5 Moslems shot dead in mosque

The longer it takes for authorities to identify the attackers, the less likely they are White Male Christians.

I kinda got an impression something like that. The fact that NO actual
information ABOUT THE PERPETRATORS has been released creates
the impression that the POWERS THAT BE------are very busy playing
damage control
Canada's candy ass President came out yesterday and said they will welcome Muslims with open arms

Not so fast

I take it someone disagrees lol

anyone out there want to explain to me why the mosque event in Quebec
inspired Di Blasio to make a show of BEEFING UP SECURITY ON MOSQUES IN NEW YORK CITY?
Looks like Merkel has taken over Canada. Looks like they got what they asked for.
No it's not. Those statistics do not differentiate between whites and Latinos. Most law enforcement categorizes Latinos and Hispanics as "white".
What a cracker. So what do you mean by 'white', northern European? No Italians, Spanish, Balkans, etc etc?

Ol' Condi Rice wasn't wrong about the birth defect of the US.
Can't be...Canada has strict gun control. Must be a misreported story.
Just because we have a gun control ban doesn't mean there are no guns. Hunting weapons aren't banned, but large magazine semi-automatic rifles are.
That's the point of gun control, it doesnt work.
Never has.
The experience of every other developed country is easily cast aside by slack jawed yokels regurgitating echoes from the chamber that 'gun control doesn't work'.

What experience is that? Several countries in Europe allow gun ownership, and they have far lower firearm homicides than the US.
Why are Idaho's gun deaths so low compared to the rest of the US?

Gun violence has nothing to do with gun laws, and everything to do with minority population rates. The US's "gun violence" rates would be as low as most any European country if you discount all the black and Latino gun violence crimes.

But, those facts are easily cast aside by slack jawed progressives who can are incapable of looking at issues objectively.

bingo......Switzerland has much higher gun ownership and much less crime........hmmm

and notice that with all these refugees, Europe's crime is going up...hmmmmm
LOL, the CNN coverage is hilarious. They keep bringing up a "hate crime" of someone leaving a pig head at the mosque several months ago. They are waiting to learn if these incidences are "connected".

Six dead in Quebec mosque shooting - CNN.com

So offending Muslims with lunch meat is now a "hate crime", and tantamount to murdering them.

Dear theHawk
no, "connected" does not mean the two acts are the same or the same level of hate crime.

I think "connected" means if the same group is responsible for the two acts.
If the same person or group of conspirators commits both a robbery at a bank, theft of a car or credit card,
and killing someone in the commission of these crimes, those acts are "connected" in terms of collective evidence and determining motive
but not all these acts are the same or "tantamount" to each other.

How would they know what "group" left a dead pig's head on the ground?

That's liberals, that stuff is horrible, yet they can threaten to assassinate the President and it's just a joke, hahahahah..

These guys are pathetic
But anyway, whites are responsible for 31% of all murders* and comprise 63%** of the US population for which the firearm homicide rate/100,000 is 2.97***

0.31 x 2.97 / 0.63 = 1.46

a US white firearm homicide rate of 1.46/100,000 of white US population, give or take.

Even so, within the white US population US whites commit firearms homicide at a rate 20 times that of England and Wales, give or take. So much for the black and latino influence.

* Expanded Homicide Data Table 3
** US percentage of non-Hispanic whites hits all-time low of 63%
*** Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country

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