5 Chinese Combat Ships Off Alaska

its ok with me because the way I see things its the younger generation that has to accept this kind of thing from foreign enemies . My generation never had to worry about Russia or China the way American young adults will be concerned in the future if the USA doesn't fix itself . At least my generation lived in the most powerful country in the world and we had the best military , economy , health care , yada , yada , and yada and everything else . Anyway , it'll be interesting as the future unfolds and as enemies of the USA get stronger . ------------ just a thought !!
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They probably heard about Denali

Hey look! I can see Sarah Palins house!
thing is that I HEAR that Russia and China are getting together . Might be orchestration between them as Russia approaches with long range bombers a month or two ago [4th of july visit] and now with China making a visit . I suppose that one of these days we might see 'iran' creeping up on Alaska .
I'm sure you're right...Iran are definitely on their way to Alaska.
thing is that I HEAR that Russia and China are getting together . Might be orchestration between them as Russia approaches with long range bombers a month or two ago [4th of july visit] and now with China making a visit . I suppose that one of these days we might see 'iran' creeping up on Alaska .
I'm sure you're right...Iran are definitely on their way to Alaska.
right now its China and Russia IDB , might be iran in the future you great thinker You . Anyway , as is being discussed it is Russia and China at the moment . With mrobama giving a 150 billion to 'iran' , well 'iran' can work wonders with 150 billion all by itself IDB !! As I already said , I'm not worried , I think that younger people that know whats going on should be concerned with the weakening of the USA and the Western world . Course , You as a 'new zealander' know what its like to be weak and ripe for the taking IDB !!
I hear Bristol Palin is rushing to the nearest port
thing is that I HEAR that Russia and China are getting together . Might be orchestration between them as Russia approaches with long range bombers a month or two ago [4th of july visit] and now with China making a visit . I suppose that one of these days we might see 'iran' creeping up on Alaska .
I'm sure you're right...Iran are definitely on their way to Alaska.
right now its China and Russia IDB , might be iran in the future you great thinker You . Anyway , as is being discussed it is Russia and China at the moment . With mrobama giving a 150 billion to 'iran' , well 'iran' can work wonders with 150 billion all by itself IDB !! As I already said , I'm not worried , I think that younger people that know whats going on should be concerned with the weakening of the USA and the Western world . Course , You as a 'new zealander' know what its like to be weak and ripe for the taking IDB !!
I'm sure you're right...Russia and China are definitely looking to invade Alaska.
I call it intimidation and just messing around , both are unacceptable to me IDB !!
I call it intimidation and just messing around , both are unacceptable to me IDB !!
Fair enough...I don't like people picking their nose...each to their own I guess..

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