5 Moslems shot dead in mosque

Nazi tactics .. this time it's Muslims instead of Jews.
Yeah, those Jews were crashing airplanes and blowing up civilians and setting roadside bombs for decades so they had it coming.

Yes they were. They were the terrorists of the Middle East when they first arrived and appropriated the land they now call Isreal from the Palestinians who owned it. There has been brutality on all sides there. Israel and its Arab neighbours have been fighting an endless war over the Partition of Isreal.

The Israeli's have taken the Old Testament mantra of "An eye for an eye" to great extremes in dealing with Palestian terrorism. There's grievances on both side to be sure but the whole area has always been a hotbed of tribalism, and brutality. It would be best to just leave them all to kill one another, as far as I'm concerned. No good has ever come of messing around in the area.

The US managed to achieve independence from Middle Eastern oil under President Obama, so that you can abandon these fools to their endless wars, and get the hell out.
You're fucking delusional if you really believe the US achieved oil dependance from the ME during Obama's disgraceful 'faux' presidency.
When he wasn't on the fucking golf course he was using his pen and phone to halt as much oil and gas exploration as he could.
GOGGLE IT!!!! asshole!
The longer it takes for authorities to identify the attackers, the less likely they are White Male Christians.

I kinda got an impression something like that. The fact that NO actual
information ABOUT THE PERPETRATORS has been released creates
the impression that the POWERS THAT BE------are very busy playing
damage control

No, this is Canada. They aren't accountable to the public, nor follow a Charter of Rights, Constitution or transparency. These guys do as they please, especially against foreign businesses in Canada. This is world news, a hundred reporters asking questions and these guys sound like they want to take the 5th to most questions.

There was a case of a police officer being charged with rape a few months ago and they refused to identify him as doing so might "cause harm to the victim". What in the f? Again, as with all of the insane information I provide on here about Canada, I can't make that up. Same with a security guard who killed two people in a McDonalds, he was cleared of charges even though he wasn't supposed to have his weapon with him off the site he was assigned to, that was a couple of years ago and noone knows who he is to this day. That was good old classic Toronto Police work right there.

It's Canada, not America. We are more closely aligned with the Russian system than the American one. The media just wants information, they don't even frame the news just want to have it, and the benevolent leaders will brush citizens off, "we can't handle the truth", so we don't receive it.
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Thought to be Right Wing violence.

Gunmen kill 6, injure 8 in attack on worshipers at Quebec City mosque

Gunmen attacked a suburban Quebec City mosque as worshipers were finishing their prayers Sunday night, killing six and wounding at least eight.

While mosques in Canada and the U.S. have been the targets of numerous acts of vandalism and other hate crimes in the past few years, the Quebec City attack appears to be the first mass shooting at an Islamic house of worship in North America.

Government officials wasted no time calling it an act of terrorism. A spokeswoman for the Sûreté du Québec, the Quebec provincial police, said that two suspects had been arrested who remained unidentified. Authorities provided no possible motive as they took the first steps of their investigation. Police do not believe at this time that others were directly involved in the attack.

Nice try, leftard.

Attackers shouted “Allahu Akbar!” Police have classified it as terrorism,
Québec mosque shooting: six dead as Justin Trudeau decries 'terrorist attack'

Six people have been killed and eight injured at a mosque in Québec City, police have said, in a shooting Canada’s prime minister denounced as a “terrorist attack”.

The shooting was carried out by three people at the Québec City Islamic cultural center, witnesses said, and happened during evening prayers on Sunday. Police received the first calls just before 8pm.

Two arrests have been made, a police spokesman said. Local newspaper Le Soleilsaid police accepted a third suspect could still be on the run, though spokeswoman Chistine Coulombe later said: “Nothing right now makes us believe that there would be other suspects related to this event.”

One of the suspects was carrying an AK-47 assault rifle and one was aged 27, Le Soleil reported.

Trudeau spoke of his anger after hearing the news: “We condemn this terrorist attack on Muslims in a centre of worship and refuge.

no doubt it was a Act of Terror ---but until there is more information, it
is silly to assume it was motivated by hatred of muslims

Well it is Quebec after all. Quebec natives hate everyone that isn't Quebecois equally.

Mmmmmmm. Actually they hate anyone from Ontario more that the rest of the non Quebecois universe.

Some angry people in Quebec. I went to a Leafs/Habs game a few years ago with some guys from my old work. While out in the parking lot someone lobbed a beer bottle at us from a distance, missed us by about two feet. They threw it at us as we all had Leaf jerseys on. Cowardly act too since it was such a large crowd leaving it was impossible to know who did it.

And Montreal WON the game, imagine what they would have tossed if they had LOST!
Sounds like a Raiders or Dodgers game at home.
I just wonder if we ever /will/ find out, not like Canada has "free press" in the same sense. I've heard that they get what they're allowed to hear - rather like our lazy American's I suppose.

Freedom of the Press is just as enshrined in the Canadian Constitution as it is in ours.
The ONLY national radio station that has the technology to be heard anywhere in Canada is the CBC. The CBC has been a radical LIB government funded operation for fucking DECADES!
It's the Canadian version of MSNBC/CNN.
The ONLY national radio station that has the technology to be heard anywhere in Canada is the CBC. The CBC has been a radical LIB government funded operation for fucking DECADES!
It's the Canadian version of MSNBC/CNN.
Reads more like the Canadian version of the BBC.
Again, lamentable news coverage. We know the age of one shooter, the make of one firearm, the number killed, but nothing else? How did they come to arrest the two in custody? How did they decide this was 'terrorist' and not 'merely' murder? This is why all the speculation and name-calling is so silly - we don't know Jack, or any of his friends!

They are no doubt trying to figure out what the "official" story will be. Trudeau has to do as much damage control as possible if it's a Muslim perp. They have to get their narrative straight so they don't look like total idiots for embracing Islam.
100% correct! Trudeau has his 'associates' removing every bit of information on these muslims as he can. He'll have changed their identities to being 'Christian' Syrians.
Oh the wonderful irony!!! Trudeau was telling President Trump that Canada would take everyone who President Trump doesn't want in the US.
Now this a day later.
Québec mosque shooting: six dead as Justin Trudeau decries 'terrorist attack'

Six people have been killed and eight injured at a mosque in Québec City, police have said, in a shooting Canada’s prime minister denounced as a “terrorist attack”.

The shooting was carried out by three people at the Québec City Islamic cultural center, witnesses said, and happened during evening prayers on Sunday. Police received the first calls just before 8pm.

Two arrests have been made, a police spokesman said. Local newspaper Le Soleilsaid police accepted a third suspect could still be on the run, though spokeswoman Chistine Coulombe later said: “Nothing right now makes us believe that there would be other suspects related to this event.”

One of the suspects was carrying an AK-47 assault rifle and one was aged 27, Le Soleil reported.

Trudeau spoke of his anger after hearing the news: “We condemn this terrorist attack on Muslims in a centre of worship and refuge.
One of them has a Muslim name, which means it could have been a sectarian attack. If the terrorists end up being Muslims this will turn out to be yet another incident of disgusting "fake news" promulgated by the corrupt biased leftist media. Of course, if it ends up being another Muslim terrorist attack, the left and its lap dogs in the media will bury this story as fast as they promoted it.

"One of two gunmen who shouted 'Allahu akbar!' as they opened fire at a mosque in Quebec City was of Moroccan origin, a witness and local media reported Monday, revealing the first details about the attackers in the massacre that killed six people."

"The terror suspects were identified as Mohamed Khadir and Alexandre Bissonnette, the Canadian TV network TVA Nouvelles reported. They were arrested soon after the shooting at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre Sunday night and were expected to appear in court later Monday, police told reporters."
The Left: The Quebec shooting is because of Trump's rhetoric.

News: They shouted Allahu Akbar.

The Left: Let's not jump to conclusions.
Gun violence has nothing to do with gun laws,
No, firearm homicide death rate has to do with the availability of firearms, especially handguns.
Another one of your moronic posts.
There are MILLIONS of legal handguns in the country.
The ONLY places where there are epidemic shootings/murders using handguns, are in heavily negro and Latino populated inner city shitholes.
Fucking get a clue asshole!
1 terrorist is called Mohammed , Such a common name among Canadian Trump supporting white supremacists.

The Left: The Quebec shooting is because of Trump's rhetoric.

News: They shouted Allahu Akbar.

The Left: Let's not jump to conclusions.
...and now(as I predicted...) most of them don't even want to discuss this news story. Show of hands. Who's shocked?
Five people were killed after gunmen opened fire in a Quebec City mosque during evening prayers, the mosque’s president told reporters on Sunday.

The Canadian police appear to have been very quick to make two arrests.
But VERY VERY slow to identify the shooters.
Why do you think that is?
Because Trudeau is frantically trying to figure out how not to tell the truth about the shooter's identities.

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