Zone1 4th of July vs Juneteenth

Lincoln shit all over peoples rights. Closing down media outlets. Jailing dissenters. Scorched Earth. HC. Etc etc etc etc etc etc. So, yes, he did. Read a book sometime ;)
I've read plenty of books. We were in a war. I think the books tell you that. I am no fan of Lincoln.
Its the citizens fault the govt is tyrannical! :lol:
Here is a 2 for 1 : Lincoln wanted to change the Cosntitution to make slavery legal forever. Dumbass.
Wrong. Most of the confederates didnt own slaves.
Its almost as if you are full of shit and a pathetic lying hack ;)
As i said, all of you are the same.
Again, the Corwin Amendment was written by Thomas Corwin and passed during the administration of President Buchanan. Slavery was a constitutional right in the confederacy.
Of the four million US slaves in 1860, almost every slave was born into slavery
Parents had no choice of whether their children would be slaves or not
Why did their parents sell their children and progeny into perpetual slavery?
There are no exceptions to our natural and human rights, man.
We were in war. You can be as disingenuous about this if you want but Lincolns actions were done because of that. As for your claim about Lincoln trying to make slavery legal, that is factually untrue even though Lincoln supported the amendment once he took office.
Again, the Corwin Amendment was written by Thomas Corwin and passed during the administration of President Buchanan. Slavery was a constitutional right in the confederacy.
It never "passed"
It has only been ratified by a few states.
We were in war. You can be as disingenuous about this if you want but Lincolns actions were done because of that. As for your claim about Lincoln trying to make slavery legal, that is factually untrue even though Lincoln supported the amendment once he took office.
AGAIN, The amendment never passed. It was NEVER an amendment to the COTUS. Linbcoln even sent letters to the states saying he and pat both supported it. He did that TO GET THE STATES TO MAKE IT AN AMENDMENT. Do you understand now?
Im not being disingenuous. He had no right to do that. Just like FDR had no right to do what he did. I assume you support him throwing asians in jail simply for the way they looked?
It never "passed"
It has only been ratified by a few states.
It never "passed"
It has only been ratified by a few states.
And it was rejected by the traitor slavers, because it merely guaranteed the preservation of slavery, instead of guaranteeing a pathway to the expansion of slavery.

So we had to start murdering them by the 1000s.

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