Zone1 4th of July vs Juneteenth

Now declare victory to earn your right wing crybaby gold star...
I like how you try to sound sound smart using big words(some of which you dont even grasp), make implications you dont understand, and then finish it off with your binary, partisan bullshit.
What a fuckin chump :lol:
The Constitution enabled slavery
Not one of its finer attributes
No it didn't, in fact, it is the reason slavery ended. Read some history. How can you be so ignorant? The Founders considered slavery a necessary evil and some even had slaves. Don't forget that slavery was an institution back then and indeed still is around the world except in the U.S. Because of the Constitution, the Abolition movement was created and eventually lead to the Civil War.
If that were the case……Why did the South create the Confederacy to ensure Slavery would exist forever?

4th of July celebrates the signing of the Declaration of Independence not Lexington and Concord

Civil War wasn't even NEARLY a "single issue" gripefest. It's much like today where tariffs and spending on infrastructure mean DIFFERENT THINGS to diff parts of the country. North/South battles in CONGRESS prior to the war clearly show these unresolved economic and tariff issues...

How do ya think the 3% of slave-holders in the South convinced all those Confeds to die for something that did not involve them? MANY of them just subsistence farming?
Civil War wasn't even NEARLY a "single issue" gripefest. It's much like today where tariffs and spending on infrastructure mean DIFFERENT THINGS to diff parts of the country. North/South battles in CONGRESS prior to the war clearly show these unresolved economic and tariff issues...

How do ya think the 3% of slave-holders in the South convinced all those Confeds to die for something that did not involve them? MANY of them just subsistence farming?
No matter how you spin it, the Civil War was about slavery
A States Right to allow slavery, abolition, the economic impacts of slavery

Yes, the 3 percent who owned slaves convinced the South to fight for their property. Forty percent of the population of the south was slave.
Yankees want those negroes to have the same rights as you do
Those negroes are going to steal your women
A negro will take your job

Conservatives haven’t changed much in 150 years
No matter how you spin it, the Civil War was about slavery
A States Right to allow slavery, abolition, the economic impacts of slavery

Yes, the 3 percent who owned slaves convinced the South to fight for their property. Forty percent of the population of the south was slave.
Yankees want those negroes to have the same rights as you do
Those negroes are going to steal your women
A negro will take your job

Conservatives haven’t changed much in 150 years
No Democrats haven't changed much in 150 years.
No matter how you spin it, the Civil War was about slavery
A States Right to allow slavery, abolition, the economic impacts of slavery
No denial of slavery, no civil war.

The confederate leaders said so. We don't have to guess.

This country predictably has a scourge of revisionists.

This is to be expected. It's handed down culturally.
Civil War wasn't even NEARLY a "single issue" gripefest. It's much like today where tariffs and spending on infrastructure mean DIFFERENT THINGS to diff parts of the country. North/South battles in CONGRESS prior to the war clearly show these unresolved economic and tariff issues...

How do ya think the 3% of slave-holders in the South convinced all those Confeds to die for something that did not involve them? MANY of them just subsistence farming?
They don't read real history. They arrogantly apply only contemporary leftist propaganda to what America has been thru for hundreds of years. They fail to have the insight and the knowledge to experience what it was really like back then and to understand ALL the facets of history. But gee, that would take too much of their precious time to actually study and derive real insights. Nope, all they do is regurgitate Marxist talking points about how 'bad' America was and still is with no regard to all the history in between. They are either astoundingly ignorant or Marxists or unaware Marxist tools with the brains stuffed full of 'Rules For Radicals'.....Obama's favorite book.

Do they even know the true story of the Star Spangled Banner? The War of 1812? How Francis Scott Key was sent to a British prison ship to possibly hammer out a surrender agreement with the British, went below He gave the Continental Army POWs, who were put in cages down there below deck, the news that after the night long bombardment of Ft. Sumpter, the flag was still standing. No surrender ensued. Key and his compatriots were released. That flag represented all the hopes and ambitions of people who just want to be free and they were willing to give their lives for the rights written into our Constitution.
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No denial of slavery, no civil war.

The confederate leaders said so. We don't have to guess.

This country predictably has a scourge of revisionists.

This is to be expected. It's handed down culturally.
We have sold out to the Lost Cause movement

The war was not about slavery, it was a noble movement worthy of celebration
We have sold out to the Lost Cause movement

The war was not about slavery, it was a noble movement worthy of celebration
The Civil War’s root cause was slavery and the slave States legal right to continue the institution which they could not do under the Union so they seceded. It was a case of the Constitution’s and Founders’ stated human rights (life liberty and the pursuit of happiness) with all men created equal, over man made edicts. Only a country owing it’s values to God would do such a thing and reverse it’s misguided ways.
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