagan's Welfare queens
Bush's Willie Horton Ads
Jesse Helm's White Hands Ad

"Race isn't an issue for us" - "We don't say the N-word out loud, so obviously we aren't racist."

Bush's Willie Horton Ads

Did Bush take a hint from Gore?
Bush never mentioned Willie Horton's race.

Or his name.
Let me get this straight: When government says I'm too Fd up to continue working, you stand behind their decision and claim unqualified bureaucrats are experts of some sort to make such a determination. Yet when government medical professionals agree with them to the point I'm deserving of disability benefits, the unqualified bureaucrats are right and the government medical professionals are wrong?

Your lazy ass can do other things.... You just don't want to, because hey, man, you living large on the gummit Dole.

Just don't tell me that you are better than your HUD neighbors.

Yes, my HUD neighbors. Well thanks to them, I lost sleep this morning. 4:45am, the mixed couple came home yelling and screaming at each other, slamming doors, making noise. It got quiet for a few minutes, and it started up again.

I was thinking of calling the police until I heard a new voice in the mix scream HANDS UP, KEEP YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM! Well, the police were already there approaching from different directions with guns drawn. They put them in cuffs, went into their house and you could see the flashlights searching around through their living room window.

She was screaming to them she didn't have a gun--she didn't even own a gun. Then she said something about a bullet hit their car. I could only hear what they were talking about when they raised their voices. He was crying to police telling them how he just moved "up" here a week ago. He said "Don't do me like this man, I have to see my parole officer next week." Then I heard him say "I only shot back once!" Gee, only shot back once? You damned racist cops, let him go, he only shot back once after all!

They took the cuffs off of her, didn't tow the car, and hauled him off to jail. Good job government. Thanks for bringing this to my suburb.

Now Doctor Joe, who at SS disability gave you my medical information for you to determine what I can and can't do? Which government doctors that reviewed all my medical records did you speak with? Have any names?

Two problems with you on the left: You think you know more than anybody else in the room, and two, you make up your own little stories in your own little heads.
You mean at the same time Biden said he wouldn't send his kid to a bussed school because it would be a racial jungle? Or when Biden said if you don't vote for me, you're not really black? Or when he said Republicans want to put y'all back in chains? Or when Biden said you have to speak Indian to converse in a 7-11. Or when Clinton told Kennedy, 20 years ago, he (Obama) would have been serving us coffee? Or when Biden said poor kids are just as bright as white kids?

Biden has a 40 year record of fighting for civil rights.
The GOP has a 40 year record of fighting against them.

I do love how you like to change the subject. Did Republicans push those racist policies or not?

Oh please, Joe is the most racist person we've ever had running for President in modern times. Yes, it comes out as slip-ups, but it shows how and what he thinks.

Now what civil rights has the GOP fought against? And don't say the civil rights bill, because per percentage, more Republicans voted for it than Democrats. And what "racist" policies did the Republicans push for?
Democrats are ordering police to stand down while cities burn, and people are murdered (even 1 year olds).

You think half of America is going to vote for that?

This is going to be the biggest landslide wipe-out in history!

Pretty sure what they think is that they're going to convince people to not-know what they know, by brainwashing them into believing that knowing what their eyes tell them makes them bad people.

Totalitarian dictatorships use this all the time, and you can see the leftists in this country using it on every single issue that comes up.
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often allowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

Disclaimer already, mac?

What happened to the "Russians are coming"

"Trump's a racist?

"Trump's a dictator"

How about the truth for once. Trump gave this country its self esteem back and you can't fucking stand it.
I think Mac sits around all day waiting for Trump to arrest him and take him to a death camp.

Pretty sure that Hitler does that sort of thingy.

Then there are the endless wars Trump started. Such a bad person that Trump.

Did I mention Trump started Covid and infected and personally murdered millions with it?

Even Hitler only took people to death camps who actually mattered, so I think Mac1958 is safe.
The Democrats offer concrete policies across the board, while the Trump cult offers only fear and hate.
Concrete policies?!? They had to be forced by their falling poll #'s to condemn the riots and violence.

Pollster: Biden denounces Kenosha violence after campaign ...

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden finally condemned the ongoing violence in Kenosha, Wis. and cities across the country after his campaign initially "misjudged how important it was to the American people," pollster and president of Maslansky & Partners, Lee Carter told “Fox & Friends Weekend” Sunday.

The Democrats act like patriots and decent human beings,

By backing and supporting the riots?

That's what we need: a President so tone-deaf and out-of-touch with reality that he can "misjudge" how important rioting, looting, burning, and rampant violence on the streets is to the American people. A space alien could have flown in yesterday from the next galaxy over and figured out that people don't like violent mobs overwhelming their cities faster than Dementia Joe Biden did.
Yeah I don't get it either. Maybe America in the recesses of our collective soul is as fascistic and authoritarian as any banana republic. Democracy is no longer reliably producing rich, white plutocratic politicians so it must be time to destroy it.

Once again we are a representative republic.
Are we? I would question that assessment when our representatives in government do not seem to be concerned with anyone except billionaires and those who try to represent The People are branded as evil socialists.

Your problem is you beleive giving americans more and more free stuff is representing them.

This post is succinct brilliance. Just fantastic.
Yeah I don't get it either. Maybe America in the recesses of our collective soul is as fascistic and authoritarian as any banana republic. Democracy is no longer reliably producing rich, white plutocratic politicians so it must be time to destroy it.

Once again we are a representative republic.
Are we? I would question that assessment when our representatives in government do not seem to be concerned with anyone except billionaires and those who try to represent The People are branded as evil socialists.

President Trump represent "The People" better than any President since Reagan.

I suspect that's a big part of why the Democrats hate him so much. They don't really like The People very much.
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often allowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

This is all such bullshit. There is no "middle" in American politics. There is a white nationalist party which is busy enriching billionaires, and is allowing a vicious disease to run free throughout the country because it's makiing their donors so much richer, and another party.

It really doesn't matter what Democrats are doing because what Trump is doing is KILLING TENS OF THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS, and he just doesn't care.

"You're so stupid to think you know something about your own country's politics. Let ME tell you how your politics REALLY are from my non-entity foreign country. Don't believe your actual experience, believe what my biased media told me about you from a long way away!"

What really doesn't matter - as always - is anything you want to lecture us on about how our country needs to be changed to your liking. Your opinion would matter to no one and nothing regarding a country that is none of your business even if you WEREN'T the most useless fool your leech of a country had ever produced.
The terms 'marxism' and 'socialism' do not scare Americans and will not help the GOP.
They do not scare those who have been indoctrinated by the media and academia because they were never taught the history of those two political ideologies

What is worse, they are told that the National Socialist Nazis were right wing.


What is unbelievable is your post. YOU are the one in need of learning the histories of these two forms of government because you think that both are the same and that both are negative.

And the NAZI Party, under Adolf Hitler, was a right wing white nationalist party.

YOU need to go back to school and stop spouting the lies of the Republican Party. It is YOU who have been brainwashed by the billionaire owned right wing media.

Well, conversation over. The shriveled foreign twat has declared that what she believes is what's correct, and that's just all it takes. Proof, evidence, explanations? Pfffft. All we need is for LizardBitch to declare that her preferred view is reality, and we'll all just accept that because we respect her and her wisdom about countries she's not in.

Oh, wait, none of that's actually going to happen, because everyone knows LizardBitch is a dimwitted twat who has to meddle in the affairs of a country that doesn't want her because her own country is a second-rate non-entity.

So sorry, LizardBitch. Didn't mean to get your hopes up that you had stopped being a joke.
The terms 'marxism' and 'socialism' do not scare Americans and will not help the GOP.
They do not scare those who have been indoctrinated by the media and academia because they were never taught the history of those two political ideologies

What is worse, they are told that the National Socialist Nazis were right wing.


What is unbelievable is your post. YOU are the one in need of learning the histories of these two forms of government because you think that both are the same and that both are negative.

And the NAZI Party, under Adolf Hitler, was a right wing white nationalist party.

YOU need to go back to school and stop spouting the lies of the Republican Party. It is YOU who have been brainwashed by the billionaire owned right wing media.
You are spouting off a tautology.

According to your political spectrum, what makes the Nazi party right wing?

What are you measuring, or had you never even thought about it?

Her thought masters in the media told her so, and that's all she needs to know. That's all she's capable of knowing.
Yeah I don't get it either. Maybe America in the recesses of our collective soul is as fascistic and authoritarian as any banana republic. Democracy is no longer reliably producing rich, white plutocratic politicians so it must be time to destroy it.

Once again we are a representative republic.
Are we? I would question that assessment when our representatives in government do not seem to be concerned with anyone except billionaires and those who try to represent The People are branded as evil socialists.

President Trump represent "The People" better than any President since Reagan.

LOL The dumbest post of the decade. Reagan was a Plutocrat, Trump is a megalomaniac, narcissist and the most divisive person to ever occupy the White House.

"Your post is really dumb, because it doesn't agree with ANY of the things I was ordered to believe!"

Please, feel free to pretend you can create original thoughts, and tell us what evidence there is of Trump being a megalomaniac? I think even you know that the only thing "divisive" about him is that he has the gall to be President as a Republican.
The terms 'marxism' and 'socialism' do not scare Americans and will not help the GOP.
They do not scare those who have been indoctrinated by the media and academia because they were never taught the history of those two political ideologies

What is worse, they are told that the National Socialist Nazis were right wing.


What is unbelievable is your post. YOU are the one in need of learning the histories of these two forms of government because you think that both are the same and that both are negative.

And the NAZI Party, under Adolf Hitler, was a right wing white nationalist party.

YOU need to go back to school and stop spouting the lies of the Republican Party. It is YOU who have been brainwashed by the billionaire owned right wing media.
You are spouting off a tautology.

According to your political spectrum, what makes the Nazi party right wing?

What are you measuring, or had you never even thought about it?

HIs political spectrum is the same metric used by Political Scientists and History teachers. In the taxonomy of Social Science Conservatism is Right Wing, and liberalism is Left Wing, the former is for the King, the latter for We the People.

The 21st Century is extremely conservative, and has many characteristics under Trump&Co. of the tactics used by Mussolini and Hitler to gain support and power.

Let me point out the most important phrase in your "I was told if I said this, I would sound smart" regurgitated definition: "for the King".

Did any of your puppeteers ever get around to telling you that the US doesn't HAVE a king, and never has had?

What this tells intelligent people - ie. people who aren't you - is that you're mindlessly spouting a definition of left-wing and right-wing from Europe. By the standards of the European political spectrum, the Nazis were on the right. I'm embarrassed for you that you need me to explain this to you, but . . . the US isn't Europe. Our politics are very different, and our political spectrum is very different. On the AMERICAN political spectrum, the left is much closer to the Nazis.

Feel free to scuttle away and feel like a complete moron now.
The Democrats offer concrete policies across the board, while the Trump cult offers only fear and hate.
Concrete policies?!? They had to be forced by their falling poll #'s to condemn the riots and violence.

Pollster: Biden denounces Kenosha violence after campaign ...

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden finally condemned the ongoing violence in Kenosha, Wis. and cities across the country after his campaign initially "misjudged how important it was to the American people," pollster and president of Maslansky & Partners, Lee Carter told “Fox & Friends Weekend” Sunday.

The Democrats act like patriots and decent human beings,

By backing and supporting the riots?

Democrats have not "supported" the riots. They have roundly condemned the violence from Day 1, but since your source and your link is to FOX News, it's not like you're getting facts or truth from the White House's personal TV network.

Get your head out of your ass and start get your news from NEWS networks, not the billionaire right wing media. They're lying to you and have been for 30 years.

"They've roundly condemned the violence from Day 1. My media masters TOLD me to start believing that last week, so now I'm sure that's what happened all along!"

Get your head out of your ass, and stop worrying about what people do and believe in countries that DON'T WANT YOU.
Meanwhile, back in reality, the Democrats are beating Trump and his cult like a gong.


The Democrats offer concrete policies across the board, while the Trump cult offers only fear and hate.

The Democrats act like patriots and decent human beings, while the Trump cult acts like Nazi sociopaths. Q-anon, the current Republican philosophy, is literally a Nazi conspiracy theory repackaged.

We can't save the Republican party. The treason runs too deep there. They simply hate everyone outside of their fascist cult, because the hating gives them a thrill. Pity. The USA needs two parties. Hopefully, a sane conservative party will rise out of the wreckage of the GOP.

Democrats offer “concrete” policies? Tax the rich, green deal, infrastructure. These have been touted for decades. What do they yield? All three of these top of mind issues or “concrete” policies are simply vehicles for grabbing money to reward friends and punish enemies. This was the same mantra a decade ago. Green Deal saw the creation of “companies” like Solyndra which turned out to be a slush fund for cronies. Infrastructure? All that bullshit about “shovel ready jobs” turned out to be a pass through in which Democrats want to bail out bloat and pensions within State and Local governments because those politicos don’t know how to stick to budgets and cut spending.

So what is really concrete and new from a policy perspective?

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