48%: The Democratic Party needs to face an ugly reality

By backing and supporting the riots?

What do you think lying about Biden and the Democrats accomplishes, other than putting Trump cultists at risk of eternal damnation?

Look at the polls. You've all been telling the same lies for months, and the polls haven't budged. The nation knows you're lying. Maybe you should think up some new lies.

NY Times, 2 weeks from election.
The Trump right bitterness is showing now and will only grow, as they realize Trump is going to be badly beat.
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often allowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

Any more questions.

NO nation wants a leader who gets on their KNEES and SUBMITS to a feral mob of zoo animals who DEMAND that nation is literally demolished and replaced with something PRIMITIVE and INFERIOR.

You call human beings "zoo animals". You are a very good example of what is wrong with our country.

No, you call zoo animals human beings. You are an excellent example of what is wrong with our country.
Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to
Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons to vote for Mr Trump

Noted that you didn't list any.
If there's plenty, I'm sure you have a moment or two to share them on this board.

I don't know about harmonica, but I can tell you the reasons I'm voting for Donald Trump.

1) Pre-Covid Economy. As must as the left wants to pretend that 2020 is the sum total of the Trump economy, the fact is that none of this year's economic woes are due to Donald Trump, and he had three years prior to this. During that time, unemployment hit a 49-year low, manufacturing grew at the fastest rate in thirty years, welfare participation hit record lows, and millions of jobs were created. In particular, black unemployment hit a record low, youth unemployment hit a record low, black youth unemployment hit a record low, women's employment hit a record low.

2) VA Accountability Act. The Veterans' Administration has been an open scandal for as long as I can remember. If anyone deserves to be taken care of by our country, it's our veterans. Donald Trump actually made a difference in how badly we've been upholding that obligation before now.

3) Amazing strides toward peace in the Middle East. Remember when Obama pooh-poohed the importance of ISIS and let them take over nearly all of Iraq? Trump took back 98% of the territory they had claimed, killed their leader, pulled out of the disastrous Iran nuclear deal, and moved our embassy to Jerusalem instead of just paying lip service to the idea like Presidents before him. Oh yeah, and brokered historic peace deals the "Middle East experts" always said were impossible.

Those are my top three. I'm also a fan of the programs he put in place to help ex-cons get their lives together and go straight after leaving prison. I absolutely think the nation is better off if we can turn people from criminals into productive citizens.

You can dislike them, you can try to spin them, you can do anything except honestly say there are no reasons why anyone would vote for Trump.
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often a
llowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

The Democrats need to retake control of their party, they need to tell the Neo-Marxists to GTFO because NO Western nation and ESPECIALLY America wants Marxism and wants to collapse Capitalism and replace it with Anarchy and a Communist System.
And the ugly reality the democrats need to face up to is this......the democrat party doesn't exist any longer.

The Republicans have turned their party over to Trump.
They are a bunch of spineless cowards who have allowed Trump to use the Constitution as his personal toilet paper.

Please tell us, in detail, all the ways in which you think Trump "used the Constitution as toilet paper". Please do try to refer to the specific clauses in the Constitution which he violated.
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often allowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

I think there's a pretty good chance Trump will win again because he'll rig it if he has to. He's got ButtBoy Barr and Moscow Mitch helping him to plot the rigging.
He's got Postmaster "DeLay" working hard to fuck up the Post Office for late ballot delivery.
Every time Trump opens his piehole and accuses someone of something, he's projecting.
It's what he does.

Wanna know what the left is guilty of? Just look at what they're accusing the right of doing.

Wanna know when the left started doing what they're guilty of? Just look at when they started accusing the right of doing it.
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often a
llowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

The Democrats need to retake control of their party, they need to tell the Neo-Marxists to GTFO because NO Western nation and ESPECIALLY America wants Marxism and wants to collapse Capitalism and replace it with Anarchy and a Communist System.

Why do you continue to use the RED SCARE?

Q. Do you have a clue about what Marxism is?

Q. Do you belief the Democratic Party will actually take over General Motors, Ford and other industries to control the means of production?

If you do I have a bridge for sale cheap, it spans the opening from the Pacific Coast into San Francisco Bay. There is even and Island about a mile west of the bridge, it once was a Federal Prison and I'm sure Trump&Co. will sell it to you.
It's hard to tell exactly what democrats mean, like Bernie Sanders, when he refers to socialism, because he refers to both countries like Sweden and Cuba as if they were one in the same, when they could not be more different.

That is what scares the hell out of people, and rightly so. Then throw in the AOC train wreck who can't even tie their shoes and you are left with a very bad feeling if these demagogues ever take power.

Sanders and Moore need to STFU unless they want people like you, Trump&Co., to continue to exploit their comments; the large part of the hate and fear doctrine used by Trump&Co.; Trump and his lap dogs and press secretaries use Big Lies and half-truths, rumors, innuendos and false assassinations of the character of all Democrats.

Calling AOC a train wreck is one more example of a Big Lie; the only train wreck today is Trump's Lies and efforts to spin his total failure to protect We the People from Covid; his effort to not panic the people is absurd.

Read FDR's first inauguration speech to the people, that is what real leaders do!

Sanders doesn't have to say anything at all....The DNC, and Biden by extension, have embraced his Marxist lunacy as their guiding principles.

He may now just go hang out at the third house that the DNC bought for him, in exchange for sitting down and shutting up like a good little party tool that he is.

Why don't you take you head out of your ass and STFU. You post nothing thoughtful or thought provoking; you must believe you are clever, you're not.

What you've done is to attack the DNC as a singular voice, which most everyone understands is stupid hyperbole.

No, I'd say most everyone is coming to understand that the Democrats are like the Borg, a mass of mindless drones with the hive queen speaking through them all at once.
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often a
llowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

The Democrats need to retake control of their party, they need to tell the Neo-Marxists to GTFO because NO Western nation and ESPECIALLY America wants Marxism and wants to collapse Capitalism and replace it with Anarchy and a Communist System.
And the ugly reality the democrats need to face up to is this......the democrat party doesn't exist any longer.

The Republicans have turned their party over to Trump.
They are a bunch of spineless cowards who have allowed Trump to use the Constitution as his personal toilet paper.

Please tell us, in detail, all the ways in which you think Trump "used the Constitution as toilet paper". Please do try to refer to the specific clauses in the Constitution which he violated.

"He violated what CNN told me the other day!"
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often a
llowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

The Democrats need to retake control of their party, they need to tell the Neo-Marxists to GTFO because NO Western nation and ESPECIALLY America wants Marxism and wants to collapse Capitalism and replace it with Anarchy and a Communist System.

Why do you continue to use the RED SCARE?

Q. Do you have a clue about what Marxism is?

Q. Do you belief the Democratic Party will actually take over General Motors, Ford and other industries to control the means of production?

If you do I have a bridge for sale cheap, it spans the opening from the Pacific Coast into San Francisco Bay. There is even and Island about a mile west of the bridge, it once was a Federal Prison and I'm sure Trump&Co. will sell it to you.
It's hard to tell exactly what democrats mean, like Bernie Sanders, when he refers to socialism, because he refers to both countries like Sweden and Cuba as if they were one in the same, when they could not be more different.

That is what scares the hell out of people, and rightly so. Then throw in the AOC train wreck who can't even tie their shoes and you are left with a very bad feeling if these demagogues ever take power.

Sanders and Moore need to STFU unless they want people like you, Trump&Co., to continue to exploit their comments; the large part of the hate and fear doctrine used by Trump&Co.; Trump and his lap dogs and press secretaries use Big Lies and half-truths, rumors, innuendos and false assassinations of the character of all Democrats.

Calling AOC a train wreck is one more example of a Big Lie; the only train wreck today is Trump's Lies and efforts to spin his total failure to protect We the People from Covid; his effort to not panic the people is absurd.

Read FDR's first inauguration speech to the people, that is what real leaders do!

Sanders doesn't have to say anything at all....The DNC, and Biden by extension, have embraced his Marxist lunacy as their guiding principles.

He may now just go hang out at the third house that the DNC bought for him, in exchange for sitting down and shutting up like a good little party tool that he is.

Why don't you take you head out of your ass and STFU. You post nothing thoughtful or thought provoking; you must believe you are clever, you're not.

What you've done is to attack the DNC as a singular voice, which most everyone understands is stupid hyperbole.

No, I'd say most everyone is coming to understand that the Democrats are like the Borg, a mass of mindless drones with the hive queen speaking through them all at once.

And you have a right to say so, the facts do not support you.
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often a
llowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

The Democrats need to retake control of their party, they need to tell the Neo-Marxists to GTFO because NO Western nation and ESPECIALLY America wants Marxism and wants to collapse Capitalism and replace it with Anarchy and a Communist System.

Why do you continue to use the RED SCARE?

Q. Do you have a clue about what Marxism is?

Q. Do you belief the Democratic Party will actually take over General Motors, Ford and other industries to control the means of production?

If you do I have a bridge for sale cheap, it spans the opening from the Pacific Coast into San Francisco Bay. There is even and Island about a mile west of the bridge, it once was a Federal Prison and I'm sure Trump&Co. will sell it to you.
It's hard to tell exactly what democrats mean, like Bernie Sanders, when he refers to socialism, because he refers to both countries like Sweden and Cuba as if they were one in the same, when they could not be more different.

That is what scares the hell out of people, and rightly so. Then throw in the AOC train wreck who can't even tie their shoes and you are left with a very bad feeling if these demagogues ever take power.

Sanders and Moore need to STFU unless they want people like you, Trump&Co., to continue to exploit their comments; the large part of the hate and fear doctrine used by Trump&Co.; Trump and his lap dogs and press secretaries use Big Lies and half-truths, rumors, innuendos and false assassinations of the character of all Democrats.

Calling AOC a train wreck is one more example of a Big Lie; the only train wreck today is Trump's Lies and efforts to spin his total failure to protect We the People from Covid; his effort to not panic the people is absurd.

Read FDR's first inauguration speech to the people, that is what real leaders do!

Sanders doesn't have to say anything at all....The DNC, and Biden by extension, have embraced his Marxist lunacy as their guiding principles.

He may now just go hang out at the third house that the DNC bought for him, in exchange for sitting down and shutting up like a good little party tool that he is.

Why don't you take you head out of your ass and STFU. You post nothing thoughtful or thought provoking; you must believe you are clever, you're not.

What you've done is to attack the DNC as a singular voice, which most everyone understands is stupid hyperbole.
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often allowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

Any more questions.

NO nation wants a leader who gets on their KNEES and SUBMITS to a feral mob of zoo animals who DEMAND that nation is literally demolished and replaced with something PRIMITIVE and INFERIOR.

You call human beings "zoo animals". You are a very good example of what is wrong with our country.

No, you call zoo animals human beings. You are an excellent example of what is wrong with our country.

I respect real Zoo animals............Zoo animals lives matter.......RAISE YOUR DANG FIST.....or I'll beat you down.........Love the Giraffe...........

It's actually a disgrace to call BLM and Antifa zoo animals.........the animals in the Zoo don't deserve that.
The GOP is realizing that Trump is going to lose. Such a good feeling.
You are that confident on your ballot harvesting hmm............rightwinger....

Hows the Mail in virus going for you.................I'm getting concerned that the people think you are full of shit too early.

Good luck with it.
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often allowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

I actually thought this was well written. And insightful.

(And I bothered to read the whole thing).
30% of voters voted for Herbert Hoover against Roosevelt. 30% of voters are so tribal and so uninformed that they'd vote for the Devil himself if he had an "R" beside his name. The religious right being a case in point.
30% of voters voted for Herbert Hoover against Roosevelt. 30% of voters are so tribal and so uninformed that they'd vote for the Devil himself if he had an "D" beside his name and/or SKIN COLOR. The blacks/left being a case in point.
..the whites are more fair
and here's the PROOF:
View attachment 388592

Why would any sane, sensible minority person vote Republican, especially under this President? I can understand being a conservative, to a point, but Republicans aren't conservatives in any real policy sense of the word. Wash, rinse and repeat, swapping out "minority person" for "woman of any color".

Now that Trump has openly declared his callous disregard for the lives of the elderly, he's losing the elderly vote - one of his core base voting groups. People take it personally when asked to sacrifice their lives for the economy. Especially the draft era generations who fought for the country.

There are many people who believe the bullshit that Trump spouts because he lies quite convincingly, and he never backs down on his lies, even when caught. And there are many who are politically apathetic. But not enough to turn out and keep this asshole in office.

Not that it's any of your fucking business, but the fact that Trump's pre-Covid economy dropped unemployment rates for minority communities to historic lows might be one reason. I'm sure you wouldn't know this, having never been around any of those people you like to tell yourself you "care" about based on news broadcasts, but minorities are just like white people in wanting to be successful, pay their bills, take care of their loved ones, and have good lives. They're also actually capable of doing so, despite the persistent leftist belief that they're helpless and stupid and have to be treated like mentally-handicapped children. Tell your friends.

You're in for an ugly shock in this election when all the things you've been smugly announcing as fact turn out to be just more of the bullshit that fills your otherwise empty skull. I wish I was going to get to see it, but I know that - like all cowardly leftists - you'll just slink away and disappear until you think enough time has passed for you to come out and pretend none of it ever happened.
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often allowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

I actually thought this was well written. And insightful.

(And I bothered to read the whole thing).
That must have hurt.........LOL
The Dems are realizing that defeating Trump is very much a solid probability, and that fact is causing her bitterness to emerge.

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