5 Chinese Combat Ships Off Alaska

As good a place as any... for an artificial reef.

President Obama is still keeping your dumbass safe.
It's curious that the DEMs have basically ignored the American Indian for decades and you are still licking BOBO's asshole defending every one of his fuck-ups.
I would have thought you'd have more pride in yourself and your culture than to be bought by the Government for a fucking piece of broken mirror.
But as they say "you can't fix stupid".
Well, after the Civil War, the Republicans certainly did not ignore the Native Americans.
You're obviously being sarcastic.
Yes the REPs have been just as neglectful as the DEMs.
But your typical LIB reaction that: "But mommy! Jimmy stole a cookie too" is childish.
Learn to accept that the DEMs have ignored the Indians b/c they Indians don't block vote like negroes and the Indian vote is basically irrelevant.

LIB REACTION??? I am a registered democrat-----
"lib reaction"??? I am not a politician. "block voting"
is not my issue-------I am not at all convinced that
democrats are more or less concerned than are
republicans who are politicians---with "block voting"
issues Politicians are politicians----and lawyers are
lawyers -----it is no coincidence that THE TWAIN MEET.
I am not at all involved------it is beyond me
Chinese ships had to leave port weeks ago to time their presence to coincide with Obies' trip. New pasttime......hackin' da' WH. Must be hoping that Hillary gets elected, so they can make a real 'dump' to create a crisis if and after she gets elected.
Chinese Navy heads back to home port...

Chinese ships headed home after Bering Sea sighting: U.S. Navy
Thu Sep 3, 2015 - Five Chinese Navy ships sighted in the Bering Sea off Alaska during a visit to the region by U.S. President Barack Obama have begun their "return transit," the U.S. Navy's top uniformed officer told Reuters on Thursday.
Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert said he did not view the incident, an apparent first for China's military, as unexpected or alarming. "They already had one of their icebreakers up in that area, and they weren't that far away with an exercise, and they've already started their return transit," he told Reuters in an interview. Greenert said the ships had been seen in the Bering Sea, close to some Alaskan atolls, on Wednesday, but gave no further details. The Pentagon confirmed on Wednesday the ships had been sailing in international waters.

At a regular State Department briefing in Washington on Thursday, spokesman Mark Toner said: “This is certainly the first time we have observed Chinese navy ships in the Bering Sea, but that said, we do certainly respect the freedom of all nations to operate military vessels in international waters in accordance with international law.” Pentagon spokesman Commander Bill Urban said the Chinese ships were now south of the Aleutian Islands, a chain of islands bounding the south side of the Bering Sea. He had no additional information. U.S. defense officials said the Pentagon was continuing to monitor the movement of the ships, which appeared to be heading away from the region.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters on Wednesday that no threatening activity had been detected, "but the intent of this is still unclear." China has ramped up defense spending to modernize its forces and develop a navy capable of defending its growing interests as the world's second-largest economy.

Chinese ships headed home after Bering Sea sighting: U.S. Navy

See also:

Xi Jinping: China to reduce military by 300,000
Sep 3, 2015, Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday announced that the 2.3 million strong People's Liberation Army, the world's largest, will be cut by three lakh troops.
Xi made the announced while speaking at the victory parade being held to commemorate 70th anniversary of the victory against Japan in the World War II. This is part of efforts by the PLA which operate with annual defence budget of USD 145 bullion, the second highest after US to streamline its force as it launched unprecedented modernisation with new weapons and technology.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) which was 4.5 million strong till 1980 was first resized to three million in 1985 and later to 2.3 million. The cut of three lakh troops comes in the back drop of massive anti-corruption drive being conducted by Xi who, beside being the President, is also the chief of the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) and the head of the military.

About 40 high ranking military officials including two former vice chairmen of the Central Military Commission (CMC) are facing anti-corruption probes in an unprecedented revamping of the army. After taking over in 2013, Xi placed more emphasis on practical training involving live firing drills and want the army to be ready to win wars as it acquired latest weaponry including long range missiles, new generation of aircraft, aircraft carriers as well as ground weapons.

The revamping of the military also comes as China is locked in a major stand off over maritime disputes in South China Sea with several East Asian countries who are backed by the US as well as in the East China Sea with Japan. On the ground China is locked in a border dispute with India and Bhutan even though it settled border issues with the 12 other countries.

Xi Jinping: China to reduce military by 300,000 - The Times of India

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